-Galaxian-This time it was 500 health after I got him to 24.
Do you maybe see why I am willing to replicate the definition of insanity for Arknights but not for this game??
Also hey Limbus, I'd literally never come across this enemy before Mirror Dungeon. Why are the logs classified huh, do you think that's maybe a bit unfair
Btw I get the principles of how to defeat him (Stagger ASAP, break the shield before the first To Claim Their Bones so you don't get your entire team K.O.ed, win clashes so his Sanity goes up and he doesn't gain more Growing Resentment...I haven't figured out how best to go against the counter system but I digress, don't use Sinking skills 'cause that helps him), but the thing is, W Corp Don Quixote refuses to get the Rip Space skill when I need it. So she just keeps on gaining charge, and the good thing is that she has good rolls so she rarely loses clashes, but yeah. Getting that Rip Space near the end in pretty much every fight would've solved the entire "he keeps regening health because he rolls 30s on coin rolls while we can't dole enough damage to just pwn him before he can strike with his 1 speed", especially seeing as I carefully manage her charge count to make sure she has enough "ammo" (so to speak) to use
You see, the thing about starting Limbus and Arknights is that Limbus Company's flaws get put out in the spotlight even compared to Arknights. What are mechanics tutorials? Who knows. I am still in EXP hell for these few characters when in Arknights I have like 150 of them and more of the characters levelled than I probably should have, and btw yes Arknights also struggled with the EXP requirements at first, but the events helped a lot with that. Limbus' rewards for the season pass thing make like. a dent. in EXP levelling requirements. Oh yeah, I could just farm for those, right? But those need Enkephalin. Module supplements? What are those? I get 2 of them like once every blue moon lol. This boss you've never seen before? Yeah read the cards and stuff ig. Get rekt. Arknights gets criticized for vague numbers on boss descriptions and stuff, but at least there are boss descriptions after going in one time, for all the phases. I still don't know what is needed to update the logs in Limbus lol, sometimes they show up and sometimes they don't. Oh btw a problem in this Mirror Dungeon fight is that you can't really switch your team now, and I went into this chapter not knowing who the enemies were 'cause all the chapter choices were from the future (I think). So with your boss fight it really is just trying the same team. For Arknights Chapter 14 Adverse, I joked about insanity, but actually I was making some team adjustments along the way to meet the DPS check, so it really wasn't actual insanity. This is actual insanity, though. Trying the same thing over and over again.
Also both games struggle with "mid" story (and I put quotations on terms like those because tbh I don't like using terms like "mid" or "peak" personally) at the start, and I'm guessing both improve even more after the current points, but I have a bias for Arknights' story 'cause I like the exploration of ideals, discrimination, humanity, etc., meanwhile for Limbus I watch with the engagement you have when you watch wacky coworkers do goofy things. Which ig is more or less canonical.
Am I losing it? Well yes, but actually no. Contrary to what I might seem like making this post, I am quite sane actually. Frustrated though probably lol
Oh btw the gacha rates in Limbus don't mean crap to me. I get better luck in Arknights and many more rolls too compared to Limbus. Plus rate-up is always a lie for me outside of F/GO, generally speaking. So yeah.
I got Degenbrecher yesterday (as well as Warmy, before her), which just tells me that if Logos were a Guard I'd get him in the first multi
Trying to figure out if I should do YOLO pulls to try to get Mlynar or if I should save to 18 Originite Prime to get Ebenholz's skin. It wouldn't be difficult, I just need to keep doing Main Story and probably some Side Story stuff. Idk when it expires, but it shouldn't be too hard if I have a bit of time.
I think I've mentioned before that I don't care too much about skins, 'cause it's not like I can't stare at the art like I have a problem without buying them. But if it symbolizes character development... HMMM... (I can't tell if this is like alternate reality angst or actual character development symbolism, 'cause I don't understand Arknights skin lore)
Also these things are heckin' expensive. 18 Originite Prime is about 5.4 pulls. This might not feel like a lot, but it's half a multi, and if you were to go after skins for a lot of characters, it'd show pretty fast.
