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September 3, 2024 18:19:11  #31

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

"Well, sadly, it's a common formality here.  Unlike Lethera, Garcarnia is a moreover formal in comparison.  So if I stop, you're bound to hear it again.  So please get used to it.  Anything else I can help with?"   

Yeah, I'm active here like every day, no I don't have a life outside video games, GGaD or college.  And yes, I do love this place in case it's not clear.  


I do change this siggy often too. 

September 4, 2024 09:23:36  #32

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

"Ah cultural differences…we’ll get used to it eventually." Caligo thought for a moment "any chance on having extra pillows for our room?"

you can call me Vio
too lazy to put something here
sun and moon brainrot 

September 4, 2024 11:24:39  #33

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

"Hm, that could provide a challenge.  I will go and check if we have any extra later on, once you get settled in.  We're a small in, and we don't usually get many travelers here, so we only purchase what we need.  But I'm sure I can find something for you!  Will that be all?  Or do you want anything else to snack on before I show you your room?" 

Yeah, I'm active here like every day, no I don't have a life outside video games, GGaD or college.  And yes, I do love this place in case it's not clear.  


I do change this siggy often too. 
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September 4, 2024 11:33:59  #34

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

"Um, no i think we’ll be fine for now thanks you" Caligo picked Aestus back up, who chirped in agreement, waiting to see where their room is.

you can call me Vio
too lazy to put something here
sun and moon brainrot 

September 4, 2024 11:46:38  #35

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

Eli took the glass and bowl and put it under the counter and jumped over the bar's island and behind the gods.  With a small bow she smiled.  "If you would please follow me dear Masters, I will show you to your rooms." 

Yeah, I'm active here like every day, no I don't have a life outside video games, GGaD or college.  And yes, I do love this place in case it's not clear.  


I do change this siggy often too. 
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September 4, 2024 12:25:10  #36

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

Cal nodded and followed their host, Aestus secured in his arm…purring softly?

you can call me Vio
too lazy to put something here
sun and moon brainrot 

September 5, 2024 08:41:19  #37

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

"He's like a cat isn't he?" Eli said softly and led the two gods down a hallway that was connected to the back wall of the bar.  Numerous doors lined each hall.  Numbers on each from of them.  The one in particular that would belong to Aestus and Caligo had "3x0" on it.  Eli opened the door for them and bowed.  "After you two." 

Yeah, I'm active here like every day, no I don't have a life outside video games, GGaD or college.  And yes, I do love this place in case it's not clear.  


I do change this siggy often too. 
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September 5, 2024 10:36:07  #38

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

"He’s more of a bird-moth, not sure where the purring come from…the insect side maybe?" Caligo say a little confused as well
"Thanks you" he said before entering, taking a look around, he put Aestus down so he could as well.

you can call me Vio
too lazy to put something here
sun and moon brainrot 

September 16, 2024 11:54:24  #39

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

Within the small room there was really little furnishing at all.  Only a basic bed, nightstand, and well, the usual you would have in a humane room.  Nothing more or nothing less.  "Sorry it's kinda barren, we're not used to having gods stay at the inn, soooo...I don't really know what you like." Eli said, poking her head between the god and walking into the room.  

Yeah, I'm active here like every day, no I don't have a life outside video games, GGaD or college.  And yes, I do love this place in case it's not clear.  


I do change this siggy often too. 
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September 16, 2024 12:08:27  #40

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

"I like it! Plus we can just make our own decoration if we want so don’t worry" as Caligo said that, Aestus had gotten onto the bed, and decided to created a few more pillows, they seem to glow slightly from the magic, if touched, they would feel warm.
"Aw thanks sunny. See? Nothing to worry about!"

you can call me Vio
too lazy to put something here
sun and moon brainrot 

September 17, 2024 10:07:36  #41

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

"Hard light constructions?  Is that what those are?  I didn't peg you two to be that...crafty, so to speak.  Then again, I hardly know you two soo..." Eli began to mumble to herself a bit before snapping her attention back to the matter at hand.  "Ah--sorry, got caught up in my own thoughts!  If you two are in need of anything please do come back to the bar at the front, I'll be there if you need me.  Or not, I'm kinda hungry I mayyyyyyyyy step out to grab something to eat." 

Yeah, I'm active here like every day, no I don't have a life outside video games, GGaD or college.  And yes, I do love this place in case it's not clear.  


I do change this siggy often too. 
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September 17, 2024 14:00:11  #42

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

Caligo was a bit surprised she could so easily tell what sort of magic Aestus used "it’s ok! Eat well! We’ll probably only nap and redecorate a bit."

you can call me Vio
too lazy to put something here
sun and moon brainrot 

September 23, 2024 14:14:44  #43

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

"Right then!  Enjoy your stay here!  You know where to find me!" Eli said cheerfully and skipped out the door, closing it behind her. 


Yeah, I'm active here like every day, no I don't have a life outside video games, GGaD or college.  And yes, I do love this place in case it's not clear.  


I do change this siggy often too. 
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September 23, 2024 14:28:20  #44

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

Caligo waited patiently until the footsteps where far away before stripping and getting his braces off before collapsing on the bed
"Uuuuuugh I am never keeping my braces on so long ever again I swear" he say, knowing he will probably forget to take them off  again sometime in the future and regret it all over again. The fact he had them the whole time they were asleep for the journey doesn’t help either, better than knowing someone took them off for him while he was unconscious at least…

Aestus gently rubbed his talons against his shoulder, being careful of his claws, trying his best to get rid of the mark left there despite his current form. "Thanks sunny you’re the best." Was said while a bit muffled by the bed.

