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May 30, 2024 02:01:11  #9871

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

And here's an animation from literally today.
(I waited 5 more minutes to send this so technically it's yesterday now but. time is relative isn't it?)

Happy Birthday to Saga and Kanon, may they reunite in their next life and live happily as twins (:


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May 30, 2024 02:10:28  #9872

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Love how in Hades Sanctuary Camus and Saga were clearly trying to go easier on Shaka at first (theoretically speaking, techniques-wise) by using their weaker techniques, while Shura was just like. murdery knife (I don't think he has less lethal techniques)
I'm not complaining, his murdery knife skill helps me a lot in-game. 

I'm willing to bet that Saga couldn't even catch a fish with Another Dimension, his control over it is so bad


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May 30, 2024 02:10:49  #9873

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I'm willing to bet that Saga couldn't even catch a fish with Another Dimension, his control over it is so bad

Surplice Saga staring at me like


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May 30, 2024 02:15:27  #9874

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Love the entire scene of Surtr being suspicious of Camus only for Milo to come back
Camus' face is just his face the entire time but there's no way he wasn't cursing in his head lol ("Milo you IDIOT")

Also love Shaka being like "ok this time I'm just gonna eat popcorn" (he got up and walked into the river to get Milo last time and he doesn't want to do that again. ever)


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May 30, 2024 02:18:06  #9875

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Earth: (*being engulfed in sea water*)
Dohko: tis FINE stay in your Temples

Dohko said "We have the high ground" and proceeded not to elaborate lol

this but with water


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May 30, 2024 02:29:50  #9876

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Another Gemini birthday animation, but this time it also includes ND and Omega content (kind of)

I'm lowkey treating this like a bookmarks page ngl sorry xD


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May 30, 2024 13:15:11  #9877

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Fair, but I was talking about the recently graduated college student who plays video games and accidentally blows stuff up and bleps in his E2 art.

My bad I realized subjects and sentences yeah.

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Canon story obsession strikes again huh, Time?
I mean it's pretty fair I think, the people I'm getting aren't really OP from what I can tell. Though I don't even know what meta is in Arknights, so maybe I'm not seeing the big picture.

I mean it's the only reason why I'm playing this game
But yeah idk anything about the meta status of this game. It's fun to look at sometimes. It seems that most of my operators are either S tier (I rolled them) or C tier (a 3 star operator), with a few A and B tiers here and there. It's also good to see the characters I'm aiming for are still meta relevant, even if they are older characters or something like that. The way I saw some people talking made it sound like they kinda fell out of relevance.

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

You count your 6 stars? xD
Logging in to check just for you and it turns out I have 4, one of which is a welfare. Sorry, Archetto. I have 14 5 stars though, apparently. Most of them were from the same batch of rolls but also I can't really use them, so you see what I mean? The ones I use most are the ones I already levelled before.

Not really, but it's pretty easy when you can count them on one hand. I have 2 6 stars and 10 5 stars. That's including any of the operators you get for free tho. What are you doing to be so lucky? How often do you roll?
I do get you talking about resource cost for characters. I'm using lower rarity characters for my primary team as well right now. Its just that if you're not a 5 or 6 star, in most cases you're getting ZERO screen time (unless if you have an alter)

Also Galaxian I was meaning to just respond to this post but I ended up digging through the wiki for like, 2 hours thanks man.

Last edited by Time (May 30, 2024 13:15:47)

Bruh the signature be wacky

May 30, 2024 15:48:23  #9878

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Time wrote:

My bad I realized subjects and sentences yeah.

We caught a wild Time in his habitat defaulting to cynicism in everyone else's preferences due to a certain Echo. xD
Seriously, it's my bad for adding like 3 parenthetical phrases consecutively lol. No worries

Time wrote:

I mean it's the only reason why I'm playing this game
But yeah idk anything about the meta status of this game. It's fun to look at sometimes. It seems that most of my operators are either S tier (I rolled them) or C tier (a 3 star operator), with a few A and B tiers here and there. It's also good to see the characters I'm aiming for are still meta relevant, even if they are older characters or something like that. The way I saw some people talking made it sound like they kinda fell out of relevance.

Dang, the only reason? I sure hope the story is up to your expectations then.
F/GO taught me that tier lists are...they're a thing. xD that sounds good though! I commonly get characters whose guides are things like, "They're usable, but why. (not worth the material investment)" I'm guessing some characters are probably powercrept by higher rarities, but hey, we have time to build our rosters.

