I was doing writings on my homethread, and it got to the point where I was debating creating a dedicated thread for writing. So here it is.
For convince sake of both the viewer and myself, I think I will use the first, main post as a "directory" for specific topics that I write.
For now, you should expect me writing about personal stories, and things I am interested (video games, for ex). I'll move some of my writings over to here.
Also, if I ever write any GGaD, I will place it here.
I should also mention that I'll probably use stronger language I normally wouldn't use here. Probably not often, as it's not normally in my vocablulary, but just a heads up.
Oh, also please if you have any (respectful) criticism or comments, please do share it! Here in this thread or on my homethread is a good spot.
Limbus Company and General Universe (Note: This one may recieve updates over time as I work on it, so I'll date enteries)
Basic Ideas of Limbus Company
- Aug. 6, 2023 - Hook - Link to post
- Aug. 6, 2023 - Ideas of Symbolism - Link to post
- Aug. 11, 2023 - World (Tone, Setting, Wings, Lobotomy Corporation, Nests, Backstreets, Singularities, and Abnormalities) - Link to post
- Aug. 24, 2023 - Magic/Tech System (E.G.O., EGO Corrosion, Distortion, Identities) - Link to post:
- Aug. 28, 2023 - Characters - Link to post
- Sep. 4, 2023 - The Actual Game - Link to post
Theory and analysis of theory crafting Concerning Limbus Company
- Ishmael Series (Me practicing scrutinizing a character)
--> September 22, 2023 - Ishmael's Appearance -Link to post
--> September 22, 2023 - Ishmael's Personality - Link to post
- The Population of the City, The Annoucement Trailer - wip
Stuff that you Read (Books, Manga, etc.)
- Mistborn the Final Empire - Debating to move posts over.
- September 24, 2023 - Mistborn the Well of Ascension - Link to post
- October 30, 2023 - Frieren Beyond The Journey's End: Checking in at Ch. 70 - Link to post (and the post below it)
Stuff that you Play (Video Games)
- Nov. 23 & 24, 2023 - SIGNALIS - Link to post, Link to 2nd post
Time's General Ramblings
- Time's Opinion on Choices in Videogames - Scrapped. Found it to be too complex of a topic than I wanna put work in. If I revisit it, I'd probably do a summary of a conversation that I had with someone on it or something similar. [Sept. 10, 2023]
- Oct. 19, 2023 - Just Time remembering his favorite view. - Link to post
Last edited by Time (November 25, 2023 00:03:49)
Note: This one comes from my homethread so nothing new here
Limbus Company follows the story of 13 Sinners, and their efforts to capture the Golden Boughs, tremendously amazing artifacts of a great, powerful, fallen company that held influence throughout The City.
This story is told through the perspective of Sinner No. 10, Dante. They take the role of Executive Manager. It is the Executive Manager’s job to lead the 12 others in battle, resuscitate them from death and injury, and probably the hardest task of them all: make sure they don’t kill each other.
This story is one of what appears to be a mysterious, dystopian, sci-fi world. This is (currently) a story with many questions to be answered, hopefully we will get the answers we seek in due time.
Last edited by Time (August 23, 2023 21:26:14)
Note: This one is also just from my homethread, no new changes
I'm going to add a disclamer here that this section is simply evidence for the claim I make in the next sentence, nothing more. So if things make no sense there, I am sorry. Next post, coming tommorow, will get into characters, and maybe the world too!
It’s clear as day that this story takes loads of religious inspiration. Let me list some obvious notes for later use down the road.
The MC’s name sake is from The Divine Comedy, as their name is Dante. The word “Limbus” in Limbus company can refer to Limbo, the place on the edge of hell. The word “inferno” is commonly thrown around, also in reference to Dante’s Inferno.
In combat, instead of elements, like water, earth, fire, etc, the elements are actually the 7 deadly sins, such as gluttony, pride, wrath and so forth. What is peculiar though is instead of including greed, they replaced it with “gloom”. This may be just simply a different interpretation of greed/the 7 sins, but I am not aware of it yet. I may have to look into it later.
There are also probably loads of metaphors and such that I am currently forgetting or didn’t notice.
In addition, the story spells it out for you if it wasn’t obvious already: Spoilers for Canto 3. I will have separate spoilers detailing minor, and then more explicit, detailed spoilers. I will try to keep the details separate from each other, so if you don’t want to read the major spoilers, you should be able to understand everything normally.
Minor spoiler
Detailed Spoiler For Canto 3Not taking much reference outside, but in Canto 3, there was loads of imagery pertaining to Christmas. Silent Night is a prevalent song that is played, and it’s in fact played in the opening scene.
Throughout Canto 3, characters keep on saying that Christmas is just a long length away, like, 3 separate times. Do you know what that means? That means that it is going DOWN on Christmas. I have my theories, but I think I won't share them yet.
Taking details from the story, the time of the story from Prologue to Canto 3.5 has been a few months (probably 3 or so), and Canto 4 takes place in early May.
I predict this will become a major plot point in the future so I label it as a major spoiler)In the massacarded town of Calw, people’s body parts are displayed like ornaments in evergreen trees while Silent Night plays in a sadder and more ominous tone
So clearly, yes, there will be lots of religious references here. Specifically pertaining Christianity/Catholicism. I wish that I was more educated in this sort of field in being able to understand more references on my own instead of having to use the net to look things up.More importantly and mysteriously in Canto 3:
During Canto 3, there is a character who bears what is simply termed as “a sign” on their forehead. It’s a red, glowing mark. But what’s more important to analysis is that it’s the Mark of Cain. I can’t analyze it too much yet, as we still don’t know much about it. Plus, I haven’t read up on the meaning of the mark or how it is displayed in other media, so I cannot come up with any well thought through theories. Maybe in a later update I’ll touch on it again. But yes, seeing this, this is certainly a story with lots of religious symbolism.
Last edited by Time (August 23, 2023 21:26:04)
Note: Once again something else from my homethread.
Tone and Basic Setting
I should have added this to my premise. But instead, I’ll add it here. Maybe both areas?
The tone is quite obviously a dark one. Inside the city is a sci-fi urban supercomplex where corporate companies rule all, and the people are run over and over for monetary gain so the companies can get more powerful while they put the idea of human life on the backburner. Outside is a polluted post-apocalyptic wasteland that houses nothing but monsters. Life just sucks wherever you go.
In exchange tho, nearly everyone you see will be wearing suits, and that stuff is pretty drippy ngl.
The City (and Outskirts) - The Main Location of Story
Wings - Those Who Hold PowerThe main location in which the story takes place. A superurban place. It’s standard that sci-fi stories take place within cities. Though it is interesting to see so far how much every district within the cities differs from one another. There are 26 districts (1 for each letter in the latin alphabet) and The City is quite large… I think it’s around maybe… 250 km/150 miles in diameter? Each district has their own culture and customs, and it’s usually recommended to read up on them before traveling into a new district. There are also taboos. Taboos of a district are punishable by death. These taboos can greatly vary, and most are probably not morally sound, and more pointed towards what the Wing of the district wants.
What is interesting is on the map, we only see 25 districts, but they mention that there are 26 Wings.
I originally thought the city was landlocked, but as it turns out, it is not. Which is an interesting touch I will talk about later.
The area outside of the city is like a wasteland and polluted. Quite postapocalyptic. Monsters and the unwanteds of the world roam here
Lobotomy Corporation - A Once Great Wing with a Powerful LegacyEach district is controlled by a Wing. A Wing is simply a term for one of the 26 biggest conglomerates that has control over a district. Naturally, there are also the 26 most powerful forces within the city. While each Wing has their own, actual name (ex. Lobotomy Corporation) sometimes they are referred to the district they are in primary control of. Example: Lobotomy Corporation is in charge of District 11, or district L, so they could be referred to as L Corp.
Of course, Wings do not only operate in their own district. They are likely to have branches in other districts to carry out their goals. They are a business after all.
I am not familiar with the process of a normal corporation becoming a Wing, but I do know that when a Wing falls (and it happens every now and then) it’s a terrible thing. Especially for the inhabitants of the district, and the Wing’s employees. The district quickly turns into a power vacuum filled with chaos and death with the main authority gone. There is no guarantee of safety for anyone in that district. Many employees are made to fend for themselves.
