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July 17, 2024 22:46:43  #9991

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Y'know if Awakening's levelling weren't so bad I probably would start begging some of you guys to play just to see if I somehow suck really bad at it (it wouldn't surprise me if I do since I went in just being 500% Gold Saint fanatic. Surprise surprise, I know how to use most of the Gold Saints best, but I can't just bring in Gold Saints for all my teams. ikr)
The summoning system isn't that bad if you have okay luck, though for some people it's apparently just the worst. It has pity too which is good. 
It also used to be horribly laggy, but I think it got better? It's still a bit taxing on the computer.
The story is funny if you know the original, or else ig it'd probably read as weird and disjointed and low-effort. 

Anyways SS cool if you go into it thinking about its coolness and funniness.

Btw I did forcibly pull the old man out of retirement (Dohko), idk if I brought him up?
I don't know how to use him very well. Tiering "how well I know how to use them" off the top of my head:

Top tier:
-Shura: The goat
-Mu (I'm not very good with timing Starlight Extinction but I got the defence part down pretty easily. He's easy to use lol)
-Surplice Shion (pretty easy to understand)
-Saga: Literally Rico, go kaboom
-Milo: I just need to get better at protecting him and getting a sense of rhythm for his Scarlet Needle shots
-Aphrodite: Literally so fun to use I'm ngl

Medium tier:
-God Cloth Milo: need to get better at balancing energy usage and protecting him, but otherwise I know what he does. Also need to get better at putting him with teammates who help him light meridian points faster
-OG Shion (still am not entirely sure which crowd control effects he protects against, otherwise he's probably pretty intuitive to understand)
-God Cloth Aiolia: I need to pace him better
-Aiolos: I am not as experienced with using him as I am with Shura
-Camus: I am not that fond of using ice-oriented teams for now, idk if I have to level Black Swan or something.
-Aiolia: Probably easy to understand it's just Saga has better damage output from what I can tell

Low tier:
-Albafica: Working on this one actually, the understanding is getting better but I'm not sure if it's necessarily optimal
-Shijima: I don't know how to use him very well and he's rarely deployed at all
-Kardia: I try to deploy him but he ironically kinda plays the long game. I need to figure out who to team up with him.
-Dohko--have I even deployed him yet (sorry Dohko) (hopefully he works well with Surplice Shion since they have a link)


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July 18, 2024 01:49:59  #9992

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Me, watching Aiolia drop down from the sky: He came in like a wrecking ball (*is pwned by Lightning Plasma*)


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July 18, 2024 01:57:57  #9993

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Canon: Aiolia is sent to force Seiya to hand over Saori and the Sagittarius Gold Cloth
Me: Sends in Aiolia and the Pope to fight back against Aiolia. 

ngl using the mind control fist kinda cruel


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July 18, 2024 02:05:24  #9994

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Imagine the number of feelings Aiolia must've gone through within a few minutes
-Premise: Stole Milo's mission so he could try not to kill Seiya (he's "letting go so much water" as the Chinese say lol)
-Seiya is not listening to him. Aiolia makes several empty threats trying to fulfill his duty and not kill Seiya at the same time
-Some girl blocks his Lightning Plasma. Aiolia has to stand there and watch as she confesses her love to Seiya right in front of him
-His brother's Gold Cloth appears on Seiya??
-Girl claiming to be Athena appears in front of him saying the Pope is the evil one
-His brother appears as a JPEG in the sky (/j but I died with laughter over this. again)
-Turns out the Pope sent spies after him to make sure he'd actually do his job

Bullied 20-year-old experiences immense self-doubt (and is right in doing so because he just got proven wrong by some 14-year-olds)


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July 18, 2024 02:09:36  #9995

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Honestly the Gold Saints are professional broken water buckets, idk what they're doing


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July 18, 2024 02:13:30  #9996

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Aiolia: (*raises his hand*) Hey yeah, sorry, I have a question.
What the hell am I witnessing????


