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September 19, 2024 00:02:39  #10381

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Time wrote:

Idk, if we wanted something like that we would have to standardize stuff. But also what would you think about reviewing?

From my part, I'm guessing books and manga/anime are more accessible. Maybe games if I somehow develop a habit of playing ones without such a long-term commitment. Oh yeah I also hecking love songs and some pieces of ancient literature, if I don't make that obvious through some of my spamming. I'm always thinking about whether I should try to move my translating efforts up a notch and make videos with translations or a blog with translated lyrics, y'know. Not that I think that would fit the theme of what we're discussing. 
What would you think about reviewing? Guessing what we'd do would have to have common ground at least, and somewhat relate to each other on an organizational level. Rn I'm kinda just spitballing since I'm not too sure what standardization you're thinking about.

Time wrote:

Nah don't worry I mean lvl 30 was the level cap back when Canto III was the most recent story. I beat it with lvl 20 default sinners so I don't think you really need to always be at max level (or use meta IDs) for that matter. You'll see lots of "default sinner ID solos" for boss fights.

I had a similar thought as well. More so if everything is horrifying and stuff, would people be desensitized to it? Like if death is so common, would people grow numb, especially if they grew up around it? I'm guessing how people act in Limbus Company can be attributed to some of the past events in past games, but maybe origins for things like fear of death may be slightly altered.

I'm thinking most of the Sinners weren't trembling in their boots at the sight of all the death, rather they were offput that an entire town was basically genocided for being prosthetic users. Like, usually the corps and the syndicates kill for a reason that benefits them, and are usually pretty indiscriminate, but N. Corp's inquisition were just killing people for being different, with no benefit to themselves (except spiritual, I guess, but that's not really too big of a topic in a hyper consumerist society like the city)

I suck tho. (idk how many fundamentals I am missing for this game but it feels on par with how I was feeling 'bout SSA gameplay a while back) 

Without context for the previous games, this is definitely something I'm more curious about. Sometimes it feels like they're so normal and other times they're just...not. Great explanation I know, 10/10 for someone thinking about a blog lol. 
Maybe I was just a bit confused on why they'd react like that to the slaughter of people with prosthetics, 'cause for me that feels just so parallelistic to...uhh, pretty much any type of realistic prejudice, I guess? People look down on others for having different skin tones, different cultural habits, different facial structures, different preferences, different...pretty much anything. So this big similarity made me feel like "oh ofc there'd be some wackos here who would react like this," and then I looked at the Sinners of all people actually being flabbergasted at it all and was like "oh ok, so I'm not the normal one here then. ok." Very interesting from a worldbuilding view, so I'm looking forward to seeing answers to questions like these play out in the future.


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September 19, 2024 01:03:30  #10382

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Oh, I'd review books, film, and video games. Books and Film I suppose also would include manga and anime.


It just takes some time to learn. It's really not all that bad now looking at it.

My gut reaction take without really thinking too deeply on it circles back to the dog eat dog world of the city. It's usually described as a place of the survival of the fittest with lots of luck involved.

It's not outlandish to say most if not all Sinners have done some pretty messed up stuff to survive, but usually they have a justification: for survival. Taking this hypothetical mindset and applying to most people within the city, it could be assumed this could be a largely preconceived notion. Everyone is just fighting to survive, really, where everyone has been on both sides of the (metaphorical or literal) blade.

But when an outlier like the Inquisition comes in, where they are NOT doing something for their own survival or benefit, it  still disturbs people who are not experienced with that sort of mindset, bloodshed or no bloodshed.

Though this is me thinking initially without rereading their reactions or anything like that.


Ok that mark was to specify me rereading that short little bit where they get most of their reactions out, and honestly it really reads (not sounds I didn't pull up their voice acting, which I should tbh) like they're honestly more disgusted or disgruntled than anything, which I do think is in line with them living in a city that's not very people-friendly.

Rereading some parts, It's actually really cool to looking back with more context about the Sinners after having spent more time with them. It makes a lot more sense as to why some would say something specific, or why some Sinners say lines or take specific stances on topics. What just went over my head then, now has extra meaning.

I guess also from a storytelling standpoint you want the audience to root for the protags, and something that is always helpful in making the protags is making them more more relatable and human. Or at least comparatively better than the antagonists.

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September 19, 2024 18:22:16  #10383

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I really forgot that film exists. So would you review new stuff coming out, or old stuff?


