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September 9, 2024 00:41:02  #10351

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

In other news, I got Camus from pity. So now his Aurora Execution is level 2 ig. Nice (I never actually use him other than when Hyoga has an on-field bonus and I'm like, "you know what this means, Camus! Child support time!" Or when I'm using base Milo and can spare a slot ig.)
Pity fishing for Deathmask, Shaka, and Aldebaran. So far it is not working. 
But anyways the actual joke was "Meursault catalyst?!?"
Imagine Albert Camus is Aquarius Camus' dad, wouldn't that be funny (I mean Albert Camus died in France, guess what Camus' nationality is /j)

I remember I have downloaded The Plague but just keep on putting it off for Chinese stuff. 
Also all I know about existentialism is that it's easy to agree with but hard to actually understand. At least for me.

I can't get over how every time I search for one philosopher, the other recommended search results show other people (philosophers) making these Expressions. It's so funny


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September 9, 2024 08:13:58  #10352

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

If you do get around to reading The Plague lmk. I've thought about reading it before but never did so your insight on it would be nice

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

September 9, 2024 08:35:16  #10353

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

What you mentioned earlier for the gameplay being everything at the same time there's an option that Time showed me when I was starting out which lets you see each encounter by itself. I think it's "Enable manual coin rolls" or something like that which you can access on the battle screen's settings, and it will let you see the result of every individual coin roll which is quite helpful to figure out what is going on.
But I really never did learn to fight properly until Canto IV and I think I had lost like 3 battles total until then so yeah. Regular battles are easy cause it's basically just matching colors in a chain (you can totally spam Win Rate here but I tried to do it manually to learn the mechanics first), but focused encounters are definitely harder and as the difficulty increases you will notice a lot of subtle mechanics that come into play.
The tutorial is horrible I agree but somehow it's so on brand that Faust was the one to say it xD she's so silly literally ☝🏻🤓. I'm sure you've noticed by now that higher rolls=good though and that's mostly what matters at the start. Plus while you're choosing the clashes it says if it's favored, struggling, neutral, hopeless, and that helps a lot I believe.
I do want to mention gameplay-wise I was using the EGOs as a sort of NP but afterwards I realized that they aren't meant to be used to damage (most of the time at least) but to win clashes instead. They roll higher than most of the skills you can use and so you can use it to absolutely disarm the enemies in focused encounters and then queue up a barrage of attacks afterwards.
Rn I'm kinda curious to know what your team is. I'm not very aware of what is "meta" or not since I did lean a lot to the characters I liked at first at least but what I can definitely say is, 100% include Base Outis into your team. I'm sure she's one of if not the best base unit in the game and her EGO is very useful for clashes. I raised Faust a lot asw because I liked her (and her EGO, I mean, sanity restore is amazing. it's not focused as AOE damage unfortunately as I thought at first.) but sadly she is not a very good unit at all? I had to take her off my team bc I kept losing clashes, but swapped her out for another Faust ID later on. Also hot tip: Gregor's EGO sucks. Do you have any 000 IDs yet?

I think the Mirror Dungeon isn't unlocked until quite a while later so I wouldn't worry about it at all. Same as with EXP, and don't worry about farming Thread at all except for the dailies. I'd say you get a bunch of that with the rewards. Also something I did was stockpile Enkephalin Modules whenever I could, like if you have any energy left before leaving the game turn it into the modules, or if you can log in at a time you're not going to play then create the modules as well. They'll be useful in the long run.

Thoughts on Abnormalities?

Also. If you think Don Quixote is loud, display her on the main screen and go idle for some minutes. The voiceline might surprise you (probably not at all).

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

September 9, 2024 14:48:17  #10354

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

If you do get around to reading The Plague lmk. I've thought about reading it before but never did so your insight on it would be nice

Will do! I might do it today or tomorrow if I feel like it tbh, or else it's gonna be another few months
Iirc I've read an excerpt before and liked it, so I have high hopes!


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September 9, 2024 14:55:07  #10355

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Sadface moment. They expect me to have a brain? Please.