Singularities - Special Reality Defying TechLobotomy Corporation is one of the more recent fallen wings. In order to prevent its enemies from stealing their tech, they decided to bury all of their branches underground and seal them off. I didn’t play any previous games in this world such as LCorp or Library of Runia, but I presume it’s fall was so sudden and devastating, that employees were not given any sort of heads up, many were trapped underground with nearly no resources to survive.
Currently, the seat for Wing of District 11 (L District) is still in the air, and companies are competing to be crowned upon it.
They are responsible for the creation of Abnormalities and E.G.O. via their Singularity, Cogito.
Abnormalities - Monsters (SCPs) of L CorpA Singularity is a unique, specific technology that is so powerful, it breaks known laws of physics. Every Wing has their own Singularity, accompanied with what may be considered “semi-singularities”
Almost if not all Singularities create human suffering. It may rely on it as fuel, or it may be exploited for it to continue happening.
Lobotomy Corp’s singularity was Cogito, a substance to allow the human subconsciousness develop into physical form. That’s how things like Abnormalities became real.
The Nests and the Backstreets - Distinct Separations in Every District.Not a very well known term in the world, as it was primarily used by Lobotomy Corp and kept under wraps. To keep it simple. What are abnormalities? You know SCP? Yeah. That’s what they basically are. But instead of the Secure-Contain-Protect…
You see, L Corp was the biggest energy supplier in the city. Its primary source of extracting energy and Enkephalin was from abnormalities. Creatures created by the human mind and consciousness. I haven’t looked into how they are exactly created yet, but I read something somewhere about them being “pulled out” of a sea of consciousness. L Corp’s Singularity, Cogito, or something of the sort??
Now that L Corp has fallen though, many of the buried branches are in disarray. Abnormalities have breached containment, and are roaming the facilities now. Unfortunately for us, the Golden Bough was something that Lob Corp was storing too. So we gotta deal with their monsters in addition to opposing factions.
I’m getting the feeling if I played the past two games that are in this universe, I would know a lot more. But at the same time, it feels like Limbus Company was designed to draw in new audiences, I hope I’ll be fine on lore.
Oh, so you think the Wing will protect you no matter where you are in the district? Wrong! They only care about the people in the Nest. The Nests are the headquarters of the Wing and the surrounding areas, basically. It’s where the elite live, and where the most resources are placed when it comes to ensuring safety. The Backstreets are considered dangerous regions of the district, and they stretch throughout the district like veins. The Backstreets are likely to have different cultures from their Nest counterparts, despite being in the same district. In addition, organizations, or Syndicates, control local areas of the Backstreets.
Last edited by Time (August 23, 2023 21:29:23)
Note: Finally new stuff!
Magic (Tech?) System That I didn’t go over in the World Section (That being Singularities)
Man, for this one, I did some searching. I couldn’t just use the wiki, but I had to use multiple sources to get information. It seems that this world’s magic system can be vague at times, leaving room for theories and such.
The tech of this world is quite confusing. As well as dark. There’s a lot of tech in this world that is extremely powerful, and often deals with more metaphorical and abstract things such as emotions, memories, and luck, to name a few. I find it to be interesting, but also wonder about the resulting consequences to the world when introducing such powerful devices.
Tech in this world is rather dark in tone. For example, Enkephalin, a special fuel source in the world, is harvested from the spinal cords and brains of people. It’s also better if the person is alive when extracting these sources. The bus, Enkephalin, will usually use bandits as fuel if they can’t find any fuel from better resources.
I already talked about singularities, so I’ll talk about another important concept in this world: E.G.O.
E.G.O. - Useful Tools, Suits, and Weaponry to Handle all Sorts of Situations
EGO Corrosion - A Consequence of Using EGOFace the Sin, Save the E.G.O.
It’s in the tagline of Limbus Company!
Stands for Extermination of Geometrical Organ (whatever that means). They represent the super moves of the game. EGO are specialized equipment that is manifested by the mind of the user. It is equipment that is used to turn the tides in battle. There are two types of EGO.
I will call them Abnormality EGO and Natural EGO
Abnormality EGO is created from the abnormalities of the old L Corp. Naturally L Corp was the one to develop this type of EGO. View Abnormality EGO as not armor and weaponry, but more as synchronizing with the organs of the Abnormality it’s derived from, using its power in combat. Abnormality EGO was especially effective, as it’s synchronization ability could allow anyone to use it expertly without any training. However, it does still have its risks in EGO Corrosion.
Natural EGO is a special type of EGO that only a few can do. After the White Nights and Dark Days incident, an event that I haven't a clue about (apparently it has to do with the ending of the previous game), some people developed Natural EGO. Instead of having to source from Abnormalities, these specific few could develop their EGO from their own mind and consciousness manifest. In addition, they do not have to worry about EGO Corrosion, as the EGO is sourced from themselves. However before researching, I originally interpreted that their EGO is manifested from a source of their memories. While the former makes more sense, I thought that my original interpretation, the latter, was cooler.
From what I’ve read, (stuff outside of Limbus atm) Natural EGO is developed during high emotional stakes, and that means usually that’s during life or death situations. In addition, most Natural EGO is unstable, and if a user fails to properly stabilize their natural EGO, they will Distort.
Another reason why I though my interpretation would be cool is because it makes sense that it’s a constant strain on the user, as in my interpretation, since it is based upon memories, specifically traumatic ones, it may be a reminder of such a moment from where the memory originates from, and constantly reliving through that in battle. However, to note, my interpretation was just my original one, and is false.
Distortion - A Consequence of Using EGO (Part 2)While using Abnormality EGO is quite easy, it comes at the cost of EGO corrosion. When using an Abnormality EGO, you are utilizing all the tools and weapons of the Abnormality, however, that includes the emotions and identity of the creature. Those who aren’t mentally strong enough to resist the urges of the Abnormality will start to Corrode. Their body will start to merge with the equipment manifested, and the user will start to reflect the destructive nature and personality of the Abnormality.
Identities - Using "Mirror Worlds" for Combat and IntelIf a Natural EGO is unstable upon usage, then the user will distort. They turn into a monstrous entity that is no longer considered human. While they have vague memories of their past lives and personality, the presence of extreme negative emotion will override most of their actions, making them violent. It’s still unknown to me as to why, but I’m guessing usually unstable EGO originates from not being able to properly cope or handle the stress of their own EGO/situation.
Distortion is a phenomenon as well though. It can happen to normal people that don’t house a Natural EGO, or it can happen to someone who isn’t using an EGO at the time.
Most causes and reasoning is unknown, but it is known that a key factor in this is extreme psychological harm and trauma. Restoring a Distortion to their human form is possible, but extremely difficult.
Consider them somewhat like natural born Abnormalities, using a singular human as a base instead of being artificially created by old L Corp
You know, I liked the idea of this system a good bit. It’s a good spot between hard and soft magic, in my inexperienced opinion. Plus I like how for specific parts, the power is directly sourced from the person, and fits them perfectly. It’s a perspective and viewpoint that I never really thought of.I don’t know the mechanics of this one very well tbh, and truthfully, I don’t care for it as much as I do EGOs. This is because in the game, I do not use identities too often.
However, I still think it is an interesting plot point, and I wonder if it was introduced in previous games beforehand… actually, I think this may be a new thing introduced in this game, since it mentioned a specific member of the team worked on it beforehand.
It goes something like this. Dante uses technology or the mirror or whatever they call it to peer into mirror worlds and alternate realities.
Then, when Dante has a selected identity that has been successfully extracted, they can impose and synchronize the identity with the correlated Sinner.
Dante and the Sinner make an unspoken agreement, and the Sinner allows themselves to sync with the alternate identity.
Alternate identities give Sinners different skills, abilities, and weapons, but it also changes their appearance and even personality. I presume it is used when the team may need a different approach than the standard one.
Luckily for everyone, there are no side effects after use. The Sinner reverts back to normal after they are done using an identity. Though long times of use have minor side effects such as headache and minor hallucinations.
It does bring an interesting thought to my mind, reading it. Maybe I’ll talk about it in an update.