I'm sure it's not that bad. But it seems very debuff-oriented. In F/GO and SSA, debuff-based combat seems to be a niche. Plus I don't like not having the option of relying more heavily on defence and healing (getting pushed out of my comfort zone lol)

I mostly used "flabbergasted" since their reactions were very oriented around the word/definition of "human", which ig I wouldn't expect since nothing in the City seems very humanitarian. Your insights are interesting, so thanks for sharing. And yeah ofc there has to be some extremists to make our morally dubious team feel closer lol, I mean...our bus eats people.



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September 19, 2024 18:26:53  #10384

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Idk what it is about Team Rainbow from Siege in Arknights' world but I just love them so much. I think I'm weak toward how well they work together. Also the art is soooo coool, I am just so biased toward everything lol.

Btw I tried to get Ela, but I got a second copy of Doc instead. No complaints here, I love the funny French-speaking guy. Plus I keep accidentally calling him Doctor which is hilarious considering who you play as.
Every single pull I get during the course of this rerun is going toward trying to collect more Team Rainbow people. I do not care. I am going to try so hard.

Oh and on SSA I got another Shura. I appreciate the dude.


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September 19, 2024 18:37:47  #10385

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Fuze: Lower your voice, there are enemies approaching
Doc, dropping in: GET GOING! QUICKLY!

Gets me every single time.


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September 19, 2024 18:50:51  #10386

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Gotta love how excited I am every time I remember there's a welfare
Alexsandr is such a cool name btw. Like wow. 


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September 21, 2024 01:49:10  #10387

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I really forgot that film exists. So would you review new stuff coming out, or old stuff?


I'm sure it's not that bad. But it seems very debuff-oriented. In F/GO and SSA, debuff-based combat seems to be a niche. Plus I don't like not having the option of relying more heavily on defence and healing (getting pushed out of my comfort zone lol)

I mostly used "flabbergasted" since their reactions were very oriented around the word/definition of "human", which ig I wouldn't expect since nothing in the City seems very humanitarian. Your insights are interesting, so thanks for sharing. And yeah ofc there has to be some extremists to make our morally dubious team feel closer lol, I mean...our bus eats people.

Both, to be honest. Gotta know both the new and the old stuff.


I mean, at least the people that are eaten are people that pick a fight with us.

Can you exactly specify what part of the reactions are most oriented around the definition of what is a human? I'm presuming you are talking about when Hong Lu brings up the topic if Dante is human.

Bruh the signature be wacky

September 21, 2024 16:59:30  #10388

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Time wrote:

Both, to be honest. Gotta know both the new and the old stuff.

I mean, at least the people that are eaten are people that pick a fight with us.

Can you exactly specify what part of the reactions are most oriented around the definition of what is a human? I'm presuming you are talking about when Hong Lu brings up the topic if Dante is human.

I'd be hyped to "review" Walpurgisnacht Rising, but other than that, I only know that Violet Evergarden has a movie, and ngl I keep putting that series off because the movie exists lol. Also because I don't want to make crying a daily habit. (VE gets me bad)

Doesn't the bus kinda look for people to do exactly that tho? 
Yeah, I was talking about the entire conversation about Dante and humanity. I guess I didn't expect the convo to go that way, plus I suppose I didn't expect the Sinners to have thought about what makes someone human? Again, gotta endear the cast to the player somehow lol.


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September 21, 2024 17:05:22  #10389

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My dreams these days be a bit weird. I think I got one where an old friend was around again somehow and it looked like he wanted to reconcile. The thing is, he was the one who threw me away (for no reason btw), and never responded to any of my efforts to try to reach out to him again. Yet knowing all this, I keep having those sorts of dreams. It looks like I never am really able to let go of people after daylight fades and I retreat to my inner consciousness. 
Yesterday's was dreaming that there were a bunch of mice and I was killing them with a small hammer because if I didn't, I would suffocate. But even though I was doing that, the flesh and small bone fragments were still piling up, and even more mice kept on flooding in. So I love how I can interpret that three ways:
1. Funny brain thinking Limbus-style (idk but it does feel like something Limbus would do something out of)
2. Funny dream interpretation about facing one's problems/emotional turmoils (I mean, I sure hope so)
3. And an actually more obvious thought, which is that I was reading The Plague by Camus a few days back. I'm actually kinda surprised I remembered and connected the dots. But yeah, 1 and 3 are the most likely possibilities.

