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August 3, 2024 22:27:40  #10111

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Guess who's continuing with a translation (:

A man visits his cottage thrice
The two speak to each other about the woes of their country, facing each other and talking as equals.
半生遇知己 蛰人感兴深
The man hidden in wait feels deeply fortunate to finally meet his fated confidant.
On the break of dawn, he carries his sword to follow his new lord,
Taking his feather fan and donning his headdress as he runs toward the distant ashes. 

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

A man visits his cottage thrice
The two speak to each other about the woes of their country, facing each other and talking as equals.

A bunched-up line that summarises the Three Visits. 
-茅庐承三顾: The three visits hosted by the thatched cottage
-促膝: An action, where in the ancient times you would sit kneeling on your knees close to someone to talk about matters close to the heart
-纵: To free
-横论: Advanced, complicated discussions

Simple enough, a free discussion by Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang where they talk freely about the issues plaguing the country and Liu Bei's struggling campaign.

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

半生遇知己 蛰人感兴深
The man hidden in wait feels deeply fortunate to finally meet his fated confidant.

-半生: "Half" and "life". In Chinese this isn't particularly long of a time, if that makes sense. It's considered convenient/quick if you are able to meet your goals at this time. It's not like the modern English equivalent of reaching retirement age or anything like that.
-遇: To meet
-知己: I said "confidant" for this one, but actually this is probably closer to "platonic soulmate", someone who you're on the same wavelength as. You and they think in similar ways, and agree philosophically on the meanings of life and stuff like that. It's a big deal. It's like "you're like family to me" in English when spoken from one friend to another, but even deeper. It's not even just "best friend". It's someone who thinks and knows like you, to the extent where if you meet both of your destinies are basically altered as a result. ...yeah, it's "platonic soulmate", lol oops. (why does making it two words make it sound weird even though the original is just two characters)
-蛰: Hidden, hibernating, analogizing Zhuge Liang to a hibernating dragon/animal. It's usually not used to describe people.
-感兴(深): Something like "moved" or touched deeply. Hard to describe, but 感 means "feeling/emotion", and 兴 usually alludes to happiness or excitement. It's a very strong emotion to be sure, that runs deeply and doesn't just last in one transient moment

I don't think I can emphasize just how obvious this reads at first glance in Chinese lol. 

The man who has waited all this time is touched, for he has met a soulmate at last. 

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

On the break of dawn, he carries his sword to follow his new lord,
Taking his feather fan and donning his headdress as he runs toward the distant ashes.

Saber Zhuge Liang confirmed??

-明朝: The following day at sunrise, except the sunrise is emblematic of a new beginning. It's a very grandiose image, coupled with the imagery of Zhuge Liang himself.
-携剑: Bro is carrying a sword.
-随君去: Following his (newfound) lord [towards the direction indicated before]
-羽扇纶巾: I dunno how to explain this except just to say that these are his iconic design traits. A feather fan and a headdress. 
-赴: Goshdarnit this song just makes me learn epic imagery. This word means to "rush toward", but it has a really epic connotation behind it. Like you're a hero going to save the world, but with less of the arrogance and more of the "the audience knows this is a huge personal sacrifice and a hugely difficult task" sort of vibe? 
-征尘: The ashes swept up by war, the dust kicked up by soldiers/horses on a long, long journey. Again, war is not so much glorious as it is difficult and a means to a better end. 

The young tactician rides a horse away from his home, carrying his sword to head toward the war that has so far been so far away from his life.

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

The dragon that meets the wind and clouds
Lets out a relieved sigh. Yet, 
"No matter what I see while moving about, my inevitable wish
is that in my remaining years, I will still be but a humble farmer,
who takes the clear wind and moonlight into my bosom
as the cranes again hear my zither song."

