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September 24, 2024 14:12:03  #10411

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Love how my posts combined to make me dream about Gold Saints in a zombie apocalypse.
Y'know, whenever I get the "if you could summon a group of fictional characters to help deal with the zombie apocalypse, who would you summon?" quesstion, I've always said the Gold Saints. I mean I'm not too sure how quickly they'd adjust, but even vector-based infections can't survive a galactic nuke I'm pretty sure.
Also if I had to bring one Gold Saint, I'd bring Saga mostly 'cause he feels more responsible than his twin, and I need his ultimate technique (I mean Aiolia also has AOE damage but that dude isn't surviving too long in an apocalypse, let's be honest here). I'll take the risk of his alter ego feeding me to the zombies sadistically. I mean tbh I feel like his evil side might like me since I seem to give him so many suggestions, maybe I could survive for a week. Plus if I escaped from him I feel like he would be the sort of villain to look at the big picture and not bother hunting me down jk he would just nuke out of revenge, 0 effort needed
Btw this is a joke. I think Mu would probably be one of the best choices. Free warp back to the underworld and good defence. Maybe he could work on making Crystal Wall while not having to stand in one position, idk.

I like how now that I have an AU with Gold Saints (Silver Saints and Specters who?), my mind feels the need to include them in dreams with the canon people. So you have the canon characters mostly being commonsensical in this situation, and then suddenly my mind is like "OH WAIT hold on my AU exists, how would they deal with this?" and then 5 seconds later you have the Aries, Taurus, and Gemini in a train going 115 mph an hour to deal with zombies because that's definitely a solution. 
I'm ngl, it might not be a good solution per se, but it's an extremely funny one to witness as a spectator.


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September 24, 2024 14:12:52  #10412

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also Asa catching L's again, honestly idk how he and Vilhelm aren't really friends (to my current knowledge)
My mind gave him a good family just to immediately revoke the privilege :skull: someone help him


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September 25, 2024 17:51:53  #10413

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Dealt 2.6 million damage on the Legion Boss today with God Cloth Milo. 
Turns out Hecate is kinda OP. Also he needed a better Divine Cosmo or something.

I beat the whole Poseidon's arc yesterday (well technically I have one last side quest but usually those aren't too hard, and hopefully I'm not about to eat my words)
Love finishing one arc just for "A New Holy War" to appear. Thanks guys @Shion, Saga, etc., you guys keep things so interesting, don't you?


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September 25, 2024 18:13:25  #10414

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Correction--legendary Cosmo, not Divine. 
I wish the dialogue for the game could be translated somewhere, but for now I kinda just have to hope I understand bits of it.
Oh yeah, also, I got Arayashiki Shaka for free the other day, so while I'm still collecting shards for normal him (I think I need 30 more, A.K.A. 2 weeks and 1 day without getting stopped by maintenance), Deathmask is the last one. 
Feel free to come here, man. I can make fun of you. 

I think for the Marinas I'm just missing Sorrento? Then for the Silver Saints I have no idea who I'm missing, woohoo, I know, how impressive. Maybe Mayura? 
Sorrento should be a pretty OP control from what I can tell. And so ofc he won't come. 


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September 25, 2024 18:53:50  #10415

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I thought the side story would be short, but there's like 8 parts or something lol idk. 
I'm ngl, Saga is a real threat when he's an enemy, probably 'cause I don't have many damage mitigation strategies for AOE damage (Shun has a skill that I maxed up, but it does like nothing). So usually I try to Silence him or just try to get him down first.
It's kinda funny, but I usually use God Cloth Milo against him and his brother, so it's like "hey look Milo could beat you guys if he this game...with like 5 people helping him..." Saga and Kanon are OP lol


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September 25, 2024 19:11:19  #10416

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw here's some rambling on how annoying the Gold Saints are as enemies in SSA

-Mu: Pretty okay. Starlight Extinction is AOE but isn't that bad. His most annoying technique is actually Crystal Wall, 'cause if you hit the different Crystal Walls, you're buffing Starlight Extinction. So definitely go for single-target damage dealers. I don't think I've lost against him, though. 

-Aldebaran: He gets you if you don't share the damage with June, or when you don't have high enough single-target damage to get through his defences. Pretty lore-accurate. He's not that bad to deal with; the worst is actually as a raid boss since his defence scales with max HP. You can guess how that goes. 

