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October 13, 2024 18:33:30  #10501

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Hey Google, how can I design new characters for the SS AU if I bawl over what I did to them at the start every single time



October 13, 2024 18:43:35  #10502

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also had a stupid moment in the middle of the night where the fictional guilt made me so hungry that it woke me up, and so I was like "I might as well eat a few pieces of bread without turning on the lights so I can go back to sleep easier." So I took a bite, and it tasted like ginger powder but gone stale. And I turned on the lights to behold mold. 
First time my bread has actually gone moldy btw. Unfortunately does nothing to console me on my I.Q., but hey.


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October 13, 2024 19:08:35  #10503

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Love how I don't really know what Naira or Lucina looks like, or the full extent of their personalities really, but I really feel like they give so much good toward the world and toward others and toward each other and idk, I'm so sad. 


     Thread Starter

October 13, 2024 20:33:49  #10504

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

@Forum!Silence - My forum persona's entire design not causing my eyes to erupt in sores is probably because of you, I kneel 🛐

she probably picked out all his outfits and I profusely thank her for it


Can confirm she would dress him up lololol I am then suddenly hit with a snowball on fire

he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

October 14, 2024 19:05:03  #10505

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Echowo wrote:

Can confirm she would dress him up lololol I am then suddenly hit with a snowball on fire

Oh man, what a cool snowball!


     Thread Starter

October 14, 2024 19:17:04  #10506

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Huang Feihu is every bit the dorkus I thought he'd be. Very endearing. 
Also glad that (spoilers for the current event) at least he and Huyan Zhuo aren't opposed to repairing the Singularity. And no, you can't expect the Chinese to agree on the same way to the same solution. 
Hoping their way is at least somewhat sensical. Rn they are pretty much a two-person army (I don't count since I cancel myself out). But it wouldn't surprise me if Huyan Zhuo is the only one with the reason lol, Huang Feihu feels like the sort who's there for emotional support. (I know nothing about Huyan Zhuo)


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October 14, 2024 22:04:44  #10507

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Applications are so funny because them responses be like 350 words each and I be procrastinating on them forever even though every day I can write 800 words on a "brief note" without even trying.
Btw I am the funny one.

Btw psychology is just making it so that I can judge harder. The application bit hard as heck tho. 
Parenting is hard. Teaching is hard. Also I'm gonna bother like half of my past teachers this coming holiday just because I appreciate them even more now. Some of them did not receive a good thank you note from my past self and I will make it up. Please don't forget, Galaxian. Please.


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October 15, 2024 18:21:58  #10508

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

As it turns out, my psychology knowledge is pretty good.
I think psychology is super useful for navigating the world in a still-ethical way. 'Cause all empathy or whatnot covers is just knowing how others are feeling. Sometimes that doesn't actually help mitigate those feelings at all. Plus it's so cool. 

Btw this is me forgetting what I was actually gonna say lol probably something F/DA and SS AU brainrot something (I am not very expressive today)


     Thread Starter

October 15, 2024 18:24:52  #10509

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

SSA Kardia saying "MY FINGERTIPS ARE FREEZING OFF!" as soon as I logged in sent me, idk.
Btw he's my avatar rn because Rhadamanthys is on rate-up and I thought it'd be funny. It is.


     Thread Starter

October 15, 2024 18:42:42  #10510

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Oh I remember what I was gonna say, it was that apparently Huang Feihu's parents and his wife are with his Spirit Origin when he manifests, they just don't show up.
That's gotta be extra awkward for all his simps lol (meanwhile me finding it adorable yess my guy has his entire familyyyy)

More awkward things: Taisui Xingjun is pretty much the King of Shang's son who may or may not have actually helped the King of Zhou, which has gotta be pretty weird to deal with for both Jiang Ziya and Huang Feihu lol (and same for the little kid)
More awkward things: Apparently Taisui Xingjun is a dead ringer for his dad as well so uh. In Fate apparently the entire fiasco was spearheaded by two people who looked like this:

Fate is so wacky for real lol.