Time wrote:

Not really, but it's pretty easy when you can count them on one hand. I have 2 6 stars and 10 5 stars. That's including any of the operators you get for free tho. What are you doing to be so lucky? How often do you roll?
I do get you talking about resource cost for characters. I'm using lower rarity characters for my primary team as well right now. Its just that if you're not a 5 or 6 star, in most cases you're getting ZERO screen time (unless if you have an alter)

Unfortunately for me, I suck at numbers! I could recite my entire team's names though. That's how I remember them.
And I'm really not "so lucky" bro, I don't think that's a substantial difference xD. Though, I probably roll more than you seeing as I have like...12 more operators than you last I checked, unless you get a lot of duplicates. I also use headhunting as much as I can (despite the currency expenditure and the upcoming currency expenditure removal update :-P don't be like me) to get duplicates, and sometimes I get a new person there. Plus I don't care that much about costumes because they are too expensive and apparently I would rather roll new characters I do not use. 
Yeah the lower rarity representation doesn't seem too great. Maybe they're in events though? Or maybe the representation is just spaced out so you don't keep seeing the same faces?? (idk lol)

Time wrote:

Also Galaxian I was meaning to just respond to this post but I ended up digging through the wiki for like, 2 hours thanks man.

You're so welcome, come here anytime lol


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May 31, 2024 02:21:48  #9879

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I pulled a 6 star,,, and got not-Executor,,,
Nagesh doing a lil trolling, this girl looks like him. (her name is Carnelian)

Okay but just to put this in perspective. When I pull a 6-star on this banner, the probability of it being Executor or Mudrock is 50%, so I lost a 50-50 there (not counting sub-probabilities for those two). See, I said I don't get my 6-star targets in this game xD. I swear it's 'cause there aren't 6-stars in F/GO...

Oh yeah also I realised Bassline's 2nd skill is OP so I'm putting that as my support default now.
I need to use supports more often, iirc I've used it for that one tutorial and then I've never used it again.


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May 31, 2024 13:59:57  #9880

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Finished watching through the entire anime for Claymore
I might get sucked into the manga.

I'm gonna die from how Isley is the definition of "popcorn-eating audience member" (Chinese online slang) 
It's in-character too lmiao, the dude has lived so long that all he does is put in a bit of effort to be evil and otherwise he's kinda just watching for the fun of it. 
Also no wonder Oberon felt familiar, he and Isley have rather similar vibes and voices lmiao.
Every time the camera panned to him I started giggling like a maniac. Dude is hardly trying at all (why do I always like the half-effort villains with the super straightforward intentions lmiao)

Commenting on Raki (his anime counterpart), I think he's fine mostly, up until the end where I feel like he exists more like a concept than a character. Then again, that's also my critique of Clare's character. I've seen some people call her really developed, and I'll say I don't think she's a standard shounen protagonist, but I really would like to see more individual characteristics of her personality that the author is so good at giving to side characters. For instance, Miria, Flora, Helen, Ilena, Galatea, Isley, and Rigardo are all really memorable because of their character traits, not to mention Teresa and Galatea, but Clare feels like she exists conceptually outside of serving as an introduction to how the warriors hide their true feelings and act coldly to others since they're half-monster/half-human. Most of what I remember for her is that faux coldness lol. And yes I know she has a lot of trauma, which is why her finally crying at Jean's last scene is so poignant, but still.
I'll have to recheck the manga for that eventually...but yeah.
On Raki and Priscilla, they are clearly intended to be parallels (as are Priscilla and Clare), so I really do get the sentiment behind the anime-exclusive ending. The entire anime up to this point reveals how the monsters the Claymore fight are just humans, and how the strongest monsters are just the Claymores themselves, making it so that they are destined to become those they are trying to destroy. This is part of the tragedy of Priscilla's character as well, where her tragic backstory is one intentionally created by the Organisation for its own purposes, out of many many more similar tales for pretty much every warrior. So it makes sense that they tried to have Raki make a point about how Clare killing Priscilla would take away her humanity. Jean's sacrifice makes it especially clear how even if Clare did finally kill the target of her revenge, she wouldn't be able to live on as a human any longer. So emotionally and conceptually the ending makes sense, but if not for Jean being there, it'd just be Raki saying stuff. I didn't sleep very well last night so idk how well I'm articulating it lol, but basically there is a reason why the comments hate his guts (haha pun intended). I think the hate at the start is rather unjustified, but by the end of the anime he hasn't really developed at all other than no longer running away and starting towards his goal of wanting to protect Clare, and I can see why that sits so badly with others.

Overall a very enjoyable experience, there were sometimes too many flashbacks (especially with repeated audio--imagery tended to be fine), but I understand the original airing time intervals were more spaced-out then me being able to watch at any point. I think I'd rewatch again for the art lol, some frames are hecking amazing and I think there are people in the studio who love Clare. They do her a lot of justice.
"Warm me, warm me, wrap me" from the OP is still reminiscent of a burrito though, that's never gonna hecking change for me.

I think the top scene is actually the moment in the cathedral of Rabona. Imo it was done really well.


