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July 3, 2023 21:02:38  #9031

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also Archer probably: Why would you miss "home," what is "home"


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July 3, 2023 21:04:15  #9032

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Archer is the kind of guy who'd listen to his Master go on a long emotional serenade and at the end go, "I don't understand"


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July 3, 2023 21:04:53  #9033

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

idk who this Archer is but mood

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it

July 3, 2023 21:08:25  #9034

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

@Eliza - I wonder xD
You'll find out in like...8 years ig 


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July 3, 2023 21:10:45  #9035

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Archer: Pain is when (*insert his super duper edgy summoning history here*)
Lancer and Saber: 
Rider: No, pain is usually just when you stub a toe or bump your knee on the table or something like that
Archer: wdym
Rider: What do you mean??

You can interpret Lancer and Saber's silence as them being dumbfounded or agreeing (depending on what you define pain thresholds as)


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July 3, 2023 21:11:45  #9036

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

For some reason I love the thought that the F/DA Servant cast can get along, but only in large groups. It's never "everyone" who's included


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July 3, 2023 21:13:49  #9037

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Sometimes I randomly want to draw that Salter vs. F/DA Berserker fight that I dreamt of, but 1) it is impossible (for me), 2) really what I want to draw is Lancer and Archer casually chilling while this small-scale nuclear war is going on in their immediate surroundings
If I knew how to animate I would animate Nagesh vs. (single-sidedly obliterating) Zouken. And I am pretty sure this urge will only increase exponentially.
Too bad my skill in art and animation decrease exponentially. (:


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July 3, 2023 21:16:38  #9038

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I swear if I got exponential decay wrong I swear to the gods I swear-


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July 3, 2023 21:17:23  #9039

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Okay it looks like I got it right. I was about to use logistic regression but didn't, which was right too.
One of these days I'll pwn myself from this sort of thing, though.


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July 3, 2023 21:22:59  #9040

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Honestly most of F/DA Archer's reactions to things are "Oh idk" so it's funny how he has a negative reaction to chivalry as a concept


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July 3, 2023 21:23:28  #9041

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Me, melodramatically: I have no thoughts. No feelings. Only anguish.
My mom: Ok

Legit her reaction. "Ok"


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July 3, 2023 21:25:29  #9042

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

really what I want to draw is Lancer and Archer casually chilling while this small-scale nuclear war is going on in their immediate surroundings

I could draw a chibified two of them being blown away by small scale nuclear explosions while still chatting contentedly.
OOC? Possibly, I dunno too much about Lancer lol. It's funny though.


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July 3, 2023 22:11:00  #9043

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Sometimes I think about how some VAs can sing and realize both my persona and I probably sound like rabbits.
Tbh GGaD!Galaxian is probably the type who'd go "Why are you modulating your sound frequencies" and get someone to stop singing real quick.
We love being unintentionally offensive.

Galaxian: Is this singing (*makes a humanly impossible demonic sound and then stares in confusion as others run off in sheer terror*)


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July 3, 2023 22:13:53  #9044

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Now I have to draw Galaxian with a Pensuke expression sometime, thanks me.
Context: basically the Pensuke expression is comedic horror, where a creature opens its mouth and bares its teeth while exposing all its gums. It is very hard to explain


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July 3, 2023 22:15:24  #9045

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Sometimes I think about how some VAs can sing and realize both my persona and I probably sound like rabbits.


wa, wa, waaa.


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July 4, 2023 10:02:32  #9046

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

For some reason I love the thought that the F/DA Servant cast can get along, but only in large groups. It's never "everyone" who's included


What about small groups, what are the headcanons for that?