Got pwned by my syntax choice (: the original is just too goshdarn good without me doing it some justice.
-龙兮: You may recall the phoenix lines from earlier, and you would be correct. Same second word. This time it's beckoning the dragon though. And it only beckons once. The dragon is already here.
-风云会: "meets the wind and clouds" (I literally cannot break this down further, except mention in passing that the dragon belongs to the sky, soaring in the wind and through the clouds)
-长啸: Lets out a long sigh. It's probably closer to a whistle, but I wanted to preserve the meaning of it. Think about how a dragon sounds like, ig.
-舒怀襟: The relieved part, directly translating to something like "that opens the chest". It's connected to the last part, indicating that the sigh that the dragon drew out has made it feel better and more relieved. Idk how to explain it except to imagine. When you're all anxious, your chest can feel tight and bunched up, but when you're relieved of that stress and anxiety, that bunched up feeling disappears, right? The same is happening for this dragon.

GalaxianExplosion wrote:


Doing a somewhat big change here because I found out that this is a direct reference to a work called "归去来兮辞" by Tao Yuanming. It's translatable on its own, but basically I had thought that "归去来兮" refers to moving about. However, it rather refers to your sentiments about what you wish to do and where you wish to return to as "home" after you finish all that you wish to do, and ties the philosophies of Tao Yuanming to the simple wishes of Zhuge Kongming. (This might be up to further correction. I need to look at that work as well.) 

-归去来兮: A beckoning, rather than a chenyu. 来 and 兮 are both helper characters, which I didn't know before. I hecking love learning. Translated directly, it's something like, "Come, come." 
-夙愿: "Wish," but stronger. It's the sort of desire you hold in your heart for your entire life, a place you will always return to without changing, an ideal you cannot compromise. 

Updated translation for this line: 
"Oh home, my home, my inevitable wish"


-余年: "remaining years" covers it pretty well. Whatever years are left after he has finished doing what he must. 
-还: again
-作: to be, to live in the role of
-垅亩民: "citizen who sows the fields." A humble farmer. 


-清风明月: "the clear wind and pure moonlight"
-入: into
-怀抱: open arms, embrace


I THOUGHT THAT 猿鹤 just means 'monkeys and cranes' but it turns out it's also a synonym for "隐士" AGAIN (I cried. again)

Oh btw 抚 means to "lightly press down". Idk how much it conveys but since I played zither, you get just such a gentle feeling from this. In his wish, he's playing soft, gentle songs to the monkeys and cranes around in his home, but also it communicates his wish that he and his friends can live to old age and again meet with each other, talking and laughing and listening to him play his instrument. JIFOSDJFOSFJIODS I just cannot. (I cried in front of my mom lol embarrassing)

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

(天道常变易 运数杳难寻)
(Chorus: The will of heaven often changes, and the path of fate is hard to trace)

(成败在人谋 一诺竭忠悃)
(Victory and defeat are turned within the hands of strategists, and a single vow binds one's loyalty)
(A man who lives in this world must create his own accomplishments,)
(to sow the seeds of peaceful spring for the people)

-天道: "The path of heaven." I'm actually not very familiar with common Chinese spiritual definitions, so I just have my own interpretation to go off of. But my interpretation is that the "path of heaven" refers to its rules and ways of operating. The way it points is the way history goes. In other words, it favours the victors before they become the victors, and the rules behind why the victors can reach their victory are also dictated by that path of heaven.
-常: Often
-变易: To change, but within its meaning it also includes a degree of "makeup" and "shifting". As in, you can think of the aforementioned "way" of heaven as being more liquid or gaseous than it is solid. It's constantly changing in form and shape and cannot be measured by mortals.

