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September 28, 2023 21:31:20  #9271

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Today has been wacky as sanity goes. Then again, it's normal too. I didn't get enough sleep and then had to do that test, and then had to go to class, and combined with all this my brain is pretty much wired on oxygen. 
I started maniacally laughing to a guy (who might be a new friend) about bacon-flavored ice cream that I saw on the shelf the other day. And he kinda just stared while I started crying-laughing.
He should probably get used to it soon. Maybe. he's kinda stuck with me I'm ngl we have a lot of overlap in our schedules


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September 28, 2023 21:33:15  #9272

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My brain cell does apologize profusely for anyone who is scrolling through all of this desperately trying to find the actual sane stuff, but I did shut it off so I can't say the apology is genuine. (*extreme reverberating laughter*)
It says I'll probably delete this when I regain my sanity. Too bad, it seems to have forgotten that we share the trait of no productivity. 


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September 28, 2023 21:47:21  #9273

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

On a faintly related topic, Knull's boots are so cool, though they're probably super uncomfortable
The gacha there is. Rigged.
And by that I don't mean the chances of getting rare Champions, I mean the chances of getting the Champions I have been getting. More on that sometime. Later. 2030.


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September 30, 2023 22:54:41  #9274

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

(Technically not F/DA Rider but rather his GGaD counterpart but the point stands)


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September 30, 2023 23:20:58  #9275

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

"Local dude flabbergasted that actively trying to make a character more attractive worked for once"


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October 1, 2023 12:37:49  #9276

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

(*realizes they started simping for Rider on China's National Day*) (*dies*)
Happy Chinese National Day? I don't even know how to say it in English.
But anyway, tbh he does feel very compatible with the premise of mooncakes and fireworks. Berserker too. If I can get a certain assignment in, I'll draw Berserker today (his GGaD counterpart, I think), so that'll be fun. Gotta put in some double simping and increase the irony.
Now back to F/SR (actual spoilers this time...I think) because realizing this fact pretty much killed me (my roommate finally woke up and then left to actually do things so now I can laugh on my own)

If I am reading the Japanese correctly, I think Archer asked Gilgamesh ("Boss") "Do you happen to have an interest in women, especially those who are already married?" and I am DEAD. Mostly because he asked that to Gilgamesh of all people in the first place, and also because Gilgamesh denied it (via avoidance, I think he says something like he judges people by their character). The audacity on both ends. 

Also the more I look at the Archer duo the more I feel like...maybe Zheng Chenggong is a psychopath. So my guess probably won't be off on his dual-sidedness. 
His Lawful Neutral alignment is questionable for sure. 

And then also the reference sheets for him (which I finally got my grubby lil hands on after needing to work with worse quality pictures) pwned me. Lmiao the artist really did feel the need to draw him shirtless.
He has a flute!! Every respectable Chinese character needs to have a instrument, but I do love this because of his musical inclination.
Now gimme Changgong with some cute muppet puppets.

I gotta say, the Chinese fandom is not disappointing me. I've found a lot of fanarts when the English speaking side of the fandom seems to be mostly focused on other characters. Which is fair, I know we Chinese people tend to love our country's heroes...just as it is, I assume, with literally any other country.
The consensus so far seems to be that the fandom finds him cute (because of his face and how short he is), and also funny. And there's that potential tragic side because I mean, have you heard his theme? No? Well, go listen to it. It's so tragic.

Honestly, I'm not sure how much Archer and Zheng Chenggong (note that normally I think I'll call him by his full name, because to be honest I am unnerved by him and can't get myself to consistently call him by his given name only) are matching up to my expectations. But nothing so far has surprised me. I know that Japanese people definitely have a different perspective on them compared to Chinese people (as well as me, who is kinda just somewhere out there outside of the mainland lol). And so far there seems to be a focus on their ambiguity, of what people like them are willing to do for their objectives (essentially, defending their ideals). I do think it's interesting that Archer describes his Master as earnest and straightforward, and overall their dynamic gives me a feeling that I can't quite write out. I still stand by the ruthless aspect of the AU's characterization, though, and even though I'm creeped out by it, I also do like it a lot.

