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June 5, 2024 04:57:07  #211

Re: [F/DA] The coming of the first morn

Sunny has to say thank you to the bus driver again, and then quickly grab some of the brochures from behind her. He eventually ambles over to where Caster is waiting. Hopefully Caster is already sitting down.
The bus driver's mention about age got Sunny wondering about Caster's age, but he's trying not to stare as he comes on over and sits down carefully next to Caster. 
The bus's engine is already going, though it's quieter than expected from the inside. Takeoff in 3...2...never mind, it's going. The bus doors already shut, after all.

The unlikely
and the unimaginable

have indeed
transpired quite regularly

June 5, 2024 22:53:29  #212

Re: [F/DA] The coming of the first morn

As soon as he confirmed that Sunny was on his way to the seats, Caster sat down and slid towards the window seat.
For a few seconds, he looked all prim and proper, with his hands folded in his lap and feet dangling a few centimeters above the ground. The seat was a little too high for him. Once the jolt of the bus's movement was felt, though, he immediately turned over to the window and pressed his forehead against it. And his hands too.
The insides of the bus had become wearisome to look at already. Caster watched the scenery outside, feeling the cold window glass on his skin. It didn't take long for it to fog up but that was nothing a quick wipe with his hand couldn't fix.

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

June 6, 2024 03:33:36  #213

Re: [F/DA] The coming of the first morn

Sunny's bag is on his lap, but he's yet to put the brochures away. He gives them a quick glance over. From what he can tell, it's mostly route information, trivia, and maps. Well, he does like having different maps, though he's never cared that much for reading if he could just go visit the places being written about.
The scenery outside won't be all that different for a while, and honestly, the glass being in between takes away from the view a bit. But the speeding road can certainly be an interesting sight on its own. The paths here are bound to be dustier than those closer to the city, and along the borders of the road, one can find all sorts of grasses curiously testing the boundaries for which they can grow. 
They're not as noticeable from the side, but the direction the bus is headed in isn't very flat either, with hills being visible in the distance. To the sides are mostly fields of grasses and shrubbery, with small patches of forest hiding further away.

The unlikely
and the unimaginable

have indeed
transpired quite regularly
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June 6, 2024 22:55:06  #214

Re: [F/DA] The coming of the first morn

Looking at everything pass by was quite the novelty for Caster. He wouldn't have had any problem with traversing a long path on foot, but that really wasn't the best course of action in the current situation. Plus, Sunny seemed like he already had a lot of things planned out. 
So Caster made himself comfortable. He drew up his legs onto the seat and repositioned his arms so as to get a more comfortable lean against the window. Hopefully the bus wouldn't brake suddenly or anything. 
He couldn't see every single detail on the greenery outside like this, but the sight was still relaxing in a familiar way.

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

June 7, 2024 17:10:27  #215

Re: [F/DA] The coming of the first morn

At least Sunny's not oblivious enough to not realise how much his Servant seems to like nature. Though, that's about the most he knows about the other as of right now. He'd think about talking more with Caster, even though the hero doesn't seem to be much of a talker, but he feels like the logical thing to do would to leave that for later as well. Definitely not a procrastinator, not at all.  
After he finishes going through the brochures, he sticks them into his bag by opening the zipper on one side and places his hands onto the back of the seat in front of his, trying to see if maybe he could use his arms as a makeshift pillow and get an extra hour of sleep. 
The ride is pretty smooth so far, with a little bit of a jut and bump to it due to the rougher road. On the other hand, there also aren't any streetlights, so there isn't any stopping. Eventually when the bus merges into the highway, it catches up to a truck heading into the city and overtakes it, but there aren't really any other cars on the road. 

The unlikely
and the unimaginable

have indeed
transpired quite regularly
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June 8, 2024 08:34:47  #216

Re: [F/DA] The coming of the first morn

That's not procrastination, that's exhaustion.
Caster seems to be very entertained with looking out the window. Judging by his earlier actions, chances are he's still alert to his surroundings, and of course he's aware of Sunny's movements, but for the time being the boy's eyes are fixed on the outside.
He won't bother his Master as he tries to sleep. Not really out of consideration as much as that he doesn't have anything in particular to be said.
He just settled and waited for the ride to continue.

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

June 10, 2024 06:12:42  #217

Re: [F/DA] The coming of the first morn

The road becomes smoother, and the city skyline appears and becomes well-defined. Though, that's not before the bus passes by a grandiose field of flowers, with many lines of graves stretching out to the visible distance. 
Sunny's breathing is suspiciously rhythmic, but he's completely quiet. He ended up merely resting his head against the back of his seat, though he's careful not to tilt his head too far back so he doesn't accidentally snap his neck if the bus comes to a sudden halt. 
Y'know, he forgot to tell Caster which stop they're even getting off at. 

The unlikely
and the unimaginable

have indeed
transpired quite regularly
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