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July 4, 2023 14:36:00  #9047

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

(*pulls out 5 pages of scattered headcanoning*) Why, thank you for asking!
For the Beverage Squad I like to imagine Saber, Archer, and Lancer have a lil group (Caster sometimes joins in too, but he has very specific tastes). Saber’s the host, believe it or not. They probably try different drinks from different places and chat about random things. I just realized this is the Knight Class Squad lol, that’s funny. The Masters are free to join but by “Masters” I mostly mean Aisline. (Helge and Dion are probably more antisocial, though maybe the two of them spontaneously appear when their favorite drinks are being served. I think it’d be funny if they have the same favorite drinks [they’re the blond Master pair after all] so they either both appear or don’t.)
In terms of outings to explore the outer world, Archer, Assassin, and Rider go out together (and sometimes they drag their respective Masters out with them as well). I like to think that when they get together they randomly turn back into pre-teens and go to places like the McDonald's ball pit. Like yes they know (well at least Archer knows) about the germs there but that’s not going through their minds at the moment. Not to mention they probably ordered fast food first, another sign of their maturity deterioration (btw no shade intended it’s just the other day we were forced to buy fast food and now I have a vendetta against it).
Saber, Lancer, and Caster have a fun lil volunteer group where they spontaneously decide to do community service for no reason at all. Specifically, I like to imagine them popping out of nowhere to join in on a prison rehabilitation project because they thought it was just ordinary community service. Lancer vaguely feels like something is off but she doesn’t say anything because she’s unsure. (Also yes, both Saber and Caster fail to notice the bright prison uniforms, they just assume that’s what normal people wear. Or at least Saber does, imo Caster probably loses some of his logic when he’s in Saber’s proximity.) The prison guards take wayyy too long to notice but by the time they do, the project’s almost done, all the prisoners like the group, and also Saber and Caster look like children and the guards are too nice to pop their bubbles.
To add to the above group, sometimes they go out in general and they get a lot of confused looks because they don’t look related at all but also don’t look like friends. Plus you’d think the children would be the friendly ones, but Saber is perpetually Saber, and Caster rarely smiles. So you have Lancer asking for directions in a very friendly way while two kids stand behind her like :<
Last but not least, just to put Berserker in one of these groups (he is really unsociable lol), I think he, Lancer, and Saber probably get along, but it’s extremely random. It’ll basically always be two of them meeting together and the last one appearing out of nowhere. For example, he and Saber are having tea and Lancer just Appears (with cookies and all), and they invite her to join in, so she does. Or Saber and Lancer are chatting (Lancer can speak with them because she’s extremely patient) and Berserker walks by and somehow gets dragged into the conversation immediately. Or Lancer and Berserker are playing chess and Saber pops out from under the table, and somehow the entire atmosphere doesn’t turn awkward. What’s funny about this headcanon is the fact that every interaction between this group is sustained by someone who ordinarily wouldn’t sustain it that way (i.e. Lancer inadvertently interrupting something, Berserker extending an immediate invite, Saber popping out from under the table rather than just staying under it).
Hey I just realized, do 3 people (out of 7) count as “little” groups lol (I mean they have to, right? Or else it'd just be pairings?)
Also I realized I just made Servant clubs huh.
Okay now you go, Specter. (You don’t have to btw, I’m just braking here before I go on and on and on xD)


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July 4, 2023 20:45:56  #9048

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Aisline looking surprisingly chill at being invited to a bevarage club with two enemy Servants xD (do they try an infinite number of coffee flavors and types?)
Assassin gives me vibes that on one of those outings she'd try to start a soda chugging competition and I think she'd be thrilled at the prospect of tasting fast food along with anything related to modern world society.
I had more to comment but my brain isn't cooperating
*Monches on the headcanons, consumes them all*

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July 5, 2023 00:34:12  #9049

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

To be fair, Archer is...Archer and Saber might have the territory/range advantage over Lancer in that specific situation. Not to mention the emotional component they have there as well that is, if I'm guessing correctly at least...I don't think she'd ambush them, I think she likes children, and/or she'd like them
F/DA-Specific Grail War Rule: If Saber invites you to drink (non-alcoholic beverages) with them, you go drink (non-alcoholic beverages) with them. And don't try anything funny in the process. (Tbh if you did try they would react with questionable efficiency but the main idea is Please Be Nice to Them)