No like they're bad they don't explain important mechanics to the game

Bruh the signature be wacky

September 9, 2024 15:16:30  #10356

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I looked for it and it's an option to disable auto coin rolls. I guess it helps by slowing things down a bit. Thanks a lot for the tip (you and Time by proxy lol)
I think the funny thing is that I don't actually like regular battles compared to dungeons, because ultimates just feel like NPs and the fact that I can't carry over sins that I stacked is annoying. Not that you can carry over NPs but for some reason this is getting to me in particular. Also I like targeting enemies manually for some reason (this might source from some kind of skill issue)
I don't use Win Rate and Damage other than Luxcavation, or (rarely) for preview purposes. Like you said it's to try to learn, but ngl idk how much learning is going on other than some incremental improvement. 
I did realise pretty fast that the damage from EGOs can kinda suck, especially since I don't really know how to read the situation enough to know when their usage is the best. So far what I'm doing is to use them when the cards are hopeless/neutral/etc. and the EGOs do better, or when I can get more of the same colour (well Sins ig but ngl I think I forgot most of this mechanic lol) in a row. I did get 130 damage from Faust's EGO by getting the timing right (when she was at level 7 no less), and so far that's my record. xD I dunno what the normal damage is supposed to look like, but what I'm getting is getting me through levels, so I guess I'm at least not doing bad in this regard. 

I don't really have a go-to team yet, since I've been trying to use everyone as much as I can. For the Sinners I have selected rn I have: Yi Sang (the Pequod First Mate), Don Quixote (W Corp L3 Cleanup Agent), Ryoshu (W Corp L3 Cleanup Agent, yes this was to match with Don Quixote), Heathcliff (M Corp Kleinhammer, but honestly this is just me testing this ID out), and Outis (Ring Pointillist Student)
It's not very representative of who I usually use, 'cause usually I try to find excuses to get Honglu in there, as well as Faust and Ishmael. And Gregor. Actually I'm not making a point at all am I. 
Ngl the so-called team is just me trying to match affinities, but I have no idea if the way I'm going about it is right or not (my gut says I'm probably wrong but idk I'm just cruisin'). Thanks for the tip on base Outis. She's also very funny lol.
I tend to use Faust with her EGO to try to kill off multiple Staggered units, and I haven't struggled with sanity yet (another mechanic that wasn't explained, thanks Limbus). So far I kinda just try to keep Sanity up and ig that's a good starting point. Like you said, I'm kinda just leaning towards characters I like, but I'm also trying to use characters I don't like as much off the bat since the cast is the way it is. I think I'll be stubborn and refuse to take Faust off, and see how far that gets me.

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

Also hot tip: Gregor's EGO sucks.

Sadface. I think I somewhat noticed lol. It's okay, I'll bear with it.

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

Do you have any 000 IDs yet?

I swear I thought the 0's were symbols lol. But yes, I do:
-Blade Linage Salsu (Yi Sang)
-W Corp L3 Cleanup Agent (Don Quixote)
-W Corp L3 Cleanup Agent, Kurokumo Clan Wakashu (Ryoshu)

Yeah idk what 000 means. Guessing it's more rare or something. I've been gunning after card types and art xD (idk what I'm doing)

I also dunno what Thread is yet. I think for Mirror Dungeon, it's unlocked, but I didn't want to read through the instructions yet.
I've been treating Enkephalin Modules like apples, so I don't think there's been much wastage except at the very beginning, when I didn't know Modules existed and kept levelling up. Just typical starting-game behaviour I think.

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

Thoughts on Abnormalities?

They look tastee. And I prefer their battles. I feel like this is maybe the answer of someone where all the design work going into the Abnormalities goes right above their head. 

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

Also. If you think Don Quixote is loud, display her on the main screen and go idle for some minutes. The voiceline might surprise you (probably not at all).

Okay, will do. Don't worry, I just don't like when people are excessively loud and impulsive (Seiya moment). It's lowkey a hypocritical bias since guess who's loud and impulsive (meeee) (well not that impulsive but pretty loud)


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September 9, 2024 15:19:50  #10357

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

I do want to mention gameplay-wise I was using the EGOs as a sort of NP but afterwards I realized that they aren't meant to be used to damage (most of the time at least) but to win clashes instead. They roll higher than most of the skills you can use and so you can use it to absolutely disarm the enemies in focused encounters and then queue up a barrage of attacks afterwards.

I was going to say that people often use them for their benefits as well, as you mention sanity restore is something everyone likes, but some EGOs heal, some buff, some debuff, and some apply status aliments. They also apply sin weaknesses/resistances, which you don't need to think about right now. All in all, they are quite important to team builds as well if you really want to max your power output

If put in the right setup, some EGOs, like Wingbeat Ishmael, Everlasting Faust, Solemn Lament Gregor can do lots of dmg

Bruh the signature be wacky

September 9, 2024 15:20:35  #10358

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Time wrote:

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Sadface moment. They expect me to have a brain? Please.