Rn the only skin I've felt like buying is Bassline's, coming up in like 5 months or so. He's smiling in it and I just kinda have to (also star theme and the fact it's a seriously I have existential obligation)
Shoutout to Astesia for making one of my strats work btw, and Kirara for being cool (I think I might like Ambushers once I get the hang of using them). Getting better at the E2+ recommended levels, probably 'cause I now have a few E2s. Usually I just bring like 2 of them though. Probably shows that I have more promoting to do in the future (I love Greythroat and Zuo Le)
I am talking so much about Arknights because I put myself under extreme moral/mental duress with writing lol hey at least we writing. Right? ahaha
GalaxianExplosion wrote:
-Galaxian-This time it was 500 health after I got him to 24.
Do you maybe see why I am willing to replicate the definition of insanity for Arknights but not for this game??
Also hey Limbus, I'd literally never come across this enemy before Mirror Dungeon. Why are the logs classified huh, do you think that's maybe a bit unfair
Btw I get the principles of how to defeat him (Stagger ASAP, break the shield before the first To Claim Their Bones so you don't get your entire team K.O.ed, win clashes so his Sanity goes up and he doesn't gain more Growing Resentment...I haven't figured out how best to go against the counter system but I digress, don't use Sinking skills 'cause that helps him), but the thing is, W Corp Don Quixote refuses to get the Rip Space skill when I need it. So she just keeps on gaining charge, and the good thing is that she has good rolls so she rarely loses clashes, but yeah. Getting that Rip Space near the end in pretty much every fight would've solved the entire "he keeps regening health because he rolls 30s on coin rolls while we can't dole enough damage to just pwn him before he can strike with his 1 speed", especially seeing as I carefully manage her charge count to make sure she has enough "ammo" (so to speak) to use
You see, the thing about starting Limbus and Arknights is that Limbus Company's flaws get put out in the spotlight even compared to Arknights. What are mechanics tutorials? Who knows. I am still in EXP hell for these few characters when in Arknights I have like 150 of them and more of the characters levelled than I probably should have, and btw yes Arknights also struggled with the EXP requirements at first, but the events helped a lot with that. Limbus' rewards for the season pass thing make like. a dent. in EXP levelling requirements. Oh yeah, I could just farm for those, right? But those need Enkephalin. Module supplements? What are those? I get 2 of them like once every blue moon lol. This boss you've never seen before? Yeah read the cards and stuff ig. Get rekt. Arknights gets criticized for vague numbers on boss descriptions and stuff, but at least there are boss descriptions after going in one time, for all the phases. I still don't know what is needed to update the logs in Limbus lol, sometimes they show up and sometimes they don't. Oh btw a problem in this Mirror Dungeon fight is that you can't really switch your team now, and I went into this chapter not knowing who the enemies were 'cause all the chapter choices were from the future (I think). So with your boss fight it really is just trying the same team. For Arknights Chapter 14 Adverse, I joked about insanity, but actually I was making some team adjustments along the way to meet the DPS check, so it really wasn't actual insanity. This is actual insanity, though. Trying the same thing over and over again.
Also both games struggle with "mid" story (and I put quotations on terms like those because tbh I don't like using terms like "mid" or "peak" personally) at the start, and I'm guessing both improve even more after the current points, but I have a bias for Arknights' story 'cause I like the exploration of ideals, discrimination, humanity, etc., meanwhile for Limbus I watch with the engagement you have when you watch wacky coworkers do goofy things. Which ig is more or less canonical.
Am I losing it? Well yes, but actually no. Contrary to what I might seem like making this post, I am quite sane actually. Frustrated though probably lol
Oh btw the gacha rates in Limbus don't mean crap to me. I get better luck in Arknights and many more rolls too compared to Limbus. Plus rate-up is always a lie for me outside of F/GO, generally speaking. So yeah.