Another component that I like to think about to frame the situation is that Saber and Aisline have a lot of potential to have the most trusting Master-Servant relationship, in terms of how reliable they view each other. Otherwise we have:
-Archer and Dion. Archer is...haha?? Does that summarize anything? Maybe with time they'll at least get to Bridal Hold levels of trust tho. Maybe. Notice that I didn't say who is doing the bridal hold (jk)
-Lancer and Helge: Nothing on Lancer's side, it's just Helge is very self-reliant
-Rider and Nyoko: For some reason I correlate self-doubt with less ability to trust others what do you mean I'm projecting
-Assassin and Ambryll: Technically...but Assassin is the Assassin class Servant after all, they mustn't be complacent. (:
-Caster and Sunny: see above, except with the Caster class, obviously. Also Sunny has anxiety (I'm pretty sure)
-Berserker and Ianthe: Honestly any amount of trust in their relationship would be a win (or maybe a loss?)

Anyways the point is that it's possible Saber will trust Aisline to be on guard still and Aisline will trust them to be able to react and protect her. Did I really have to snatch all the other pairings out too? No. But did I? Well, you can see I did.

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

Assassin gives me vibes that on one of those outings she'd try to start a soda chugging competition and I think she'd be thrilled at the prospect of tasting fast food along with anything related to modern world society.

I cannot emphasize just how fast Rider would lose that contest.
Meanwhile, Archer somehow develops allergies to sugar as a natural bodily reaction
Assassin gets drunk on soda and Ambryll is just confounded once she gets back. To be fair they don't understand alcohol either lol

I forgot to add that for the Beverage Tasting Group, I headcanoned that Caster and Saber will do things like trying to make hot chocolate by literally making chocolate soup. Lancer is just too nice to say anything (she's not a pushover, just too nice), and Archer honestly has done worse so he doesn't know better.
It's funny because of the prospect that as soon as Saber and Caster are in proximity of each other they both mentally regress to Too Young
They give the vibes of trying to add chocolate and cheese together in a pot please help


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July 5, 2023 01:24:51  #9050

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I kept joking to myself that my gacha luck didn't extend to that Marvel game but I just got a character (4*) who reminded me of Wiley. Yes I wanted him. Maybe it was because as an enemy he has a cool entrance cutscene. Idk.
Said character is Professor X btw, I love Marvel's bodysuit designs lmiao (they're kinda derpy sometimes but also that leads me to the thought of Wiley in a bodysuit which is hilarious)
I think it's the scientist vibe, 'cause Professor X feels like the more heroic type. 


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July 5, 2023 01:27:48  #9051

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also as an update my team in that game is still pretty much villains, though now it has two heroes. One of them gives strong "morality undetermined" vibes though so,,, idk.
Professor X's bio is also vaguely concerning...hold on, lemme actually read these hecking bios.


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July 5, 2023 01:30:41  #9052

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Okay so basically we have:
-Mutant guy who's a former pacifist (and probably the least morally dubious on the team knowing me)
-French-Algerian girl with a cursed sword and a really cool design (I don't know her morals.)
-A narcissistic psychopath who deals in illusions
-The evil side of a guy with supernatural double personality
-An evil dictator who goes around helping someone else eat planets

(: idk if any of you are familiar with Marvel but,,, lol


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July 5, 2023 01:38:37  #9053

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Professor X is definitely different than Wiley. He fights like a teleporting raccoon (I say this with pride, I love his entrance cutscene thingy, I love the flower in his victory one, I also love the teleportation aftereffect)

Btw, if anyone's curious, I do know some things about Marvel. I've read some of the story books. But most of it's surrounding Spider Man (and the villains associated with him) and the Avengers, and I think the stories probably were cut down to be more child-friendly. But this limited knowledge is fun, since I could see Galactus' Favor as a skill and think "oh that bastard" because I knew Silver Surfer. Or I can see Namor and imagine yeeting him into the ocean. Not knowing enough can be great.