No like they're bad they don't explain important mechanics to the game

I wanna say that "hey that means they expect me to be competent and learn by myself," but Faust likes making a point of how her expectations for the Manager were 6 feet under the ground so maybe not, hmm.

Time wrote:

I was going to say that people often use them for their benefits as well, as you mention sanity restore is something everyone likes, but some EGOs heal, some buff, some debuff, and some apply status aliments. They also apply sin weaknesses/resistances, which you don't need to think about right now. All in all, they are quite important to team builds as well if you really want to max your power output

If put in the right setup, some EGOs, like Wingbeat Ishmael, Everlasting Faust, Solemn Lament Gregor can do lots of dmg

I absolutely need healing please give some to meeee
But okay I'll add EGOs and Sin Resistances to the list of stuff I need to try to understand better (I don't have any of those), thank you :D


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September 9, 2024 21:54:32  #10359

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Tbh I think it'd be funny if we decided to open a blog post/review sort of forum. It'd combine us trying out the same things and talking about it, and since we all seem to have pretty different opinions it'd pretty much be us disagreeing with each other respectfully, which is a rarity these days apparently.


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September 9, 2024 22:44:25  #10360

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The new GudaGuda event was enjoyable/10. (it's not bad, I just don't really like numeric scores that much.)

I think it was better at the beginning, but maybe because the dev team had a rushed schedule or something, the ending slightly deteriorated. The jumpscare/Rikyu sprite changes were 10/10, and Chacha dialogue with NPCs is always something else. I've seen others mention the same thing, but Nobunaga acting more warlord-y is a welcome change, since I don't read Redline and so don't get the experience over there. I also enjoy the Shinsengumi as usual, with the haori code and Okita being quite capable. I also love Okita Alter and Rengoku, in case that isn't usually made clear.
My biggest gripe is with the antagonists. So I get that Komahime is sort of conflicted over what happened to her and let Rikyu fight on her behalf because she does bear the world some ill will, and I don't fault her for it since she's 15 lol. But the resolution of her entire story was way too fast, and I would have preferred seeing some of her philosophies/thoughts in life. I was particularly looking forward to some flashbacks to her death, but maybe that's thematically on point too since all she was really sad about was that she would no longer be able to return to the happy parts of her life? And then on Rikyu's side, okay, the old man is being edgy because he and Komahime both got screwed over by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. I'd be angry and irrational too. But not only is he hypocritical about it, he really just drops it within one cutscene. Like lol. (And I want to see more of why he came to merge with Komahime and why he cares for maybe he had a granddaughter or something idk.)
I also still bear a grudge against wolfman because he stabbed Okita Alter. Like okay man, I get the rest of your motivations. The heck did you do that for? I haven't forgiven him. And the friendship between him and Itsuda felt out of the blue too, like okay.
Itsuda himself is fine btw, I think I get the point of his character pretty well. He's kinda just someone who idolised his lord wayyyy too much, and acts high-and-mighty as if he as a human isn't influenced by emotions. Not too sure I agree with his right to go into the afterlife proud 'cause he literally tried to sacrifice a kid with his friends, but I mean, I'm thankful he didn't kill me ig. Overall the antagonists were kinda all over the place.

On the welfare, I do like Iyo. I like her animations and the premise of her character. Not too sure how well the latter ended up actually being executed compared to Okuni, though, even though I've seen people saying it was executed better(?). I would've preferred more time spent with her and her story. Actually, I would have loved to see some flashes of the war between Yamataikoku as well as the downfall of Yamataikoku, but maybe that's asking for a bit much. I just feel like both Himiko and Iyo attach themselves a bit too fast. Maybe I got spoiled by the entire journey with Castoria lol. 

I'm not done with the entire thing yet, but I'm guessing those are most of my thoughts. I think the premise of being able to fight a war alongside people like Oda Nobunaga was interesting, though not perfectly executed in this event in particular. The cast is enjoyable, though not developed as much as I would like. Again, enjoyable.


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September 9, 2024 23:59:23  #10361

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Tbh I think it'd be funny if we decided to open a blog post/review sort of forum. It'd combine us trying out the same things and talking about it, and since we all seem to have pretty different opinions it'd pretty much be us disagreeing with each other respectfully, which is a rarity these days apparently.