I got Degenbrecher yesterday (as well as Warmy, before her), which just tells me that if Logos were a Guard I'd get him in the first multi
Krill issue Galaxian
But really, where are you in limbus anyways?
If you're talking about the observation levels, those aren't required, that's just flavor text, tbh I still don't know how to unlock those myself and I just read them somewhere else lol. My guess it's based upon how many times you defeat them.
If you're talking passives, that is much more understandable. Those are required, sometimes. I usually just read what I can beforehand, and then whenever something new unlocks, I go check it out. I do the same with the skills, but I am much more careful on that end. It does sound stupid but legit I'm speaking from experience and that's really about all I needed so I don't have extra advice there unless more specific issues are raised.
I do understand the frustration of fighting a boss that you've never seen before, but I suppose that's baked into PMoon's game design. Both Lobcorp and Library of Runia do it (and much more brutally too), so I don't think you are expected to defeat a boss on the first try, especially in other specific sections of the game. I take it as a story accurate representation of how the characters have to fight. They have to jump in, get what info they can, get killed, and try again. Nevertheless I understand the controversiality of that sort of game direction.
Also as far as I know Kim doesn't have a healing factor. Or that was at least the last time when I fought Kim
I'll go thru Kim's fight and refresh myself on his mechanics. What is the team that you are using?
I'll accept skill issue as being part of the explanation, but not all of it since skill issues apply equally to the other games I play as well. I feel like my other critiques are pretty reasonable.
Time wrote:
But really, where are you in limbus anyways?
Somewhere over the rainbowwww (I think what I mentioned about my engagement levels and the EXP requirements gives it away)
Time wrote:
If you're talking about the observation levels, those aren't required, that's just flavor text, tbh I still don't know how to unlock those myself and I just read them somewhere else lol. My guess it's based upon how many times you defeat them.
What do you mean they don't contain major hints on what to do :')
I'm pretty sure it's from multiple encounters, yeah. Which is again part of it. Arknights lists the core mechanics after you go into the fight once, even if you fail.
I guess I just don't find clicking and reading all that engaging when it comes to learning what I need to do, plus Limbus has the glitch of often refusing to open the effects menu anyways. (insert continuation of critique on Baba Yaga's fight mechanic here)
I don't mind fighting a boss I haven't seen before. I mind for when in this case, Mirror Dungeon, your team is set in stone already and you had no idea on what you'd need to defeat this boss who, again, you haven't seen before. I guess it could theoretically be solved by just searching up enemies in advance, but F/GO has that critiqued often of it for valid reasons (skill descriptions never give enough info, you need to go to the different wikis to see actual numbers), and I think it's true that if you need to get information from outside of a game to prep for something, then that game has a design failure in how it presents its information.
And Kim definitely has a healing factor lol. It's based on damage dealt from his hecking bone-claiming skill. I'm guessing you had enough damage to stagger and kill him quickly when you fought him, but I don't have a team who can go through that big of a chunk of 2000 HP within a limited number of turns, so. The closest one to a nuker on my team would be W Corp Don Quixote with the Rip Space skill, and then Outis and Rodya have somewhat high-rolling base EGOs that have fairly high damage if they can outroll Distorted Kim. Sometimes they cannot, 'cause I don't think I have a consistent way to outroll a 30.
The team I put into the fight was W Don Quixote, Ring Pointillist Student Outis, Rosespanner Workshop Gregor, LCCB Rodya, Zwei Assoc. Faust, and base Meursault. Notes on rationale and stuff:
-Outis was for the high-rolling EGO as I mentioned, plus its affinity is correct. Unfortunately Ring Pointillist her has pretty hecking bad numbers on her normal skills, so that bit me a few times. I tried to use her EGO whenever I could to compensate for this.
-Ik Gregor's Solemn Lament has a Sinking variant and that isn't good, but I brought him purely for the damage, plus he has a Charge Count synergy with Don Quixote. I didn't notice any error in using him. I didn't use any of his other EGOs 'cause they have potential to inflict Sinking
-Meursault has pretty horrendous rolls and speed, but that makes him a good EGO-based debuffer. And again, the affinity is correct
-Faust is for Sanity support (not mine, her EGO doesn't help me at all), and again, correct affinity
-Rodya was because of her EGO (affinity and high rolls; she outrolled To Claim Their Bones once which was pretty impressive). Didn't do too much other than that though.