And back to the Chinese fandom, I think the reaction so far has been pretty balanced overall? I see some people roasting the plot (and I can't really say anything on that 'cause idk, though personally I will say I'm not expecting the most out of plot, just thematic ideas tied to each Servant-Master pair and probably the development between Saber and their Master), and there are some complaints on Archer's screentime, but tbh I'll be happy if he gets more screentime than Run. He's not the main character, after all. As for me, I still do hope he and his Master will be more than just people who encapsulate the ruthlessness of tactics and the duality of character, but I'm not too sure since characters like them tend to be pretty easy to understand. And for the overall plot, I hope that every character has meaning. That's about it.


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October 1, 2023 12:45:01  #9277

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

And then a brief F/GO spoiler tied to the promotion Interludes

I pretty much died when Changgong appeared in Li Shuwen's (second?) interlude xD but I'm glad it was just a friendly sparring session rather than a main plot thing. I also do like imagining him and Mandricardo being friends (since they synergize so well in gameplay and honestly have complementary color palettes), so it was nice seeing them get some canon interaction. 
I was expecting him to be doing the squat exercises in the morning too, I thought that'd be funny. But he was probably off doing even more errands for Yu Mei-ren. :-P
Lore-wise I am not too sure why Mandricardo calls him one of the most skilled sword-wielding people in China/one of the strongest Chinese Heroic Spirits, 'cause (not to underestimate him or anything but) I wouldn't think of him as being that?? But it's notable that it's Mandricardo's perspective, and he tends to think highly of others. Plus in F/GO I remember LB3 him holding up pretty well against the Master's team, and in the PV he's shown holding up against Mordred, who's a Knight of the Round Table and as such implied to be pretty hecking good at fighting. (Not to mention how her fighting style is more brutish and unfair, which feels like a contrast to his graceful, dance-like movements relying on agility.) Plus for the fame, I suppose it makes sense if he's one of the more famous people others would know from China...though for sure I think of people like Sun Wukong and classic characters (e.g. Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu) when I think of "famous people from China that people might know internationally". Idk, but I'll be flattered on his behalf for no reason xD. 
And for Li Shuwen himself because I am literally talking about his Interlude, I think I really like his older self. He's not morally good per se but I find him mighty interesting in how he deals with the themes of aging, development/growth, and the passage of time (spending time to pass things on to the next generation). He feels really wise (though also really scary) and I find that interesting. I only have his younger self though lol.


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October 1, 2023 13:01:38  #9278

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

And then last but not least I wanted to jot a note down that I haven't quite developed.
Basically, I think I like how Fate seems to generalize Chinese warrior characters. They all give a certain kind of vibe that, to me, complements traditional Chinese values. And yes, I know that barely makes sense, even to me. 
Even just looking at their designs, I get a sense of elegance and grace, and honor, and courage. For me, even though there's obviously the unrealistic element of "They need to look pretty/cool" and components catering to the fandom, I still get this overall sense of pride and awe. 
Making a list so far of the Chinese warrior characters in Fate (mostly F/GO tbh):

-Qin Liangyu, General of the White Cavalry
-Gao Changgong, Prince of Lanling
-Zhou Yu, Administrator of the Nan Commandery
-Taigong Wang/Jiang Ziya, Grand Duke of Qi
-Huang Feihu, Prince of National Pacification and Military Prowess
-Zhang Jue, General of Heaven
-Huyan Zhuo, Liangshan Tiger General (also the anomaly design-wise and lore-wise, but counting him/her still)

Like yes, all of these people are terrifying because they partook in war. There's no glorifying the fact that war itself is bloody, cruel, and tragic. But I feel like when I look at their Fate counterparts, I can see past that bloodstained front. I can see the loyalty these people hold to other people and their causes, so that they're not fighting for just their own benefit. I see a sense of discipline, in that they don't slaughter people, even enemies, for no reason. I feel a sense of valor because most of these people could've chosen the easier, more peaceful path and had someone else take their role, but they didn't. And even though I do consider myself a pacifist, I can see the nobleness of their intentions, with most of them fighting against injustice, oppression, and cruelty. 
It's a myriad of contradictory feelings because, as I've implied, I never think war/conflict is a true solution. But it for sure happens for a reason, and sometimes the fault doesn't lie on both sides. There's still that appeal in a warrior figure who is righteous and sticks to principles that others may find only restraining and unnecessary, and I admire that a fictional work evokes this feeling. 


