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July 24, 2024 21:33:05  #10051

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I will still never get over the fact that QXZ blew up my favorite pathetic antagonist guy right in front of me after the Gold Saints blew themselves up right in front of me. Like honestly was that really necessary.

Also how instead of a simple stab or whatever they censored the main antagonist's death by making him implode from inside out. Like how the heck is that censorship preferable, holy heck. 

How to tell if a character is Galaxian's favorite: They die in a stupid way (/j?)


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July 24, 2024 21:37:15  #10052

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Some guys: (*blow themselves up for the sake of humanity and create sunlight or some crap. The Gold Cloths have the incredible ability of being able to unite and cause any needed special effects as long as they don't usually do it at a better time*)
Some guy: (*blows himself up with the explosives he ordered his minions to plant in the ground because he's gone mad and corrupted himself/his original goal of protecting his father. Is mentally like 9-13 btw, he's really hilarious because of it. Also, he got trolled the entire way and this is just the final troll and none of the heroes even see this happen. It's so gruesome but also so funny and on-brand. Peak literature*)
Some guy: (*refuses to become the ultimate antagonist so instead ends everything himself in the most anticlimactic way possible*)


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July 24, 2024 21:46:47  #10053

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Who the heck wrote Yan Qing's summer costume line? I swear it's unfair how good it is


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July 25, 2024 05:37:23  #10054

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I find it funny how F/GO's Chinese girls are kinda just. Them and then you have
-An Emperor who tries to conquer your world. Gets offended when you decline (bond level requirement goes up) [he's so very funny]
-Neutral Evil guy who is way too good at what he does (either punching or lancing)
-A fisherman who has too-high expectations and simps for his mortal nemesis or some crap.
-A general who will remain distant and neutral to you if you don't bond with him (he has trauma). Also probably has issues with how he sees the majority of humanity that he has not resolved yet. That's kinda just implied tho. (he has trauma.)
-An outlaw who will run away (at best) if you're not a good lord. At worst he mindbreaks you or kills you or some crap (he has trauma)
-Some old guy who gives off the vibes of the biggest conman still alive (kinda)
-Highly violent robot who foresees that violence will solve most issues. He's usually correct.
-An OP guy who will literally take your head if he's not made magically insane for the duration of his summon because That's Just How He Is.
-Btw the above guy is so messed up that his horse now thinks it's a guy. 
-A tactician serving under the above guy is here and will turn anyone into cannon fodder. The only thing keeping him from doing that to you is the fact you will die and he would die, and therefore he would lose.
-Two other tacticians 100% ok with letting their hosts do most of the work and heavy lifting
-A Star of Calamity or something idk what is going on. He deals curse damage and can be eaten to disastrous effect

And then suddenly there's just this guy who likes drinking and is a dad. Like idk man there has to be something with him too, this is too suspicious to me.
(joking, he probably had to deal with all of his sons being killed before him or something, that sounds about right for storylines,,,)


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July 25, 2024 19:12:04  #10055

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

To anyone I owe a drawing to in ArtFight: I have decided instead to draw F/DA Berserker. Have a good day
then after him it's Run again, and then probably the entire SS AU, and then all the 20th century Gold Saints, and then QXZ people with humanised designs, and then F/GO fanart that I really need to continue, and then the rest of the F/DA cast but with attempted reference sheets except I will never look at them again if I'm not tempted before that (so tempted for all the Servants rn, but also just everyone 'cause I need to design Ambryll and Helge and give Sunny more outfits), and then


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July 25, 2024 21:52:42  #10056

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Nvm it was Saber. Twice.
Look, Run would support this, because Saber is baby and I love Saber. 


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July 25, 2024 21:53:47  #10057

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

In other news btw, there's this one place that I'm communicating with and it really does not know how to math.
The thing I'm arguing about is the equivalence of 100+200+50. I'm saying the sum should equal something plus 50 because there's a 5 in the tens place. They're saying nuh uh.