Ngl I think it could make some good horror material if you combined all three together. Maybe an Abnormality or something made of a lot of dead mice that keeps expanding and expanding. You have to bash these living creatures in, but that just makes it a bigger amalgamation of their corpses. (yikes)


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September 21, 2024 17:09:28  #10390

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I forgot something even more obvious too, and it's Arknights. The enemy mobs of this event reminded me a lot of mice. I think it's the colors and small size of some of them.
I was also thinking about Of Mice and Men a few days ago. So that too.
Y'know, maybe I've been thinking too much about mice.


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September 23, 2024 13:50:00  #10391

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right


"Give me the order and I'll bash 'em in the face with my shield" truly a Shielder moment

Told you guys I have a Defender bias xD white hair and funny guy bias also


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September 23, 2024 13:52:15  #10392

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Bro is so funny (his levelling lines are "This is pretty good. The popcorn I mean. Want some?")

I feel like maybe my humour threshold is a bit too low xD but it means I get to laugh with people so :-P no complaints

Now I need to farm chips when I get the Sanity :') (he needs them along with Vulcan and Dur-Nar)


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September 23, 2024 13:55:24  #10393

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Oh yeah it'd probably make my point better if I told you I have 17 Defenders and 10 of them are levelled for some reason
Though maybe that doesn't actually get the point across 'cause I have a lot of Vanguards too. (9/15)
Guards are 20/25. I have a problem


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September 23, 2024 13:58:05  #10394

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Snipers: 18/23
Casters: 10/17
Medics: 9/13 (but nowhere near full investment on 4 out of those 9 so it's more like 5/13)
Supporters: 6/11
Specialists: 8/14

Anyways I'm just seeing an issue of being wayyyy too ambitious about levelling. Sounds pretty much right for me, though.


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September 23, 2024 14:13:23  #10395

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Shoutout to Miss. Crane in F/GO btw for enabling so many of my 90++ farming setups
Same thing to Oberon except I think it'd be funnier to just say "love ya bro" with no context so I'm probably gonna do that instead

It's probably my fault for not having my DPS Servants always 10-10-10ed but it is what it is (plus I need one more copy of Black Grail to MLB it and it refuses to come)


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September 23, 2024 14:19:36  #10396

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Limbus's Mirror Dungeons are pretty much just that one game mode from CoC (and that "one gamemode" in Arknights too), just singleplayer like it is in Arknights and node-wise very much like CoC's.
I really enjoy the Integrated Strategies in Arknights btw, so as you may guess, I enjoy Mirror Dungeon as well. I need to suck a bit less before trying it in earnest tho. (I got slimed) (in my defence it has 1000 health and I am too small brain to be able to figure out its mechanics the first try)

I think my proudest strat for any game ever will probably be the perpetual stun-lock in CoC, which I figured out without looking at any guides. But still I'm not very good at that game. I mean, I can't even remember how to play it really by now, so that probably says multitudes. It's kinda similar to Limbus now that I think about it tho. A lot of the champions seemed to have different types of debuffs. 


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September 23, 2024 14:22:42  #10397

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Oh yeah also full disclosure, I suck at Integrated Strategies too lol (I don't think I have enough levelled operators to get through the challenging encounters. My usual strat doesn't work very well toward those)
In other words, I need insta-nukers and I need to be better at managing cost so I can get them in. Maybe Tachanka will help with that but I'm not too sure if his nuking is completely up to par. It's so cool tho.


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September 23, 2024 14:25:49  #10398

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I love Tachanka 'cause his art is so cool and he looks so cool, then you see his sprite in game (it's so cute lol)

Also now that I'm so fixated on Team Rainbow, I get to force switch my brain to listen to both Chinese and English. Thanks Arknights! Truly the ark of all knights


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September 23, 2024 14:27:57  #10399

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Not me getting Mori crit to death (again) (why do I suck so much at using Berserkers why why why)


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September 23, 2024 14:29:16  #10400

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Thanks to Limbus, F/GO animations now look slow
Appreciated since now I can look for details other than just being like "OOOH EPIC!". (I'm still like "OOOOH EPIC!") 


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September 23, 2024 14:31:09  #10401

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I can't stress just how normal I am whenever I have Lancer Ryouma and Oryou on the field
It'd be pretty much the same with Rider Ryouma too, but Lancer Ryouma has that NP that I react very normally to. 
Y'know it makes sense that all my favorite characters by themselves are third wheels lol seeing as I am also one.