-运数: Fate/destiny, but I'm pretty sure I'm missing some kind of spiritual practice (like reading one's destiny or something) that I'm not familiar with here.
-杳: Dark and secluded, in a hard-to-find place
-难寻: Hard to search for

成败在人谋 一诺竭忠悃

-成败: Victory and defeat (got pwned with the parallel from the OP)
-人谋: The thoughts/strategies of people, A.K.A. strategists/tacticians (who are mortal)
-一诺: A single vow
-竭: To deplete (all)
-忠悃: Loyalty (the modern equivalent is zhongchen, I suspect the connotative meanings are different)


-丈夫: "Husband," but used in the third person it's used by men to refer to themselves. As expected, since the society was patriarchal, this just reflects their wish to have enough authority and initiative to do important things and make critical decisions. This is often accompanied by principles that men of the time were expected to abide by, like being able to provide for the family, to be brave in front of an enemy, and in this case to make accomplishments under his name.
-在世: "while living in this world," something like that.
-当: I am cautiously interpreting this as abbreviating the phrase "dangran", so this just means "obviously." Obviously this might be wrong.
-有为: To make a name for oneself, to make actual accomplishments during one's lifetime


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August 4, 2024 17:01:47  #10112

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Y'know how I said you need NP 6 of a high-rarity character to get all appends maxed and them 120ed?
Turns out that was misinformation. For a permanent SR you need NP30. 
Also 2 new types of appends were added in the recent anni.

(*glances at NP 3 Changgong*) Only 10 times more than this to go, my prince. We got this (we do not have this)


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August 4, 2024 17:34:57  #10113

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The ED's lyrics and OP's visuals really combine to be something


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August 4, 2024 18:08:07  #10114

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

F/GO exploding rn

Y'know I'm wondering if people have bad luck or if they have too many priorities or smthn. Ofc level 120 is hecking screwed up as mat requirements go (I think this is the 3rd time I've brought it up within this month), but ig people really like to max out all the appends and go to 120??? For multiple favorites?
I just feel like people do a lot more summoning than I do ig. I mean, I miss some characters 'cause they don't come, and I'm sure the pity system sucks in comparison to other gacha games. The gameplay is kinda okay tho. Yes, this update should have been paired with major improvements to the things they're directed towards, but the personal impact for me probably won't be that much since I don't really prioritise summoning and append unlocking. 

I do feel like concerns on future gameplay balance might turn out to be justified. CD reduction is OP and that's why I love using Tamamo lol, so I can easily see the inflation building up. Powercreeping is definitely a very valid concern that I don't see being addressed other than "here have more OP supports"
And what was the other new append? Critical damage up? I guess that just makes some Servants even more busted.
If I were to unlock another append for Changgong it'd probably be the extra attack one, but with these two new ones, I definitely could see myself first going for the cooldown reduction, and then flipping a die for extra attack vs. critical damage up, so they for sure are pretty relevant.
Also just to be perfectly clear, I agree with the community on the coins system being horrific (with grail casting, post lvl-100 leveling, and append skills), I just think the current controversy on the game becoming less "F2P friendly" relates to possible future gameplay balance/character releases as well as the summoning system

Personally I feel like the F/GO community is pretty notorious for "exploding" at updates like these but then kinda just carrying the resentment under the surface without waiting for actual changes, so yeah, this probably won't yield too much unless JP explodes (which it doesn't seem to be doing). 
Kinda a yikes ig. Though now I get to see more people flexing the Limbus Company administration xD


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August 4, 2024 21:58:00  #10115

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Another day of absolutely WINNING since my favorite is a three star and easily obtainable from the FP banner (RIP to the rest of anyone)

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

August 4, 2024 22:14:07  #10116

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Echo demonstrating that you should in fact simp for the Trojan punching bag because in exchange for him being pummeled in main story and events he gets a lower rarity designation so you can level 120 and append him without too much issue good luck on the EXP and QP tho lol, I'm pretty sure those are the legit universal issues that the game admin threw at you to make sure everyone experiences farming hell


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August 4, 2024 22:23:43  #10117

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Echo demonstrating that you should in fact simp for the Trojan punching bag because in exchange for him being pummeled in main story and events he gets a lower rarity designation so you can level 120 and append him without too much issue good luck on the EXP and QP tho lol, I'm pretty sure those are the legit universal issues that the game admin threw at you to make sure everyone experiences farming hell


