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January 10, 2024 16:35:08  #9451

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Wondering where ancient Chinese people learned to ride horses

I just imagined Zhuge Liang galloping off with Liu Bei and then promptly careening off and idk, I think I've just distracted myself again. I'm gonna die from holding in my laughter HAHAHA

This reminds me of an equally distracting thought I had a few months ago about what would happen to Servants without Riding. Like if they got on a horse would they automatically just get rejected off of it and hurtle through the air to the distance
I need to know, mostly because I keep imagining Berserker getting rejected the moment he tries to mount a horse or something and it's just so incredibly distracting


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January 10, 2024 16:35:26  #9452

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

You see, Galaxian is being very normal and productive


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January 10, 2024 17:06:34  #9453

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I found an interview with some of the major actors of SGYY and ngl it's hilarious. Everyone is so awkward (and also in their costumes) [gonna refer to them with the character names btw, mostly just 'cause it's funnier this way]
-For one I'm not used to Zhang Fei not grabbing everyone within 10 feet of him by the collar and yelling at them. The dude is chill?
-Meanwhile Liu Bei being awkward is weirdly hilarious xD
-Guan Yu's actor keeps giving everything the iconic side-eye but also it's funny because it's clear the actor has no energy? xD
-Zhuge Liang is just Confused
-Everyone is so tired lol and also everyone there is from the same kingdom except for Cao Cao, who is kinda just there for some reason
-Canon reason for Zhou Yu and Sun Quan not being invited: They didn't want to actually reenact the Three Kingdoms (imagining their actors being there and also just being burnt out in the year of 1993 lol)
-The final part is just how this interview was in 1993 but the series itself aired only in 1994 (SGYY casually doing time traveling both historically and for its adaptations /j) (seriously HOW did a poem from AFTER the book's publication get included in it??? How???)

This was already hilarious enough to me, but my mind just added, "Their souls were still stuck in the Three Kingdoms time and that's why it looks like none of them have souls
No disrespect to the actors of the classic btw, I know some of them are already deceased. I'm just being hecking stupid as usual


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January 10, 2024 18:53:23  #9454

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Wondering where ancient Chinese people learned to ride horses

I just imagined Zhuge Liang galloping off with Liu Bei and then promptly careening off and idk, I think I've just distracted myself again. I'm gonna die from holding in my laughter HAHAHA

This reminds me of an equally distracting thought I had a few months ago about what would happen to Servants without Riding. Like if they got on a horse would they automatically just get rejected off of it and hurtle through the air to the distance
I need to know, mostly because I keep imagining Berserker getting rejected the moment he tries to mount a horse or something and it's just so incredibly distracting


Imagine the horses just dislike Beserker specifically

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

January 11, 2024 19:02:09  #9455

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Bruh what did Berserker do to you to deserve this xDD


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January 11, 2024 19:09:54  #9456

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

(Current event spoilers)

I feel like I should be focusing on other lore tidbits but it's just so funny to me
-So if Reines and Sima Yi actually have no connection, why in the world would Zhuge Liang's NP (the name of which is weird in English xD I'm pretty sure it's Chushi Biao) summon Sima Yi to help. Like Sima Yi was his enemy in life without exception, does he want to start allegations on their "actual in-life relationship" by the fandom or what does he want to do
-On a more serious note, Zhuge Liang's Spirit Origin being so, well, lacking is actually really sus. Because he's one of the most famous mortals-turned-deities in Chinese mythology from what I can tell. He might "just" be a door god, but people still legit worship him because of his deeds, so yeah. Suspicious.
I need actual Zhuge Liang content, Fate, gimme. (:

Edit: I forgot to say this while logged in again so lemme just add it here lol
I dreamt about Himmel and Frieren for no reason. Like I don't even know their characters lol brain what
They were both secretaries at a middle school for some reason, and Frieren was wearing a dress that had just the most flowery colours I have ever seen. They vibing though. I asked them for help with something (idk) and since I was interested in what they were doing, I hung around. They mostly just did work and talked lol. I don't know what I was expecting


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January 11, 2024 19:42:42  #9457

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Stuff for COTL I'll note down before I forget

I keep thinking about how I accidentally went to Eden the first day because I expected the regions to be longer than they were
I went back the second day because that's kinda just how I am but. lol
It really shows how bad I am at gauging the scale of things, including in games xD
People can still tell I'm new because I don't have a lot of experience with chatting and leading people around. I still don't know how to lead people to spirits they need, like yeah I need to deep call (or just call, I forget) while guiding them but do the icons show the exact spirit locations or what? I feel so bad whenever I see people wanting help xD
Also for daily missions I am still winging it so that tells a lot as well. I know the regions now but not a lot of the locations, and gods don't ask me to connect a spirit with an impression of general location, appearance, expression, or anything really.

Oh yeah also the dark dragons/krill are the bane of me, one charged at me literally through a wall and pwned me, but I got found by someone and helped right after so that's good. Otherwise I think I was gonna die (or lose a few winged light) xD


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January 11, 2024 19:49:26  #9458

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Me on my first day: Oh, crabs! The sound they make kinda is killing my ears but they're so cute! I wonder if they--
Crab: (*charges me and kills me*)
His crab compatriots: (*also charge me and continue killing me*)
Me: :')

I have switched back to my real life love for eating crabs. Why is there no eating crabs option. I want to chomp on them.


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January 11, 2024 22:28:41  #9459

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Bruh what did Berserker do to you to deserve this xDD


Nothing, I'm just mean XD

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

January 11, 2024 22:41:48  #9460

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Towards Berserker that is
Well, what goes around comes around ig. Time for Archer to be mean to you (jk it doesn't work like that)


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January 11, 2024 22:52:21  #9461

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

These dang Chinese songs and their inexplicable meanings
Linking an unofficial lyrics video so I can revisit it:
Also copying and pasting the entirety of the lyrics lol

正月十八 黄道吉日 高粱抬
抬上红装 一尺一恨 匆匆裁
裁去良人 奈何不归 故作颜开
响板红檀 说得轻快 着实难猜

听着 卯时那三里之外 翻起来
平仄 马蹄声渐起斩落 愁字开
说迟那时快 推门雾自开
野猫都跟了几条街 上树脖子歪
张望瞧她在等 这村里也怪
把门全一关 又是王二狗的鞋
落在家门外 独留她还记着
切肤之爱 属是非之外
这不 下马 方才 那官人笑起来

只哼唧出个 离人愁来
她这次又是没能接得上话 她笑着哭来着
你猜她怎么笑着哭来着 哭来着
堂前 他说了掏心窝子话
不兑上诺言 岂能潇洒
轻阴 叹青梅竹马
等一玉如意 一酒桶啊
她竖起耳朵一听 这洞房外
那好心的王二狗跑这 给她送点心来了
哭来着 你猜她怎么笑着哭来着
哭来着 你看她怎么哭着笑来着
正月十八 这黄道吉日
正月十八 这黄道吉日
正月十八 这黄道吉日
正月十八 这黄道吉

The creator has commented that the essence of the song is in conflict/contrast, which is for sure what got me listening in the first place. The main tune is so scratchy too, in contrast with the title (which is used for Chinese weddings--it's made up of the same character on two sides, "Xi," meaning "happiness/joy".)
Some have commented that it's a song about a funeral for a woman disguised as a song about a wedding, but idk. I think for me I only understand there are 3 characters, and my current interpretation of the story is that a man marries a woman out of obligation to fulfill a vow, but neither is actually happy about it, and the woman in particular actually already loves someone [Wang Ergou?]. But idk, I never have the most confidence on my understanding of Chinese, and the comments are not helping. I found a story interpretation that I found, but it really doesn't click for me. 
Oh well.


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January 11, 2024 23:00:26  #9462

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

You would think that I wish to improve my skills in understanding ancient Chinese just because it's beautiful and I love the language but tbh I'm doing it for specific works, like the classics and a certain how to get away with murder chronicles journal. Also to kill myself with embarrassment for my Ancient Chinese OCs eventually.
The ancient peoplez built different


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January 12, 2024 18:35:32  #9463

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I know stereotyping is inaccurate and technically bad but my current experience is just.
Biology profs: Ask you for your name so they can try to remember it, try to add funny/cute/pretty pictures to their slides so students don't get bored, spend a lot of time going over what the course looks like, work with you to get your issues fixed, emphasize they're here to help
Chem profs: Emphasize they're here to help, but also assign a quiz on the first week. Call you the wrong name and send the wrong email responses. Make you read 300 pages telling you certain things will blow up in your face if you screw up safety procedures (btw you're responsible for knowing this). The sessions you were supposed to attend were all cancelled last minute without notice? Your problem, get better lol. Slides are just Problems (which I can appreciate since I didn't have a math class my first semester, I just. xD)

Also I was forced to buy a specific type of calculator because of a certain class (hint: starts with a c) and am salty about it xD like bruh you think I am big brain enough to program in cheating on a graphing calculator? Sir, I just wanna save money
Adding that my Honors Chem teacher had the same personality as my current Chem professor and I just find that hysterical.


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January 12, 2024 18:41:29  #9464

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I do love how 2 of my science classes are teaching me horrible ways to die or be killed while the other 2 are like "hey look how cool our world is, we should save it"
And then you have philosophy asking if everything is meaningless and if any of us have reason to keep living 
I excel at course selection


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January 12, 2024 21:12:12  #9465

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I enjoy how that one art piece comparison just gets worse every year, showing my progression of "getting worse but getting better at making decisions" 
me not doing it in 2023 also shows how 2023 was. Oh yeah, and we don't talk about how I have no way of finding most of those pieces unless I look at everything. My disorganised nature (and refusal to formally archive my art) will never change!!


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January 12, 2024 21:14:36  #9466

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

More seriously speaking, I mostly dunno how I should categorise the art so until I figure that out (and stop putting it off) it won't happen lol
I am also resisting the urge to do the comparison piece like rn because uhh test tomorrow. Unless a weather cancellation happens.
I. Have not studied. Ahaha. I do a lot of thinking though, does that count? (I still dunno how to study ahaha help.)
I'll relook the dates of the pieces when I can, rn I can only remember one year (2020 or 2021) where I did it inside the car and it was February. It's kinda a weird thing to remember, but that's just how my memory is sometimes.


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January 12, 2024 21:16:46  #9467

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My time progression (and mental age) is really out of wack
I register that 2020 was 3 years ago but it feels so far away and yesterday at the same time, you know? Sometimes it feels like I've known you guys for 3 months and 6 years at the same time.


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January 12, 2024 21:23:55  #9468

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I feel like my historical tendency to screw up how I draw Rai should just be turned into a meme where I point at any old drawing of mine that's clearly horrendous and say "oh yeah that was supposed to be Rai" and then leave it at that
(I think it's impressive that I can recognise him in some of these. Gotta give my memory some credit)


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January 12, 2024 21:41:26  #9469

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

"I should redraw Kenshin" says Galaxian every year, only to never do it
I mostly wanna go over GGaD!Galaxian's arc again just because I was yanked along at some parts (and at other parts I had no idea what I was doing)
My mind tells me this was related to something I was thinking about (GGaD!Galaxian's character/nature) but just leaves it at that. I :')


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January 12, 2024 21:58:51  #9470

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Frick I remembered it, gotta go write it down

Late 2023/beginning 2024 update on how I view his character: I turned around from my very negative attitude towards him, maybe following how when you're at the bottom you tend to look up. I think the change in attitude is a very good thing because when I just hate a character (no idea if this can be generalised or not), I have no motivation to develop them. So appreciating him more helps me think about him in more complex ways than "wow this lil guy freaking sucks, why does he suck so bad (*gets disintegrated*)"
I think I've said this before but idk if I said it in a roundabout way, so I'll say it more directly this time (they say while adding unnecessary fluff as the introduction to them saying it). Galaxian's abilities are balanced mostly by his personality, and also his circumstances (speaking from a storytelling perspective and from his horrible luck). It makes my life very hard sometimes (in fact it's just a headache) but I don't regret my initial idea/intention. It's very interesting.
Also, to directly state my thoughts on his relationship with Kenshin--I don't regret it. I mostly find it funny, and interesting to consider in hypotheticals. Some parts were a bit cringe, including the happier/healthier parts. I dunno what Fallon thinks, or would think, I dunno how to talk about her to be perfectly honest. But Galaxian approaching his would-be sensei was very fitting. I think the biggest problem was probably the flow of events and how the idea was executed on both ends. Kenshin was a bit too edgy compared to what I had anticipated, and uhh, I didn't know how to have Galaxian react. So he reacted violently/drastically, which is very in-character btw.  
GGaD!Galaxi embodies my attempt to start taking more risks and making my characters more original in ways that matter to me. So, even though he definitely ended up representing some of my philosophies and personal flaws anyways, I think he has a lot of meaning to me. There's that personality balance that I mentioned, and also his relationship with Kenshin, and I think it's no accident both cause me pains. But I don't regret taking those steps out forward, because they were interesting, and I don't think Galaxian would be as well-rounded in my mind if I hadn't tried having him interact with Kenshin. 
If there's something I do regret, I think it's that I actually think I over-showed his flaws in-RP because I didn't come across many opportunities to show off his strengths, and that probably played into my attitude towards him and how I judged him. But time away from POVing him has allowed me more time to think about just how much he does and tries, so I suppose that might have a role in changing my attitude towards the better. 
Oh yeah, also, I don't think his mannerisms/way of speaking will ever be consistent. But that's just me having different ideas, and me reacting. My characters are sometimes (semi-often) influenced when I'm feeling strong negative emotions. 
Anyways, I'm just saying all this just 'cause. I don't think I can POV him correctly even now, but I hope I can keep thinking up of stuff on him and eventually be able to design his appearance in a way that fits. :D


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January 13, 2024 22:29:01  #9471

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I like how yesterday I could think about GGaD!Galaxian and today it's just "wow if Wiley were gay for this one guy I wouldn't even fault him for it"
We're doing fine. (I wanted to draw a funny crackship thing since I can't do anything else anyways but ended up drawing a serious thing that lowkey makes the crackship part of my brain cell even worse)


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January 13, 2024 22:40:33  #9472

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

"who's the gay one now" well I'm not very happy about this, Wiley

Gonna use this opportunity to finally draw Raez with different expressions (will probably fail just because it's hard for me to imagine his expressions)


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January 13, 2024 22:43:29  #9473

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Welcome to my brain cell, where we:
"JFIODSJFOD" (*reacting to their own OCs*)
"His hands are probably big enough to him to grab someone's face and crush their skull"


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January 14, 2024 00:15:09  #9474

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Confirming that Raez smiling with his teeth is indeed just terrifying
the only thing I've gotten right about his appearance these,,, 2-4 years


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January 14, 2024 00:55:52  #9475

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

"who's the gay one now" well I'm not very happy about this, Wiley

Fellas, is it gay to

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

January 14, 2024 14:34:54  #9476

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I finally found a song that I've been able to sing but haven't been able to remember the name of for 5 years
It feels kinda similar to finally talking with a friend who ghosted you after a long time and just wanting to kick them.


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January 20, 2024 18:21:24  #9477

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Sorry just logging in for the sake of it

I had a wacky experience to share
So yesterday a friend invited themselves over and was looking through their phone to show me pictures and poems and stuff, when in the middle they got a call
They looked up and was like "Galaxian,,, why are you calling me" and I was like, "I'm not??" and pointed at my phone to show them. The phone of course was almost out of my reach and clearly just resting on my desk.
"See," I said, holding the phone up (the screen was clearly dark because the phone was shut off)
They flipped their screen around and showed me my name clearly just. Calling them
After waiting for the call to finish, I opened my phone and opened the app I use to message them ('cause I don't have a carrier) but there was no history on my end whatsoever of the call. And on their end the call was a normal one, which is impossible because I have no phone carrier.

And then after 3 minutes my phone just started lighting up for no reason whatsoever. Like no calls or notifications or anything. 

I was about to die from laughter. 
Anyways, spooky,,, I wonder what that sort of thing comes from?? If anyone knows please do tell me because I was using humour as a way to not overthink things ngl xDD


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January 20, 2024 18:37:22  #9478

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Sorry for logging just for the sake of it?? Nah bro don't be sorry

Anyways that is some spooky stuff. My mind first went to scam suspicion. You know? Sometimes on social media, scammers copy a friends account and try and impersonate them. But idk how that would work remotely and such. So sorry to plant that seed in your head, but that was my first thought. I know phone calls and social media are different, but still.

Bruh the signature be wacky

January 25, 2024 11:40:33  #9479

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

We at it again (forced myself to not procrastinate on logging in and talking to friends,,, like what the heck tbh xD)
Thanks Time xD. Y'know, I didn't think about the possibility of it being a scam, but I'm not very familiar with how scammers route numbers to start with. It's just weird 'cause that friend of mine is very much an extrovert and knows a lot of people, so it's weird that my name would be the one showing up rather than anyone else that presumably calls/texts them more often (I don't call them at all). I guess there could be a recency thing too, like maybe I was one of their more recent contacts...but again, I don't text them much, and they for sure were messaging other people around the same time too. So all in all it was just a spooky anecdote. 

Real-life update, Galaxian has been doing stuff but it seems like it's never enough. I'm always somewhere in that spectrum. Sometimes I do nothing. But recently it's been that I do stuff but never all of it, so it's never enough. If that makes sense.  
I'm getting a bit less worried about chemistry. It looks like I retained the knowledge well enough. Most if not all of my classmates seem to be taking it for the second time (to raise their GPA or because they failed), so that means in labs I'm the only one panicking, but that also means that I have a standard of comparison. 
Believe it or not, Chemistry is making me feel more grounded because of the math component. It turns out I'm so used to doing some kind of math that when I don't (see last semester) it feels incredibly wrong. I'm pretty good with math (except a certain unit in Calculus), so I guess it boosts my confidence. I also do like the subject (chemistry) even though I suck at it.
Presently I'm typing all this in the library instead of working on my lab report. Speaking of which, the chem lab is so cool. I've heard a lot of complaints about using 2-3 hours to make something change colours but really, isn't that so amazing? I mean, I think if I had the power to change how things look, then I'd count that as magic. So even though the basis is scientific, it's very worth it to me.
Chem is funny because the professor for sure does not like me. He kinda just Stares at me and I think he might be expecting me to fail (based off a remark he made after I told him I'm missing a prerequisite...or rather all the prerequisites other than 9th grade chemistry because of, well, online school). But I'll take it as a boost since I'm competitive and do better when certain others doubt me. He's a lot nicer when he smiles, that's for sure. But mostly he just hollers stuff like "Do you understand?" (He's nice imo because he doesn't yell that at me, but still he's scary and he Stares.)
Another thing, I'm taking philosophy and the class is very cool. I'm very dead inside during lectures (because it's usually dinnertime at its hour), but it looks like discussions will be fun (even though they're too early) since I typically do a lot more talking during humanities class lectures. I dunno, I just feel like the humanities bring a good amount of life back into the entire learning thing, and for me, even though I don't think I have as much of an issue seeing the appeal/"human component" of the sciences, I like seeing others react in ways that aren't just dead inside. 
Anyways, Galaxian likes school! But only in specific parts. I feel like I might be weird when it comes to this because my personality is pretty different from the one that's fostered by school culture. I think it's important to do a lot of reflecting and remember the value of what I'm doing, or else I'm prone to falling back on my pessimistic/denigrating tendencies. Let's hope this doesn't bore you guys out of your skulls though xD.

In terms of the forums, I'm trying to remember to login (but watching is soooo fuuuunn). Let's see if I can catch up with some posts too 'cause rn I'm doing a really bad job. xD


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January 26, 2024 15:51:55  #9480

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I mean 2-3 hours is a pretty long time for me. I could do 2 hrs, idk 3... but I do like the saying that, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." It's just a matter of perspective and feeling of wonder. For example, a chemist knows all the ins and outs of a reaction. They see it as a science. If that chemist were to say, do that same reaction in front of like a bunch of people from the middle ages, they'd think it would be magic because they would have no idea what is going on.

Philosophy class sounds fun. I considered adding it to my classes this and last quarter, but it usually fills up fast... plus idk if I want to make philosophy something in my academic life. I was thinking of checking out the philosophy club at my college sometime soon to see what they have. Or maybe just reading on my own for a bit and then checking out the club.

Last edited by Time (January 26, 2024 15:54:11)

Bruh the signature be wacky

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