     Thread Starter

October 15, 2024 18:48:02  #10511

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Becoming confused 'cause I swear I made the above post right after the one before it, so how did 18 minutes pass between them. Huh


     Thread Starter

October 15, 2024 20:00:04  #10512

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I forgot to tell you guys about an incident 3 weeks ago where I scared this one dude coming out of his garage (I do this to everyone btw. I scare my roommates, random strangers in broad daylight, people working with me, etc.). I said sorry for it and all, and he was chill and said "Have a good day" at the end. I said "Thanks, you too," and kept on walking, and started to have a crisis for the "you too" part. I had to do a full memory recall to remember that saying "you too" was fine in that situation.
Imagine saying something right and then having a crisis over it. Haha couldn't be me. Tfw you can socialise but not properly

But in all seriousness I thought it was one of those "Hi" "Thanks, what about you?" situations. I've never had one of those, actually, but it felt pretty close.


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October 16, 2024 00:25:53  #10513

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Every anime person I draw looks like a guy but every realistic person I draw looks like a girl, hereby proving that only women exist /j


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October 16, 2024 17:36:57  #10514

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Love how I got an ad for Tribe Nine and instantly got hit with the fact that Danganronpa's artist is involved in it lol. The art style is so obvious


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October 17, 2024 17:58:01  #10515

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I really need to figure out the forum's aspect ratio or whatever for the background images, it probably isn't hard to find but hmmm 


Last edited by GalaxianExplosion (October 17, 2024 18:29:15)

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October 17, 2024 23:28:43  #10516

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Got Bassline to E2 :D the Babel event shop had his mats.
Btw I have a lot of E2 targets, which I think will just lead me to running out of resources. 
Anyways, I'm still working on Greythroat's Trust for her module, and then I'll just have to bring Bassline into battle a few times for his Module. 
Other E2 goals at the moment:
-Shu, Lessing (idc how good he is he's my first welfare and he's helped me, plus he and Ebenholz have a vibe going on that I like), Virtuosa (first 6 star and ngl it's because of this and gameplay or else I'd be eh about this), Ebenholz (!!!) (I love his and Lessing's German dubbing btw no regrets), Amiya (obvious reasons), the rest of Team Rainbow (Iana, Fuze, Doc, Tachanka, Frost), Hoshiguma, Ashlock (I haven't been deploying her as much but I love her English voice!!), Sesa (he's cute and also my go-to AOE Sniper even if he has drawbacks), Kroos Alter, Arene, Myrtle, and Matoimaru (she's so cute)
Also not a priority rn but Whislash/Zofia is soooo cute. Idk what it is about her but yeah.

Also reminder to level up Oda. Rn he is stuck at level 50 because I can't promote him lol. Idc if he's not very good he deserves it


     Thread Starter

October 18, 2024 00:24:21  #10517

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I wanted to share this with you guys :3

Image quality got degraded a lot, but say hi to Tsuchinshan-ATLAS! If you happen to be near its path, then do go out after sunset and say hi to it as well. We'll have looked at the same thing.
In my case, there was a supermoon behind me as well as Venus next to it, which is the bright white spot in the lower left of the comet. 
There's something about comets and things in general that's so cool. I mean, my nickname is Galaxian, so that's probably obvious as opinions go. But I think about how while comets themselves aren't really uncommon per se, this one specifically will probably come back around in 80,000 years if it doesn't completely break apart before then. Assuming an average human lifespan of 80 years or so, that'd be 1,000 lifetimes laid out head to tail of each other. 
Plus, the last time there was a comet this bright was 18 years ago. I don't think most (if any) of you guys were in the mindset to be seeing and remembering a comet 18 years ago, haha.
Check out this link to see better quality photos from all across the world! -–ATLAS)

Edit: those are parts of the same link and idk why links like these always break apart, sorry. Copy and paste both to get the actual link! Or just Google "Comet A3" and click on the Wikipedia link. It'll yield the same result.

And a sappy thing to end with, but in this vast world that's only a pale blue dot when viewed from afar, I'm glad we all somehow live in the same time and space. Thank you.


Last edited by GalaxianExplosion (October 18, 2024 00:31:43)

     Thread Starter

October 18, 2024 00:27:14  #10518

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right


he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

October 18, 2024 00:28:18  #10519

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Echowo wrote:




he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

October 19, 2024 00:24:58  #10520

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I'm getting laid off /j
So basically the family wants to transition to a daycare setting, which is to be expected. But they're not cutting off ties, which I think is a good sign? Something something good evaluation? I have one more week to go and then ig we'll see. 
And btw I'm perfectly fine with this, mostly 'cause even though I've been trying to keep a positive mindset and have been doing pretty well, I am losing my sanity. I am really just not built to interact with little kids, and I am hoping that I do better with lil animals because I've really wanted a pet since I was little and it'd be no fun if I were to ruin my own dreams, y'know? 
My memory and patience have both gotten better with this experience as well, so I count it as a super win in general. Just, y'know, sanity is going down and I never sincerely look forward to it. I mean, the difference can be summed up like this: I am getting pretty decent money for the hours but wake up every day like /: and come back every day feeling like I add no value to the world, meanwhile I go volunteer for a thing I enjoy and I come back home all hyped and enjoying the existence of humanity so, yeah. 