-Saga: As mentioned, he does huge AOE damage that goes through Cosmic defences (there are two types of defence/attack, Cosmic and Physical). So basically damage-piercing AOE. It's very easy to get a team wiped, plus he usually has relatively high attack speed. Silence is really crucial for this one, or snipe him first. Usually if I encounter him without knowing, I tend to lose.  

-Kanon (Marina ver.): Really really annoying when paired with strong AOE Cosmic damage dealers, such as uhhhh his bro. His kit's core skill is one where he puts one person in a triangle (Golden Triangle), and then the Cosmic damage done to your team is scaled and applied to the trapped person when they're let out of that triangle. So, if you ate a lot of Cosmic damage across the entire team, usually the trapped person explodes when the triangle lets them out. Pretty brutal. He's a support, so he's most dangerous because of this. Also, when you get his HP down, he has a chance to get taken over by Saga, who will Galaxian Explosion your face. So God Cloth Milo does very well against him. Otherwise, you need to time when you get him out of the way. You mostly need to understand how he works, but he's usually the biggest pain when paired with Saga. Otherwise I mostly ignore him, and it's so hilariously ironic.

-Kanon (Gold Saint): Mentioning him because he's very popular in arena fights. I uhhhh do not like to fight him. At all. As you whittle down his teammates, he becomes stronger, and the duplicate he summons (which does Galaxian Explosion after he does) gets more Galaxian Explosions once a threshold is met. So imagine you're trying to take this dude down, and he's throwing 5 Galaxian Explosions at you every turn. Damage sharing isn't even really helpful at that point. Also, he ducks away from single-target control and damage by going invisible, so you have to have effective AOE damage to force him to come out. And as you might garner, people like God Cloth Milo need time to set themselves up as well, giving him a chance to buff himself. He is really difficult to fight for me, though maybe I'm missing some things.

-Deathmask: So far not a threat at all (lol). What else can I say? Maybe the devs don't buff him much. Plus Aphrodite has a Surplice version while he doesn't for some reason. He's literally the only one left out of the "traitor" Gold Saints. Feels bad man. (maybe he's coming up in a future update, but I'm seeing more LC updates so idk lmiao)

-Aiolia: A moderate threat when you aren't expecting him. I haven't seen him paired with OP controls yet, which would probably make him stronger and much worse. AOE damage tends to be my weak point, so yeah.

-Shaka: Worst when he's in a team and Silencing everybody when you need defensive/control skills of your own, otherwise I usually can tolerate a bit of Silencing here and there. Arayashiki him hasn't been an enemy anywhere yet, so that's why I'm not bringing him up.

-Dohko: I mostly remember this one side story quest where he, Shaka, Milo...and Aiolia iirc were all together and it was heck ngl. The problem is you didn't know who to prioritise, and Dohko very easily could wipe out the team. You also combined that with Aiolia's AOE damage as mentioned, Shaka's Silencing, and Milo's burst damage. Not fun. I have yet to encounter him again (also that wasn't even Dohko himself, just his spirit form or manifestation of the Libra Cloth or smthn idk). Man. 

-Milo: As mentioned, his burst damage can be really debilitating even when you're sharing damage. I usually try to take him out ASAP (not for a date) (/j idk why I even made that joke)

-Aiolos: I've yet to find him much of a challenge, but I don't think I come across him much in the first place. It's possible that he just doesn't get the ideal team while he's an enemy, fitting of the framed traitor of Sanctuary I suppose. And no I still don't really use the guy, sorry man. 

-Shura: A big threat. At first it's okay as he needs to build momentum by using Excalibur a few times, but if you don't get him down ASAP, he starts gaining more slashes, same as his playable counterpart, and it pretty quickly gets to the point where if you're sharing damage for the entire team, the entire team's getting dangerously low. Or, he might just kill someone even through June's vines. If you don't share damage against Excalibur you are toast. He's really dangerous if you don't take him down fast enough. 

-Camus: Honestly a formidable opponent. Maybe his Aurora Execution is buffed? But yeah, he usually has like two Black Swans and Hyoga and Isaak all helping him function at better capacity, and Freeze can be pretty annoying to deal with. I usually just use Pandora to reverse debuffs. Aurora Execution isn't to be underestimated either--it's AOE damage coupled with the potential of being AOE Frozen. I don't think he's debilitated my team so much that I struggle against him after knowing what's going on, but still, he's not weak and can definitely be a hindrance sometimes.