Last edited by Time (August 25, 2023 03:01:24)
Sidenote: I've noticed the difference in appearance between bunching up writing, and keeping a line of space between different topics. To me, I don't have much preference. But what do people reading prefer? I honestly should write without expecting much of an audience, as I'm sure that helps with understanding that I'm writing for myself, expectations, and so on, but I feel this one is relatively minor.
I think if nobody responds, I may just go with no lines between paragraphs, so I can make spaces when emphasis is required.
If you can even call them paragraphs. Most of them are just like, 2 sentences.
Commenting only to say that
I have no preference. Lol.
There seems to be a degree of overlap between F/GO terminology and what you're writing about here (I'm assuming the work name is Limbus Company?), so that's fun as a reader because I see terms like "Singularity" and "distortion" and do a double take xD.
It's fun to read this, so I hope you'll keep going on as long as you're comfortable! (and also that I'm not clogging up the thread lol, the conflict between commenting and not for a writing thread is eternal)
Huh, whuh? yeah I'm writing about Limbus Company. I should've clarified it more lol.
Yeah. I'll def keep on writing sorta stuff like this. I've been on a writing streak lately.
I always have to take quick glances at stuff when you reference things like this. But yes. Quite similar names, yet very different meanings in each world. I don't think I'd have the current capacities to take on Fate. I feel like I've mentioned this before, but from an outsider's perspective. Fate everything appears quite convoluted.
Great to hear! :D
As for Fate, it's convoluted if you really get into the worldbuilding and lore across different universes, otherwise you can just sum it up to terminology and concepts being explained in cool-sounding writing (which is in turn selectively contained within a plethora of quotation marks) and enjoy the story and characters how you'd like lol.
Usually I like deep diving on lore, so I don't think I could take it rn. I have already too many stories that I need to look into before adding on to my list. Plus, I'm writing my own stuff too? No that's probably not going to work for me lol.
Plus, understanding Limbus Company's Universe is still something I need to get under control. So I'll probably have to do some extra research, reading, and gaming for that.
GalaxianExplosion wrote:
It's fun to read this, so I hope you'll keep going on as long as you're comfortable! (and also that I'm not clogging up the thread lol, the conflict between commenting and not for a writing thread is eternal)
Also to note, I should mention that I don't mind convos and the thread kinda getting clogged. To me, It's a moral boost for writing.
I was going to add links to images/wiki pages so people could see them, but since Boardhost is being wacky rn, I think it'll only mess stuff up 😭
Well This one is the longest of the posts so far! so buckle up.
Lets go! Now, the most interesting part of any story. Characters!
I think I would like to spend a lot of time with the characters of the story. Without them, there would be no story to tell, right?
There are a total of 15 members to the Limbus Company Bus Department (LCB), the 13 Sinners I mentioned, but there is also a guide, and a driver. I have decided to make a compromise for time and reader’s sake. I'll only do really REALLY quick introductions with CHOPPY sentences. Save for the MC, Dante. As per usual, I will piece them apart to make it look less daunting and people will pick and choose what to read. However, I will not be following a particular pattern in introducing them.
I will say it’s a cool idea to have the Sinners be based off of an influential book. It gives more info on who they are, and what their story may be about if you read their attached book, but I’m pretty sure reading that stuff is optional. You will see reflections in the story, but optional. But yes technically this game has a reading list if you want. In addition, each member carries a weapon inscribed with an important word or term that references their source material.
It's only been a few chapters, yet we have already seen lots of characterization and development from the group! I'll talk about this in a later update post that kind of fills in on relationships or bonds or whatever.
As from what I’ve seen, everybody on this bus has some form of trauma, ptsd, guilt, whatever. I can just see the LCB bus being renamed to “Trama/self-hate bus”
No. 10 - Dante
Design and Abilities
Dante as a CharacterSinner No. 10, based off of Dante’s Inferno and subsequently The Divine Comedy. They’re clearly the main character, as if you look at the lineup of the Sinners, they’re the only one who’s coat color is red instead of black. Plus, they have a clock prosthetic for a head instead of a normal head (for story reasons).
The reason why Dante was selected as the executive manager for the team wasn’t because of leadership or competency. Not like they could have had any; they have a case of amnesia when their head was replaced by a robotic clock. Instead, they were selected because of their powerful ability to “turn back the clock”. The ability to bring the dead back to life and reverse injuries. With only a few drawbacks
Dante can only bring back those that “resonate” with them, creating a “contract”
Dante feels whatever whoever he is reverting just felt. It usually doesn’t linger, luckily. However, it is especially painful to revive someone back from death.
Whenever Dante revives a Sinner from death, they have a vision whereupon they approach a large, foreboding door. They reach in, grab the hands of the Sinners from the gateway, and pull them out. Dante would rather not want to go through this experience, so they advise not dying, even if they have unlimited lives.
Extra References that I Picked upAs I said, Dante is an amnesiac. Which, in my opinion, isn’t always the best story starter (it’s ok in this world and context, but it should not be a go to). Due to this, oftentimes they lack the confidence to actually, you know, DO THEIR JOB. It’s interesting to see that the first thing that Dante gets down in their job description is reviving people from the dead, a task that’s considered quite a miracle, and the hardest part is getting people to listen to them. Nearly all the Sinners don’t regard their opinion that highly (as of the moment).
But at the same time, I can’t really blame them. They don’t remember anything, basically losing any leadership experience they had in the past, and were then shoved into a job with a bunch of lunatics that will kill each other if they look each other in the eye the wrong way (in the first Canto at least).
I was happy to see as the story progresses, Dante realizes their own incompetence, and looks to improve the relations with their team, and become a competent manager. As time traveled to Canto 4, the shimmers of a bond have vaguely appeared. Like, it’s weak, but there.
Currently, Dante is a character that is asking loads of questions. Lots of introspective ones, sure, but also lots of ones about the world, which is nice since it helps a lot with worldbuilding. However we have yet to receive any information concerning some of the most important questions. In its stead, only have gotten denials and promises, such as “In due time”. That is fine, since it is the beginning of the story. We only need to think about the delivery of these promises.
No. 08 IshmaelTheir clock does not represent a normal clock, rather, it’s one more reminiscent of the symbol of a doomsday clock. A clock that represents the likeness of human catastrophe caused by science and technology. Which I think is fitting for this sort of story, where powerful technologies created by megacorps holds power over the destitute, and war often wages between companies.
I’m actually proud that this one was all me, but I recognized the door that Dante pulls the Sinners out of when reviving them from the dead. It’s The Gates of Hell by French artist Auguste Rodin. It’s currently stationed at the Musée d'Orsay in Paris. As of reading its wikipedia page, I’m not surprised this sculpture takes direct inspiration from Dante’s Inferno.
Lastly, another tagline for this game is: “Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate”. It’s in Italian. An English translation of this is, “Abandon hope all ye who enter here”. In the Divine Comedy this is written on the Gates of Hell, I believe. I tried to look wherever this phrase pops up, but as of writing, I haven’t found it other than the official promotion trailer, the twitter, and the unofficial English wiki (I didn’t check the other ones in different languages)
To enter the story, from the hub, you much click on the "Inferno" tab. Clear reference to Dante's Inferno. Also Inferno = Hell in Latin.
This one isn't from me, but actually from Specter (thanks Spec) when I was writing back over in my homethread, but I'd figure I'd put this here: The Divine Comedy is separated into Cantos, which are the chapter names for the story. So instead of Chapter IV it's Canto IV.
No. 07 - HeathcliffSinner No. 08, based off of Moby Dick by Herman Melville. She is recognized to be both dependable, and always pushes for level headed-thinking in the group. She prefers rationality over formality. She is strongly committed to her opinions for better and for worse. She isn’t against holding grudges, those of which are hard to repair.
Has a background as an explorer on a doomed voyage of which she is the only survivor. This voyage appears to have a large influence on her development as a person. She states that one mistake could result in everyone’s safety being threatened while on the voyage. Due to this, she heavily emphasizes both adaptability and preparedness. Along with her rationality, of course.
Also, in her bio is the only one to state that she has a mental illness, which is OCD. Though as I mentioned, I’m pretty sure the crowd on the bus is racked with all sorts of mental scars and issues that require therapy.
She’s my favorite out of the group due to design, lore implications, personality, and so forth. I’m probably going to write a lot on her later, as I’ve decided to fixate and analyze the hints and notes of her actions and personality throughout the story. In fact, she's the one that convinced me enough to get this game.