Oh btw if there is one thing worse than caring for children it would be office work. I am saying No in advance, please world. 

Anyways I think the funniest part has been the kiddo now listening better to me than she does to her parents lol (as soon as they enter the room the probability of a tantrum happening increases at least 75%), they have so little faith in her behaving but she seems pretty fine to me now. I mean, she sometimes is quite unreasonable, but I was as well when I was her age, even though my mom says I was fine.
Little kids are interesting, and lots of fun if you can put down the fear of them screaming and crying (I have yet to be able to completely put it down)
Also love people willing to give me tips every time I volunteer (and me being seen as a parent each time by actual parents) (someone said I should just tell everyone I have 5 kids and ngl that's hilarious. I might just do it. I might just start bullcrapping my way and seeing how far people believe me. One day it will become "I have 5 grandkids" at age 30)


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October 19, 2024 00:31:45  #10521

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Oh and btw child development/education is so so so interesting. I am saying that I am not very compatible with little kids, but I hecking love learning about them. 
Unfortunately, there's also a little bit of a sadness to this topic as well (well to psychology in general and probably any topic area but I can't just make everything an example of what was supposed to be an outlier), mostly in seeing the concepts present in kids you encounter in reality who you can't interact with. I mean, even kids that teachers interact with won't stay with them for very long, so it's really up to the parent and guardian figures to do a consistent good job. And that's a very hard job even for those who try their best.
That's why it's so important for the actual adults who are present with the child throughout different phases of their life to learn and do their best while still taking care of themselves, I think.

To sound a little less vague, I am just talking about how sometimes you can tell what a kid might grow up to be like when they're older, based off of little interactions you see they have with their family. But outside of just being nice to that kid, you can't really do anything about it in the long term. So it'll be up to their family and, unfortunately, future them to get away from the likely developmental path.
In a perfect world, there would be no kids who feel the need to burn down the village to feel its warmth, even if the village weren't perfect. 


     Thread Starter

October 19, 2024 21:23:51  #10522

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I made up a strategy for BB-EX-4 that I'm hecking proud of (using some operators who are barely E1 because I got them only recently and ran out of EXP lol)
The caveat being, I passed only in practice mode so now I have to wait 'til I get the stamina to do it again. lol
If I remember, I'll show you guys :D ngl the practice to get the strat up has been pretty nasty, but maybe I just have a phobia of getting run at by a bunch of spear-wielding people. 

Btw as it turns out, Iana and Frost are both tons of fun to use (well in general Team Rainbow is fun), so there's no way I can cop out with an excuse to not E2 the entire team.
Still haven't had the opportunity to try out Fuze's Skill 2 lol. I'm guessing it's just him putting up bombs in a very fun way. 
Gotta love me falling love with collab characters


     Thread Starter

October 19, 2024 22:40:34  #10523

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I used up half of the rolls I stocked up in Arknights to try to get Stainless because I thought his gameplay preview was cool, but unfortunately it didn't work and I got Magallan, one of the barely E1ed units I mentioned. As you can tell, I still think she's cool and will try my best to get her levelled up anyways. Rest of the rolls are going towards Logos though, if he's willing to come.
I also got the Top Operator tag for the second time, and used it to get Mostima. Why? 'Cause I like her for some reason idk. She's not levelled up enough for me to try her out (she's not even E1 lol) but we're getting there. I dunno anything about her gameplay, so that's something to be excited about.
As implied, I've been working on trying to E1 some units because it gives a better preview of their abilities, and right now I think I got most of the Guards. The classes I'm still working on are the Snipers, Casters, Medics, Supporters, and Specialists. Specifically for the Specialists, I'm trying to look more into the different subclasses, so rn I'm thinking about getting Mr. Nothing and Kirara (or another Ambusher) to E1 and seeing how they might diversify the way I play the game.
Skill specialization is still out of the picture for now, we'll see about that once I can get around to it.
Aaand I forgot about something else I was gonna mention, related to Arknights. Maybe I'll remember later,,, it was one of those things that I remembered in the middle, came back to add, and then forgot again. 