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July 5, 2023 02:08:26  #9054

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

1. Is this a Marvel gatcha game??

2. I cannot draw any characters from your hints sadly. The closest thing I could think of is Silver Surfer bc ik he worked for Galactus, but I also now he wasn't an evil dictator or really an evil dude

Bruh the signature be wacky

July 5, 2023 02:34:13  #9055

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Time wrote:

1. Is this a Marvel gatcha game??

I can hear the incredulousness xD but it is. The name is Marvel Contest of Champions, the plot a lil wacky for sure. Added to the gacha (which so far seems rather horrendous) and lack of ability (on my part) to judge character abilities and see what I need to do to keep up with the game difficulty, I can safely say that it's probably very intentionally for-profit oriented. Also chat is toxic as heck sometimes, to the extent where I do not talk.
But I'm in it to look at the characters, settings, and animations. Sometimes by watching the characters move and fight, I get inspired to imagine fight scenes more. Plus I love the diversity of powers, and not being able to recognize a lot of the heroes/villains. Not that you asked xD.

Time wrote:

2. I cannot draw any characters from your hints sadly. The closest thing I could think of is Silver Surfer bc ik he worked for Galactus, but I also now he wasn't an evil dictator or really an evil dude

That's fair, I never heard of the new herald either. His name's Terrax, and in-game he's good at stalling. His thing is geokinesis. He also slides along the floor because why bother to walk. He has a wacky color aesthetic (he has like a pink vest as armor or something) and it's hilarious since he's this huge bulky evil dude otherwise.
The other characters are:
-Guillotine, who is teaching me how to spell guillotine. I love her design and exit animation, and I'm getting better at using her. For her specifically, I really appreciate how the game manages to incorporate the advantage of having a longer range weapon (a long sword) rather than just punching. Defensively if the enemy isn't using big attacks, I can keep them at bay by just holding attack, which is a strategy I can't use with other characters.
-Mysterio, who I mostly remember as a petty criminal back when I read about him, but now it turns out he was more of a psycho in the movies? I loved his design as a little kid. Still do. His animations are cool. He sucks though lol, he's not good at fighting (which ig is the point). Leveling him up as a waste of resources at this point. he would probably respond that he has a lower level than literally all the enemies he fights and then probably try to murder me in retaliation for saying that. He gives those vibes.
-Last but not least we have Void, whose lore I do not know about. From what I can garner it might be a Jekyll & Hyde sort of situation? He's the Hyde btw. I think the dude he's the evil side of drank something dubious and got turned into the Sentinel and the Void. He is constantly in a crisis.


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July 5, 2023 17:23:48  #9056

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I cannot emphasize just how fast Rider would lose that contest.

Interpreted this as that as soon as Rider senses the scent of soda he just dies

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I headcanoned that Caster and Saber will do things like trying to make hot chocolate by literally making chocolate soup

And Caster of course dumps a whole bag of sugar into the soup

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July 5, 2023 23:42:15  #9057

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I think I just got rickrolled by a Colorado car insurance ad.

Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. (:


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July 5, 2023 23:51:38  #9058

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I cannot emphasize just how fast Rider would lose that contest.

Interpreted this as that as soon as Rider senses the scent of soda he just dies

I can't for legal reasons say whether this is right or not. However...

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I headcanoned that Caster and Saber will do things like trying to make hot chocolate by literally making chocolate soup

And Caster of course dumps a whole bag of sugar into the soup

Saber, watching the bag wobble around in the water before it becomes drenched with water: OwO


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July 6, 2023 02:35:15  #9059

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I like how every time I paint Rai ("paint" as I do not know what I am doing and never will) he looks the exact same. 
Also he and Hitan are definitely the actual related ones. They're as close to "practically same face syndrome" as they can get while still maintaining the "Hitan is hecking handsome while Rai is 'only average'" thing I have going to describe them.
Meanwhile their relationship is,,,


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July 6, 2023 03:10:59  #9060