I ain't simping tho...
No. 13 - GregorSinner No. 07, based off of Wuthering Heights. He uses a lot of British slang since, you know, he's Bri'ish (insert joke trashing on British people here). He is the most volatile of the Sinners, with an extremely quick fuse he will default to violence for answers. However, this necessarily does not make him an evil or selfish person. Rather, as the story progresses, it appears that it may be the opposite. Has a criminal background. As for favorites, possibly my second most? Based off his actions? Maybe based off his interactions with Ishmael alone (lmao)? I’m not too sure who holds that spot.
No. 12 - OutisSinner No. 13, based off of The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka. Considered to be the most “chill” of the Sinners, as any strong emotions results in his genetically altered arm lashing out at the most nearest person. In addition, I consider him to be one of the more moral of the group. Has a military background as both a front line fighter and posterboy for G Corp. He got that military PTSD for real tho.
Also maybe the most sane as in most adjusted with dealing with his past compared to the others? He does have to keep his emotions in check and whatnot at all times.
We also know his current age. He’s 35.
No. 03 - Don QuixoteSinner No. 12, Based on The Odyssey by Homer. In the Odyssey, Odysseus tricks a cyclops by telling him his name is “Outis”, which is “nobody” in Greek. When Odysseus drives a stake into the eye of the cyclops to escape, the cyclops cries out something like, “Help! Outis (Nobody) is killing me!” so Odysseus didn’t have to handle being intercepted by others as he escaped.
Known for being quite the sycophant, and trying to win Dante’s favor. Her info file says to be extremely wary of any actions that she takes due to cunning, and looking into her past is strictly forbidden. Has a military background and it shows, she’s strict, commanding, and has a disciplined, military aura about her. Almost opposite to Gregor, cause Gregor got the short end of the stick when it comes to military backgrounds 💀. The only other Sinner with a known military background.
Don't know what to think of her. Certainty holding her cards close.
No. 05 - MeursaultSinner No. 03 based off of Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes. Just like the protagonist of the book, is completely delusional. However, instead of fantasizing about knights, this version fantasizes Fixers (in-world term for mercenaries), taking their mostly morally gray activities and viewing them as honorable heroes. There are theories that this delusion is more or less a way of dealing with trauma. Though, it’s just simply speculation, as there is no concrete evidence, and rather just details that can be interpreted in different ways.
She’s got what fandoms like to call, “gremlin energy”. However, if I had to pick from those sorts of terms, I would prefer “La Creatura” as it is in her native tongue.
No. 11 - SinclairWants clear and concise commands, requiring no judgment on his part.
That’s his entire bio. Sinner No. 5, based on The Stranger by Albert Camus. Extremely direct, and appears to not understand morality and immorality. That, or he could truthfully care less about such things, and thinks it's a waste of time to ponder on that sort of stuff. He is one of the most mysterious Sinners as simply he is one of the most quiet. Most, if not all of his dialogue consists of objective statements.
I won't lie, in the beginning, I was kinda neutral with him since he was so quiet, but the more he talks, the more he grows on me. Even though most of the time he's just reporting.
No. 02 - FaustSinner No. 11 and based off of Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth by Hermann Hesse. Possibly the youngest of the Sinners. Has a problem with both anxiety and self esteem. However, after Canto 3, he has developed a bit to stand up for himself. No work experience. Can’t get into much more of his character besides spoilers.
Oh, a funny thing is that his coat is messed up. They gave him the wrong number and didn't have a replacement so they scratched the original number out lol.
However, it is peculiar that what shoes on his coat now looks oddly like No. 181. I wonder if it has any story significance. Surely it does
No. 01 - Yi SangSinner No. 02, based off Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. She has a subtle arrogance about her, and she has an odd habit of referring to herself in 3rd person.
Another one of the more mysterious figures of Limbus Company. She’s considered an unparalleled genius in The City, yet decides to embed with this group; Limbus Company is described by Wing members as an "upstart firm" but still appears to have enough influence to have some notorious members, and have the ability to pull some minor strings. Designer of Mephistopheles, the bus that everyone lives in. Don’t take it for a normal bus. It has all this tech and “bigger on the inside” kinda deal going on. In addition, it looks like she has access to all sorts of confidential information that nobody else has. She even knows things like Dante’s past, but often keeps information locked and tight, waiting for the right time.
Has an ulterior motive, which was implied, but explicitly stated in Intervallo II/Canto 4.5 by Ishmael. I cannot tell if this is relevant character information, or if it's just Ishmael bias because it's information on someone else that I think may be relevent enough to bring up that happens to be discovered my Ishmael. Am I making sense right now?
No.04 - RyōshūSinner No. 01, based off The Wings by Yi Sang. Noted to be a talented, genius researcher like Faust. However, it feels he is not on her level. His background states that he was the youngest Chief Researcher at a Wing, confirming his talents. He is currently 27.
One of the most notable traits is that he has a habit of speaking metaphors with lots of eloquent vocabulary, for example: instead of “friends” he uses “compatriots”. Which contrasts his rather reserved, emotionless exterior and monotone tone. I can't really go further into his character without much spoilers so have a little trivia:
It appears that Yi Sang is the most resilient of the Sinners when it comes to food poisoning. Being fine after drinking a good bit of spoiled milk and all. In addtion, I interpret that he often eats spoiled food, as in the story, instead of recognizing a potato as spoiled, he thinks it to be some sort of beautiful metaphor of art in nature.
No. 06 - Hong LuSinner No. 04, based off of Hell Screen by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa. A swordswoman that considers herself an artist. Now, what is her medium? Well, people of course. She considers how she kills people as a work of art. However, she does carry respect for the dead. She generally is hostile to anyone who doesn’t understand “true works of art”. Which is everyone. She definitely chaotic evil bruh.
A notable trait about her is that she often speaks with what she calls SANGRIA (Succinct abbreviation naturally germinates rather immaculate art). Acronyms that are usually an abbreviation of a sentence, and normally quite vivid in description. Most of the team understands what she means by now when she talks in SANGRIA, but if anyone is clueless, Sinclair translates for everyone.
Implied criminal background, or at least connections to criminal underworld.
No. 09 RodionSinner No. 06, based on Dream of the Red Chamber by Cao Xueqin. Comes from an extremely wealthy family, and rarely experienced life outside of it. It’s considered that he’s quite out of touch and sheltered. However, his questions or statements, no matter how out of reality they may be, appear to never hold any ill will.
It feels like 50% of his lines start with “Wowee~”. If his personality had to be an emoticon, it would be “^_^”.
So when he does something that isn’t exactly adhering to these base traits, it stands out. Its sorta weird. When he does some sort of thing that isn't fully characteristic of him it doesn’t feel fully out of character, you know? I’m not too sure yet, but I’d say he’s one of the most kind of the Sinners (which isn’t really that hard but still).
WOOWWW Hooray basic introductions complete!!! Whew, gotta expect some updates soon for this one as I talk about clarifications, more character intros, relationships, and maybe even some triva on the group.Sinner No. 09, based on Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. A very casual, easy going, and even lazy woman. However she has a big gambling problem, and a materialist problem as well. Which isn’t actually a trait Rodion has the book, but apparently it gives a good display on the mentality or something of the sort? She acts in a way to try and make sure that everyone on the bus gets along.
While I did say that everyone has their own traumas and problems they deal with, I kinda feel atm Rodya is leading in the "I hate myself" category due to subtle things we see or hear.
Wow what a messed up thing to say.
Last edited by Time (September 4, 2023 16:20:27)
Bro that the heck I said it was going to be long at the beginning but I didn't think it would be this long sorry 😭😭😭
Maybe I should've released this one in parts
Last edited by Time (August 29, 2023 03:29:43)
Bro I'm just looking back at the most recent post and it so crappy 💀💀💀. Sentences that don't mesh with each other, word combinations that don't make sense, a bad sense of flow within sentences, the works.
Well that's what you get when you try to do some quick info on characters.
I do realize that I should mention that I will use stronger language, and talk about things I may normally not talk about outside of this thread.
I was also thinking about how often I post on this thread... maybe once a week? Twice?
