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September 18, 2023 20:38:53  #9241

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I will eat the box


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September 18, 2023 20:41:14  #9242

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Didn't work. I dislike the texture


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September 18, 2023 22:20:13  #9243

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

@Specter - Echo said they'd fight you for custody, but I'll fight you if you don't take custody. Take your pick, Specter.
NPed by whom? 


Dang what am I to do
@Echo what about joint custory? I would not survive a lawsuit against you who is a fan of Ace Attorney

Summer Kama, I like seeing them engulfed in a beam of light

A joint custody would work uwu

Galaxian eat part of the moon

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

September 20, 2023 18:45:13  #9244

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Echowo wrote:

Galaxian eat part of the moon

But I don't wanna be a dog ):


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September 20, 2023 19:46:48  #9245

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw it turns out the answer was vegetables
A lot of them. I ate a head of cabbage and like 2 bunches of spinach, and also water and finally went to bed. Woke up the next morning with a slightly more normal appetite

Anywho, here are two of the "some" things I wanted to write about! (I forgot one particular thought that I recall I wanted to write the most about so,,, lol)
I looked back at 2022's art and holy heck was it horrendous. I'm speaking completely objectively too. :') So I am for sure gonna dismantle my art thread, it's just gonna take a while because I need to archive my RPing thread first and there is hardly a dent I have made thus far. Not that I have dug that much, but still.
Two, after reading some readings that I did for homework, I read I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream and wow. 
What can I say? There is for sure a specific mindset you have to be in to write that sort of thing. 
Anyways, now I need to go back to homework land and hope that eventually I can understand people when they talk. 


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September 24, 2023 13:58:18  #9246

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Sorry I found this too funny not to share


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September 24, 2023 14:00:51  #9247

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Me at the sun every morning

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

September 24, 2023 14:07:41  #9248

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I still find it funny how dream me sympathizes with Kiaane, and Kiaane only. 
Any other character actively suffering? I sleep. But when they're anywhere near trouble I get concerned
Not to say that I don't actively plot the implications of what is happening for my plot-related plans, though. Because I definitely do. I mean, there's a reason why I say dream me has no morals. 

Also I can't tell if I dreamt about Eliza yesterday night, or if I dreamed about Ryoo meanwhile, Eliza who secretly looks like Ryoo:


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September 24, 2023 14:21:31  #9249

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Technically, I think I find my whole existence pretty funny. For example, I feel wrong if I'm not taking a science course, because I love science and just everything related to how it works. I love looking at theories, I love the experimental process, I love the premise of knowledge-building. But on the other hand it is definitely my worst subject, and I don't think I've ever had science as my favorite subject ever. And as we speak I am sucking at it. I cannot follow the schedule well, I don't know how to best learn the content I need to learn for the course, etc. etc.
Similarly, I wanna be a doctor. Always have. But again, I suck at science, and I suck at communicating with people, and honestly I usually think I'm not strong enough or dedicated enough to follow through on this dream. Simultaneously, however, the thought of not being able to become a doctor literally pains me to the point of tears. I can't think of a job I would want to do more, a cause I'd want to dedicate myself to more, even though I'm well aware how much commitment it will take. 
And y'know, this semester I'm not taking math, and it feels wrong for some reason. Sometimes I even feel like doing some equations and problems on my own for the heck of it. But similar to science, it's never my favorite subject either, and I usually find it tedious. Not to mention, numbers are the bane of my memory, as are theorems and formulas and geometry.  
Same thing goes for my hobbies. I technically love writing. I have a lot of ideas--a lot of things that I want to say and express in specific ways, especially after I read works that bring out a lot of thought and reflection. But I've found that I don't really enjoy having others read my writing, and a lot of the time I don't want to read my own stuff either. And there is so much struggle for me in this compartment, even when I'm extremely excited about jotting something down. I feel like I have a certain talent/skill in interpreting emotions and carrying that understanding over to things like syntax and figurative language, but at the same time, I sometimes feel as if it's more of a "my interpretation" sort of thing rather than a more universal experience, so even when I think I know the instruments I am trying to use, I struggle to believe in my way of using them.
On the flip side, I love drawing as well, but I know for a fact how bad I am at it, even though I try a lot. And as I've mentioned before, it's weird, because objectively speaking I do think I am better at writing than drawing, but I do drawing more often. So it's a perpetual cycle of "Is it really sufficient if you are just doing this for your own enjoyment? Is it okay to continue on this way?" I think in an ironic sense it parallels just about everything else I've mentioned so far.
Maybe all of this is related to that element of natural contradiction. 