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October 2, 2023 11:34:29  #9279

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I think life is just trying to make me die of laughter, my lab partner hates insects and so last week while we were dealing with isopods (squirmy lil guys) I was the one handling them, now this week we have crickets (: 


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October 2, 2023 16:24:03  #9280

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Summary of the lab: I handled the lil guys (and girl) again. We had to use hands to pick them up and place them back in their containers and my partner did not like that (I did it though so don't worry about him). Also we got a new lab partner so now it's a fun little trio
We played romantic music for them (: which was funny 'cause I imagined the stereotypical "doo doo doo doo" music and then that's exactly what my partner played through his phone. I had a real fun time laughing at that xD.
Anyways I sure hope the cricket have police. One of those dudes was clearly a harasser and needs to be behind bars.
Also I really do feel like I went in there better equipped to pick up insects simply because of that one Kiaane and Martin thread. They cute. Everyone else didn't seem to think the same though, judging from the screaming. 


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October 3, 2023 19:20:20  #9281

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Me: Noo, the only thing Zheng Chenggong is in love with is his goals!! You guys can't just ship him with Archer!
Chinese fandom: Haha gay ship go brrrr

Another thing that was funny, one of the first fanarts from the Chinese fandom I saw was some very skilled person deciding to draw Caster in a suit because they thought he would look good in a suit (he did but like, what xD)
Simping goes first in all fandoms I see.

anyways yeah most fanart I am seeing is just Koxinga x Archer and it's the usual reaction from me (part of me finds it funny while the other part is crying)
I think it's the tall/short man thing, how shady both of them are, and alternatively how they give off dog/cat vibes. 
Do Not Make Me Specify.


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October 3, 2023 19:26:23  #9282

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Anyways Fate does a very good job of reminding me of the things I wanna do but cannot do
Like drawing memes. Because when I have the inspiration I am always busy, and when I am not busy I have negative skills.


Not mine obviously.
True height memes are always funny. xD.


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October 3, 2023 19:29:58  #9283

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right


(These are all sourced from the same user, and I haven't even posted most of them, thereby proving Chinese people are just superior in their artistic efficiency :')))) )


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October 3, 2023 19:34:01  #9284

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

(More major spoilers this time)

I am going to punch Zheng Chenggong just for the poison goblet mention.
I swear that line was aimed towards me. (:


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October 3, 2023 20:38:51  #9285

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Local 35-year-old: (*dying*)


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October 3, 2023 20:41:32  #9286

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I forgot to mention this also but we also now have verifiable evidence that Archer, indeed, uses a short sword/dagger. (though only sometimes)
Hooray! The Archer class is made of archers!


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October 5, 2023 18:27:17  #9287

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My current biggest fear is that one of these days an actual forumer will register for an account and put "yes so no" as their answers to the registration questions as a joke, and I'll immediately auto-reject them out of instinct.
As all biggest fears need to be, the probability of this actually happening is infinitesimal. 

I technically have a mini essay due today but I'm not very intimidated since I feel like I just started and half of the word count is already gone. Like what the heck, what am I supposed to analyze with this limit?
I also find it funny how I'm basically on break now. My school has a thing where there's a week without classes but you're expected to make your own homework. So of course, I'll figure out a way to do absolutely nothing during it and then get pwned after. 
For the record, my plan is to write a bit (but we all know I won't), maybe find some chatting times (or just some idea generation for the holiday season "festivities" would be great also) (we all know I don't have enough initiative for this as well), probably draw a lil, hopefully move around more, hopefully sleep more, and technically I've been wanting to explore the surroundings more but the gods know I will not do that.
And I guess for "studying" I'll just read textbooks for fun. I still suck at studying btw, I don't think I know how to do it. But I like reading so, why not. 
This has been fun in the most neutral sense possible. I'm also still trying to figure out if it's normal to feel like this...swimming sensation when people talk. Like try as I might it feels like every word is in a bubble and there's a pane of water between us. Is it normal? Who knows. 