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July 18, 2024 02:43:57  #9997

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Find yourself a friend like Aldebaran, who hasn't seen you since 13 years ago when you were both 7 but will still believe that you know what you're doing and go easy on some people that you clearly are allied with


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July 18, 2024 02:55:02  #9998

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I came up with a pretty fire team today actually

Order goes: Lune, Albafica, Pandora (the harp version), Hades Shun, and then 2 slots of choice. 
Lune purges control debuffs on critical characters, Pandora heals after debuffs are cast, Hades Shun gives Albafica free extra moves. 
I slotted in Milo and Kardia for the funnies sometimes, mostly 'cause the quests I went after are relatively easy. I still am not 100% how to best use Kardia (or Divine Cloth Milo tbh), but I'm getting better. This team just stacks different types of debuffs (from rose poison to burn to bleed) and it's pretty fun, with Albafica being able to help Lune stack burns. The weakness is that it's not all that great at survival. I think I'd get tanked by enemies with too-high attack because Pandora's healing is too circumstantial. Maybe slotting in Marin instead would work tho, it's just that I'm trying to see if I can use Pandora better.

Also yes the "fire team" part was a pun because of Lune's burn stacking.
Lune is just kinda stuck in the judge outfit until the very last minute because from what I can tell, his control debuff purging skill is absolutely hecking criticial. I just can't tell if it's bad that he has high speed. 
I also can't tell when Kardia has racked up enough points or whatever to switch modes (he has 2 modes, it's pretty cool but idk what the difference is lol). For God Cloth Milo, you can see a ring gauge of sorts around him fill up (it's really cool), and btw that's a cool part of adding in him to the team, Albafica helps him with that, as does Kardia. But idk when Kardia's about to switch modes. Same goes for characters like ND Alone/Hades Alone, idk when he's about to transform and idk if it's me being a noob or not. (it probably is, I think this is too big a flaw to overlook) 

Also before coming up with this team, I was using Ferin and Hades, and ngl I can't tell what's special about them. Like I guess Hades has high survivability by having an enormous heal tied to Greatest Eclipse...and Ferin has higher survivability while he's still a bug...but is that really all? I cannot tell lol. 
Me about to throw Ferin and Hades in front of a truck to see what they're capable of


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July 19, 2024 21:53:10  #9999

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Valkyrie: My name is Rún :D
Me: (*PTSD*) No it's not

[it is her name. she existed before Run did.]

Btw the name Rune comes from the word rún, which means secret in Old Norse. Making Run's name very fitting for him if it's his real name (Hitan being Swedish also comes from the fact I thought Run would be Scandinavian in the "real world" equivalent btw, I thought they could be bros or something)
Bro's name means "secret" but he's just the most obviously shady person ever. He has a cute smile tho
I can never decide if Run's name actually being Run is more appealing to me or if it's something he kinda came up with because let's be honest, trolling people is hilarious.

Love me being all serious and going like :hmm: about AgK!'s ethnicities when people in AgK! are kinda just. y'know. idk even how to explain it (see "Wave's name being Wave" and the deuteragonist's name literally meaning "Red-Eyed" in Japanese lol. Also this obviously Caucasian dude being named "Tatsumi". He's the protagonist btw)
For some reason I've always thought of Mine as being German and it's kinda hilarious ngl because it has 0 proof from what I know.

Also Thrud (letter accent marks missing) and Rún's VA is Sora Amamiya, Akame's VA lol


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July 19, 2024 22:00:46  #10000

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also, I got Nearl and (separately) NP 2 Yan Qing
Man, I love being Chinese! (for Yan Qing not for Nearl, for Nearl I kinda just like her idk. I think I have a Defender bias lol)

Nearl kinda reminds me of Fairy Knight Gawain lol. But then again "strong blond lady who's a knight" seems to be a popular trope. I saw it from RE:Creator too lol.  
Also ig I should probably figure out how to call her since there are at least 2 other Nearls (plus Whislash if her last name is Nearl as well)
Yeah, I have no ideas other than "Margaret." 
This close to calling her "Margarine" (I don't know her well enough to tell if she would kill me for it)


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July 19, 2024 22:02:37  #10001

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Oh btw Rúni is a really cute name lol, if I had to nickname Run I'd probably use it (me with nicknames: Gives character related name)

It comes from the German word for counselor or whatever, you can't say it's not fitting. He's kinda a counselor for his friends after all.