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September 24, 2023 14:27:37  #9250

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

On an offhand note, some images are still not working for me. Specifically, it says is down and has been like this for at least a week. So every image hosted by that site is just showing as a lil image icon. 

Sometimes I think about if the world being created by some sort of deity/pantheon would be a preferrable reality for me. 
Usually the answer is no, simply because even from my perspective as a mortal, I cannot fathom being a god who turns a blind eye to the suffering and flaws of the world, or worse, adds onto them. 
Plus, I feel like the current theories are more interesting to consider compared to any creation myths, like everything living developing from RNA (the RNA world theory), or the endosymbiont theory. Even if there are a lot of gaps in our knowledge, probably occupying much more space than what our knowledge can fill...well, I think those gaps make thinking about it even more cool.  

...I am probably gonna regret posting all this, but let's be honest here, I only brought up the endosymbiont theory because of the joke "The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell." Turns out it's only a prisoner of its existence just like the rest of us. (which is a really crappy joke btw please do not quote it.)
Which in turn reminds me of that exchange:
"Your skeleton is trapped inside of you, waiting to hatch out!"
"Technically our brains are inside the cranium, and therefore we are the ones being trapped."
"(*existential crisis*)"


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September 24, 2023 14:47:44  #9251

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

All I know about "phagocytosis" is that it makes me hungry. 
Which is fitting.

That endosymbiont theory thing is just reminding of that I.Q. where it's like
Person 1: I'm gonna fail this Biology test! Quick, teach me stuff!
Person 2: Biology is the study of l--
Person 3, cutting them off: Mitochondria. Is. The. Powerhouse. Of. The. Cell.
Person 4: (*confused screaming*)
Person 5: We're doomed.

Wow, I wish my humor worked, that way I could find a way to insert a Person 6 there about mitochrondria once being their own lil microbe existences that were swallowed up by cells and eventually had to adapt to become the existences they are today, forced to forever toil to provide energy for their captors and unable to escape because they are now unable to live by themselves
Intracellular Stockholm Syndrome confirmed?


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September 24, 2023 18:05:48  #9252

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right


Same vibes as "Are you going to kill me?" "Yes! :D"


Edit: Btw I do know the original question in the website is probably different, I just find the search results generation hilarious

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September 25, 2023 17:11:54  #9253

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

F/SR is strangely funny, like yes it looks like the entire country of Japan might be set on fire because of the creepy vibes, but also it's funny. I cannot take it seriously even though every single Servant in this War could probably cook me.
My impressions of the pairs so far:
Saber and Iori: Saber is haughty and Iori probably has no idea what is going on. I find it so funny how Saber starts with their[?] NP pretty much right off the bat and then Iori nopes that. Iori reminds me of Shirou, I suppose, while Saber just feels more casual than Artoria. I like their relationship already for some reason. I feel like Saber might be sassy.
Archer and Chenggong: I cannot take Archer seriously due to my guess of his identity, plus his expression is perpetually sinister. Lol. And Chenggong sus. (The latest trailer has him saying, "His Majesty's kingdom will not fall..." in a very ominous tone which kinda just makes him more sus. We will see.) I do like that they both at least seem like the straightforward type though. we will ignore how Archer refers to entrusting a "dying wish" on the website for the game :') 
And as a quick add-on, I find the water-fire dynamic between Archer and Saber interesting. So we'll see how that goes. :D Since I've noticed everyone else isn't giving off element themes. I can't really tell if this means they'll have a more friendly dynamic or if they'll be pitted against each other, but we shall see!
Lancer and Chiemon: Edgyyyyy. Seriously, I'm kinda intrigued by this pair, because Lancer doesn't feel like Jeanne Alter or Jeanne, yet in the OP it seems to be Jeanne right before her execution, so...? I also wonder if Chiemon's more than he appears. I really do feel like he could be scheming more--after all, I can't see him being a voluntary participant if he hasn't thought ahead--but idk. Edgy edge edge.
Also, Lancer feels dead inside. Maybe that'll prevent external death. since the most passionate Lancers seem to die faster
Rider and Shousetsu: Definitely the weirdly morally ambiguous pair. And that laugh at the end of the trailer along with the might be some kind of huge red herring though, intended to set us off. In Fate style, of course. I love Shousetsu's design btw. Hopefully this pair doesn't die first...they give off red flags for sure.
Caster and Tsuchimikado: Edgy but definitely evil. Unlike the "Fallen Christians" pair (Lancer and Chiemon). Ngl though, Caster in the in-game style looks handsome lol. Not excusing him from having eyeball hands as familiars.
Anyways, Caster pairs will always be sus. I don't think I've seen one of these spinoffs with a Good Caster. They're always Evil or Neutral. 
And for Tsuchimikado...Abe-no-Seimei's descendant? Are we sure about that? Or maybe he got those wife genes from the past (as in Seimei's wife, who pretty much got him killed and got with Douman lol). 
Assassin and Dorothea: I don't think I've seen too much dialogue on Assassin, which is kinda sad because I'm pretty interested in him. For one, he's not a Hassan, which is cool and relates to the premise of this totally-not-a-Holy-Grail-War! Plus the artist said they like him the most, which has gotta mean something. 
On the Master front--a mage from the Clock Tower, huh. At least now we have more historical evidence of how the mages of the past might have operated. My moral expectations are not high to be sure.
Berserker and Dayu: MUSASHIIII!
Interesting pairing. Unfortunately I am more interested in the Rogue Berserker because of how stark his design is and the implied dynamic he has with Dayu (and I mean, even on the website he's shown behind her lol), but I'm interested in Musashi too for sure. Her outfit is so cool! And I really do wonder why Dayu is connected with this ritual at all.