And btw you don't have to refresh on mechanics. A core part of my problem was lacking the momentum to cripple Distorted Kim after Staggering him. In theory I know perfectly well how to beat him lol (suggestions are still welcome though if you feel like making them and have the time and stuff)
Btw, it's Shaka. Like in terms of this comparison.
If Saga were stronger, then he'd never have been forced to make the AE decision, which was clearly not pre-planned (since both Camus and Shura voiced their doubts on it)
At best it was a stalemate between them and Shaka, but tbh with all three of them having only one sense left from Tenbu Horin, I don't think it was a tie lol. Plus Shaka was the one who suggested AE, which further solidifies the fact they were forced into a metaphorical corner.
Is Saga's Galaxian Explosion more physically destructive than Shaka's attacks? I don't doubt it, though I think you might have reason to suggest that Aiolos' arrow tops that too (though it probably depends on the Cosmo that it's conveying, also we don't have an actual canon example of Aiolos using the arrow rather than Seiya so you could say that it's Seiya doing all the work lol)
Oh nooooo I need to rewatch Hades Sanctuary to make sure I'm remembering Saga's usage of Galaxian Explosion in that arc right, what do I doooo
Btw the dude is so funny. He's legit confused by Kanon's usage of the exact same illusion technique he used against the Bronzes in the Sanctuary arc (so like. infinite looping his Temple, having a proxy there in his armour rather than being there himself)
To his credit, he then figures out his brother's specific location immediately after that, which is impressive, but he really is like "HUH" for a bit which is hilarious
Also I'm saying that Shaka is stronger than him comparatively, but just to be clear. This dude can send one shot through all the Temples from Gemini to Pisces to the Pope's Temple, and no one seemed to even try to stop him. Clearly he has something going on for him
Had a funny moment where SSA said "Phantasos rate-up coming soon" and I was like "who is Phantasos"
It's the trans sleep god from LC lol (very pretty btw)
I find it funny that Phantasos is a god yet still has unresolved gender dysphoria (she can't change her appearance permanently)To add salt to the wound, they're the god of "unrealistic dreams" so their ideal form is always just illusory and out of reach lmiao, and mortals thought they had it bad
Btw I don't remember Phantasos very well and all this is just in [crap]posting territory
However I will say that maybe a god doesn't have a substantial reason to change their form unless it 1) serves them a purpose or 2) is something they actually want. And iirc Phantasos did not react well to their female form being stripped away, so it's probably not just something like "they're messing with their enemies" (gods are generally too hubris-filled in SS to make tactical decisions like those anyways)
I'm really here just putting together pieces of evidence to suggest my theory of this specific non-canon god being trans is objectively correct
Phantasos for reference, btw
I think LC is really funny 'cause the author was kinda forced to make most of the canonically relevant Gold Saints almost carbon copies of the 20th century ones, and so sometimes how well a character design fits her art style is a coin toss
Btw in SSA Asmita and Shaka have the same VA so I'm guessing they just couldn't find another guy who does the high-and-mighty-scary-Virgo-dude impression as well (idk if it's the same one from the different anime series or not)
I admit that I would admire it if they're in it just for the bit. They have their thighs out and the "female" chest armour variation and everything lmiao
Just so you know, when I said she's pretty I really meant it lol
However, if she were in front of me, I would punt her because she's creepy
The minor dream gods are funny because on one hand I cannot remember much about any of them, and on the other they clearly have that sibling dynamic of one of them doing something and the others rolling their eyes and being like "kill me now" I do not have siblings
I guess it's fitting since Thanatos and Hypnos also have the fanon-verified vibe of one of them Thanatos doing something and the other (Hypnos) rolling his eyes and being like "kill me now"
Man but could you imagine. "The god of illusions keeps their enemies encased in slumber. The god's foes dream of the worlds they wish to return to and the dreams they wish to realize. But the god themselves are merely encased in an illusion of a form they can never truly change into."