Remembered it! It was about Windflit. I was thinking that since I like Ebenholz and Virtuosa so much, I've been thinking about E1ing him anyways, and trying to see how much impact he makes when paired with them. And yes, this is Galaxian just trying desperately to use a character they like lol.

Anyways, I maxed God Cloth Milo and most of the Cosmos that he has in SSA.
I said previously that skill levels in this hecking game are like NP levels, but apparently there are actually NP level things you can do with higher rarities, where you have to pull 2 more copies of them to ascend them after you've maxed them (think Grailing but you also need basically post level 100 analogy with F/GO but without coins as a currency). So essentially you need more copies for increased skill levels and increased levels. No thank you lol.
The reason I'm investing more into him is 'cause I like him a lot, and because I dig his gameplay a lot. I've gotten one of his skills to level 4, and now he hits 6 times per turn with Hades Shun's help and definitely works a lot better now with a more general team. He's critting most of the time too, so that's pretty big damage. He definitely has some hard counters in the game, but that's pretty much just how SSA is, and that's fine imo. 
A fun thing I've been trying is him with Aphrodite. Previously he would block off Aphrodite due to using up all the excess energy, but now he sometimes has excess energy left (he has a limit on how many times he can act based off remaining energy that scales with skill level), so Aphrodite can then use that to nuke a second time. Pretty cool.
Anyhow, God Cloth Milo and Kanon are now dominating the Athena's Trials (until I get bored again), which is pretty great for me since I love imagining them as friends. 

     Thread Starter

October 19, 2024 23:19:20  #10524

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also, F/GO's 90++ nodes seem to be getting even more unfair, which is not a compliment. 
Either that or I suck, but I think I'm of average skill when it comes to F/GO, probably helped by the years of experience (I think it's been 4 years or something?). 

Look, I try not to judge usual Servants by the 3-turn mentality, but I feel like experienced players should be able to work out a 3-turn as long as they've had ok gacha luck, and that 90++ node is not one of those nodes. Maybe if I had a single-target Arts Berserker or Archer, but I don't. (Chloe is stuck at Ascension 2 or 1--I forget which. She's in the Second Archive as a result lol)


     Thread Starter

October 19, 2024 23:28:00  #10525

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I was just watching an Arknights video with just female operators, and then from SSA I heard (in Odysseus' very manly voice) "JISHI NO KOKORO" while one of the operators' skills activated in the video, which sent me, again.

I'm not sure if I'm hearing the pronunciation right. My auditory abilities suck


     Thread Starter

October 19, 2024 23:55:12  #10526

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I just realised that SSA Saga's Galaxian Explosion looks like he's about to give you a hug.
Rolling from it ngl. It's so funny. (I can't imagine even normal Saga being a very huggy person at all, meanwhile Aiolos would probably do it for emotional support whenever needed even if he feels awkward about it)


     Thread Starter

October 20, 2024 00:29:43  #10527

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Here we go. BB-EX-4.

I think the other image site is bugged rn. Anyways this is right at the end (as you can see from the enemy bar), so you can't see any of Magallan's devices or Frost's traps in action. Pretty obvious what I did tho. The roadblocks aren't as well-placed as the last run, but I will just take the 3-star clear lol.
Just noticed the chains are in an M shape lol. M for Magallan I suppose? She really did help a lot since she can do actual binding with her devices. 
Here's the team for reference:

The Defenders (Shu and Bassline) and the Quick-Redeploy Specialists (Red and Gravel) are from previous runs that did not work. I thought, why not include them anyways since the stage isn't a trust-farmable one to begin with.
Love there being two (2) dudes lmiaoo I just realised how many girls there are on this team (Arknights in general moment)


     Thread Starter

October 20, 2024 18:21:48  #10528

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Mission Camus try not to beat up his own disciple even in an illusion world...impossible...

Also got pwned with RoP's "We'll do everything to protect Lord Poseidon's clear eyes". Please don't put it like that Marina Generals, y'all sound so gay lmiaoooo. You could put it literally any other way and you would be fine (I'm definitely losing it)


     Thread Starter

October 20, 2024 18:27:34  #10529

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw Time Odyssey gave a preview of Chapter 3 and lo and behold you have Milo and Hyoga just chilling (idk why Milo's there but I won't complain). They're taking a walk or something, it's pretty cute.
But Camus, bro, please set higher standards. Mu took on an apprentice too and he does fine; he's trying to teach what he can. Why are you like this. 


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