Who would win, a Chinese kid who's mathing right for once or  N u h  u h 


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July 25, 2024 21:57:37  #10058

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Reminds me that Saber isn't very good at math either lol, they'd probably put the 5 in the hundreds place when you tell them to add 50 to something hundred


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July 25, 2024 21:58:31  #10059

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Even if they're bad at math, I think someone should give them a Tootsie roll. They deserve it (they're so cute)
(love how I react to them like I would a kitten)


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July 25, 2024 21:59:34  #10060

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Saber sleeping is a combination of funny and cute, 'cause I imagine they're just lying face-down sometimes but if someone's around, they turn over to face that someone's direction and jfosjfosd


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July 25, 2024 23:45:44  #10061

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I said meow to a cat sitting on a sidewalk and it said meow back almost instantly, I'm so ridiculously happy rn 


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July 25, 2024 23:51:17  #10062

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

In other news btw, there's this one place that I'm communicating with and it really does not know how to math.
The thing I'm arguing about is the equivalence of 100+200+50. I'm saying the sum should equal something plus 50 because there's a 5 in the tens place. They're saying nuh uh.

Who would win, a Chinese kid who's mathing right for once or  N u h  u h 

Adding that I'm pretty sure they know I'm right and they're wrong, they're just trying to scam 50 dollars from me by betting that I'll feel too silly or will self-doubt or feel bad about wasting their time and just drop it. 
Unfortunately for them I am the naggiest entity in existence. I will hecking get that 50 dollars back. That's one hecking grocery trip for half a month there is no way


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July 26, 2024 03:50:26  #10063

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

unfortunately I have an unintentional talent for drawing horror


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July 27, 2024 03:36:46  #10064

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Unrelated to Arknights, love how I say things to others like "man I love art, man I love writing" but in truth those two things are also some of the greatest agony-inflicting things in existence. 

I feel like both are something of an equal amount of an unending source of happiness and also immense self-hatred and frustration and dread lol
It's a mental exercise, we're working on it.


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July 27, 2024 04:41:40  #10065

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I feel like the reason I can actually draw at 3 A.M. is probably because I stop giving a crap about perfectionism and can ugly cry at any song for any imagined reason
unfortunately this is horrific as sleep schedules go


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July 27, 2024 04:51:49  #10066

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The ugly cry part is an exaggeration. I have not ugly cried in a while (be assured that it is because there hasn't been too much reason to ugly cry in a while, not that I'm holding it in)
Anyways, I can essentially channel all the pain into my hands, but this is as far as it goes.

Also, it's not even 3 A.M.

I wanna write so bad, I hope the inspiration doesn't disappear lol. I at least wanna practice a bit with this the next month (or sometime in the near future)


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July 27, 2024 18:07:08  #10067

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Apparently my wish to write has translated into obsessing over the timing of when Time put out the Hidden Sails signup thread

Specifically my mind is blaming me for not submitting a character and thinking it was my fault, but in my defence the entire thing was literally just the entirety of the semester's finals season. Like even in hindsight there is no hecking way (again, a skill issue but a somewhat logical one for once)

But anyways, it's probably good 'cause I don't think I'd have much to add to the squad of the submitted characters. In that genre my characters tend to be more NPC-ish (it's intentional but still)
Also, I need to be the one to personally inflict agony on my characters. Not 'cause I'm particularly sadistic (the opposite actually) but because it's only when I do it that I feel like I can trust it's meaningful[????] a very illogical way of thinking about it but I digress


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July 27, 2024 18:16:26  #10068

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I really need to instead focus on whatever the heck ND pulled and start repairing my conceptions of the forum world in earnest. 'cause you can't tell me I somehow veered pretty much into canon territory with what I thought lol, whowuddathunk amirite

There are some really valuable relationship groups in there lol. For instance, Hitan and Milo are adorable, and you cannot convince me otherwise. Ofc there's also Hitan and Silence (idk what's up with these two across universes but I've accepted it now lol), and Shura and Silence not getting along at all and sassing each other. 
Hitan and Camus also get along well btw, it's just in the forum world, Camus tended to stay inside. (he used the time to read lol)

Also have given up on pretending I don't have excessive headcanons for the Gold Saints. I am not normal 
At least I have some of mine too lol (*pretends I haven't traumatised the entire cast of multiple generations with varying things*)


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July 27, 2024 18:29:24  #10069

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Update btw, I see the main 5 Bronze Saint guys as kids now, for some reason.
I buy their costumes first because no one pays child support for them. Though Kiki also has one where he has a sombrero and a lil stringed instrument and it's so cute. He plays the game's theme upon being selected for a team. Still, I prioritised the Bronzes of all people is what I'm saying.

