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October 5, 2024 03:41:38  #1

hidden sails wip thread

So I figured I should start up a wip thread for hidden sails to show that there's actual progress going on! I figured this section was decent enough.

Bruh the signature be wacky

October 5, 2024 03:45:35  #2

Re: hidden sails wip thread

expect updates here and there! naturally there will be spoilers attached so peruse at your own risk. I'm wondering if I should filter it to lighter spoilers, or if I should just give a heads up on how big a spoiler something is from post to post.

Last edited by Time (October 5, 2024 03:46:17)

Bruh the signature be wacky
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October 5, 2024 13:58:37  #3

Re: hidden sails wip thread

I suppose I should  put something up here to start it off. I'm not too sure how formatted I want this to be, but here is only character who I know has a character arc and design that I am satisfied with.

This is Calista, the deuteragonist. Calista isn't her actual name, but rather a temporary placeholder name for me.

I find her arc and premise to be very interesting, but you will be getting none of it for now. It was definitely interesting enough for me to consider placing her as lead protagonist, but I am pretty sure she fits best as deuteragonist. The reason why because I feel the current main protagonist has a much more interesting arc. That, and I feel much like the events of Hidden Sails is a very strong springboard for her character type and the relations that she will have other characters (namely the main protagonist).

Also, I feel that her story is told from an external PoV that being the protagonist's PoV. It may be best that we see it externally, so we do not know what she is thinking. That, and I feel the current protagonist's actions may require some internal dialogue here and there to get a better sense of understanding of what he does at specific points. But we'll see.

Bruh the signature be wacky
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October 5, 2024 14:21:31  #4

Re: hidden sails wip thread

While I have much of the character ideas, not all of them are exact. Eventually when I have more structure established. I'll post some of her character pillars later

Bruh the signature be wacky
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