I would actually legit be so down (it's also good for extracirriculars on your resume)

Last edited by Time (September 10, 2024 00:17:42)

Bruh the signature be wacky

September 11, 2024 18:02:40  #10362

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Employers read your extracurriculars? That's a funny joke Time haha

I think before we did open a website of any sort we'd probably have to work a bit on coordinating and making sure our goals all match up xD so far my impression is that whenever we all do something, it's kinda scattered all over the place (*cough*) collab forumfics moment


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September 11, 2024 18:05:00  #10363

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Today I'm in a kinda weepy mood, no thanks to the songs I've been listening to
All three are spoilers for different series so I'll tag that

-Sky: COTL's credits (I sincerely recommend going through the game first to reach this point)
-Puella Magi Madoka Magica's Sagitta Luminis / one of Madoka's transformations from a game (Magia Record)
-F/GO: Space Ereshkigal's boss fight BGM, link for extended version here


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September 11, 2024 18:06:38  #10364

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Today I'm in a kinda weepy mood, no thanks to the songs I've been listening to

Me when I make one phone call (/j)


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September 11, 2024 19:17:58  #10365

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Employers read your extracurriculars? That's a funny joke Time haha

I think before we did open a website of any sort we'd probably have to work a bit on coordinating and making sure our goals all match up xD so far my impression is that whenever we all do something, it's kinda scattered all over the place (*cough*) collab forumfics moment

Just an external reason to justify something that really should come from internal motivations

honestly I'd be fine with that and whatever. If it's reviews, it shouldn't be too hard or bad.

Bruh the signature be wacky

September 13, 2024 01:38:54  #10366

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Yeah that's about the summary.

But like would we just open it for us, or would it be toward the public? 'Cause otherwise we pretty much review stuff (albeit in a very informal and scattered fashion) here, no? Idk if I'm overcomplicating as usual but it feels like there's a lot to consider


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September 13, 2024 01:50:03  #10367

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I used Arknights' second free 10 pull to get Iana (his name is Vilhelm and he is stupid but also a very good catalyst)
Uhhhhh wanting to get Ela is probably greed. But I kinda want Ela.
This is one of those unrealistic goals btw.

Meanwhile SSA's free 10 pulls are literal garbage lol (no shade on the Bronze and Silver Saints) (actually that makes it sound really bad. Sorry guys I just mean that the rolls are really bad compared to Arknights' free roll results. You guys aren't garbage)
Yoma came out, which is funny 'cause his guardian star or whatever is Mephistopheles, and the update came the exact day Limbus was also doing maintenance. So that's fun.

Some pictures of him only because I wanna see if Echo would simp for a simp

(the new main screen pic. Honestly kinda parallels Limbus' ngl)

His skin (but in horrible quality too)
This one took me for a spin since I was like "wait Tenma with stubble what" then I realised. It's his dad. Wowwww.
Bro looks depressed lol he has problems

And speaking of Limbus, I'm pretty sure I'm grinding for EXP harder than I ever did for F/GO and Arknights even while starting off. It might be me rushing too fast and levelling too many characters (my bad) but it's not very fun lol
Other than the mentioned two problems, I'm guessing that it's because level is very tied to attack stats, and the fact that there isn't good AND consistent defence/healing/other types of mitigation, the level recommendations are really getting me. This is not a compliment btw. This is a complaint. 


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September 13, 2024 11:49:01  #10368

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

But like would we just open it for us, or would it be toward the public? 'Cause otherwise we pretty much review stuff (albeit in a very informal and scattered fashion) here, no? Idk if I'm overcomplicating as usual but it feels like there's a lot to consider

Probably the public. There wouldn't be anything to show for the resume if it wasn't you know?

I think it would still be largely casual as we have no "professional training" but still just stuff that's more structured and articles that we want to write for fun.

Last edited by Time (September 13, 2024 11:49:54)

Bruh the signature be wacky

September 14, 2024 01:13:43  #10369

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I'm still wondering if, other factors aside, employers will really want to look at a site reviewing video games and anime. Like idk if maybe we're just headed toward different fields but I think even drawing and writing are pushing the boundaries a bit for me lol
...unless we weren't talking about reviewing video games and anime, in which case that's my bad lol.


