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July 1, 2024 13:41:05  #2881

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

rip gay pride month

now it's time for gay wrath

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it

July 1, 2024 14:14:07  #2882

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Basket Cat wrote:

rip gay pride month

now it's time for gay wrath


he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

July 1, 2024 18:10:33  #2883

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Echowo wrote:

Basket Cat wrote:

rip gay pride month

now it's time for gay wrath



Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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July 2, 2024 08:50:58  #2884

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT


you can call me Vio
too lazy to put something here
sun and moon brainrot 

July 2, 2024 21:24:48  #2885

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

my goal this year is to draw at least one attack for ArtFight a day

so far its working

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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July 2, 2024 21:25:56  #2886

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

You're insane for that

I mean you already do inktober actually so I think that's pretty plausible.

Bruh the signature be wacky

July 3, 2024 03:19:50  #2887

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

I have lots of repect for you for that

you can call me Vio
too lazy to put something here
sun and moon brainrot 

July 3, 2024 11:34:19  #2888

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

That sounds crazy but I'm sure you can do it Eliza 🎉

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

July 5, 2024 20:32:29  #2889

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Echo did you just attack me

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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July 5, 2024 21:51:25  #2890

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT


he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

July 6, 2024 11:11:51  #2891

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

you're in for it now


Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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July 6, 2024 12:12:44  #2892

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

You'll never catch me alive

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

July 6, 2024 13:03:36  #2893

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

sure i can

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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July 6, 2024 14:45:06  #2894

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

at least I could if I could get onto ArtFight

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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July 11, 2024 11:31:00  #2895

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

panicking bc i have like two days to finish writing a story so i can get it edited and send it to the judges jhfjhfhjfjhf

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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July 12, 2024 19:18:52  #2896

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

ok real question here did somebody else attack me again

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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July 12, 2024 20:08:20  #2897

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

yes I attacked you

Bruh the signature be wacky

July 13, 2024 07:58:50  #2898

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

are you being serious or are you making a joke i cannot tell

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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July 13, 2024 09:27:49  #2899

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

No I did not attack you

Bruh the signature be wacky

July 13, 2024 15:37:31  #2900

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

ok thank you for clarifying

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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July 14, 2024 14:34:32  #2901

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT



Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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July 17, 2024 11:28:07  #2902

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

i got a new phone and i wasted no time in customizing the heck out of the notification sounds

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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July 17, 2024 11:28:19  #2903

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

correction i finally got MY OWN PHONE its pretty cool

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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July 17, 2024 12:07:08  #2904

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

y'all why does the funny tappy hatsune miku game need so much storage

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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July 17, 2024 13:48:00  #2905

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

uhhh the music idk

Bruh the signature be wacky

July 18, 2024 12:31:51  #2906

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT


Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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July 26, 2024 08:14:58  #2907

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

I've recently been overhauling some characters that appear later in Kurotama and it's gone great except for the fact that one of them simply refuses to present a design theme to go with the fact he represents the spades suit in cards

blackjack why are you like this

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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August 3, 2024 17:33:05  #2908

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

currently losing my mind over Turkish Man from the mixed team air pistol finals like my dude just walked onto the range, carried the entire Turkish team to silver, gave a single thumbs up to the camera, and left

the man's got the most potent midwestern dad energy i've ever seen and he isn't even from america

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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August 4, 2024 08:51:14  #2909

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

ArtFight is officially over and idk what I'm going to do with my time now

probably catch up on the video games I neglected for a month

but still

I had a goal of doing an attack every day of ArtFight and ofc that didn't happen but I still made 23 total attacks, which is half of my total attacks over three years, so I'm really proud of that. I wanted to push myself to make some really cool stuff and not just draw it because I decided I would, so that's what I did. I'm pretty happy about that

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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August 4, 2024 23:32:01  #2910

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

So true it's like Artfight kind of becomes a part of the daily schedule haha. I agree with the pushing yourself to do some cool stuff! Personally, I've tried to work on doing backgrounds and more dynamic poses (I think I have a better grasp of bgs now, poses uhhh yeah not so much lol) during last month, and I think I've made some really cool stuff. 23 is a whole lot of attacks! Definitely feel proud of yourself :D

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