The Bronze Five are tolerable until I have to hear Seiya shout his head off consecutively.
However, Saori is too much of an idiot to forgive, unfortunately. Sorry. The idea about her is kinda nice, but the goddess of wisdom and war thing does her in real quick. I'd probably be more convinced if she were just a generic goddess, and also if she as a 13-year-old (what) wore more clothes lol. I like her God Cloth version in Awakening fine, y'know why? 'Cause she actually does stuff. She can hit things with her staff. Plus her God Cloth kinda dope ngl.

Speaking of costumes/skins, Milo has a costume coming up next month and it's kinda expensive ngl. I have to buy it with pity currency, essentially (1000 currency is for the costume, 2000 would buy a copy of God Cloth Milo)
I probably will anyways, depending on the welfare for the next next month is. I will be swayed by any of the Gold Saints I don't have being there instead, but I really hope I can buy the skin lol I love the aesthetic


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July 27, 2024 18:36:13  #10070

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Saw this and thought it was funny, just 'cause I associate dabbing with middle school and uh, well. (he's gonna get me)

His normal model btw (I think it's cool, maybe not the most accurate but I like the vibes)

Anyways the actual costume I wanted to share xD

It's so funky. So Milo-ish lol
Fan interpretation:

(it looks like he has eyes on his arms. perfect)

Milo wears this funky hecking cloak when he debuts in Siberia in Awakening's story and it's so hecking funny

Camus' skin (it's also funky. hilarious)

Aphrodite with giant roses on his shoulders as pauldrons (a bit better but not by much ngl)

Finally, 28 year old with drip (Saga)

(Meanwhile, his bro be like: )

Cool figure of Milo I saw along the way


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July 27, 2024 18:40:06  #10071

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

It's weirdly hard to find the canon art for these skins lol
Here's Kanon, Io, and Poseidon/Julian Solo (not too sure which persona he's in lol)

Cool Hades fanart for Specter lol
(it's the vibes that count not the hands, shhhh)

Saintia Sho's mangaka's illustration

of the end of ND lol


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July 27, 2024 19:05:56  #10072

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My dream the night before yesterday was mostly just Shura, Saga, and Camus running through the Temples (an awful lot of running is entailed apparently)

The ending was they were in the Cancer Temple and Shaka telephoned them saying something like, "If you stay in the Cancer Temple until your time is up, I won't touch even a hair on your head. However, if you move from that spot, I guarantee I will turn the Temple into oblivion". And so Shura and Camus looked at Saga, as they do, and Saga took the time to dial Deathmask (who apparently didn't get warped at the Aries Temple this time) just to say, "Sorry dude."
So then they stepped out of the Cancer Temple and Shaka immediately nuked them. I'm ngl it was hilarious.
Pretty much just canon, I think.


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July 27, 2024 19:06:39  #10073

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Me to the AE Surplice trio: Please come
Also me:


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July 27, 2024 19:50:18  #10074

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

It's always time to friendship Changgong and Yan Qing for no reason (I've been doing it since before Yan Qing actually came)
Same goes for Ushiwakamaru/Minamoto no Yoshitsune. You'd be surprised at how many thematic parallels there are, and no I don't have a type (I have a few types and apparently the biggest type is East Asian /j)


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July 27, 2024 19:56:44  #10075

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I'm trying to figure out if I have an obligation to grail Xu Fu since it's pretty obvious she was created with the intention of contrasting Changgong in most aspects
But if I grail her, do I have the obligation to grail every Chinese Servant who isn't by default capped at level 90,,, (R.I.P. my grails lol)

Also, I love the bromance between Yan Qing and Asclepius. Some of the best scenes of this event imo (I'm so anti-Douman biased)

What I imagine the end of this event will entail--
Yan Qing: Man, I get to stuff Douman into a jar this time! Sure feels great!