I think I used up all my writing juice the past few days lol, that sucks
Phantasos watching all this unfold: What the [heck]
Nvm I just got 50 of Phantasos' goodwill so clearly them being trans is now canon <3
well the reason why I was asking exactly where you were was to know if MDH was unlocked yet, but I might as well be direct with it
is this MDH or just normal MD?
Galaxian logic be like
(SS deity reacts negatively to mortal hitting them)
"they're clearly trans"
Okay but I think I remember Phantasos' reaction being different. The gods definitely don't like being scratched by mortals in general, but even compared to other gods, their reaction was just different, y'know?
I swear I am sane I swear I am sane. I need to look up El Cid's fight with them now lol
yeah I searched it up and I remembered perfectly lmiao
Tfw your plastic surgery (understatement) is reversed by some dude with a sword dream Phantasos and Gilgamesh should have a talk
There is nothing funnier than seeing the gods of SS just Lose to mortals in some specific department (Hades sucks at swordplay, Ker sucks at fighting, Phantasos also sucks at fighting...hey look the gender stigma is there even for trans people :') /j, as in joking for the gods only. the gods suck at fighting and it is because of Hubris lol)
No but seriously I just confirmed my memory of Phantasos absolutely losing it after getting their female form/"mask" destroyed and going after El Cid with brute force, just to lose in the martial arts department. Regardless of their domains, this is a god losing in basic physical prowess to some dude in his mid-20s. And ngl. It's so funny. Hysterical
Time wrote:
well the reason why I was asking exactly where you were was to know if MDH was unlocked yet, but I might as well be direct with it
is this MDH or just normal MD?
it's normal, I wouldn't go into MDH with my current levels lol
Between the SS AU brainrot and the Lone Trail rerun, I checked out of everything else so hard lol
Like I think I got 1 or 2 boxes out of F/GO's lotto. Rip sorry Morgan (because she came along with Tam Lin Gawain but I didn't even bother to go through her event)
I do think that it's better this way.
-Galaxian-Random note based off of Lone Trail, but sometimes I've been thinking about how humanity would react if we did find another species somewhere else in the universe that has a similar level of "cognition" (so to speak) as us.
This feels like one of those scenarios that I'm curious toward but don't really want to find out.
This thought is mostly spurred by some conceptual thoughts coming from the SS AU, and ofc Lone Trail's entire space exploration thing.
If on the mirroring side of the universe there exist lives that strive to reach toward us--but not because of us--would our ideals come to a clash? Would it result in mutual destruction?
Sometimes with everything that happens in the present, there are a lot of thoughts about humanity destroying itself, so would it be able to tolerate a species similar yet different to it?
Finally getting to watch The Clone Wars
You guys have no idea how excited I am. Though I'll probably have to split it into bits and pieces for a very long time. I also need to keep going through the Arknights anime, and eventually pick up everything I did not finish watching...but the latter is lower priority
I can say even without watching a single episode in full that if I were able to watch it when it first came out, it would be one of my childhood favorites. But I'm still very much a kid, and it's never too late, so I guess it will be, huh?
And btw I'm one of the prequel likers lol. I like the straightforward story of the original trilogy well enough, but I love me a good predestined tragedy prequel. Also, maybe because of SS, I love the premise of people (Jedi) who are clearly well-intentioned but focus on ideals so much that certain people in the organization come out with Problems (TM) and bring their ruin. If SS weren't shounen, the Sanctuary would be hecking doomed, just like the Jedi Order was destined to fall.
Anyways, I love a lot about Star Wars. Love the technology, potential for world-building, many of its characters, its many diverse art styles/writing styles, etc. etc. I owe a big portion of my love for reading to Star Wars in addition to many many other series (mostly 'cause I never was able to actually watch any movies in full, and had to read the text adaptations over and over again. No complaints, since I loved them).
