"...Are you wanting my definition?" Asked Time.
“That would be ideal," he said lightly.
"Well, magic, to me, is the use and manipulation of unseen, supernatural, powerful forces to do your bidding or commands, I would say." Time said, "Though, that definition is pretty broad. I would say that would be your definition as well? No?"
A pause. A shake of his head, but it's a small shake, as if disagreement and agreement have their small, articulate degrees.
"What is it to you? Then?" Time asked.
He paused. Lots of pauses, as if he were preoccupied. "I don't think my definition is able to be said in this language," he said, feeling slightly irked by the way he himself phrased it.
"Well then, what is the closest definition that you can say?" Asked Time, "If you can say it."
The angel shakes his head. "There is no such thing to my knowledge."
"Is it really that complex?" He asked.
Hitan probably says as to not be offending, "Well, I would like to think of it more as a matter of not being able to be translated. I have found that different languages that are unique should remain that way instead of one like me trying to connect them." He adds carefully, "Besides, saying the language may call entities I do not want to encounter at the moment."
"Entities like... who? Or what exactly?" He asked.
Hitan's probably like ",,," in his mind, but if he is, he doesn't show it. "Guess?" he tried, sounding like half playful and half monotone.
Hitan offered a light round of applause and a half-smile. "Correct, and et cetera."
"So demons that want you dead? Yeah?"
"Certain heavenly entities want me dead as well." Hitan stared blankly at no particular part of the surroundings. "Most demons actually leave me be."
"Really?" Time said, "So is that where your nickname comes from?"
"My nickname?" It took Hitan a minute to realize that Time was probably referring to the "Fallen Angel" nickname of his. "Ah. Not exactly, but that's a nice inference."
"What did it come from?" He asked, "If there's a backstory behind the name."
Hitan thought about the explanation for about a second before he, quote-on-quote, opened up about said backstory. Perhaps he thought it might be boring. Or...otherwise.
"'The Fallen Angel' is a fairly recent nickname, and I hope that's the one you were referring to. By fairly recent, I'm referring to about a period of around a year or two years ago when it originated. Shortly put, it's a nickname by mortals--I daresay by the mortals most don't want to know of." He added, "I suppose I brought it upon myself, killing those in the name of 'vigilance'. After a few rumors, it earned me the nickname. I daresay it was a great leap for them to presume what type of entity I was, but perhaps that's just me thinking they lacked creativity. Or, perhaps mortals are too harsh on actual fallen angels." He chuckled slightly, maybe thinking the story was somewhat bothering to some and not sure if Time was that sort of person--ah, god.
"I'm sure the title is because mortals like to exaggerate things for their stories, well most of them do." Time said, "What kind of mortals were you killing?"
Hitan's opinion on Time's seemingly lack of judgment on him killing mortals in the first place is unseen, but he answers honestly, "I started off with those with the darkest records in the mortal world in the area. I remember...the first one I eliminated had killed at least eight thousand people directly in her legal records." He doesn't bother to describe the other further, such as in physical appearance, as he lists, "Other crimes under her belt included child and human trafficking, smuggling, drug distribution, support in terrorism, and infanticide, to name a few. There were rumors of her having committed fratricide, but that..." He pauses for a breather. "...was well beyond my jurisdiction at the time."
Oh, Time was thinking, he just wasn't really showing.
"Hm. Well. I'm not one for sending others to the underworld, but it sounds like she deserved it." He said, "Eight thousand is a big number."
Yay for two entities who really don't show all that much emotion.
"I don't really know whether I am able to say she deserved it, but her death happened and then it spiraled downwards to the present," Hitan said. "It seems, though, she had some very imaginative friends who gave me my nickname."
"So she's the reason you're being hunted?" Time asked.
"By certain mortals? At times," he admitted.
"How many are you even hunted by?" He asked.
"Mortals?" He needs to know the question before he does the math, y'know.
"How many groups. I'm assuming there's more than one."
"Oh yes. Well, I'm not too sure about that myself, but without more specific classification, I believe there are three groups."