Same energy as GGaD!Galaxi's "get in the  b o x"


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July 27, 2024 20:09:50  #10076

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw just to be clear, I like Douman as a character because
1) His design is very clear on the court jester theme, with his clothing and hairstyle,
2) He's canonically (in lore and in game) a total failure of a villain,
3) He's very easy to hate,
4) I like his shades of green,
5) His final ascension art is terrifying, but in a retrospectively funny way,
6) His dynamic with Sei is hilarious,
7) Everyone ganging up on him is hilarious,
8) Him being in a jar is hilarious,
9) His artist put a lot of effort into his expressions (making his head and body tilt rather than just changing the features on his face) and I heckin' appreciate that
10) and his animations and his "MMMMMMMM!" are iconic there is no denying that

But I do not want him in my Chaldea, I think I would lose my sanity. He's a Code Red on sight. Absolute obliteration no questions asked. (so glad Yan Qing came twice in one multi, I was gonna lose it if Douman came instead)
In essence, he's one of those characters who everyone involved clearly put their all (or at least I just like every aspect). But he's Douman, so.


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July 27, 2024 20:28:45  #10077

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The bastard forced me to use an impromptu Changgong solo. Again.
(Bless Changgong's heart, he used face cards to drain more than 73K health right before Douman was going to NP. He's the Grand Saber in my heart)
You see why I hate his guts?? You see????


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July 27, 2024 20:32:16  #10078

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw this is exactly why you do not bring 2 Assassins and 1 level 39 Avenger Erice in the backline "for the funnies" in an Alter Ego boss fight. Do not be like me
It did be funny in the end tho. I had the last laugh for sure

(love how canonically it really was just 2 Assassins and 1 Caster against him too lol)


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July 27, 2024 21:06:49  #10079

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Messy update on grailing

Progress since last time--
-Changgong is now level 102 (the level to 120 is paved with hellfire. and good intentions but also a lot of sanity depletion)
-Grey is now level 90
-Mandricardo is also level 90
-Mary Anning is level 90
-Taisui Xingjun is level 90
-Lakshmibai is level 90 (kinda, level 88 for now since I wanted to use Saber embers for her)
-Archer Emiya is level 90 (again, sort of)
-Zenobia is level 90
-Saitou Hajime is now level 90 and will stay there (not 'cause I don't like him, it's just...y'know, this entire thing.)

Level 100 targets:
-Lancer Ryouma
-Summer Okita
-Summer Ushiwakamaru
-Lakshmibai (ngl)
-Yan Qing
-Jalter (even I dunno why)
-Nagao Kagetora
-Jiang Ziya?
-Yang Yuhuan? (either 92 or 100 there is no in-between)

(Rate how concerning the above list is from 10 to 10 there is no hecking way)

Current other targets--
-Habetrot: 90
-Summer Ushi: 90 (one step at a time)
-Yan Qing: 90 (ditto)
-Huang Feihu: 90 at least, 100 if his character is as good as my concept of it
-Okada Izou: 80 or 90
-Asclepius: 80, 90 if I think it's funny (SS references gogogo)
-Xu Fu: 80 or none, depends on which is funnier
-Bradamante: 92 (I wanna give her a grail, but not 5 grails if that makes sense. I might give her 4 more if they give her a costume with actual heckin' clothes)
-Osakabehime: 92
-Astolfo: 90
-Saber Diarmuid: 90??
-Nezha & Qin Liangyu: 90?

We're so done for lol (my Chaldea is broke in grails. I swear if they would let you exchange QP for grails...)


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July 27, 2024 21:11:01  #10080

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Lookie I unlocked Yan Qing's Bond 5 just as I finished that, let's see what the title of his interlude is--oh.


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