Sequels? What sequels (I haven't watched them and don't plan to lol)
-Galaxian-Love how the first episode is just about how awesome Yoda is. Yes, the Jedi Order fell under him. Yes, he was part of the problem. But my guy was doing his best
btw Yoda and Shion both having Green and being old is part of a long ongoing joke between me and myself
Another part of why I'm watching this is 'cause I've always itched for more depictions of Anakin's and Obi-Wan's relationship. I looove me some student-teacher relationships (and Anakin/Obi-Wan in particular are very interesting to me because the Chinese usually tend to depict student-teacher relationships as being more parental, while they are clearly more like siblings due to Obi-Wan being relatively young and Anakin being "overage" when they became master and apprentice). Oh yeah, and I love Obi-Wan lol. I wanna see more of the sass
Part of the reason why I mentioned the connection between SS and Star Wars is that Star Wars might as well be on equal footing with SS in terms of how early my exposure was to it
I cannot emphasize enough how much I brainrotted over both series as a lil kid. (I still do.) Surprisingly, though, I kinda separated the brainrot, by which I mean most of the "canon-based" fanfics went to SS, while Star Wars was very much just whatever "thematic analysis" I could do at the time, complete with OCs and storylines based off the canon universe. Makes sense, since for SS I mostly brainrotted over the Gold Saints and drew them like a lunatic (but like. super seriously. I made posters), while for Star Wars I was mostly reading all the different book spin-offs, so ofc I'd be making some in my own. Basically, the way I consumed content transferred to how I interacted with the series
Anyways, all of this culminates together to mean that the SS AU and Star Wars brainrotting are very much compatible. Star Wars actually helps me think about how I imagine Holy Wars to be, since its wars are more realistic (even with all the sci-fi stuff) compared to how SS does 'em (one-on-ones for strong people, the underlings get beaten to death). that I summarize it that way, Star Wars has one-on-ones for strong people while the underlings (droids) get beaten to death. But what I mean is that Star Wars shows more of the foot (and air?) soldiers. For SS you mostly just have the Bronze Saints going out because half of the Gold Saints are dead dead and need to play tower defence, and then you have Hades having just the worst vanguard. Why do I say that? Well, reporting the vanguard deployment outcome:
-2 Gold Saints dead out of the remaining 6 [1 by choice]
-Athena dead but not actually dead (it was by her choice anyways, and Hades' side didn't even try to capture her soul or anything, she just waltzed around in the Underworld with a bodyguard. Like c'mon)
-Athena now has her armour available for delivery
-Idk how many Spectres died, but we have Niobe, Myu, that group who Aiolia blitzed, that group who Shaka owned...yeah. Btw Hades didn't even bother with temporary immortality this Holy War, he kinda just lied about it and that was it. Maybe if he sent more powerful people to supervise Saga and co. everything would've legit ended in the Sanctuary, but nah. Horrible tactics on both sides
Anyways, even for LC, which shows more of the other stuff, it's still mostly the boss battles. So what I'm trying to say is...I actually dunno how much strategy Star Wars really does, but it's more than SS, and I hecking love lightsabers lol
I still have lightsabers btw lol. Guess whose
-Galaxian-it's Obi-Wan's and Darth Vader's. I was never able to get Anakin's or Luke's, but it's ok because I only have 2 hands, unlike a certain General GRIEVOUS
The SS AU brainrot has been specific in that it's focused on Trauma, so that's been so fun for me. Rn I am of a normal mood and that is because I am once again destroying my sleep schedule. In the day I am burdened by the moral responsibility of what I hecking did
I love the characters in it btw (a good number of them are those I haven't really shared with most/all of you, but technically most of them are from GGaD, just not submitted lol)
From the current cast you guys would know 9 out of the 13 Gold Saints, which is kinda intentional since I kinda decided those first. But 3 of those 9 don't belong to me, so you can kinda see a thing there. They're about to be, at least in this AU specifically, since their creator (*cough*) doesn't write them and so I make huge presumptions on their character that I get immensely protective over. Echo can probably testify with what I do to forum!Silence lol
The Silver Saint dev is gonna be a pain, not because they are Silver Saints but because of certain other reasons :') and don't get me started on the Bronze Saints. They lack the plot armour/strength of the Canon 5 and I am so scared for them (technically they also lack the plot armour of all the rest of the Bronzes who survived, since they have the virtue of Being the Friends of the Protags and can probably collectively survive a hit from a god)
Btw potatoes are so hecking gooooood
And I got Ebenholz's skin yesterday, I just didn't log in to say it. Saved up 18 OP just to get it. His dice glow. No regrets.