-Aphrodite: He's usually fine, as his teammates tend to siphon energy away from him. But buffed he's absolutely crazy. The dude is on the edge of being almost too OP on the playable side as well, but as an enemy who's buffed...very yikes. Just imagine 10,000 roses being hurled at your face. 


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September 25, 2024 19:19:46  #10417

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

For some reason I keep remembering how younger me specifically wrote down that one headcanon of forum!Hitan training with Shura and every time just coming out of the training area absolutely not PG-13 friendly looking. But he's all cheerful and stuff because he got bisected a few less times this time! He's improving!

Forum!Silence invokes this fact every single time Hitan tries to say he's normal. (he is not normal he is not)


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September 26, 2024 00:10:53  #10418

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I like how I can be composed for most of the day, then thoughts about one character from one specific AU kinda just shuts that all down.
Yeah idk, I think I have problems.


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September 26, 2024 00:20:38  #10419

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I feel kinda like the fluff I do develop is the eye of the hurricane and then everything else is just the wall. Swirling, toiling, crushing. 


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September 26, 2024 02:10:39  #10420

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Y'know, maybe sometimes you don't need to add trauma. (narrator: it wouldn't logically make sense chronology-wise)


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September 26, 2024 12:15:35  #10421

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Y'know, maybe sometimes you don't need to add trauma.


Bruh the signature be wacky

September 26, 2024 19:23:13  #10422

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Smh Time, you need to add things for them to love before you take it all away, or else all you get are emotionless people with no purpose.


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September 26, 2024 19:47:19  #10423

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Smh Time, you need to add things for them to love before you take it all away, or else all you get are emotionless people with no purpose.


Bruh the signature be wacky

September 26, 2024 22:51:33  #10424

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My brand of existentialism is not doing 5,000 things a day and wondering if my existence has any meaning.
Btw please do not think like this. I am destroying this school of thought myself if I need to. Do not follow me


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September 26, 2024 22:58:43  #10425

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The SS AU destroys my emotions, but it's also my own fault 'cause I could have gone about it another way and instead I decide to go the emotion-destroying route. It's super deserved

Anyhow, I've been thinking a lot more on the Jinchenxi arc for no reason really, but this time more on the actual focus couple rather than Bai Yuechu and Susu (much as I love the two of them)
I really enjoy the concepts behind the arc, and tbh it's really fulfilling once you think about it a lot and reread 4 times because it's really has rather novel ideas that I haven't seen explored before, at least not in a similar fashion

The stuff is so deep that I can't even elaborate lol (it's not that deep, but idk, I really like it, so much so that I'm thinking on everything at once).  


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September 26, 2024 23:06:46  #10426

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I also enjoy how it's one of the couples that spent more time together, but also not that much time together. 
The extremes of HYXHN: Some couples are married or practically married, the others were pretty much love at first sight and somehow they committed through various lives lol. I could never.
The Jinchenxi arc is cool 'cause it's the in-between. Like "they were pretty much dating, they both had crushes on each other, and they'd die for each other [they nearly did], but also the girl doesn't know if he likes her for sure 'cause she's been sentient for a year." 

Tbh the female protagonist exerts the amount of existential crisis that I'd expect from someone who's lived for one year, and it's made even more amusing from the fact that it reminds me of certain characters from PMMM. Basically she's logically the way she is 'cause she's been sentient for one year, but also she reminds me of angsty teen girls.


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September 26, 2024 23:31:05  #10427

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Actually I just thought about it, what if Honghong being violent is because of not only her upbringing under Fengxi (who covets power) but also the general culture of yaoguai?
There's a common saying for the world, where "ren shan zhi, bu shan li" ("humans are better in intelligence than brute force"), and given that humans and yaoguai were so opposed to each other, I can see the yaoguai continuing to value brute strength and power.
I don't think this is far-fetched, because it's stated that before humans invented the Wangquan sword and spiritual arts, the yaoguai dominated through brute force, and since they aren't strong in "intelligence"/thinking/flexibility, it'd make sense that they mostly are set in those ways. Plus, in their defence, there are plenty of humans who also operate by the mantra that strength is the way to go [hi Shura, Deathmask, Saga, etc. lol wrong universe but hiiiii]
You can also see it in how they find leaders. They fight and crown the winner. If they aren't happy about the winner, then they challenge them (in the case of Honghong, she beats every challenger to a pulp [exaggerating])

Y'know that makes a lot more sense then and makes me see the way she treats Dongfang Yuechu sometimes in a more logical light. It's not that she's violent but rather that's the way she was taught to behave, plus she has problems with emotions and isn't the most tactical of people. 