I know for sure that part of my interest in the game is because of its genre and how I've followed up with its marketing, but I also think it's definitely my F/DA bias getting in lol.
F/DA is more casual tbh, these spinoffs seem dreadful to be in.
I want friendships! Give me friendships! :D F/SR probably: did you say mass murder


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September 25, 2023 17:17:11  #9254

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

On a less serious note, I keep thinking "what if F/SR Archer had that one Yelena expression" which is definitely not cursed at all
I don't even know why, maybe it's how the art style kinda exaggerates his facial expressions.
The moment his true identity is confirmed I will start memeing for at least a week.


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September 25, 2023 17:19:20  #9255

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw when I say "F/SR Caster looks handsome in-game" I mean specifically this one shot. The shot for the thumbnail.

Evil dude actively failing face mask procedures.


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September 25, 2023 17:29:00  #9256

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Just realized that maybe the reason I find that specific look attractive is because it looks like the drawing I am currently (not) working on
Whoopsie, accidental narcissism :')


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September 26, 2023 18:14:44  #9257

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Sabers in official spinoffs: (*cool looking, dignified, and/or with impressive backstories*)
My Saber:  ס(◑ ○◑)ס ☕


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September 27, 2023 12:28:21  #9258

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I really did just waste away hours writing 7 pages of stuff not related to school
No regrets. yet

I have to learn 2 years of Chemistry and Biology today or else I'm screwed tomorrow, wish me luck guys :')


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September 27, 2023 15:59:23  #9259

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Just realized how ironic it is that the images on this page fit a Halloween theme (spooky Caster, coffee emoticon, and a going to Hell meme)
Y'know what's gonna be worse than ghosts though? My test grade. I really do need to go now. Goodbye. :')
And as always, feel free to leave feedback on the theme wherever, since as we all know I am not going to be able to incorporate it anyways.


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September 28, 2023 01:46:28  #9260

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I don't think you'll need just luck. You'll need a miracle.

Bruh the signature be wacky

September 28, 2023 10:14:23  #9261

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Time wrote:

I don't think you'll need just luck. You'll need a miracle.

You underestimate my powrrr! (*spontaneously combusts*)


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September 28, 2023 10:37:07  #9262

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

F/SR spoiler

I can only imagine how that would've gone against Spartacus.

Why is this guy so bullyable I swear. I'm starting to wonder if my new way of liking characters is just bullying them. Would I have done that to Run?

Buut in all seriousness it's just part of his character. Unlike Lanling Wang who historically was perfect in every way except politics (slight overexaggeration but it's true), Zhou Yu is known for doing everything right but then getting defamed by a major literaturical work after dying early and also his lord's grandson screwing things up and messing up everything he worked for. So of course I'm gonna bully him.
Even though I feel a lot of agony, knowing there's no way he's gonna have a happy ending in F/SR.

Oh yeah, also, the jokes on his two-sidedness are probably gonna be a personal thing. I can't imagine Fate really going that direction. Unless...?


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September 28, 2023 10:39:30  #9263

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Putting this here before I watch any playthroughs: My favorites are bound to 1) die 2) get possessed/corrupted (i.e., Run getting reanimated, the Gold Saints turned to Specters, Li getting possessed, etc.). Not in that order.
So...there's gonna be some corrupted Servant shenanigans like HF or like in Shimousa, calling it rn. Paiiiinnnnn.


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September 28, 2023 10:42:17  #9264

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I keep thinking about how if Run were in Fate he'd probably be an Archer lol. So this is kinda just painful on two levels for no rational reason at all.
Memes. Focus on the memes.


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September 28, 2023 10:43:30  #9265

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Would Scorpio Milo be an Archer
He stabs in you a few bloody holes
his NP, Antares, never works


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September 28, 2023 10:45:45  #9266

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I really do feel like F/DA Saber is the type to eat snacks during battle
They're not trying to mock you, they just. Like snacks. Monch monch. 
it works as healing in games, they're totally not mimicking that. Who would conflate reality with video games, amirite? (*nervous laughter*)

They might not shoot beams, but they're cute and look cute while they're eating. That's all that matters. That's why they're in the class. I will take no other alternatives because I am right and am always right (: . Also yes I am delirious from too little sleep after getting used to getting enough (I fixed my sleep schedule...for now...), what do you mean you could tell?


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September 28, 2023 10:47:58  #9267

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The enemy is charging up their Noble Phantasm while Saber is just trying to fish out some M&Ms
They don't mind eating nuts, but they like chocolate. 
Morality does not determine one's culinary preferences. Remember that for my characters. (Absolutely do not remember that.)

Essentially, they prove how it'd actually be weird to be completely unstressed about most things. See?
(*points at Saber*) Weirdo.


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September 28, 2023 13:02:17  #9268

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

resist the temptations resist the temptations resist resist stststsssssss hhHhhh 
It's enough, it has to be enough. It has to be enough for me. 

Yeah. Good luck figuring out what I'm talking about, future me. (:


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September 28, 2023 21:22:12  #9269

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Breaking news: Local dude is being driven insane by a game they can't even play
(Spoilering just in case, it's mostly because I know for a fact I sound deranged atm. Again, possible spoilers about F/SR, but mostly just a wall to block off some text lol.

I am drawing F/SR Archer. And idk if I've ever mentioned this before but I love drawing out others' character designs. It really makes me think about what their perspective might be, kinda like literary analysis while reading, or writing in someone else's character's POV (writing fanfics or just others' characters in general). But outside of me struggling at drawing faces (*cough* RUN I love you and cannot emphasize just how much I appreciate your character but pleasseeeee), I really do savor the process.
...and I do enjoy it here, even though it's ultimately for a joke and there's a lot more work (distractions) ahead. Problem is...he is so logically bullyable xD I have been laughing to myself like a maniac for pretty much the entire day. For different reasons. Why is he like this.
And actually, why are they like this? I made a joke that maybe I should have Rensa wear heavy Ancient Chinese robes anywhere and everywhere, even in the modern day. But only recently have I been realizing how Fate literally does this, at least with the clothing component. I looked at Jiang Ziya's concept art and I kid you not, he is literally wearing 5+ layers. I swear he is skinnier than Oberon under there, because by this point I think even his "underclothes" have even more layers under there that the artist just didn't bother to show.
Archer's outfit is not the most impractical, on the other hand, but it just. I. The dude is basically wearing a towel draped around the front and back, cut off a sleeve on one end or something, and is wearing two more layers. And then his accessories are arranged so that they jut out the right places from the right layers. I just. Please help me xDDD.  
I cannot emphasize just how much I love his historical counterpart (he's definitively in my Top 5 Most Favorite Chinese Historical Characters, along with Zhuge Liang, Wu Zetian, Gao Changgong [obviously], and Lu Su), but please why is he like this. I can't. xD I am trying to translate my wheezing into text form.

Does this mean I should tell Rider he's no longer Chinese if he doesn't wear 3 winter coats? I say while wearing t-shirts and shorts while everyone else here has started wearing jackets lol
Anyways. BAHAHA. Meeehhh. (*starts choking*)


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September 28, 2023 21:28:22  #9270

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

HAHAHAHA (*starts maniacally laughing for no discernible reason*) 

(And no, this isn't a new reason that I just thought up, it just keeps coming back and I just keep imagining different characters of mine throwing him up through the air like a kid and him phasing through the ceiling in spirit form. JIFOSDJFODSJF.)


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