Oh yeah 😔 I always forget I'm in QP hell

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

August 4, 2024 22:24:14  #10118

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Echowo wrote:

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Echo demonstrating that you should in fact simp for the Trojan punching bag because in exchange for him being pummeled in main story and events he gets a lower rarity designation so you can level 120 and append him without too much issue good luck on the EXP and QP tho lol, I'm pretty sure those are the legit universal issues that the game admin threw at you to make sure everyone experiences farming hell


Oh yeah 😔 I always forget I'm in QP hell


he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

August 5, 2024 11:09:17  #10119

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right



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August 5, 2024 11:13:42  #10120

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My mind is doing some unholy combination of obsessing over the SS AU, F/DA AU, Run, canonical 20th century Gold Saints, and Gao Changgong (the historical counterpart, F/GO's counterpart, and my imagined Fate counterpart), and Zhuge Liang (the historical counterpart, SGYY counterpart [from the book and TV series], etc.), plus the Not-Quad Squad and different poems and songs and translations
So anyways I woke up at the break of dawn. I do not usually do this.
I am doing so so fine, so fine, so well

Also the F/GO dev team said they'll refund used coins and give the grails you exchanged for them in two years, which is Something more than the Nothing I'd expected would actually happen, so kudos to the community ig.


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August 5, 2024 11:18:31  #10121

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Yan Qing is level 90 now, I better not hecking hate his character from the original (but if I did it would be so funny)
I doubt I will tho. 

Mostly looking to see if he has something regarding the length of his hair 'cause he keeps going on about it in both his normal and costume level up lines??


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August 5, 2024 11:32:32  #10122

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw as a fun fact, I technically understand Spanish better than I understand Ancient Chinese as a whole. Spanish is easier for me because I'm more familiar with the general syntax (because of English), Ancient Chinese messes that up and has more complicated characters and double meanings compared to its modern equivalent lol
That said I'd probably do horribly on older Spanish texts too, just saying I suck at both but for Chinese the long history makes it so I suck at reading it even more than I suck at reading basic texts a language I learned for a few years during online school


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August 5, 2024 11:59:13  #10123

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I finished the Challenge Quest of the event first try yesterday
Unfortunately, the first try again involved stall teaming, 'cause Douman (hecking Douman) cursed Erice off the field. So instead I took my sweet time and sprayed him with Asclepius' soap. Also whacked him with Castoria's staff. And ofc made him stare at Changgong.
It's pure irony that Changgong ended up having to fight Yan Qing ngl. 

The running line on Columbus' ship stats also just pwned me jfsidofjsd


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August 5, 2024 12:00:38  #10124

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I love how otters have a "no thoughts head empty" look on their face, while seals are like "AWAWAWA". no thoughts head empty noises


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August 5, 2024 13:08:08  #10125

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

(He saw the Kanon shards about to become an actual Kanon)

Funny unibrow.
My 9 Harpy Valentines: About time you arrived, my lord. I have been waiting for far too long
meanwhile Kardia:


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August 5, 2024 13:49:35  #10126

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Rhadamanthys: (*flies normally*)
Me: Haha a flying hairball

Valentine would kill me on sight

The actual hilarious thing is that when he's deployed, he feels the need to spread his wings, invading the personal space of literally anyone who is deployed to his left and right.
I first deployed him right in between Saga and God Cloth Milo. Lemme tell you how hysterically I reacted.


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August 5, 2024 13:52:12  #10127

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

PRTS staring at me like "This idiot" while I try to pass an E2.10 level with underlevelled snipers

I hate drones.


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August 5, 2024 14:00:17  #10128

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Got through the level with 2 stars again
Who's an idiot, PRTS? Underlevelled operators who??


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August 5, 2024 14:05:38  #10129

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

There we go. 3 stars
I don't even know who got through last time. A tactician for sure


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August 5, 2024 14:18:46  #10130

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Turning Around probably would be a Noble Phantasm if Arknights' Terra had Heroic Spirits
Man oh man, imagine turning around when the enemy approaches you from the other side? Stuff of the legends I tell you.


