Hoping your family gets better! What vaccine did y'all get? If it's one of the more effective ones, maybe the symptoms won't be as bad if you do end up getting it (also depends on the variant though)
uhhhhhhhhhh yeah idk
my mom isn't doing that bad so it's probably fine tbh
Yeah, its sucks, but just rest up and get well soon fr
MY MOTHER HAS RECOVERED! Her test came up negative and her symptoms have mostly dissipated. The best part: the rest of us are still perfectly healthy! If any of us were infected we likely would have begun showing symptoms by now, so I think we're pretty much out of the woods.
Great to know! I'm sure you all took great care of her and each other.
i think we did alright djfkkjdf she was let out of her room as a little treat on sunday and now she's back to regular activities :D
Randomly thinking about how this place used to be (relatively) more active and being sad cause i miss doing stuff with you guys it was fun
Basket Cat wrote:
Randomly thinking about how this place used to be (relatively) more active and being sad cause i miss doing stuff with you guys it was fun
we still got the discord and possible plans going on there at some point yk!
maybe we'll see what happens at spring break?
thats true yeah! just me being nostalgic ig jfjfjkhg