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September 14, 2024 01:17:57  #10370

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I got GreyThroat! I don't know that much about her but her character is probably intended to make a point of some sort (prejudices against the Infected, empathy, yadda yadda)
I really like her design and apparently she's pretty powerful (I got to use her once on a certain quest and it was pretty great), so yay :D

In other news I am so tired that I forgot the other thing I actually wanted to say. Other than the thing I still do remember.
So basically I was informed that I have teen parent vibes. Just...yet another person saying I look old/mature as usual, but they felt so awkward about being wrong that they lied about their initial impression of my age, because they think I am a parent of a teen (that's right, "teen parent" as in "parent of a teen" please end me) and the age number they actually gave would be logically impossible. 
Apparently I'm slowly devolving into some kind of aged blob. Old hag Galaxian arc


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September 14, 2024 01:23:35  #10371

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Can I just complain about how every single ship I like mostly just makes me feel agony
That was a tidbit from yesterday that I forgot btw. I forgot the thing from today.


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September 14, 2024 14:27:48  #10372

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I'm still wondering if, other factors aside, employers will really want to look at a site reviewing video games and anime. Like idk if maybe we're just headed toward different fields but I think even drawing and writing are pushing the boundaries a bit for me lol
...unless we weren't talking about reviewing video games and anime, in which case that's my bad lol.

Ok like I'm just saying it's usually more worth to make it public rather than not because you never know when it can be a good conversation starter or can be helpful, not just employers or whatever. Like saying "oh I run a blog" or whatever, shows that you can have tech saviness and writing abilties, and from what I've heard, that is something people lack, and it's a lot more common than one may initially think. Like employers love it when you say you can work google appliances, word docs, spreadsheets, etc.

I mean I'm fine with it being a hidden system between everyone too but still

Last edited by Time (September 14, 2024 14:30:54)

Bruh the signature be wacky

September 14, 2024 23:58:08  #10373

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Do you know anything about publicizing a website, like SEO or whatever else on that front? 'Cause I do not. Btw not to utterly mooch off of you, but I am counting on you to know stuff about this, engineer guy. (I haven't been able to take a computer science elective for the past 5 years)

Also honestly from what I can tell, asking this generation of people if they can work Google/Microsoft is like asking a monkey if it can climb a tree, which makes it more insulting how some people assume I cannot. Tell me if I'm wrong btw

Just to make it clear I am very down for this, but rn it's kinda an empty framework of an idea, plus rn it's just you and me talking and I keep interrupting this conversation chain for random stuff


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September 15, 2024 00:04:01  #10374

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Arknights music is really getting me. The decision to start playing even if just for the music was so right

Anyways I remembered the things I forgot yesterday lol (would not advise reading while eating)
1) So I made it until two days ago just not questioning why there's so much snot when you cry. I mean, there isn't always snot from what I can tell, just when you're (I'm) crying really emotionally. So I was thinking, "Hey, what causes the brain to send signals that produce snot when you're emotional? Is it also part of the parasympathetic system's response? Does snot also flush something else, which in turn induces relaxation?"
Anyways, the basic answer is that the nose is under the eyes. Why am I in the scientific field. I think I should have failed AP Psych.

2) I saw a guy in a military uniform and said, "Hey, you have a cool uniform" (nearly said costume). He said thanks. Turns out he' the military. I forgot recruiters exist. He's a recruiter. Why am I on this earth. 

At least my handshake was stronger than his lol (I am having a crisis)


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September 15, 2024 00:06:17  #10375

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Okay but there were some other recruiters I saw later on who wore really hecking ugly pants with a conventional uniform up top. Whoever designed that color scheme between the upper and lower body is failing more than I am at color theory

(They were dark red with blue stripes of the exact same saturation/hue/etc., while the upper uniform was like,,, conventional military colours idk who thought it was a good idea to let them wear uniform tunics and pajama pants)


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September 15, 2024 03:12:56  #10376

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Do you know anything about publicizing a website, like SEO or whatever else on that front? 'Cause I do not. Btw not to utterly mooch off of you, but I am counting on you to know stuff about this, engineer guy. (I haven't been able to take a computer science elective for the past 5 years)

Also honestly from what I can tell, asking this generation of people if they can work Google/Microsoft is like asking a monkey if it can climb a tree, which makes it more insulting how some people assume I cannot. Tell me if I'm wrong btw

Just to make it clear I am very down for this, but rn it's kinda an empty framework of an idea, plus rn it's just you and me talking and I keep interrupting this conversation chain for random stuff

Nope! I'm also not training to be a software engineer so it doesn't apply to me. I have zero online/coding languages, and anything I've learned I have forgotten. I have been prolifically bad at coding. Maybe we should not think of the website stuff for now, and currently think of concept?