If it's a symbol of his past, we can burn it together. If it's a symbol of him overcoming his past, then heck yeahhhh we love overcoming the past. Meanwhile, my mind has been circling back to the past and also I've been having the same type of dream where I'm chased by people who wanna kill me. The plus side is that my recent dreams have installed the best flying mods, so I don't even mind occasionally getting skewered, at least that much. Flying is hecking fun and so worth the sensory violence ( :') )
I love dressing up characters I like, it's just it's usually very expensive,,, I'm so lucky that Changgong in F/GO got his summer skin for free or something like that. It was easy to obtain. In that way, male units only having costumes rather than new variants is very beneficial
I might as well make some commentary on Lone Trail as well. Not anywhere near to a review, mind you. Just some notes
-Galaxian-Please note that as an event, it's similar to how I entered Zwillingsturme im Herbst. I haven't gone into any of its prequels. But I do think it's more interesting to go into some events in a non-accurate chronological order, because then you look at the writing differently. You look for all the info to piece together the context. You see how friendly it is to newer players.
For that reason, I don't have enough info to go off of for Kristen. But I'll note a few impressions.
One, she's a stellar (pun intended) antagonist. I think she really embodied all the themes relating to science and progress in this event. Her motivations stem from a very human incident, of losing her parents, yet you could say that the way she reacted--culminating into all that happens in the present--is inhumane and scary. Normal people grieve and move on. Kristen made her entire life from that moment, as she watched her parents die from far away. Just like how scientists toil away their lives searching for an answer to a single question, when "normal" people wonder and then move on. In that way, she's the pinnacle of what a scientist seems to be, or even is.
Two, I think her design is also very notable. When I saw her, I thought, "This woman looks so ordinary." She looked like a human to me, and if not for her name mentioned a few times marking her as the antagonist, I probably would've skipped over her because she doesn't really seem all that special. She's a Perro (dog-based race, a reference to Laika from Russia), but her ears blend in with her hair. She has a very ordinary face to me, not particularly cute or pretty, and with a sort of standoffish vibe to her. Her costume very strongly evokes the same vibes as Voyager (3rd Ascension) from F/GO, which was a nice similarity, but still, it didn't really strike out to me as being out of the ordinary. It was nice. Just "any other lady" who turns out to have all these ambitions, not completely known even to the best of her friends.
And then I guess I'll overview some thoughts on Rhine Lab's directors?
It was nice seeing who Muelsyse actually is. I get her character to an extent, but I'm not completely sure if there was more info on her in previous events. I guess I do like characters who are nice but have their own overarching objectives (such as saving their species). They're interesting, but in Muelsyse's case, I'm not completely sure how she's helped handle Rhine Lab's many morality problems, for instance, so she's not completely off the hook for me.
It was also nice finally being able to "meet" Saria. Albeit, she's already quit Rhine Lab for a while now, and I dunno when it was. I think I'm meeting her near the end of her character arc. I like how she's protective over Ifrit. Actually, I will fight anyone who threatens the lil found family that Ifrit has with Saria and Silence. But again, I'm not too sure how culpable she is for Rhine Lab's moral deterioration. It was only touched on in this event, and I'm guessing there is much more elaboration on what happened in previous ones. Refraining from judging her whole character for now.