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October 5, 2023 18:45:22  #9288

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

"I've barely started saying anything, what do you mean I need to finish this in 100 words, nooo"


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October 5, 2023 19:56:53  #9289

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I have a class where lectures are basically analyses of the text, and I find it so funny because every time I have a pessimistic interpretation, literally everyone else who speaks up will have an optimistic interpretation, and when I have an optimistic interpretation, everyone else has a pessimistic interpretation
But the funniest things have definitely gotta be the fact that I'm always the one who speaks up when no one else knows what to say (but also I'm horrible at speaking up literally 98% of the time so you can guess how that goes), and also the fact that I get to watch my professor visibly struggle because she never knows what to say about what I just said.  

Anyways, I finished the essay assignment thing, no sweat. At least until I find out I screwed the entire thing up.


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October 5, 2023 20:01:50  #9290

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I also find it funny how apparently most people's norms here include shutting doors loudly and stomp-walking, so when I move around I scare pretty much everyone
I've gotten "When did you get here??" so many times since I came here and have jumpscared more people than I've been able to count. 
Apparently I'm just scarily sneaky. Or sneakily scary? Hmmm.


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October 10, 2023 13:41:27  #9291

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I go out to get something to eat, immediately get flagged by some dude who says he's never gotten a date and thinks he is worthless for everything but wanted to say hi to me specifically[?????]
Slightly :') over this ngl.
Like am I supposed to feel proud or weird over this? I cannot tell.


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October 10, 2023 23:14:14  #9292

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

dormmates stop slamming doors as a challenge when


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October 10, 2023 23:19:11  #9293

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Turns out they invited a group of people over at midnight, and one of them just vomited all over the living room.


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October 11, 2023 02:37:00  #9294

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

dormmates stop slamming doors as a challenge when


The doors are heavy and they always make a loud clicking sound when they close ok

Bruh the signature be wacky

October 11, 2023 17:20:48  #9295

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Time wrote:

The doors are heavy and they always make a loud clicking sound when they close ok

Skill issue


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October 11, 2023 19:40:09  #9296

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

It will never not be funny to me (in a kinda grisly way) how apparently people in the West learn about Ancient Chinese wars like "That's...a LOTTA casualties" while I was like "wdym only a few hundred/thousand people died in this war" because I was too used to big numbers and atrocities and frequent cannibalism

Another funny thing is "etiquette of war." I keep reading about Western generals/commanders communicating often with each other, planning where they'll battle each other and stuff like that. Meanwhile Chinese commanders usually only send letters to threaten you or say how they'll spare you if they surrender, otherwise they'll just trap you on a hill for months or set the city on fire or something. And honestly the only reason why this is "funny" is because it's war, in the end all I see are Western soldiers mowing each other down with guns in pre-planned places so it's just death anyways, what is the point.


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October 11, 2023 19:43:35  #9297

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Bringing this up only because of the Israel/Palestine thing flaring up again. I hate war so much, but as I grow older I can also see how inevitable it is because...because people.
The Onion also went through the recommendations with that specific video as soon as I saw any related news. I swear they dictate reality on a loop.

Anyhow, averting from the topic to Gao Changgong, who helped defeat an army of 100,000 soldiers by breaking through the outside with 500 people and then showing face ID to his people
For this reason I like to headcanon he'd be absurdly good at tower games. 


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October 12, 2023 14:14:31  #9298

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I like how I can't recognize my own voice when I record
I was listening to a recording I made literally 5 minutes ago and was like "Wait I think I was the one who said that...did I say that" and had a crisis because I sounded 30 years older than I already am


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October 12, 2023 20:20:42  #9299

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Skill issue



Bruh the signature be wacky

October 12, 2023 21:33:28  #9300

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I thought it'd be funny to roast Kiaane for 4 hours and then edit their page for no reason

I'll edit it again in 2027 (probably later) (lol)
(*squishes them into a ball*) why are you like this


Edit: The summary of the editing btw--Local existence too dense for I.Q. tests

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