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September 26, 2024 23:35:24  #10428

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Honestly watching Honghong fight is extremely entertaining because it's just her being absurdly OP (she doesn't have to worry about tactics, her lil sis got her there)


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September 26, 2024 23:40:17  #10429

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Every time I think maybe I like Rongrong 'cause she has a sus smile, I get proven really wrong
Not gonna complain. I like having multiple favorites in one work

Only character I've seen who can react, adapt, overcome to people from the future immediately, plus find them and know they're operating behind the scenes in the first place, and see the truth of who they are after getting falsified memories implanted into her head. Girlboss for real. I love her so much


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September 26, 2024 23:51:45  #10430

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right



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September 26, 2024 23:53:10  #10431

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Y'know, I'm realizing that I think I probably could reread this arc and get a whole lot more of it than I have the previous few times.

Edit: yeah everything is crystal clear. HYXHN readers certified non-readers as well. Honestly they could rival Fate 


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September 26, 2024 23:58:43  #10432

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

There's something oddly funny about this entire discussion of death every single time I read it, and I feel bad 'cause it's literally a character being pretty much suicidal for love because that's what she's seen from all the other examples. 
Idk it's funny in an absurd kind of way, and I'm pretty sure that's also the point of it as well. I still feel bad though. There's no wriggling out of that.


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Yesterday 00:20:36  #10433

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

R.I.P. the Yang family tbh, I'm trying to think about it and I don't think any one of their family hasn't met a tragic end some way or another

Grand catalogue:
-Mu Mie's grandfather sends his almost son-in-law to his death at the wedding because he couldn't get over his own sense of face (Chinese saying). So his daughter leaves him and he never finds it in him to find her and apologize. She dies before him, one of his grandsons disappears (dies), and his grandson dies before him, and he goes to his grave full of regrets. A very realistic character even if he's not seen much, and similarly tragic in the realistic sense where someone doesn't overcome their faults and realizes it only when every decision that would have mattered was not taken by them.
-Mu Mie's mom finds a man she loves and does everything she can to marry him (plays a lil trick of getting pregnant and making it so that her dad literally cannot say no by ancient customs)...then because said husband is a kind person and acted past prejudices of the time, he's literally taken away in front of her during their marriage proceeding based off of corrupt charges, and she never sees him again. yeah. She leaves her family after that and lives a destitute life, and dies young (when Mu Mie has barely reached adulthood). Also she misses her father, but because things were the way they were, they never work it out.
-Yang Yitan: Goes out and hecking dieeeesss. Gouges out his own eyeball after watching all his friends die because of him. Dies with regret and self-hatred. The only consolation here is that at least he lives on and is remembered positively in a sense. Yikies
(another consolation is that he was in sound enough mind in the end to transfer his last memories to his cousin, which implies that in the end, he didn't go off the deep end after all. Even though it was a very painful and regretful death, he still found solace right before the end somehow and stayed true to himself and helped save 2 of the people who went, which is more than what the 2 survivors he helped save did for the most part)
-Mu Mie: Technically a member of the Yang family as well even though his surname takes after his dad (who presumably has the last name Mu). Dies young. The surname change really helped in him at least dying without regrets


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Yesterday 02:08:18  #10434

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Love how one year of college has done nothing to change my tendency to read B.S. degree as "bull[crap]" degree.


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Yesterday 02:35:03  #10435

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Tbh shoutout to life sometimes narrowing down the options for me since I'm such a bad decision-maker. Hopefully it doesn't narrow any further but honestly it's appreciated. It's kinda like a friend forcing me to look at some things instead of everything.

Also, love how sometimes I feel the urge to maybe make a custom of saying thank you to having food and stuff, but it always is a bit too out-of-character or something, so I never follow through it. But meanwhile I can imagine food crossing through spiritual planes or smthn idk, I'm weird.


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