The Actual Game
I will admit something. When I write about this stuff, it's usually purely only for the story. That’s the thing I’m most invested in. In fact, I'd say when I play games or anything really, 80% of the time, I put story above everything.
I’m still talking about it because I still think I need to get my ideas across on this stuff and because I am talking about a video game after all.
MusicServiceable at best. Combat looks complex, but in reality, it’s simple, and in my viewpoint, it is lowkey kinda easy. Truthfully I haven’t done what I presume is some of the hardest fights, which is in another gamemode. I'll probably eventually end up doing it, but I’m mostly playing for story.
So, why do I think it’s easy? Well, the max level is 35, and I’ve fought bosses like, 10 levels under the recommended level. In addition, I have never used an alternate identity for combat, which means I’ve only been using the base Sinners. Technically they’re supposed to be the weakest units in the game, but I still pull through with severely underleveled and weak troops. 💪💪💪
But also, I’ll say that all the identities in this game can all hold their own, which is nice. In my opinion, none of them appear to be fully useless, plus the stronger identities are only stronger by a small amount, so I don't think anyone has to stress over getting the best units.
As mentioned before, for the most part, combat is just serviceable. There are cool moments, for sure, but that’s caused by scenarios that bosses and the story create, not because of raw combat alone. I don’t want to get into the details since this stuff isn’t really my priority, but there are two types of combat in this game: general battles and focused battles. General battles are not as fun as focused battles. In focused battles, you’re able to select targets and manipulate attack order and things like that, which is nice in deciding, while general battles don’t allow that. Some people wish for everything to be focused battles, and while that is fun, that makes grinding more of a chore, so I’m ok with a mixture of the two lol. Idk game design, but maybe a good idea is to have a toggle between focused battles only and a mix?
ArtThis may seem like a tangent, but unlike what appears to be 95% of people I interact with irl, I don’t listen to music. My ideal is silence. Because of this, I believe I’m not as hard on music as other people may be, as my tastes and opinions concerning it aren’t as well defined. Plus, I often hear “a 10/10 or 9/10 is something I blast constantly” when grading music. I don’t listen to music constantly, so my grading would be naturally different. I think it's more around how much the music fits the current story and situation.
So I guess, the music fits decently enough. Most of the combat tracks have electric guitar solos which are epic. I feel like there’s lots of effort placed into them and I respect it, but it's nothing that has me like, jumping out of my seat..
What I find most interesting though are the most recent songs for boss battles. I hope they keep on doing this for the oncoming Cantos, I really really do. That’s because they’ve been doing custom music with vocals for every final boss battle of every chapter that is reflective of the character that’s being showcased. I personally can’t analyze songs very well, but there’s definitely analysis out there concerning the songs. So if I wanna, I can probably read that stuff.
Oh, but if I were to do a song analysis, I’d definitely do it on the opening song. “In Hell We Live, Lament”. Apparently, there are not just references to Limbus Company, but also to previous games, and probably the books too. The key art is also pretty interesting. I don’t know what it could be referencing, but it could be either in the past, or something we can see in the future. For some reason, I like both the instrumental and vocal songs equally. They’re pretty good. So it’s probably my favorite track in the game.
Final boss songs have all been sung by the same vocalist so far. It's interesting because instead of like, heavy rock or whatever that’s normally used in normal battles, the songs played are much more… softer, I suppose. Or maybe more elegant is the correct word. The musical group that makes the ones with the vocals is Mili. To me, the vocalist has a distinct voice as it’s quite soft. None of them really have gotten me hyped or anything, but I think it’s supposed to be more of a character piece than anything.
I’m just saying though, when the vocalist starts to sing in Latin, that will always go hard.
Ok so I just had to check I was getting the right language, and it turns out that vocals in Lament are actually italian (which makes sense since the Divine Comedy was originally in Italian)
I also checked, and Mili appears to have a history with PM, as they’ve done work on the company’s previous games.
Oh Mili was also the group to do the goblin slayer OP, which is a little fun fact.
Gacha (I don't like it)Good. I like the artist who makes the identity visuals and the sprites for character convos. Good enough to add him(?) to my list of artists I wish to inspire my artsyle from.
Also actually check this out I was looking around and my jaw has dropped at the improvement.
I’m already quite an envious artist, I don’t need any more of this. Also it’s why I think a load of what makes art look good is rendering. But yeah, this dude is pretty good.
Keep in note that I actually do not have as strong feelings as represented. It is merely an exaggeration for comedic effect. Though I will admit, I am slightly envious (all I need to get just as good is actually focus on improving my art).
But compared to the two previous games created by this studio, the quality of art has massively improved, which is great. Nicer visuals can help communicate things much easier, and draw in a bigger crowd.
Imma get this straight. I have played a traditional gacha game in the past, and I can confidently say that I don’t like gacha.
Primarily because for me it’s so jarring to see an important cutscene, conversation, or whatever occur, and then when it transitions into combat, the key characters are not even there. Instead, there are just a bunch of random people fighting in their stead. As context, if I’m playing a gacha, I’m F2P: I ain’t spending money. The rate at which I consume the story is far too fast for me to accumulate enough resources to roll for a character that’s in the story. By the time I probably get the character or have enough for just a character in general or whatever, the character I was aiming for isn’t relevant anymore. Or I still have more characters in the story to grind for. It’s such a disconnect for immersiveness for me, that I just can’t follow.
However, Limbus Company doesn’t have this issue, because instead of characters, it’s identities! I personally like it because I don’t even have to touch the gacha system to keep the flow of the story going. However, I have read this sort of thing places Limbus at a very odd place in the gacha world. I haven’t really looked into it as much, but I’m happy that I don’t need to roll for important characters and can just use their base identities.
Though for gacha crazies out there, while there is no pity mechanic, the game itself is quite generous in giving out identities. I have plenty of identities. Even though they really aren’t a priority to me, they’re kinda just nice as collectors items.
Though actually, I do like rolling for EGOs because that’s something I will always be using. But I can just spend in-game currency to get them in the shop.
Last edited by Time (September 4, 2023 17:06:59)
Oh, also please if you have any (respectful) criticism, please do share it! Here or on my homethread is nice.
A quite aside for this post and it's partner. I felt like I needed to post something here, so I did. I don't like it as much, but I just wanted to post something.
Well, I did like what I did when it comes to analyzing her design though. Whether it be a stretch or not.
Ishmael's Appearance
I personally like looking at character designs and seeing what I can draw from them. Originally, looking at the main cast, I thought their uniforms were all basically just the same. But no! In each of their designs, I believe like there is space for subtle indications of personality, which I like.
I'll be looking at Ishmael's since I personally can draw the most from her design. Here's a picture of her so that you can follow along! -->
- I wish I could have found a transparent version I could download, but this will have to do. You can ignore the background.
Looking at her design, I’m sure the biggest thing (literally) you will notice about her is her hair. Bright orange, and especially full of volume. In this world, where the color palette is mostly desaturated, darker tones, Ishmael’s hair (and therefore herself) sticks out a lot, even in the cast of main characters.
It made me think, It must take loads of time to manage that hair! That or just video game logic. Nevertheless, it has a contrast with the character herself. Ishmael is a sailor, isn’t she? It makes zero sense as to why she would have so much hair! Even if she had short hair during the voyage, I would be interested as to why she grew it out, since as I mentioned, Ishmael is a person that prioritizes rational decisions. If you are a combattant, you should cut your hair short, doesn’t that make sense? Why the effort to make it long? While I am speculating this, I also may be overthinking it. It could very well be a design choice to help reflect something or give a metaphor. Maybe, idk, the waves or the ocean?
I also may be giving more credit than due, but whenever I think of weapons for characters, I choose something to reflect their personality. Ishmael is the only one that uses a shield in combination with a mace. The shield can easily represent her rationality, and dependability. Maybe her mace can represent idk… how blunt she can be? Yeah? You see? Because it’s a blunt weapon?