(Aestus is very much still smol lmao)

you can call me Vio
too lazy to put something here
sun and moon brainrot 

September 23, 2024 14:49:37  #45

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

"You know, I'm rather surprised they've acclimated quickly.  I would have imagined that Arithnia would serve them well.  Granted I guess it's because the world itself is trying to make heads or tails of them due to the fact that they interfere with Helios and Kyte's job.  But still, it's quite odd.  I wonder if Praxis will see them well..." Kani told the woman who was eating a bowl of soup.  Stopping only to get herself another bowl or a drink of ale. 

"Well..." Eli paused for a moment.  "Praxis did have Catalyst lead them here, so...maybe he's also trying to make heads or tails of them too?  Hell if I know sir.  Though they are only staying for the night, where will they go in the morning, and let alone, who will see to them to the capital?" 

Yeah, I'm active here like every day, no I don't have a life outside video games, GGaD or college.  And yes, I do love this place in case it's not clear.  


I do change this siggy often too. 
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September 25, 2024 17:57:47  #46

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

(Oops thought I replied)

Caligo eventually settled properly under the covers with Aestus, it was strange to have Aestus in his arms instead of the other way around, but he can’t say he couldn’t get used to it, especially with how warm and soft he was like this. They are just definitely going to sleep way too much, but oh well. They are far too comfy and warm to care.

you can call me Vio
too lazy to put something here
sun and moon brainrot 

September 26, 2024 10:16:34  #47

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

(You just did.  Ha.)

A mental image of words appeared in the two gods head.  This time it read "Rest." 

Eli turned her head toward the hallway where the gods laid.  "I'm quite sure it's already being taken care of sir." she told the man, handing him a small glass of ale.  Kani thanked her and took the glass.  " seems so doesn't it Eli?" he replied to her, a somber look in his eyes told enough.  "I pray that he doesn't do anything drastic." 

Yeah, I'm active here like every day, no I don't have a life outside video games, GGaD or college.  And yes, I do love this place in case it's not clear.  


I do change this siggy often too. 
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September 30, 2024 11:32:17  #48

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

Caligo woke up the next day with a face full of feathers, except Aestus was long longer small, did the god always had feathers on his chest? Caligo is certainly not gonna complain. Alas all good thing must come to an end and the other god also woke up.
"What year is this?"the sun asked, still half asleep "I don’t think we ever asked." The moon replied, muffled by very very soft feathers.
They stayed for a moment longer before Aestus remembered where they were and moved to get up, only to pause as his eyes landed on Caligo.

He already his fellow god had white freckles all over, and that his skin had two different colours, scattered in patches all over, but actually seeing it? It was something completely different, he could only describe it as, beautiful.

They stayed like that for a while longer, Caligo either not knowing or not caring that Aestus was staring at him.

you can call me Vio
too lazy to put something here
sun and moon brainrot 

September 30, 2024 11:38:32  #49

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

*knock knock knock*

Oh, the door.  Because those exist sometimes.  A familiar voice of Eli rang through the wood.  "Oyyyyyyyyyyyyy, are you two lovebirds up alreadyyyyyyyyyyy?  I got breakfast readyyyyyyyyyyyy!" she called out, in a very sing-song-y voice.  

Yeah, I'm active here like every day, no I don't have a life outside video games, GGaD or college.  And yes, I do love this place in case it's not clear.  


I do change this siggy often too. 
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September 30, 2024 11:56:16  #50

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

"H-Hey were did you get that idea! We’re just- ow- we’re just friends!" Caligo quickly tried to reply, falling off the bed in the process
Aestus is just stunned, blushing and reflecting on what they were doing and if that was something couples do, and if that are them one, and if so, how long have they been? And also, why does it make him happy???

you can call me Vio
too lazy to put something here
sun and moon brainrot 

October 1, 2024 10:15:05  #51

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhh, they all say that.  Get yo butt outta bed any come onnnnnnnnnn!" 

Yeah, I'm active here like every day, no I don't have a life outside video games, GGaD or college.  And yes, I do love this place in case it's not clear.  


I do change this siggy often too. 
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October 1, 2024 11:52:27  #52

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

Caligo groans, all his joints hurt and he doesn’t feel like moving, Aestus had to be the one to pick him up and put him back on the bed, along with all his braces
"Can’t you help me?" The moon pleaded "you can do it yourself, I ah e to get ready too you know" Aestus doesn’t feel like he can handle seeing Cal’s body again, considering all the confusing feelings he is having at the moment…he feel a little bad for that but he seem to be able to do it on his own still so it’s probably fine.

Once he had some pants on at the very least, Aestus opened the door "we’ll come down in a few minutes" Caligo can be seen behind him fighting to get his shirt on "once Cal figure out how shirts work" he was only half joking, he then closed the door to finish getting dressed

you can call me Vio
too lazy to put something here
sun and moon brainrot 

Yesterday 09:33:55  #53

Re: [SbS] A Kyng's Veil

"Three moons, you two are such a handful!  I swear, even Kani would b--" the woman's voice cut off as the door closed in front of her.  "That's rude you know!  I'll see you two back at the bar..." she sighed and walked off, her footsteps echoing softly.  

Yeah, I'm active here like every day, no I don't have a life outside video games, GGaD or college.  And yes, I do love this place in case it's not clear.  


I do change this siggy often too. 
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