I yeah, it's a skill that us young people have, something that the older people don't have universally. You should invest in it!

No worries, it's also good to hear that this feeling is mutual. But as mentioned before, maybe we should structure this empty framework before moving on?

Bruh the signature be wacky

September 17, 2024 01:30:19  #10377

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Time wrote:

Nope! I'm also not training to be a software engineer so it doesn't apply to me. I have zero online/coding languages, and anything I've learned I have forgotten. I have been prolifically bad at coding. Maybe we should not think of the website stuff for now, and currently think of concept?

I yeah, it's a skill that us young people have, something that the older people don't have universally. You should invest in it!

No worries, it's also good to hear that this feeling is mutual. But as mentioned before, maybe we should structure this empty framework before moving on?

I'm reading you as saying all this proudly and it's honestly so funny xD
But sure thing, what would you like to think about conceptually? 


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September 17, 2024 01:37:31  #10378

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

About to interrupt again sorry ('cause I kinda logged in to say useless stuff)

1) F/DA brainrot is getting me again. Help. Heeeelp. 
2) I got Aldebaran! And Saori. Now it's a race to see if Shaka or Deathmask hates me more (their shards appear rather frequently but they themselves refuse to appear). Btw I appreciate it so much @Aldebaran <3 even the author hates on ya but you are just such a nice guy and deserve so much better. Please allow me to give you a hug
no comments on normal Saori, I don't know why she came
3) Canto III concluded. The entire roster was not up to the final level cap but I thought, "If my main team is mostly up to it I should be fine." I was right, which is good because I really didn't feel like farming for 1-2 weeks. 
This game does such a good job of reminding me how I'm not really its target audience. 

People: (*literally turning into blobs of flesh or getting staked or whatever*)
Me: Haha lol that's so funny. Guys are you seeing this? This is pretty hilarious
(meanwhile the Sinners are reacting like normal people)

I find it kinda ironic how I thought that in this world, people would have more abnormal backstories, but then stuff like this happens (I react like I don't exist in their world, since I don't, meanwhile they seem pretty normal all things considered)

Gotta love going through fights with 0 HP lost and then the game going "All your Sinners are DEAD or DYING". Staple of video games tbh (F/GO does it too)


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September 17, 2024 16:21:06  #10379

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I'm reading you as saying all this proudly and it's honestly so funny xD
But sure thing, what would you like to think about conceptually? 

Idk, if we wanted something like that we would have to standardize stuff. But also what would you think about reviewing?

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

3) Canto III concluded. The entire roster was not up to the final level cap but I thought, "If my main team is mostly up to it I should be fine." I was right, which is good because I really didn't feel like farming for 1-2 weeks.

Nah don't worry I mean lvl 30 was the level cap back when Canto III was the most recent story. I beat it with lvl 20 default sinners so I don't think you really need to always be at max level (or use meta IDs) for that matter. You'll see lots of "default sinner ID solos" for boss fights.

I had a similar thought as well. More so if everything is horrifying and stuff, would people be desensitized to it? Like if death is so common, would people grow numb, especially if they grew up around it? I'm guessing how people act in Limbus Company can be attributed to some of the past events in past games, but maybe origins for things like fear of death may be slightly altered.

I'm thinking most of the Sinners weren't trembling in their boots at the sight of all the death, rather they were offput that an entire town was basically genocided for being prosthetic users. Like, usually the corps and the syndicates kill for a reason that benefits them, and are usually pretty indiscriminate, but N. Corp's inquisition were just killing people for being different, with no benefit to themselves (except spiritual, I guess, but that's not really too big of a topic in a hyper consumerist society like the city)

Bruh the signature be wacky

September 18, 2024 23:50:14  #10380

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Some old lady was walking her dog and I stepped near the curb to let her pass, and she said to her dog, "Let's go to a place where there are actual people" while looking at me directly
I'm ngl that really got me. Mostly because the dog was a corgi and was like ":D" and trying to get close to me for a pet. I nearly bust my stomach trying not to laugh, it was too funny. Like you have this witchified person and their hecking cute corgi with a stubby tail and stubby legs. 

Which season should I blame this on, election or fall


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