What I also love about Limbus Company designs is the subtle differences in each of the team’s uniforms. For the most part, everyone wears black pants, a white button up shirt, and a red tie. Some wear black vests, some wear black long coats, and some wear both. For Ishmael’s uniform, if you look at her jacket, the waist area is clearly torn, even removing a bit of her name off. In my interpretation, her jacket is actually a long coat that has been modified. It originally started as a long coat, but Ishmael thought it better to just be a normal jacket, so she went ahead and tore the bottom half off. It’s a sort of subtle storytelling of character. It tells us that Ishmael:
- Prefers practicality over appearance and formality. Her coat is damaged, and even a part of her name is ripped off, making it less formal and losing some of its identification purposes, but that is fine to her, because she has better mobility. (Her base identity is actually the fastest of the group so it kinda matches)
- She prefers doing things herself, or at least she would rather rely on herself. The other character with a modified jacket is Outis. But it’s specifically trimmed and tailored. Ishmael on the other hand, decides to overgo these formalities and just rips the bottom half off. It’s quicker, more cost efficient, and it’s her doing it. Not somebody she doesn’t know.
- She’s resourceful - I know I’m stretching on this one, but instead of looking to what to get, she works with what she is given. This makes sense, given that she’s a sailor.
I should also note that her headband (the rope and bows) are pretty iconic and universal with her character and alternate reality versions. I feel a connection can be made as to a personality thing, but I'm unsure as of the moment.
Last edited by Time (September 22, 2023 03:04:14)
A quite aside for this post and it's partner. I felt like I needed to post something here, so I did. I don't like it as much, but I just wanted to post something.
Though this still provides decent insight to Ishmael more.
Ishmael's Personality
I think Ishmael is quite an interesting character. For me at least. For some, she's a bit too mellow at first glance. But I believe that she's more than just a "only sane woman" character. The story shows this too, but I think I'll leave this for now and add on in later posts.
While I already talked about Ishmael’s personality I wanted to go into further detail. Talk about the possible implications of her character that has been made throughout the story.
It’s clear that Ishmael’s story/plot is going to be one about revenge. At least to some degree. This is because in her character promo, and in her auto-locked EGO, she references the same person, dubbed, “That Bastard.”
“That’s right… if that bastard is really dead… I might have nothing left to chase after.”
“That bastard… has to be alive still.”
This, paired with the fact she is one to hold a grudge, and some other stuff I’ll probably not mention, is pretty much the closest thing we’ll get to a confirmation until her chapter comes out.
I’m no expert on the mind, but I will go into it since the character interests me. I wouldn’t say it to be a stretch that she has survivor’s guilt, being the only survivor of a voyage after all. I’d also say that this voyage is where she developed OCD, going off of the theory that experiences can lead to one developing the disorder. The knowledge that everyone could die if everything wasn’t perfect would probably do the trick. Such an environment would reinforce a habit of triple checking everything and other similar compulsions.
I have my thoughts, but I’m guessing that Ishmael is likely in a revenge plot for a few reasons. One is that she genuinely believes that there is someone at fault for the death of the entire crew. Two, it may be her own way of dealing with survivor’s guilt. Whether or not this “bastard” is actually alive or not, she is able to chase someone else that also was in the voyage, effectively avoiding the idea that she was the only one alive. It probably can get more complex than that, but I don’t feel like speculating that far.
In Intervallo II, we learn a LOT about Ishmael’s character. I’d say a lot of it is proof that even though she has a calm and reasonable demeanor, she’s just as unstable as everyone else on the bus. Definitely a “still waters run deep” type of person.
A little Ishmael break. Here is me writing about something else in exchange.
Mistborn: Well of Ascension
Just finished reading the book today. Here are my current thoughts and initial ideas on it. Subject to hard to follow flow and generally not checking for mistakes by someone who is tired, and just got back into reading.
I only have a bit of a spoiler in there, but it's easy to not include it in the main thoughts so spoiler free!
Ok, so I wrote about Mistborn the Final Empire back in my homethread. Maybe I should post it here, but for now I wanna talk about Mistborn the Well of Ascension as I finished it just today.
So, when comparing it to the first entry in the series, I think this one is much better, especially with the climax and ending. It ties much more plot together, feels more dangerous, and all around exciting to see. We get the ending of the story that was promised at the beginning, but then, we are given even more, giving a foreboding future ahead.
When it comes to moving parts within the story, it feels like there are quite a bunch. A lot of external plots that are moving accompanied by character arcs, exploring character relations. On top of it, there’s a good amount of worldbuilding concerning the history of the past and prophecies.
There are a lot of little hints scattered around the story that I’ve noticed as well. They come back into play with realization and during plot progressions. These hints followed by their payoffs can vary greatly, from a hint lasting the entire book until it comes into the spotlight at the end, to ones that last a few chapters, to ones where the payoff lasts a page. It’s nice seeing things that look like one should keep note of, and when it is revealed to be useful, it feels great knowing that you kept an eye on that specific hint. Though, it does at times make me overthink, and a passing comment could be something I think is worth much more than it really is. But in reality, I think those are few and far between.
But every time big realizations happen, I just think to myself “Why didn’t I think of that!?” It certainly drew me in. It’s cool to see the pieces form together to make a full answer, or that “oh what that character said makes so much sense! So that’s why X is doing this for whatever mysterious reason,” for example.
I know I already mentioned that this story and climax felt much more dangerous. I thought it could be because I know the characters more, but when looking at the situations, it felt like to me that this story’s climax had a much more of a hopeless tone about it, which really enforced that feeling. It made me nervous that if any notable character was in the frey, I was nervous that they had a chance of dying. Even the MCs; if an MC was in a relatively safe place, I was nervous something would catch them by surprise. The set up to the climax was much greater. I will admit, initially, when the climax started, I was convinced all the characters present during the start had their tickets already punched. I think that really added on to the finale. It also felt much more dangerous because:
Slight spoiler
A lot more characters died in this book. I think it can really help propel the survivors forwards (or backwards) and is quite interesting in doing so. Even characters that met their end in the previous book still have a very noticeable effect on the characters today, and the world around them.
Slight spoiler over
But the final cliffhanger and wrap up of the story also makes it quite compelling. It answers some big questions, and raises a good amount more for the future, which is good. It keeps readers interested and looking forward to reading the next book. Such as, “Why is X doing this? It directionally contradicts so much from Y, something that is closely allied or related with such things.” Such contradictions give off the feeling that while the main story is told in its fullest, there is much more to it, and it is explored in the upcoming book. I know Sanderson is a fan of this, but he often leaves holes and questions within things, so that readers can ask that same sort of question or try to solve the mystery on their own until he finally gives it. Apparently, it’s something he does often for magic/tech systems so he can build on them later on.
The amount of moving parts in this book is a lot in my perspective. I can’t even imagine the work and planning that goes into timing events that happen and making sure the story beats of every single arc is hit. I am very much looking forward to the next book! Whenever I can get it.
Last edited by Time (September 25, 2023 02:47:53)
I suppose this is a bit of a writing exercise isn't it? As per usual, no editing.
Man, I sound old. Damn. I'm not even that old!
Just Time Remembering his Favorite View
There was just a thought in my mind about nature. I was looking up into the night sky, and I realized that I couldn’t see the stars. It was somewhat bitter. The city, while there are lots of things to do, you can’t really get away from the sound and light. Especially as a college student who lives in the dorms.
It made me think of the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in my life. As a side tangent, it makes me wonder what other people consider the most beautiful thing they’ve seen in their life was. A person, an animal, a party, all sorts of things can be selected. I think it could tell a lot about their character. Not all of it, but certainly a piece of it.
For me, the most beautiful thing I’ve seen was a view of nature. Even though I can’t remember the exact, pinpoint details, I can recall it well enough. Plus, more importantly, I think I can still remember how it felt.
It was a school trip. But I don’t think that part really mattered. What did matter was the fact that I woke up before the crack of dawn to get driving. It took a good amount of hours to get to our destination. But when we got there, it was late morning. The weather would be considered “not good”, as the sky was all clouded and gray, and the clouds were particularly low, blocking out a decent chunk of the view. It was chilly out, enough for beanies and thicker jackets.
But for me, even with the “bad weather” that view was beautiful. The fact that it took… I don’t remember the exact hours, but a long time to get there I think made the view even more exemplary.
But as I say, I can’t remember the view as well (luckily we have photos for that), but I can remember the feeling. My body, I’m pretty sure it felt tired, yet my mind was wide awake. Do you know this feeling? The feeling of tiredness around the eyes, the fact that the body doesn’t move as fast as you want it to be. That you try to wake your body up by trying faster movements, but it seems to not want to cooperate. It’s like functioning normally, but without that extra kick. You could easily stay awake for long periods of time, yet your body just feels simply not at 100%.