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May 31, 2024 14:54:53  #9881

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I noticed only this week that one of the dudes' names is literally Wiley
It's OOC but (*sighs*)


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May 31, 2024 14:56:06  #9882

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

 Guess that's going into my projects list lol blatant idea plagiarism time gogogo 


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May 31, 2024 15:02:35  #9883

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Awakening is just me intentionally setting up the teams so they're the most awkward ever

Hades: Athena the love you speak of is fa--
Me, putting Athena and Persephone on the same team as him along with Hades Shun: Shut up and do your damage.


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May 31, 2024 17:30:54  #9884

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Claymore manga spoiler sort of

Every time I read Chapter 63 I'm struck by how weird the dynamic between Isley and Luciela is
Like they do not like each other but this reads like flirting.

Adding on so as to not make new posts:
Love the way Agatha is like "Oh my god I'm just gonna kill everyone now." It's so funny.


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May 31, 2024 18:23:07  #9885

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Digitally rendering hair without brush edge settings and pressure sensitivity is going to kill me.

Edit: There won't be any hair follicles left by the time I'm done with this /j


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June 5, 2024 04:41:33  #9886

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I compensated by not rendering in the end, what problem solving skills I have.

Doing a lil inactivity notice. My vibes are not very good due to some stuff lol. Can't really clarify because the vibes are bad xD. Don't feel bad for me or anything, or feel the need to express condolences. Just take care of yourselves as always.
Love Dietrich from Claymore though, I feel like she's underappreciated. Probably my favorite tsundere-ish character who doesn't belong to a friend. 

I'll respond to roleplaying threads I'm already a part of (mostly F/DA because it's basically still on its first thread and uhh I would like the second thread to be able to start within my lifetime) as well as chat threads (hi Time lol)


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June 6, 2024 04:05:19  #9887

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Time to ask pressing life questions, like if Saga is here to beat me up or if he's here to get his lil brother Kanon

Thanks btw Saga LOL rate-up is truly a lie

now I have to draw the Gemini twins for real lol yay
Height chart time height chart time!


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June 6, 2024 04:10:34  #9888

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Pretty happy about him appearing on his own btw, I've been asking for 2 shards of him every day and while I was very happy to do that, it takes 120 shards and I was up to 52 up until now. 
Now to do the same for Kanon. I have 1 shard so far. This will be a fun ride, assuming people have shards of him and are willing to donate.


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June 6, 2024 05:03:37  #9889

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Awakening has this feature where if 2 Saints have a connection, launching one of their basic attacks will lead to a damage boost with a lil dialogue to the side.
So I put Saga and Kanon (his Marina version) in the same team and I hecking swear there was a dialogue pop-up when I launched Kanon's basic attack, something about being glad to be together. But my settings are on 3x speed and I wasn't able to catch it, and I can't seem to replicate it either.

(It would make a bit of sense since one feature Kanon has is that when he dies, Saga will fight in his place for 2 turns max, so their spirits are probably together again even in this form, but I do still find it weird that Saga chose to help him here instead of his other Gold Saint form xD maybe Rerise of Poseidon is canon after all?)


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June 6, 2024 05:07:47  #9890

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Gold Saint run-down again btw, from the OG cast here's who I need still:
-Taurus Aldebaran
-Gemini Kanon (his Gold Saint form)
-Cancer Deathmask (but I call him a loser so much he probably would rather chill at the bar somewhere)
-Virgo Shaka, preferably both his OG form and his Arayashiki form but either will count for me tbh.
-Libra Dohko--might kidnap him from the shop soon lol

And that's it. Not bad for 0 rate-ups huh? I was aiming for the Surplice AE btw. Shura, Saga, and Camus apparently couldn't get enough soul-sucking either. And yes I was making fun of them for days for this lol.

My goal for this game is pretty much to get all 14 of the OG Gold Saints (the original 13 [including Kanon] plus Shion), so we're 9/14s of the way there. I might not be able to actually achieve the goal, but it's a fun lil thing to keep in mind for me.


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June 6, 2024 05:19:45  #9891

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Rerise of Poseidon commentary (it is too hot here lol)

Bruh I feel so bad for Cadmos. Dude got double-teamed by Kanon and Caca
I can't even add lol at the end. Dude's backstory is 100% justified to me. Plus he even lets his enemies live.
Hopefully he doesn't hecking die, I think it'd be cool if he could stay or something, I like him lol. (of course me liking a character usually means they will die but I can hope)


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June 6, 2024 05:31:15  #9892

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Love alt timeline Saga being smarter than Aiolos and grabbing the Pope's arm rather than the blade of a literal god-slaying knife
don't love the twin angst but it is what it is with these two.
Also love RoP Poseidon doing more despite standing in the same place. Biggest example is how he distributes his blood right away. Athena goes straight to places of crises and makes things worse (sets up a time limit for the protagonists to need to rescue her by)
Though this is also an L on Nemesis' part, he's just standing there so she should probably just try to nuke him. Guess Poseidon's a more powerful god than she is though, so that wouldn't work. Maybe.