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July 19, 2024 22:04:12  #10002

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also on the topic of F/GO (there is no topic, actually), I feel like I cannot tell if the writers actually write Skadi to be likeable or not
I feel like my impression of her has just been deteriorating ever since her main story debut lol what is going on.


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July 19, 2024 22:05:49  #10003

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Love how my mom sees my Milo pfp and is like "lol look at you always having a handsome guy accompanying you, isn't that Milo? You funny kiddo."
Dude is doing the trollface.

(She complimented Kardia the other day when he came too lol)


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July 19, 2024 22:08:36  #10004

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw I call Ashiya Douman "Ashi"  and it's pretty great.
It doesn't actually mean anything. 

Alas, "Douman" keeps reminding me of "Dobermann" lol 


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July 19, 2024 22:11:18  #10005

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Yan Qing: (*puts on MORE clothes for summer like the Chinese guy he is*)

He's so hecking funny. He pretends to be this slightly vain guy who's easygoing and isn't bothered by much, but actually if I'm not a competent Master he'd probably punch my head off. I love my countrymen <3 (my countrypeople)


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July 19, 2024 22:12:26  #10006

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The difference between me and Fujimaru Ritsuka--

Ritsuka, on Douman: Nah, don't spray him yet, he hasn't done anything yet.
Me: (*taking out the bleach*) Man I thought you'd never ask, Asclepius (:


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July 19, 2024 22:14:03  #10007

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The dialogue really is just ":D" ":D" ":D" 


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July 20, 2024 04:08:20  #10008

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Arknights WB-9 getting me bad

The boss consistently switches to the upper lane. Like plz I do not have enough damage to beat you up adequately there plz (for context there aren't any tiles you can place melee operators until the enemy puts like 11 army-buffing things up on the barracks and I don't have that many ranged operators who can tank all that at once.)
I was wondering why I kept getting run over in the top when one Sniper was mostly enough for most of the level, and then it kinda was like, "Oh."

But anyhow, I mostly came here again because my mind said, "Myu is really just a Phalanx Caster but in Saint Seiya" and NO I do not accept that. I do NOT. 
(Carnelian would kill me if I voiced it I think. She strikes me as that sort of character)


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July 20, 2024 04:13:55  #10009

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

SS Awakening's legion quests are hilarious because the request is like "Boohoo my house is on fire! Lord Saint could you please send help?" and I'm like "oh yeah sure gimme a sec" and click the auto send button and uh it's just Shura and Ikki and Babel. Like yeah fat lot of good that's gonna do, one guy's apparently in charge of the property destruction while the other two turn whatever is left of the wreckage to cinders. 

Actually I'll share who else I've dispatched right at this moment.
Mission to get a flower for Shaina from Cassios: The literal gods (Athena, Hades, Hades but ND Alone, and Poseidon)
Tomes mission for a town market: Milo, Camus, and Shaina (apparently I sent them to hang out instead of literally sending books?)
Unfreeze the hecking river: Mu, Shura, Aphrodite, and Ichi (apparently I would rather poison the water)
Woman is worried about her friend's dream of the world ending becoming real: Shun, Saga (hecking what), Shiryu (literally what will he do), Baian (neigh ig)

Sometimes I wonder if I'm just evil Saga in the flesh or what.


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July 20, 2024 18:53:14  #10010

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Why is Changgong so light, I literally weigh more than him
I could lift the bro on my shoulders
Actually I think I might even weigh more than Yan Qing even when I'm lighter wth the dude is buff tho??

The reason by the way: Fate weights and heights are hecking messed up. I'm just bringing it up because it's funny.
Xu Fu is like hecking 90 lb. I think I could bench press her and Changgong at the same time if I really wanted to. (/j I couldn't but I could probably carry Xu Fu around while running)

Btw I lost like 15 pounds as soon as I came back home lol. Now I look a lil less ugly (I was exercising pretty much every day at college and it was not going well even then. probably why I was so unhappy at times)
Too much weight and me do not pair well. Like ig Galaxian personas can pull off a chubbier look 'cause they're cute, but that does not pertain to me.