Even though I felt “tired” I think it just enhanced the feeling of the view. The fact that this tiredness clashes with the cold air outside. Most of my body was covered up in jackets, so my heat was mostly contained, but I still remember that the air was cold around my fingertips. I don’t remember wearing gloves. If I was, then they weren’t doing too good of a job, which was sort of standard for the gloves I brought around with me when camping. But that aside, I remember the slight chill on my fingertips, my face, the back of my neck, my ears. As I said, it really clashed against that tired feeling I was having, which, in a way to me, enhanced the view even more. It made it felt like I was really there. That it was truly something real that I was standing in front of. I’ve seen plenty of pictures of the view I am talking about, but it just doesn’t beat that feeling of realness that being actually present does.
When comparing the picture to the in person view, what beats it is that the in person view has the journey, the chill feeling, the sounds, everything. You’re only given sight with a picture, but you don’t get any of the supporting elements.
Oh, and to talk about the air, it felt… crisp. This one to be especially odd, but I’ve never really thought air in the city felt crisp. Only out there is where I felt it. That it felt good to breathe it. Cold air in the city is just that. Cold. It doesn’t feel relaxing or anything like that unless you really try making it. The air here, accompanied with that view, does it passively.
As I said before, I could stay there for hours, watching, and imagining, but In reality, I think we only stayed for upwards of about 30 minutes max. Probably 20. I’m sort of happy that we only did. Because if I had the time to stay up there, watching for hours, I may have grown numb to it. But now, I can think of the view and remember how great it felt. I want to come back and see it. I haven’t used it all up, you know?
Frieren: Just Writing some thoughts while I'm at Chapter 70.
So I’ve been reading Frieren Beyond the Journey’s End, and I’ve been watching it too. Currently around chapter 70 in the manga, and I'm all caught up to what is released for the anime, but I need to look back at past chapters to get everything. I figured I’d talk about it.
Tone of the Story, and some stuff I likeThis story starts where many stories would end. The great evil of the land has been defeated, and the hero’s who did so are on their return to the capital of the kingdom for rewards and riches. Countless statues and praise are created for them, and their names are etched in history as the world enters an era of peace.
Our adventurers all reminisce on the good times that their ten-year long journey had. How much they’ve experienced, how much it’s changed them.
All of them except one, Frieren the mage, only views it as trivial. That’s not even one-one hundredth of an elf's lifespan. In her perspective, it was simply a “mere ten-year adventure”
But when Himmel the Hero, the leader of this band of four passes away some 50 years later, Frieren is oddly brought to tears by his passing.
“I knew human lives were short… why didn’t I get to know him better?”
Characters I just wanna talk aboutThis is a story about regret, loss, memories, and an elf trying to understand why relationships are made if they only last a few decades.
Overall, when such topics are dealt with, there is bound to be a melancholy tone concerning them. But still, this story gives an overall positive and kind outlook to most subjects. Yes, there are battles and combat, but it’s nowhere near the center stage in other stories. Rather, what IS center stage most of the time is character relationships.
As I read the conversations that these characters have, it feels like every single one of them is important, even if they’re just a little trivial. Like every conversation furthers their relationship, and it’s not just some filler talk, which I suppose is how every conversation should feel, really.
Also a big thing I like about this story is that there is a LOT of show don’t tell. That also means I will have to reread things to make sure I get what is really being said in a conversation or in a character’s actions. I’m both happy, but also tried because I gotta go do that now. It’s good practice though!
HimmelActually my favorite character. I’ve heard that oftentimes, MCs don’t really end up being favorite characters for many people, and they hover around 2nd or 3rd place for popularity polls. But whatever, she’s my favorite character.
Now, why do you ask? Well, it’s because she has the most interesting story to me, in my opinion. An elf who never made any relationships is brought to tears over the death of someone she barely knew; from there on out, she makes the decision to learn more about humans, and by extension, relationships.
Sign me up! I always enjoy these sorts of characters that are trying to learn more about themselves or the world or something like that. Galaxian pointed this out in my homethread when I was talking about Frieren, but it may be obvious by now I like those sort of characters. Ones that are trying to understand emotions, or ones that feel strong emotions but reserve themselves.
You’d think Frieren would be a complete monotone husk because of her lack of relationships, but there are lots of little eccentric traits that make her more than just that, while making plenty of sense too. For example, she sleeps past noon if nobody wakes her up, and is unorganized and lazy. This sort of trait connects back to her being an elf, since they’re so long lived, they can leisure around a lot more than a human can. She’s a living being like everyone else, she just needs to learn how to properly form relationships.
I feel like I need to review her conversations and actions more. As I said, there’s a lot of shows that don’t tell. I feel like this is especially true for our central character. She’s pretty clueless and dense when it comes to relationships between other people, so when she reacts or says something, it could mean something else as well. Who knows what is going on in her mind? It’s also weird though, because while she’s bad with relationships, she still has a lot of experience. She often derives thoughts from past memories, and uses them in the present, sometimes with a new perspective on the memory than before.
Ok I was not lying when I said that Frieren is my favorite character, but Himmel is so close to being my favorite. Wow, who knew a dude that died in the first chapter could be someone’s favorite character with good reason.Frieren and Himmel are nearly interchangeable for first and second place.
Why? Well, this dude does the heroic stuff of a hero, but he also applies this really, really kindhearted and selfless feel to everything he does. Even if he does something that appears blatantly narcissistic (having statues of him constantly commissioned) he is able to spin it to something really, really kindhearted (he does it to make sure that Frieren doesn’t get lonely in the future when they’re all gone).
Now I was thinking, this dude is kinda like Tanjiro or something. The thing is I despise Tanjiro as a character, but I like this guy… I wonder why? Sorry, but I might have to trash Demon Slayer’s MC for a bit.
My theory is because this dude is not center stage. He’s meant to be a foil to Frieren. Unlike Tanjiro, the world moves without him. Plus, his execution I feel is a lot better. It’s clear that this guy has layers. For example, while he does very much adore the attention and has a large ego, he’s also a genuinely good guy that does stuff to help his friends.
Plus, he’s subtle. Well, for Frieren at least. As I read through this story, it becomes increasingly clear that Himmel loved Frieren in a romantic way. Though, due to him being a human, it feels like he never really made any big, direct advances because he knew:
She wouldn’t get it.
He would be all but a blip in her life. For someone who doesn’t understand relationships, loving someone for them to die a few decades later could be a bit harmful, I think.
I don’t even know if Frieren knows that he loved her. I don’t know if Frieren was in love, but never really figured out what she was feeling was love. But either way, I feel this may come to fruition later down the line.
Actually, scratch that. I don’t think Frieren knew that he loved her, she might not even be fully aware of this now. I think this because well she’s still trying to find out how relationships work, having to throw in love is a whole nother complex ballgame. Plus elves in this world have little to no romantic feeling, so their kind would likely miss all sorts of cues.
On the note that Himmel’s primary purpose is to teach Frieren about relationships, I view every flashback with Himmel in it as a memory that Frieren has. It’s not really how the world perceives Himmel, but rather how Frieren remembers Himmel. Frieren says that she wishes to live more like Himmel sometime at the beginning of the story, so these memories show up to remind us how Frieren is trying to work at becoming less cold-hearted, and reminds Frieren of how she is slightly changing every time.
Maybe he’s a good example of how to give a dead/inactive character a large role in the story? I mean, you can’t have a large role in the story part. His death set off Frieren’s character arc. Without that, this probably wouldn’t be a story.
Lighting and coloring and filters and something idk
Ok for so this one I may very well be tweaking, so please do ignore or whatever if you think it so.
An Aside (Filters and also noticing my own Style)Ok, this is primarily towards the anime and I also kinda just wanted to talk about it since Galaxian sorta brought it up and I was planning to talk about it anyways at some point.
So, I like the art style overall. But I’m here to talk about the coloring and lighting. I find that when looking at the colored manga panels and covers, I like the warm and painterly feel that it gives. However, the coloring of the anime looks… bland, to my untrained and uninformed eyes. It just looks so… standard for a story that I consider quite beautiful. I mean, even look at the OP! That color scheme just is so nice and maybe a variant of that would have fit better. It even reflects the manga’s coloring more.