Silence--I love her. I don't know everything about her either, though from what I can tell, she was a minor researcher? Not a director or anything. And ik her morality probably irks some people; it's probably a bit blatant for those who prefer greyer moralities. But I like her for trying her best. Glad she's the welfare. Cute owl.
Not sure what to comment on for Ferdinand, so I will refrain. Same goes with the Banshee director (Nasti, who has a funny name I keep reading as "Nasty") and anyone else I haven't mentioned. For sure I am not completely sure how Rhine Lab operates yet, though it seems to be pretty sketchy, hence I'm particularly hard on the playable director characters.
As for Loken and idc if I don't have more information, screw them (: no elaboration required. If you wanna fight me on this you can, but I will judge. So glad I was able to canonically punch Loken
I really liked the climax. With how critical I am on Rhine Lab (despite not knowing much about can't blame me though, it's hella shady), I felt the hypocrisy of anticipating what would happen when the actual launch happened. It parallels how humans will celebrate achievements that were maybe built off of less-than-ethical methods. Not that they won't condemn those methods when presented to them, but those achievements will be recognized in some form, and then built off of. That was the vibe that this event's climax brought to me. That I'm just as hypocritical in that sort of way, for feeling awe at this achievement. It was fictional, but also paralleling reality.
My biggest criticism would probably be the logic of what Kristen was doing to preserve the lives of the remaining directors. I mean, even assuming her technology didn't explode and become debris just splattering all over the citizens below, and with all her talk on wanting the remaining directors to lead the future she wouldn't be a part of, Saria nearly just...splattered all over the ground because there was no escape pod. Not to mention, Muelsyse was, y'know, in an escape pod that didn't even work and had no way to be tested. Like idk man. Yes, most of the directors were on the ground, and Saria/Muelsyse seem very persistent. But those were her co-founders lol.
I can't comment on the Doctor's character arc. I think the bulk of it will come from Main Story, so I won't say anything about that for now.
Btw do not loop Babel OST (I am still doing it, more or less), it makes you ill in a mental sort of way. Would recommend
I think I complained already about this, but the place where I got my shots still itches pretty much every day (and is still swollen), and just now I saw that there are two lil bleeding dots right about where the itch is. 1 for each COVID shot ig. So uh.
Also the other day I scraped my right hand on some thorn, then after very painless handwashing, a cut showed up on my left hand the next day. The blood was on the right though (as usual, more blood than was probably necessary)
Idk what is going on (my body is just as nonsensical and overexaggerated as me is what I am getting)
My mom used to not understand why I hate some of my writing and hate hearing my recorded voice, and then she recorded her own and now she understands lol (she sends them to me but she says she never wants to hear the recordings again xD tbh it probably depends on the device. If the recording quality is higher, I remember she's fine with re-listening)
She also keeps sending me emojis and memes but taking them in a literal sense xD so she's using them correctly but not completely correctly? The other day I got pwned by her using a variation the "This is fine" meme lol (with the burning house in the background). She's so funny and I love her
On another note, I need to figure out how to sing "Standchen" from Arknights (I am going back into wayyy too many things I'm forgetting most of them)
My recorded voice isn't the worst compared to what I expected. Definitely still pretty bad though.
"Standchen" is very enjoyable. It brings out all the edgy
Mom and I are funny because we have the dynamic of "the parent who has the heart of a child and is too pure for this world (the world thinks she is a lamb for the slaughter)" and "the hecking cynical child who's constantly anxious nowadays and has the attitude/brain of an old person"
Btw I came up with a better way to describe when my outlook on humans shifts. It's "I again believe in the stupidity of humans." That way I'm not lumping together the good people with the rest of the, not so good people.
It's ok, I am the biggest believer of my own stupidity so it doesn't make me a hypocrite (:
Btw Arknights football is so fun
My records so far are (in terms of goal differences) 8 for the beginner version, and 10 for the advanced version. Idk how we got to 10 in that one round but apparently I peaked there lol
Funniest part of the event has been seeing partners nuke the ball into our goal.