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June 6, 2024 18:35:54  #9893

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

It'll never stop being funny how both Saga and Kanon will be like "Nah lemme demonstrate my power real quick" and then opt for the lightspeed magma orbs (to be fair Another Dimension would be hella OP, as would Imperial Demon Fist, but still)
They just wanna be flashy lol.

Saga's agility is also super funny to me, probably because I've always headcanoned that he actually moves around excessively for everything he does because back in his days as a trainee there wasn't really any challenge to be found anywhere, so for his techniques and fighting he moves around a bit as a challenge so he doesn't get bored out of his skull. Same goes for Kanon, though he seems to prefer not moving for the cool points. 
Alternate headcanon could be that Aiolos had to train his archery with Saga, which means Saga is used to getting sniped at, so that's just how he operates. His dodges are pretty efficient though, which is the part I usually direct that at. The excessive movement part is usually for how he fights otherwise (evil him included). When he faces opponents like Shaka, he stops playing around and turns on Sneaky Mode. 

As for dodging, I think Kanon is worse at it than Saga (because uhhh no Aiolos sniping), but I do think an actual fight between Kanon and Milo would end up being Milo getting a few shots in before Kanon nukes him. That's the advantage of a nuke. It fast and effective.

Btw I finally got a legit one-nighter down on my resume. Out of anxiety. lol
Productivity at a all-time high but I don't wanna do this again ever.


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June 6, 2024 22:59:19  #9894

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I've seen the name of Rerise of Poseidon around, what is it exactly?

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

June 6, 2024 23:58:47  #9895

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

It's Soul of Gold, except the antagonists have like no foothold on anything whatsoever and the premise is just relying on the presence of a deity who will probably get teamed up by 7 people in the same place and beat up in the end. so basically Soul of Gold
It reminds me of Fate though lol. And the art style is intended to mimic the original manga's. It's pretty cool.

Also, I guess the patron deity is around this time, so that's a key difference? Poseidon is basically protecting the Earth because if he can't drown it, then he won't allow others to nuke it. That's the meme-ish explanation anyways xD


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June 8, 2024 20:15:33  #9896

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Turns out that three-year gap in airing the HYXHN donghua was probably because of the producers of the live-action "adaptation" pressuring the author of the manhua for rights over the series.
Don't you hate when correlation equals causation?
(no wonder the author doesn't talk about the thing at all)

Really shows bullies are everywhere. 


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June 14, 2024 19:46:14  #9897

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right


(bro is a 6-star not on rate-up lmiao)


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June 16, 2024 19:06:47  #9898

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I just realised, Milo keeps on getting Galaxian Explosioned lmiaooo
Actually dying here. It's just so funny

Adds to my headcanon that Saga doesn't like Milo enough to not throw his ultimate ultimate technique at his face.


In the Netflix remake thingy, June lets Milo know that she and others saw the corpse of the Pope (Shion), and he lets her pass. And then Saga uses his Cloth by proxy to pwn Milo with Galaxian Explosion.
He likes Milo enough to not kill him (or for practicality reasons ig) and also is like "would've been stabbed a few more times if he wasn't already injured by Hyoga's frost" (Saga gets stabbed a few times anyways but not enough times--as he says, Milo's attack speed was slightly impaired), but HAHA Milo getting Galaxian Explosioned again. The poor dude.
Maybe this means Saga can't use a proxy to use Genro Mao Ken? It's not necessarily canonical but I do wonder.


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June 18, 2024 00:18:01  #9899

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Idk what gameplay-related spoilers there are in this video because I am not very far into the main story content. It's a meme though. Click at your own risk. (mostly @Time)

I love the goat boy.


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June 19, 2024 01:27:15  #9900

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I would marry Omichi (from F/GO)
I hope no one will ask any questions. Like "Why?" It is pretty clear why. 

I'm ngl for some reason she feels like the #1 "waifu" character I've seen anywhere. I might be forgetting people, but she's the first one where I've thought "I'd marry her". Like no there isn't any actual romantic feeling (like simping for her IRL) or even thinking she's super pretty or anything (though the art style for her ascension and NP art is so good), I just think if I were capable of having feelings for a lady she would be my #1 fictional standard atm.
Though don't get me wrong, I know a lot of "wife" characters, though rn I'm not really proving it because all I can think about is Tomoe. "Wife characters" as in, canonically married people who I ship fervently with their canonical partners. (Oryou is technically a wife as well, but she gives girlfriend vibes while Ryouma gives off husband vibes,,, I can't explain lol.)  

What am I saying? Who knows.


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