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August 5, 2024 14:25:18  #10131

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I think my clear for S5-9 was one of the most satisfying level clears I've had in the entire game so far, holy crap. 
First try too btw I love luring people into narrow alleyways

How many narrow alleyway jokes can I make before you guys torch my homethread? Idk, but there are so many pages here I don't think you could burn much of it down to begin with. So I'm gonna keep making them


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August 5, 2024 14:29:43  #10132

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also, Cutter is OP and I do not regret levelling her at all

Guards are cool, what can I say.


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August 5, 2024 18:34:32  #10133

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

5-10 is doable with even my current roster, I just need to optimise better in regards to deployment and positioning

they say, when usually they do better on first tries than three star attempt runs

For once my vanguard placement was pretty good.
Level spoilers ahead, be warned.

Faust: (*sniping me with explosive bolts*)
Me, who started playing this game to see the relationship/story between him and Mephisto: Man what a cutie

-Faust sniping priority? I tried taking Gravel but it didn't work half the time at first, does he prioritise further away operators?
-Also I need to level Gravel up further (as well as Kroos Alter)
-AOE vs single target healing?
-Defender placement (take advantage of side slots)
-I'm not sure how the enemy crossbolts get set up, but maybe the left corner is safer? I might end up needing to redeploy DPS operators in a safe spot, not too sure what ranged tanks I have other than Carnelian (and even then I remember her showings in the last event weren't that great defensively)
-Mephisto goes to the bottom lane. He's a loser, ignore him [mostly] [joking]

Yea, not too many points actually. I can do this! [next time they will fail 5 times in a row]


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August 5, 2024 21:10:06  #10134

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Second try successful, chapter 5 cleared!!

I really completely ignored Mephisto lmiaoo, this time I don't even know when he went down

Meanwhile H5-1: D r o n e s


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August 5, 2024 21:58:53  #10135

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Love how in exchange for decreasing the angst on the Taurus and Pisces Saints, Asa gets traumatized to Elysium and back

Someone give him cupcakes but also he needs to be easier to design, like what the heck


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August 5, 2024 23:34:03  #10136

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Peak design is using days to go from long hair to short hair to long hair again


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August 8, 2024 20:09:02  #10137

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

For the current Arknights event, I can't get past the thought of the mechanics just being different mobs and the ultimate boss peeing blood in the garden
So you can imagine what I think when I watch that one enemy mob suck the water in and throw it at my operators' face.
I'm not disgusted easily, but I just feel so bad.


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August 9, 2024 14:34:21  #10138

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

In other news btw, there's this one place that I'm communicating with and it really does not know how to math.
The thing I'm arguing about is the equivalence of 100+200+50. I'm saying the sum should equal something plus 50 because there's a 5 in the tens place. They're saying nuh uh.

Who would win, a Chinese kid who's mathing right for once or  N u h  u h 

Guess who finally caved and stopped saying Nuh uh after ghosting me for 2 weeks hoping I would forget or would stop annoying them
I never forget. (the other thing is obvious, I don't need to say it)
They didn't admit on mathing wrong 'til the very end lol


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August 9, 2024 14:37:25  #10139

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also I bought Milo's skin but not another copy of God Cloth him
The next shop person will be God Cloth Seiya (who's OP I'm pretty sure) and then the featured skin will be Sea Dragon Kanon's. Skin as in, he took off his helmet. He looks pretty serious lol, he looks cool when he's serious (but I love that smug energy of his so I hope that never changes)

I dreamt about Saga and Shaka fighting. Basically my mind flexed its ability to animate again, what the actual heck (that was the coolest Galaxian Explosion I've seen whaaattt I'm so mad rn)


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August 9, 2024 14:45:56  #10140

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I'm getting so hecking distracted by the event stage OST lol


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