indeed π
Fun fact I was going to post something else yesterday but I forgot and Canto 5 was too good to get it out of my mind
I feel like I don't want to take my current pfp off even though it doesn't fit the theme xD
On another note I'm returning to my obsession with stickmen but specifically Alan Becker's stickmen. I thought it'd be a phase that ended with last year and it turned out that no. I am more inspired now that ever to continue making fanart.
This sketch kinda fire tho ngl
And yes I draw human versions of the sticks. Because their personalities and actions are so defined that somehow I just have really clear visions of how they'd look? Genuinely can't wait for more canon content. Maybe I should infodump one day (it's just that I feel that Animation vs. Animator is one of those series that you really have to watch without spoilers to enjoy better) because man I really really love AvA.
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(this is the same stick I fanarted above)
(Please ask me about Animator vs. Animation or even Animation vs. Minecraft I will gladly infodump)
Oh I actually remembered what I was going to post
So, I'm getting my driver's license. Or at least trying to. I already made it past the medical examination and today I have the rules test. I'm kinda nervous about this tbh because I'm not sure how I'll do, but I'm trying to be confident because I've been studying the rules handbook pretty hard these last weeks. So I've been busy with that and I'll be busy with driving lessons until mid-February. By then I probably will be doing my actual driving test.
Is it also like that in the USA? Medical -> Rules -> Driving test?
Update: I passed the test with a score of 100%
I don't even know what to say, Ig IΒΏm proud of myself or smthn like that xD
Just the driving test left now, but still a lot of practice till then.
Congrats! Here there isn't really a medical to my knowledge except for on the forms you give to the DMV (disclosing any medical conditions) as well as a vision test, which I assume happen before the behind-the-wheel test
That's neat, sounds easier xD I had to sit around for 3 hours waiting for different test results. I got approved as long as I drive with glasses but that's a given since they're permanent anyways.
I do kind of wish they shared the results from the psychological evaluation with the applicants ngl. All I got is that apparently now I'm predominantly phlegmatic in terms of "personality" (I wonder why they need that info for in the official test) and that I was indeed indecisive when faced with the "Do you consider yourself an indecisive person?" question. Kinda fun though!
I WOKE UP TO THIS IN MY FEED AND I AM SO OBSESSED YO????? It's my favorite character please I love Purple so much I π
Why does 1:06 - 1:34 fit so well with the song tho like the character arc of seeking love/acecptance is definitely the reason I love Purple so much, bro has had a tough backstory, he's all feels and I just-
Purple is my favorite character from AvM and I just desperately want him to achieve happiness, he deserves hugs
Did I already mention that I like Purple the most out of any character from AvM
Absolutely floored that my brother doesn't like Spamton
im sorry he WHAT
I don't like spamton
time how does it feel to have the worst opinion on planet earth /j
Time I am not forgiving you for this
Basket Cat wrote:
im sorry he WHAT
I forgot to update but after Spamton NEO he's fine with the character now
Started Undertale Yellow. I hope the first run doesn't land me in neutral somehow or I will instantly uninstall the game.
SpecterTheGreat wrote:
Started Undertale Yellow. I hope the first run doesn't land me in neutral somehow or I will instantly uninstall the game.
Just don't kill anyone and you'll be fine, unlike Undertale, it doesn't require you to go through neutral
Review of UTY pending
I'm super busy until March but I've started reading The Three Musketeers and so far it feels so much like a comedy help (the descriptions are so good though)
Genuinely surprised that d'Artagnan is just 18?? I always pictured him like 25-ish or so (and yes Tuti spoiled the age for me but it still is very surprising to me) and he is so fricking prideful that it's hilarious to see how he keeps getting beaten up by people wherever he goes. But he is literally made of main character material and definitely, definitely very loyal to his beliefs which is something I quite like. So let's see how this goes!
Aside from that I also added "And Then There Were None" to my reading list so that's up next
And I forgot if I posted about this or not but in January I read The Phantom of the Opera and it was a good book, definitely interesting. I will have to listen to the audiobook for real when I have some more time.
I have to admit the last time I got physical books I got Moby Dick and Phantom of the Opera thinking of Ishmael and of Echo bc I know they had mentioned liking those books
Ily guys
SpecterTheGreat wrote:
And I forgot if I posted about this or not but in January I read The Phantom of the Opera and it was a good book, definitely interesting. I will have to listen to the audiobook for real when I have some more time.