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September 23, 2024 19:08:24  #10402

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Love my persistent track record of finding playlists so I can focus on stuff but then getting distracted by how amazing the music is
Google, how do I stop simping for music


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September 23, 2024 19:11:18  #10403

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

As soon as I said that, "High Mountains and Flowing Water" hecking got me by the neck


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September 23, 2024 19:12:39  #10404

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I feel like it's usually disrespectful to not just sit down for a moment and listen to a song without doing anything for any song pretty much (well at least from the styles/genres I tend to listen to, not that there's much variety), but there's something about traditional Chinese music that makes me feel like that every single time.

Which is saying something about my decision-making skills (this is a traditional Chinese music playlist pleaseee)


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September 23, 2024 19:16:12  #10405

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

What do you call it when a type of music could make you concentrate on it for hours, and so is technically anti-attention deficiency issues, but also it's distracting you from everything else.
screaming rn


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September 23, 2024 19:33:38  #10406

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

As soon as I said that, "High Mountains and Flowing Water" hecking got me by the neck

This is one of those songs that I'd be super interested in hearing your impressions from honestly
Here's a link to a version that I think is super super good. And btw I ask that you give me your impressions without searching up the context behind the song, why it's famous, etc. Feel free to just type out whatever and go on a searching journey if you'd like, but I do feel like the context would make you a bit biased.
Oh yeah, also, I recommend listening the first time with your eyes closed, but feel free to not do that. I personally need to 'cause otherwise I get distracted by hand and body movements, maybe 'cause I know a bit of zither as well.

For me, I feel like listening to the song evokes the feeling of a single water droplet travelling through different streams and rivers, heading toward a giant ocean in the unseeable distance. Some of the portions of the song make me feel like I'm that drop of water falling down and down, until eventually I land and continue toward my destination again. This is definitely very influenced by my current state of emotions in general, but at least it has a water theme ig lol.


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September 23, 2024 23:04:29  #10407

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I keep finding school assignments I don't remember anymore where I stuffed OCs or Gold Saints into. 
I just found one where I had to write a script with all the different logical fallacies, and I had to have Hitan and other characters use them in the middle of what must have been the most unproductive conversation in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.
Hitan lowkey died near the end ngl, my bad. I always throw him under the water to try to slap a neat lil bow on things.

Btw what I do know of grammar is all thanks to the Gold Saints, or else I wouldn't have survived taking mandatory notes.


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September 23, 2024 23:07:15  #10408

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Love how teachers tried so hard for us to learn how to be formal/professional in an email, only for college students to bug their professors to make up for their own mistakes at 11 P.M. and generally for the rest of us to learn that if you're too polite about things, you will just get forwarded over and over to different people in the hopes that you will forget about the issue and stop bothering them for help over pretty much any topic that's actually logically within the scope of their job to address


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September 24, 2024 01:20:30  #10409

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I'd be hyped to "review" Walpurgisnacht Rising, but other than that, I only know that Violet Evergarden has a movie, and ngl I keep putting that series off because the movie exists lol. Also because I don't want to make crying a daily habit. (VE gets me bad)

I'd def look to review Violet Evergarden. Maybe read/watch Madoka Magica to be caught up with it.

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Doesn't the bus kinda look for people to do exactly that tho? 
Yeah, I was talking about the entire conversation about Dante and humanity. I guess I didn't expect the convo to go that way, plus I suppose I didn't expect the Sinners to have thought about what makes someone human? Again, gotta endear the cast to the player somehow lol.

Believe it or not but there is lore that actually makes this conversation pretty relevant to most city members, but in a void it's still pretty interesting yeah

Last edited by Time (September 24, 2024 01:20:51)

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September 24, 2024 14:04:32  #10410

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Time wrote:

I'd def look to review Violet Evergarden. Maybe read/watch Madoka Magica to be caught up with it.

Believe it or not but there is lore that actually makes this conversation pretty relevant to most city members, but in a void it's still pretty interesting yeah

The good news is that you can get the important stuff out of PMMM by going through the original series and then Rebellion! The bad news is that once you actually start the series and like it you feel the obligation to go through everything (lol)
Please let me know if you do watch Madoka Magica. I really hope you don't find it boring xD to me I honestly enjoy it more than a certain other work of the creator's that's already labeled as peak by some on the internet. (I am being vague for no reason)

And alright, duly noted!


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