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July 20, 2024 20:35:41  #10011

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

In other news, I lost utterly to my urge to draw (sketch) Run so uh. Yeah.
I think I did better this time! (Narrator: they say that every time)
I also found a fanfic for Run which, behold, led me to finally getting back into my Wattpad account.
Anyways, I think I found a way to end myself even faster than euthanasia, I could just read my old hecking fanfics why do these exist.


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July 20, 2024 20:36:34  #10012

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I think even just skimming the summary took decades off my lifespan
Btw I still write the same cringe way, it's just the time makes the wounds worse.


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July 20, 2024 22:09:30  #10013

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I think it's kinda funny that Hitan, Rai, and Raez are all kinda subtly (sometimes not as subtly) influenced by my pure bias for Run.
(Wiley's not. Wiley is literally just built off the idea of "man what if I built my own demise." Guess it's my mad scientist side or something. Or stupid scientist side.) 

Run does the smug cat look better tho I think. Even though technically I haven't seen him do it. Rai could never.
Run is a lot harder to draw than Hitan. He has all these nuances about his eyes and face. Plus I cannot draw his build probably. Probably why Hitan turned out being blockier (this is a joke, I have more slender male characters than I do muscular ones I think)


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July 20, 2024 22:10:26  #10014

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also I've been tormented by dreaming about the Gold Saints 3 nights in a row without being able to remember what actually happened
Then I wake up and am in agony over Gao Changgong or Run, life is so great rn.


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July 20, 2024 22:11:21  #10015

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I also got Ray and Blacknight.
I cannot level them up even to E1 lol. This base so broke fr

I actually didn't like Ray that much when she first debuted (cool colour palette tho), but ig I made one too many terrorist jokes.


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July 20, 2024 22:14:38  #10016

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Ancient Chinese texts are so fun to read because it makes me feel so smart and dumb at the same time

It's like Shakespearean but harder to understand because at least for Shakespearean I know the words. For Ancient Chinese it's like. Huh. 
Also freaking love how the Ancient Chinese describe scenery, I literally could never


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July 20, 2024 22:15:21  #10017

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

See my Ancient Chinese OCs are inaccurate because none of them really like drinking
The Ancient Chinese always seemed like, somewhat drunk. A lil tipsy to get in the mood for art and poetry. 


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July 20, 2024 22:17:46  #10018

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

But going by that logic Raez is un-Russian
Y'know he's a funny one because he clearly could drink, like not legally in the States because there's no way he's over 21, but also I'm pretty sure he has before and his tolerance is over the roof but he doesn't really enjoy it at all.

Btw this is Run's fault again @Run why do you always have me thinking about alcohol tolerance (he probably would just shrug with a smile in response) 


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July 20, 2024 22:20:08  #10019

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Rai and Run are funny because they give off such similar vibes (Hitan is kinda just a sad angel guy idk what to tell you) but also if they were in the same world they would not be on the same side.
I've done years of thinking (exaggeration) on what would finally prompt Run to destroy the Empire from the outside, turns out he just needs a sussity Japanese-Chinese dude to join the Empire instead. 

Also Rai is informing me that if he faced Run he'd be dead dead, idk about that mate. Wanna try?


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July 20, 2024 22:25:01  #10020

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Run vs. Vulture is dead, Run vs. Rai is the new Vs. Battles forum hotthread of all time (*cringes*)
That crap is stuck on Internet Archive history. Forever.

But thinking about it actually, there's no way Rai could measure up to Run's ship-hauling strength, he'd get keeled just by that. (no I'm not actually being serious, when am I ever serious about Rai)

Just imagining it is endless memeing potential ngl. Rai isn't bad at fighting at all but I can just underestimate him a lil. For the funnies.
I do think that if you're not Akame, fighting Run from a ranged perspective probably means you're toast if you don't have sufficient cover. Then again, those feathers sometimes just shoot into the ground casually, other times they shred through the skull cleanly, and sometimes they punch holes in boulders so idk, maybe the impact varies depending on how hard Run is trying? 
But also, as a fun fact, Rai is not dumb enough to fight someone like Run without sufficient cover. If he knows a ranged fighter like that might be after him, he's sticking to close quarters underground.

I'm actually interested in thinking about this. Do Mastema's feathers surpass bullets in terms of speed? Surely someone must have calculated this by now.


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