Nevertheless, gripes aside, I more or less give the coloring and lighting a pass. Because I think what I’m saying is kinda nitpicky. But there’s more reasoning to that. In my opinion, most of the time the story wants to stay positive and kind, even with its sad undertones. Henceforth, it makes sense much of the shading is quite minimal. Less shadows, more positive tone. There are scenes/shots with stronger shadows that are much more prevalent, but to me it seems it’s reserved for only the darker scenes in the story or for when combat is brewing.
Here’s an image of Frieren where the only light source should be the moon, something rather quite dim in real life.
Here’s another image, where the only light source is a candle in front of Frieren, and the lantern behind the two characters. Look how much light they bring!
But there are darker moments in this show, of which lighting becomes more appropriate, in my opinion.
In this shot, slight spoilers, but Himmel is questioning a demon as to why she killed the town’s mayor and burned down their house. It fits the hero’s darker expression, and you can easily tell that this is to be a darker scene. Comparing the light source between here and the last image, the burning house should provide way more light than what two candles can provide, yet that is not the case.
I am talking about all this stuff, but in reality, I’m still quite a novice. If any of you guys have watched the show and disagree or want to provide your perspective, go ahead! I may very well be tweaking and didn’t notice standard anime lighting until now.
Another thought that I had was maybe the lighting is so prevalent in this show so that the characters could be showcased more often. Most of the time the character’s entire face is within light. Maybe it’s some sort of way to focus on the character’s face, and by that note sort of emphasize this story is about characters and their relationships?
Something I noticed while writing the lighting part of this piece is that there’s a distinct coloring scheme or a filter that’s over everything that sort of blurs everything together a slight bit. I actually like it, and it kinda reminds me of the coloring of the manga.
I also think my commentary of this is funny, because looking at my pieces, my lighting and coloring are kinda similar lmao 💀.
Last edited by Time (October 31, 2023 23:58:43)
Depressing ahh game bro. Depressing asf.
As per usual, this should be spoiler free unless I give a spoiler warning.
Tbh, If you want to only read a part of this one. I think my take on games with multiple endings is interesting enough plus you don't really need much context for it.
My gameplay/ what ending I got/ replaying
StoryFirst off, I got the Promise ending. Had a finality sort of feel to it. So normally I would think it to be the true ending. But it’s like, so freaking sad bruh…
There are other two endings to this game, Leave and Memory. I didn’t get those because I played like a maniac (apparently). But once again, the feeling of finality to Promise made me feel like it was the “true” ending.
I should also say this was my first horror game. I think I prefer horror games where I can actually fight back, you know? It also may explain my playstyle. Apparently how you play results in different endings. Promise ending is where you just fully send it. Kill everything that’s trying to kill you. Hit things and get hit.
Though don’t categorize me as a dunce for the fact I went that way. I know how to manage my resources and how to use my ammo and health items efficiently! Resource management is my shtick.
Oh, I also forgot to mention… There's also a secret ending! Lily/Artifact. I didn’t watch the ending of that one, unlike the other two normal endings. That will give me the room to revisit this game if I want to and find out what the secret ending is. Usually, secret endings are the true endings, you know what I mean? However, when it comes to this story, I feel it’s different, because…
Multiple endings in games…because this story is nigh indecipherable to me. Imma have to go watch some yt videos on this one that’s for sure.
There are a lot of open things in the storyline. A lot of vagueness, a lot of interpretation to be had. A lot of theory crafting.
And I just don’t think that's for me. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the game, but I just don’t think my storytelling style fits with this one. It’s just so vague and non-linear and… I wish I could see something.
Well, actually, I did see something, I did get the basic understanding of the plot, but I don’t get a lot of the details (granted also I just finished the game like 30 min ago as of writing this so I didn’t give it any time to brew so maybe something may come up later)
Story part 2 (speculation stuffs)I actually scrapped this topic for this writing thread, but I think it's actually a good time to bring it back and explore some of my thoughts.
Personally for me, I don’t like multiple endings in games. I don’t think I ever really will. I mean, it’s not a dealbreaker for me, not a “Oh this game has multiple endings?? 0/100 FAILURE of a GAME!!!”
And I know lots of work can go into making multiple endings to a game really cool. For example… idk, Undertale! I’ve never played the game, but I really liked the idea that the game (and some characters) remember the fact you resetted the timeline. Or maybe like Nier: Automata, where the fact that multiple playthroughs and getting ending after ending is actually a key part of the game. I like it when games take the idea of an ending, and play around the idea of its finality. But more often than not, most games just have different endings just to have different endings (I don’t think Signalis is one of them but still).
9 times out of 10, instead of wishing for multiple endings for a game, I’d rather have a game have just 1 ending. Why? Because I want to see the vision. I want to see what the game developer thinks best fits the story. I want them to tell how this story ends. It’s their story after all. I want the developer to pour their heart and resources into what they think is correct for the game. Not divide their effort up into multiple endings which may very well be half-baked.
I suppose video games, for me, are a story first and foremost. That’s probably why I see it this way. I don’t care what ending I got, I care for what the true ending is above everything. (It’s bonus points tho if I stumble upon getting the true ending).
Of course there are games out there, where there is no true ending. Like, idk, most souls games. But I feel if it’s like that, there’s a high chance that story isn’t really the main attraction to the game.
So if you read the last part, I said to similar effect, “Signalis isn’t one of the games where I have a problem with it having multiple endings.”
Why? Well because everything really is just so vague, you can’t really judge it on having multiple endings. You could interpret it as every ending is canonical, and there is a specific order in which they happen (that’s the interpretation in which I believe)
But nevertheless, I think it was a pretty good game. Just a LOT of interpretive storytelling going on.
I don’t think this amount of interpretivism is for me. Don’t get me wrong. I love interpreting things, just not to this extent to where I’m crafting a story from breadcrumbs.
Still once again though, I loved the story, the music, the art, the aesthetic (of course I did it’s sci fi), and so forth.
Actually, I’d give a moment to focus on the art and the aesthetic. It is very cool, in my opinion. Bright neon red as a key color, androids, [THIS SPACE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK], the eerie silence except for the emergency automated message, the fact that lots of things are in different languages (idk why I just think that’s cool), and so forth.
*[THIS SPACE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] → I legitimately don’t know what to call this but I think that’s cool when they do that. Adding redaction to the story?
I should mention though there is one thing I do like as well that makes me sound like a total hypocrite. I love the fact that if I wanted to, I could dive in. I could dive in and start putting pieces together, finding symbols and signs, I could interpret. The King In Yellow is a prominent book in the game, and I know it’s a real life book. It’s gotta mean something. The Isle of the Dead is a real life painting series that I know for a fact represents a lot of symbolism for the game’s story as well. It feels like there is a lot going underneath the surface here. I enjoy that, even if it’s not my jam.
Story was still depressing asf tho.
Last edited by Time (November 24, 2023 02:22:42)
After looking into some lore... I have a better idea of thoughts now. Figured I'd be more definitive with my opinion on the story.
SIGNALIS: Story Part 3 (Actual opinions after reading up on lore)
Note: I said on my HT that I wouldn't put this here, but I lied. Why wouldn't I miss out on putting up some more content? also helps organize.Knowing more on lore and (interpreted) story and things like that, I think normally this story would exactly be right up my alley. A sci fi horror game containing time loops, altered reality, and manifestations of the mind; with the core of the story being a grim promise made between two lovers.
You can't tell me that GOES HARD. You just can't.
I saw once an xyz axis to describe games
x: Liking it or not liking it (personal enjoyment)
y: It was good or it was bad (Quality of the game)
z: Unaffected or it has changed me* (Affect on outlook on life)
So for me, Signalis was:
I liked it (I thoroughly enjoyed it)
I think it was good (it was very well made)
I think it did a noticeable change on my outlook (Most games I play do that anyways)
*Note that it is organically "unaffected to irreparable damage to my psyche" but I wanted to stay in a more serious tone for that part.
It genuinely is the most depressing game that I've played though. There's do doubt about it.
Last edited by Time (November 25, 2023 03:20:45)