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Rai's the kind of guy who'd search "How to make the best scrambled eggs" in Incognito

Aaand just to keep talking about the RRW Triad,
-I find it funny how I mostly think about how scary Raez is and how hard he is to draw while the guy himself does things like falling from the third floor to the first floor
-Wiley likes xiangqi more than weiqi, but he sucks at both (he does tutorials fine, he just. Idk.)
-In terms of how their hair looks right after washing, Rai's is fine, Raez's is great, and Wiley's looks like he smeared grease on it instead (he actually didn't)
-Wiley doesn't like plums
-Wiley would also smear yogurt on bread (thank you Mom for the inspiration)
-Btw Rai makes pretty okay scrambled eggs, but he's better at frying them. Raez makes the best scrambled eggs. Wiley makes the ones that still look gooey which to me is not preferable, but he hasn't died of food poisoning yet so I guess it's fine. 
-> Wiley makes 100 egg puns every time they make eggs and Rai has to pretend he's gone temporarily deaf so he doesn't have to say anything. 
-Noise-blocking headphones do not work when Wiley's in the vicinity. He could actually be talking at normal volume and you would not be able to block him out. 
-Raez and Rai dislike the sound of chalk scraping on chalkboard while Wiley likes it. He also likes chalk art but isn't very good at art in general. Especially chalk art. Raez isn't good at it either. Rai has no experience in this area.
-> Imagining Wiley convincing Dion to eat chalk,,, :'D 
-> On a better note, I can imagine Dion making something he's proud of and then becoming distraught when black clouds appear on the horizon, so Wiley goes out and holds this big ol tarp that he somehow has on hand over Dion's art so it stays intact. He himself is dumb though so by the time he's back he's just completely drenched. Raez scolds him and Dion is secretly (somewhat...very much somewhat) touched but doesn't actually say anything
-> Meanwhile Rai is like "Why would you do that" because why would he do that
-Raez likes squeaky toys but doesn't like overly crunchy things. He also doesn't really like soup. He likes his solid food. 
-Pizza preferences:
-> Raez likes cheese pizza. He also likes the crust. He's really picky about it though, he's the kind of person who'll know when it was overbaked and whatnot. Tbh he'd probably like cheesesticks too.
-> Rai likes pepperoni pizza :-P. He doesn't mind cheese though. He likes mushroom toppings, maybe some pepper, he doesn't really care as a whole. One has no way of telling whether him agreeing with Raez's assessments is just him agreeing or him showing that he has his own way of evaluating pizza. 
-> Wiley doesn't care either, but as you might guess, the more the better. When he's by himself, that is. Otherwise he goes with whomever he's with. Pizza isn't on his Top Favorite Foods list no matter how much he says it is. He's kinda neutral about it (I think he actually likes sandwiches better?). He does like the cheese though, especially the cheese you sprinkle on top of the pizza, and culturally he understands the value it has. He's definitely the kind of person who'd randomly tell you that he doesn't mind pineapple as a topping if he thinks that'll nudge you the wrong way, but actually he's neutral on that too.
-> I've been keeping away from Dion headcanons because he's Specter's favorite character and making headcanons for someone's favorite is,,, kinda intimidating xD, but for this one I imagine he likes pizza in general. He can't really decide on a favorite, so every time he'll say a different kind, but really it's between cheese and pepperoni. He likes soft crusts, though. Anchovies-wise, he hates mushrooms (because of the texture), is neutral towards olives, and actually really likes a bit of pineapple but doesn't say it because he picked up the fact that some people don't like that. But Wiley's nearby and orders it anyways, and then makes fun of Dion for it of course. Pizza's kinda a comfort food for Dion so he bears with whatever Wiley is saying for a surprisingly long amount of time (as in he just ignores the other, which is a very good decision btw). Funnily enough, their preferences are kind of alike, so that's there. 

Fun fact: This would usually go on my RPing thread which I should and will retire but will not retire, so I'm putting this here possibly to help future me to decide to obliterate this thread as well


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