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((I gotta come up with a cool snappy plot name. No thread vibes I'm trying to wrestle my spotify into submission so I have no good songs lol))
The group has made it back to the Clocktower! Whether on foot or some magical means, or anything in between, they're here. Huck had promptly sunk into the ground until only the yellowing leaves on his back were visible, presumably to recover from being around so many people in the depths of the city, if only for a brief moment. He was still listening to things around him, but was content to simply observe and supervise for now.
The kelpie that had tagged along with the group stood in front of the tower, his expression a mixture of awe and exhaustion. It wasn't often he ventured outside of Anatina, and both times in recent memory had been to the domain of a deity. He had remained in his mortal form, for once enjoying the idea of being completely solid since his confinement.
Inside the tower, the dude at the epicenter of this mess was snoring peacefully. He had fallen asleep in front of a large tome in the library, facedown on a desk. Physically, he was pretty much healed (that is, he hadn't had any weird releases of necrotic magic), but he hadn't made much progress in the memory recovery department since the group had left.
Heaven stands, gazing up at the Clocktower's face. It seems she was thinking about what they had seen during their time in Anatina. But she quickly looked and straightened up as the doors opened.
As the group made their way to the entrance of the Clocktower, the large doors slowly creaked open, revealing Time (and any other mages that followed him) walking to meet the others.
"Welcome back. I presume you have much to tell from your journey." He studies all of them, taking notice of Figura, "And I see you picked up a new person. