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December 14, 2023 22:13:23  #9391

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Ah but still it says there is a likely genetic influence on it. There just isn't really a single gene that influences such topics. I have the stance that there is genetic influence. Not that there's a dominant gene associated with the ability to tongue roll.

Which I sort of expected. We're still learning a lot about the human genome, so it wouldn't surprise me instead of one gene, there are multiple genes that come together to form one trait.

Anyways, fly high lil bro 🕊️🕊️

Bruh the signature be wacky

December 14, 2023 22:43:36  #9392

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Yeah, that wasn't one of the articles that was saying it was bullcrap or something. I personally wouldn't post that sort of article just yet since I have no opinion whatsoever on the topic. xD
I do think that if even the personality, complex as it is, is partially genetic, then surely most things really are nature and nurture. But I dunno.


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December 15, 2023 04:41:04  #9393

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Yeah in my experience, most people fall right in the middle of believing in nature and nurture. For sure. Me included.

Last edited by Time (December 15, 2023 04:41:38)

Bruh the signature be wacky

December 15, 2023 22:21:25  #9394

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I think it's the moderate approach and the best one
xD The problem is usually when someone thinks it's all nature. That part is just there for me to use as an excuse.


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December 20, 2023 20:53:38  #9395

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I definitely didn't just binge 12 episodes of "SPY X FAMILY" in one day lol


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December 21, 2023 00:08:16  #9396

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

beginner numbers galaxain get your binge numbers up

Bruh the signature be wacky

December 21, 2023 00:23:10  #9397

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I'm being bullied for not being enough of a weeb :sad: (huge /j btw xD)
(The version I'm watching clips out the OP and ED and I am not happy on that. I wanna be subjected to them every episode. If I have to go through the recap exposition then I should be forced also to listen to the songs and see the heart-wrenching visuals. Also yes I tear up over wholesome stuff.)

12 is my limit emotionally speaking. I wanna leave the rest for uh. hopefully not 2-3 years
Reminds me how I binged the entirety of Rokka no Yuusha (12 episodes as well) in a single night too xD. Anyways, I need to watch Rebellion, and actually do that rewatch of SGYY, but also I wanna do some stuff that I can't seem to do. Like write. (Gave up on drawing lol, my brain has ideas but it cannot function so that's that.)
I have a lot of anime I find interesting, I just usually don't start right away and then I kinda just end up stalking instead of actually watching. Hopefully the Genshin Impact anime will come out at some point and be interesting though.  
I keep track of a lot of stuff and wait too much. Like for HYXHN (the most recent season of which I just remembered I didn't finish watching either) I am pretty sure the next season and the "live action" adaptation will both be bad, but I'm waiting anyways. 


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December 21, 2023 00:26:50  #9398

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

On the other hand I am considering whether I should move my mattress onto the ground and sleep like that for half a month (or just as long as I can manage)
Why am I thinking about that, you ask? Well, let's just say we're not very good at communicating (it turns out my RL self is like my online self...I occasionally try to communicate, but then when I get ignored I just Give Up)

Also a random thing but my signatures are getting less depressing, so let's hope that continues for 2024. It's like my lil advance resolution lol
(They probably read depressing but they're supposed to be motivational I swear)


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December 21, 2023 02:39:47  #9399

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Reading the waifu/husband discussion again and I just find it oh so funny
Unfortunately all I am really wondering about is how good F/DA Lancer is at fighting xD
Character solidification does weird things to the brain, especially when the brain does not exist to begin with. (the character solidification also does not exist, I am merely making excuses)

Also gonna add in retrospect that I was not applying the topic to F/DA. Please do not come after me Specter (literally none of my characters there apply to the husbando designation lol, they're all too weird or too young in some way or just kinda disqualified, or a combination of all of those)

I really find it funny to consider how much we each know of other characters. Associated character bias is also very much a thing I'm noticing, especially for myself but for others as well. Which makes sense. If you know more about a character you will probably be predisposed to supporting them more in any given area, unless they're not constructed for that of course.
Meanwhile, I kinda just wanna brush the hair of characters I like by pretending that counts as fluff, and also I wanna buy kid characters weird toys. Also, I will support platonic ships over romantic ones. We're doing great lol, we're totally not naturally suspicious in this area at all.  
(I sometimes randomly switch to the plural when talking about myself lol don't mind me, it's not an emperor complex I swear)


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December 21, 2023 10:04:15  #9400

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I definitely didn't just binge 12 episodes of "SPY X FAMILY" in one day lol



I started watching it again since I forgot to finish the first season and its very good

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it

December 23, 2023 00:04:29  #9401

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I realised the next episode is gonna release tomorrow only when I finished what's currently out for the second season xD crazy coincidence, huh?
I feel like the show's genre means I'm supposed to watch an episode when it releases, but also so far I've been going through 1/2 of each season every day.
So uh, I guess I'll binge part 2 of season 2 sometime. (*will probably forget*)
I could analyse everything I like but I won't xD, I talk too much anyways.
Now now, time to talk too much about other stuff, rendering what I said obsolete!

I got the semester's exam grades/final grades back and ngl I am very proud of myself :D
so uhhh should I continue being lazy? Probably not, but hopefully I'll stop being like that soon.
In addition to actual stuff I need to do, I've been trying to actually develop a routine for writing what I need to and also just drawing more, but I keep only writing coherently at 3 A.M. And my drawings are, uhhh, my drawings. 
F/GO-wise, what the heck was that raid speed??? (I either calculated the time wrong or they were gone within 3 hours, which was the time between when I logged in and saw Ivan the Terrible's raid hadn't started yet, and the next time I logged in and saw it had concluded)
In terms of summoning I got almost every target of the year (also every serious target), so that's so nice. My luck rank A :D for gambling :D
(I got Jiang Ziya. The dude probably already wants to leave after seeing how much I suck at strategising tho)
I have no interest in Koyanskaya of Dark (the New Year's Servant), so I might try to see if I can get him NP 2 with spare Quartz because saving does not work.
Oh yeah, and I also got Nikitich on my first multi! SSRs only come on singles nowadays though, it's a tried and true truth by now xD. 
Nikitich does not look like a word (or a name). His story wacky tho


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December 23, 2023 00:30:33  #9402

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Updating on the F/GO raid: It was bugged
They better not hecking make it happen tomorrow morning (: (I will not be up by then and this is my version of a party. Beating a mammoth tzar into submission)


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December 23, 2023 02:52:33  #9403

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Did I have to draw 15 different expressions for a character instead of writing them or actually designing clothes for them? Yeeeess.
(give me more ideas if you'd like, they're not the most emotive but it's hecking funny)


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December 27, 2023 16:04:07  #9404

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Coming on here because I miss my friends ❌
Coming on here to roast yet another Chinese immortal despite him doing me no personal wrong ✅

(Tunguska spoilers beware)

Mostly just making fun of Jiang Ziya for being a loser.
It's okay, we'll be losers together my guy. (My dynamic with him is just we make each other lose brain cells. I swear I actually get worse at strategising when he's on the team, and whenever he's in serious battles he keeps having that funny NP variation. At this rate we're gonna doom the entire Chaldea just by being near each other. Funny Changgong reaction here.)
Like ngl, his IRL lore is already funny enough, but with Fate's take on his character there's no way he didn't just Luck A+ his way through life. I can guarantee you he screwed up on everything he could have screwed up on but still managed to survive and make his accomplishments through pure luck.

Things he's (Fate Jiang Ziya's) done (Galaxian's interpretation):
-Failed at life so badly his wife ditched him (he's unemployed)
-Might I add that this ditching incident is China's version of "no use crying over spoiled milk"? (The vibe isn't exact; it's more like spilled water cannot go back into the tray, what is done is done)
-Probably messed up his first meeting with the Emperor of Zhou
-Simped for a psycho woman (Daji)
-Probably screwed up a few battles and had to load his saves

Me wanting you guys to like Chinese folk tales but also making fun of the characters so much I probably make all of them seem like jerks or pathetic losers.

Speaking more seriously on his characterisation in Fate:
I feel like the biggest criticism on his character is how similar he is to Merlin both personality-wise and "plot device"-wise, but imho I really don't see it? Addressing both of those parts.
First, personality. Yeah, he's sus (I personally feel like he not only is very casually human but also has a slight morbid side to him, though most of the time he manages to stick with the strong sense of justice that defines him), but ngl he's much more of a loser than Merlin is. I also enjoy how he's clearly supposed to be powerful but really messes that up. He's lazy, sometimes wants to be a good-for-nothing, also is insecure and has reason for why he feels like that (he keeps messing up). (Adding that my headcanon is that he acts so arrogant and high-and-mighty 'cause otherwise he'd just keep doubting himself and putting stuff off.) I personally enjoy this as someone who knows his lore because Jiang Ziya's legend is that. He was an old man who kept waiting for his lord and destiny to the point where his wife ditched him, so on one hand he clearly is someone who isn't all that human-seeming. But on the other, because he's the disciple of an immortal despite himself technically being a human, he also acts and thinks very much like a human. Simply put, his destiny (to help his destined and capable lord topple a dynasty and start another) is very inhuman, while he as a person is secretly just a human. 
Meanwhile, Merlin is very much someone who's separate from humanity for the most part. He's its biggest fan, and its spectator. His love for what they do is because he leaches off their emotions. I really can't see any of that pertaining to Jiang Ziya. Merlin treats the affair of spectating humanity rather seriously because it's enjoyable to him. Tbh Jiang Ziya is probably the type of guy who finished toppling the Shang Dynasty, helped establish the following dynasty, and then immediately went on a million year break or whatever. 
Second, power levels-wise. 
Okay, so I don't wanna start off with something blatantly controversial, so lemme just say this. Investiture of the Gods is a big deal powers-wise because of how blatantly overpowered its premise is. Similar to Journey of the West establishing Sun Wukong as extremely overpowered because the heavens and ultimately Buddha were pulled into fighting, Investiture of the Gods is very notable because of how involved the Chinese deities are in something for once. The toppling of the Shang is something that the gods canonically want to happen (everything else tends to be human-claimed--literally every emperor says they're the child of the heavens so yeah), and not only that, multiple deity-related characters are involved. One such character is Jiang Ziya, who in the book is predestined to have a pivotal role in this heavens-involved plot.  
So yeah. He's destined to be OP.
Meanwhile, Merlin feels like he's OP in a whole other area. His power as a Heroic Spirit is boosted by his fame, which obviously has its roots in Arthurian mythology (which are extremely famous in many parts of the world), and I'm sure he could do a lot of things if he put his mind into it. But his role is largely supportive, because he's Arthur's advisor and, well, the Western notion of a mage doesn't seem to entail them leading armies and blasting everyone singlehandedly. He can see the future but mostly just watches or helps guide things to a certain extent. Yeah, he helps in F/GO, but that's 'cause it's F/GO, humanity's nearly extinct lol. And even then, he mostly just helps as much as he can and then takes a backline, similar to his role during Arthur's reign. 
So, basically...I don't really get what all the fuss is about Jiang Ziya pulling off big feats in the middle of Tunguska. 'Cause the dude is capable of them?? And he's supposed to not only be a good support for his troops/comrades but also be able to make big feats himself. Plus unlike Merlin, who actually does stuff well, he plans wrong and screws up because it doesn't seem he has Clairvoyance. The difference is that Merlin seems unreliable, but often is reliable in the short-term (in the long-term he doesn't think like a human due to not being one, so,,, yeah, can't really judge there). Jiang Ziya can be unreliable in the short term, but ultimately gets the mission done...but on the other hand, feels reliable due to how he boosts himself up and then falls off his ladder. So yeah.
I mostly just wonder, is the fandom's scrutiny of Jiang Ziya's abilities/feats as a Heroic Spirit because of unfamiliarity with Chinese lore? Or maybe I don't know enough about Merlin? Because to me it feels like even though they are very different, they're both compared and oversimplified, and that feels like doing both of them such an injustice. But who knows, I might just be delirious xD.

Part 2 (hopefully shorter) incoming


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December 27, 2023 16:25:57  #9405

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My overall view of Tunguska

Was it as disappointing as I thought it'd be? No.
Did it deserve a lot of the criticism? Well. Yes. Maybe.
One, the raid schedule really does suck, and I'm saying this even though I got a few runs in myself. I do think a time period of 24 hours rather than a set number of runs would help a lot in terms of negating the effect of being in a sucky time zone, especially considering a lot of the player base probably has to work, and messing up their sleep schedules doesn't help them enjoy playing the game/event. 
Second, the Ivan raid screwup was a pretty big screw-up. I don't know how relevant the materials were, but still, there were bound to be players looking forward to the bond and materials. Not to mention, it's possible that some people could farm the first raid but not the Beast IV one. 10 SQ is okay, but it's also pretty paltry if you put a few more considerations in mind.
Third, the story's okay. I think the characters are enjoyable. However, I feel like we really need more reason to care. I pay more attention to Jiang Ziya because he's a Chinese mythological figure. I can't deny that. Without that special interest, he probably is some wannabe Merlin to people. The fact that he simps for Daji who's bathing herself in blood or whatever does not help his image.
Rather than focus on how beautiful he finds her, I really would've preferred a few scenes dedicated to his training under Yuanshi Tianzun, on how he came to learn of his destiny and how he fared as a "human" disciple under a Chinese immortal. Or maybe, y'know, reintroduce his fishing schtick, with how important it is towards his character (waiting for the pieces to fall into place, pondering his destiny. etc.). And then show him simping for Daji, showing that contrast between his righteousness and that morbid sense of beauty he sees in her, who he's fated to destroy. Like idk, make him seem more multi-faceted and moral please xD.
Similarly, I love Nikitich for the dynamic she brings with Jiang Ziya, but other than Tunguska being in Russia and her being devoted to her motherland/the concept of a hero...I would have enjoyed seeing more of her mythology, too, y'know? 
This all is summed up by Koyanskaya. I feel like she really really needed an actual foil, or contrast or whatever. I'm actually not torn up on her not being Daji because tbh she didn't really feel like Daji anyways to me (lol Jiang Ziya moment). Plus I like the idea of her being prey rather than predator. But everything is kinda...ehh. For one, the other Beasts tend to have someone who really brings out their character. Tiamat's nature was evaluated by Gilgamesh, Goetia was (obviously) opposed by Fujimaru themselves, Kiara was contrasted by Meltlilith. But for Koyanskaya it kinda just turns out that she's not Daji. So Jiang Ziya screwed up. And? That's about what I'm seeing. Not even Goredolf is getting much screentime ('cause he's back at the Border, lol), and Tamamo gets one cameo. There isn't anyone to interact with her character and it's frustrating, because I keep remembering how it felt like Qin Shi Huang did this better, and that's me not having much opinion on the third Lostbelt either. Without a foil or anyone to challenge her, it really is just the story blaming humans for violence when, ngl, the natural world is pretty brutal as well, and the Tunguska incident wasn't even humanity's fault. It just comes off as so petty and unnecessary, and plot-wise, a kind of stretch.

Anyhow, I'll stop there, mostly because the story has yet to finish. Maybe some of my opinions will change. (the next section is timelocked, but I did finish beating up Beast IV:L, just in time too)

To round off the year, I got Percival! So happy. Will give him a lot of vegetables.
So that's me getting every target of the year. I'm still trying for Jiang Ziya NP 2 but I'm fine with NP 1 xD. Just rolling for fun.
I'm always conflicted between whether to call Percival by just Percival or Percy, so I probably will alternate between both.
As for Jiang Ziya...I think it'd be funny to call him Lü Shang when one of us screws up. Like "OH NO LÜ SHANG YOU DID IT AGAIN!" (gotta keep up the ongoing joke on Chinese characters having way too many names) Otherwise expect me to use Jiang Ziya for the most part, and then stuff like Taigong Wang/Taikoubou/Jiang Taigong whenever I feel like it. 

Unrelated, but I saw something funny yesterday, so maybe I'll post a pic of it.


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December 27, 2023 16:48:06  #9406

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Shoutout to Sibuxiang. He's so cute. 
Mo, mo.
Also, he's shaped funny xD.

Reaffirming my dedication to rolling Huang Feihu too btw. I will get the dad I will get the dad I will get the dad. (I think Changgong also needs a dad who will pat his shoulder)
Speaking of whom, his line for Jiang Ziya is really funny too because it's something like "Ah, the Duke! No matter whether as an enemy or as an ally, you are so reliable!" Like personally I imagine a reliable enemy being someone who blows themselves up and xD. 


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December 27, 2023 17:00:12  #9407

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I forgot I put a Chinese book on murders and stuff into my for later tab group lol wow


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December 27, 2023 17:27:08  #9408

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right


Just noting that I'm not too sure what the red ribbons are. I mean, they're stranded all over the branches. I'd say it's about destiny again but I'm not sure. Hmmm.
(It might be a novel reference idk. My first impression is the destiny thing but also it reminds me of soldiers somehow?)

2. His Bond CE translation
Idk I think it'd be super funny if in Chinese it were "何为野蛮?何为优美?" It's probably inaccurate but it's just funnier imo.

Also you cannot tell me his Bond CE doesn't support my feeling that he has a morbid side. Because humans tend to have a morbid side. 

Components of said translation btw:
"Smash their skulls in and most enemies will die."
"See, it looks like a fishing rod......yeah, not exactly, but at least it's more similar to a fishing rod than a blade.
At a glance, it doesn't look like a weapon either, quite elegant.
How should I put this, right―――it's not barbaric at all!"

3. Guan Yu namedrop?
Watch all three of the Peach Blossom Trio be girls. (ngl I'd die but it'd be so so funny)


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December 27, 2023 17:35:54  #9409

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The dude would probably kill me with the number of layers he wears
[what is this picture quality]
Anyways, pictures aside, I counted 6.5 layers. 7 if you add his winter cloak.


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December 27, 2023 17:43:01  #9410

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

 Wow the forum is pwning image quality.

Anyways this is just a reminder for me to draw Chinese character group pics as well as Daji as some point.

I also find face rendering interesting.

(of course this one works)

The heck? What's the criteria for whether an image is pwned?
Anyway, I love the vibes.


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December 28, 2023 15:28:24  #9411

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Finally played Sky: Children of the Light
Good news? Well I really like it. The controls are still kinda hard for me, but I love the atmosphere, and the players are so friendly. Plus who the heck doesn't like flying amirite.
Bad news? Apparently this counts as a first-person perspective game for my mind :'), I am so nauseous lol.

I must say, the movements to communicate really reminds me of the Spirit Animals game. I remember doing whole conversations by tap dancing across the floor with random people. 
Also, I really do mean it when I say people are friendly. I got guided across three different regions by three different people within like two hours. And that was every single person I friended. So. 
And I really love the music, but I kinda just am a fan of music in general.
Anyways, (*love and nausea*) thank you Ash for the recommendation, I suck and do not know where to go but I'll figure it out eventually. Hopefully xD


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December 29, 2023 17:39:18  #9412

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The nausea is very real

Might as well finish my commentary on Tunguska (the Epilogue releases New Year's Eve and ig if there's anything there I'll put it later)

I do wanna say that I find Koyanskaya's character concept pretty interesting. I think it's one of those things that sounds great on paper, though the Tunguska incident itself doesn't really fit the bill for what kind of event it should have been. Since it wasn't even caused by humans.
I think my favorite theme from her was actually her twisted idea of love from a more animalistic perspective. 'Cause it fit with her actions as far as how she treated nonhuman creatures, and most of all, I liked the mention of what understanding she did have of parents. She bemoaned how she didn't have a father to inherit anything from, nor a mother to give birth to her--but in the end it turned out that through the Nikitichs, she was given a name by and her life was sustained by a Heroic Spirit father, and her "conclusion" was witnessed by her mother. Both of those parents also had very finite time to spend. It does kinda make it sad considering how she's kinda just evil (lol) and doesn't seem to realise the extent of what Dobrynya did for her, but hey, it's the general idea that counts. Plus I liked the execution of this, and I think in the larger scheme it also makes sense (the feeling that I get from Koyanskaya is that her idea of love is very primal in how it manifests in reality, but she subconsciously registers the idea of love in a more human-like way)
As for the general criticism of the world egg idea being silly, I think a bit of that was mitigated by my mind just finding it hilarious (because of the legend of Pan Gu and my love of irony and all), but yeah I can definitely see why it was silly for many others. Jiang Ziya down bad or smthn. It was jarring for that CG of him to be for making an egg lol. Plus the chant was so elaborate too lmiao. But I'm guessing it has to do with Investiture of the Gods again, and also him being down bad (truly a double lmiao moment).  
Another thing I did like about her being a Beast was the complicated love/hatred both Beasts and people can have. I dunno, I appreciated it getting spelled right in front of my face. Still think Jiang Ziya is probably seen as a bit of a loser for how his feelings towards Daji are portrayed though lol. 
Anyways, the story had its better moments, and I think the Raids probably determined how the story was structured, which didn't help. Like yeah raids-wise we're beating up old foes for the materials...but emotionally that doesn't help too much with the current story, and I can't see the difficulty of the end quests for each raid helping with emotional connection. Again, I liked the characters and interactions, but there wasn't too much reason to care about what was going on, flashbacks or not. Plus I still don't like Koyanskaya lol.


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December 29, 2023 17:39:41  #9413

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

More importantly why is time being the way it is. I blank out a few moments and suddenly the entire day is gone? What in the world


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December 30, 2023 19:07:35  #9414

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My mind kept me in a semi-conscious state just visualising many imagined scenes (as in they aren't actually in the game) for Sky and amplifying my headache up until whenever I finally was able to doze off
Literally I think I was hallucinating. What in the world


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December 31, 2023 16:10:25  #9415

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Happy New Year's Eve guys! (it feels like New Year's itself to me idk why)

Apparently my mind is rounding off the year by trying to get me to draw F/DA Saber with the Seiba hairstyle.
Okay. (I'm not gonna do it I'm not I swear I'm not *whining*)


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December 31, 2023 16:11:13  #9416

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Y'know what the more cursed idea is? Aisline with the Shirou hairstyle. 
Lol haha. (deeeeeaaaath)


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January 4, 2024 17:58:26  #9417

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Fate Samurai Remnant is gonna have a collab with F/GO this month on the JP server
I think the Chinese fandom might riot if F/SR Archer isn't added. There are even wars starting up (from what I can tell) for the fact that if he does appear at all, he'll most likely be an SR Servant (4 star) rather than an SSR (5 star, highest rarity). 
Okay so I like my Chinese Servants as much as anyone else who's Chinese, but this is hysterical to me because it's just so greedy. We got representation of our country (again) in a new game literally just last year, and now because F/GO is the same franchise we're expecting it to be a given that he has to appear again? It feels greedy to me ngl. Kinda nuts if I can use stronger words.
Plus, F/GO has a very adequate representation of Chinese heroes if I'm going to be honest. Poor Africa and South America not existing. We get our share of lore OPfication and character representation, whether those characters are playable or NPCs or just scattered across different series. It just feels like an unreasonable demand.

Anyways, again, it's not like I wouldn't be hyped if he is added, even if as an NPC (though I think that might be a pretty bad decision riots's a lose-lose situation all around to be sure xD). If he is I'd have to roll for him and Saber so lol, January 2026 might be a bit painful.
Otherwise, for 2024 I don't have many targets. Listing the people I can remember:

-The Trung sisters (April?)
-Don Quixote (sometime near summer iirc)
-Huang Feihu
All four (three) are high priorities for me just because I like them a lot for no reason. I have a very strong pre-bias towards these people for reasons not even I know. Well, ig not for Huang Feihu, he's just a dad and I hecking love loving parental figures. 

Me, tearing up: I would sacrifice my soul so you could reunite with your wife and kids
Huang Feihu probably, weirded out: Uh, please do not do that.

Adding that I will always waste SQ on Changgong banners for no reason if they show up. I might try to NP 2 Jiang Ziya for no reason as well.

Secondary targets:
-Charlemagne (he feels like someone I'd like, plus Bradamante and Astolfo are here so I want them to be able to reunite xD)
-Kriemhild (I will try to get Siegfried's wife/Sieg's now-adoptive mother)
-Ruler Moriarty (just because I 'predicted' his existence 2 weeks before his debut and his NP pronunciation is funny as heck, plus continuation of how Specter's/Echo's/my Chaldeas work xD)
-Huyan Zhuo (idk lol let's see if I'll have any connections to Water Margins

Noting that I don't really care about gameplay as of now, I literally don't roll on Koyanskaya's banners out of spite xD. My Buster Servants be crying (I got Arjuna and NP 2 Ash on story banner btw, just noting this because they Do Not have a consistent support to back them up xD same for Karna). I'm not really "in need of" any of the Servants that I target from what I can tell, though some of them are very interesting gameplay-wise to me, like Huang Feihu and Moriarty have an alignments thing going on, and the Trung sisters have a card gimmick similar to the Dioscuri iirc. I always roll out of love anyways, so I'm not sure why I'm noting it this time in particular. xD (From what I can tell, higher rarity Heroic Spirits in my Chaldea really only come out of reciprocating that interest, or out of spite in some cases :-P)

Willingly listening to some Granblue Fantasy trailer rn because I like the music xD.


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January 5, 2024 17:37:24  #9418

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Thinking about how prone I am to being told by random people that I look like I'm "not actually fine" or "definitely the type of person to usually be having a crisis" or "way too prone to doubting yourself"
Y'know it'd be bad enough if I were told those things while actually stressing, but it only happens when I actually feel like I'm fine. 
Maybe I'm just a 100% all the time having a crisis sort of person. :')?


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January 6, 2024 18:40:56  #9419

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Sorry if I just spew random stuff lol, if I don't I just stay offline and watch. 

I think I heard some F/DA voices yesterday lol. Mostly for the Servants.
It really is coming up with anything to avoid having to write Assassin's Master lol. (Look, I tried twice already...never mind both attempts were at ungodly times, like when I got woken up by some unholy vehicle that kept chugging around campus repeatedly refusing to let me go back to sleep.)
I'm getting better at writing, it's just...y'know, the starting point is somewhere in the negatives. At least I'm actually writing though. (It's gonna go bye-bye in a few days when school starts again.)

Also confirmed my roommate is mad at me because their friends (and they by proxy) nearly burned down the house and I reminded them to be more careful about it next time. Yes, literally. (They were making dinner in the oven for a sleepover elsewhere and then they left without turning off the oven, leaving a glove in there--might I add this was the night before an early final the next morning?--so I texted my roommate asking them to remind their friends the next time to be careful and well. They are now giving me the silent treatment lol)
Y'know, sometimes I think I'm a coward when it comes to communicating with people and approaching them 'cause my mind overexaggerates how they'll react, then this sort of thing happens, reminding me that my intuition for how people will react is usually pretty on-the-point. Oh well. 
I'm cooking for myself again and sitting outside in the living room area. Hopefully no one approaches me. 


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January 6, 2024 19:15:08  #9420

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The fact that the forum's images are still broken is like some sort of mystery to me. Like, why? I've tried different browsers, it does not work. I've tried different devices and wifi too.
Maybe it's location.

On an entirely different topic, I am announcing that I cannot get past my perception of Tam Lin Lancelot being a Child.
Like literally a child in my eyes, for me she's like 8 or whatever. I've tried looking at fanart, scrutinising her proportions, looking at others' reactions, letting time pass to gain a new perspective. Nope, she's still 8. 
I do not care that her information states she's physically 16. No she's not. She Is a Kid, I Do Not Care. 
It's been half a year btw lol. I appreciate her power and for her carrying me through the Tunguska boss raids. Also thanks to Percival for also coming, love ya my guy. 

I can't actually argue on her appearance because my knowledge on proportions is always on a weird place, so here's my rationale on the personality front (Echo if you read this and spoil yourself I will actually be mad [immensely frustrated and will continue increasing my hesitation on posting for stuff like this], please do not click rn)

I think it's how immature I think her view of relationships/love is. Her relationship with Aurora is the very definition of enabling. But that's not the only thing. You can see her general problematic view of love extending into Chaldea too, post-LB6. Even though she's supposedly now here of her own volition and can develop her sense of righteousness without being forced to by others (never mind how she's still evil, alignments in F/GO are weird...though I must say that I do feel like the alignment for her fits), she's just so extreme about her attachment to Fujimaru. Idk. Like literally her Birthday line is that she'll go burn Chaldea to the ground because Fujimaru can't spend the entire day with her (24 hours), and I'm pretty sure she's the kind of entity who would actually do it. I feel like if she actually corresponded to Albion's chronological age, then regardless of whether she's a dragon or not (and yes ik she's inhumane, she's a dragon after all), she'd be less dependent on the Master. But no, it feels like most of her character is still focused on that very clingy, unhealthy love of hers--that she herself recognises is an issue, might I add. Even if there are some improvements, it doesn't feel like enough. And since I think adults should be able to understand and feel love while remaining their own independent people (this ties to Violet Evergarden too btw, I :') ), she just does not feel mature to me. She feels like a kid, and if anything I see her like a younger sister, or even like a daughter of sorts. Just. Not a "lover," like what she proclaims, and yes, while I'm typically weirded out by Servants who claim things like that in general, Faerie Knight Lancelot weirds me out with that too. I try to buffer my reaction by remembering she's literally named after Lancelot, but yeah, uhhh, help.
I'm not saying I hate her character, btw. I actually quite like her relationship with Percival. (: But the fact that even he wasn't enough to save her from her fate of becoming a Calamity as a result of killing Aurora and losing her form is also a sore point for me. Well, angsty angst ig. 
Oh yeah, I also love the way she talks. She's funny. (I don't like the powerful gimmick as well but uh, that's just persona preference. 
Anyhow, my view of her mental/emotional age is just halving her supposed physical age, anyway. It helps pair her up with Galaxian, who I still think works great in terms of thinking about their themes and stuff. I've tried drawing them together before and I do like it a lot, even though his design is constantly a work in progress. 
She's 147 cm btw. 4' 9''. It pairs well with Galaxian's 4' 5''. And yes, I understand there are short and petite adult women. She doesn't look like that to me though. Maybe some of you guys could comment on this if you'd like,,, though be warned, her final ascension is not safe for work. 

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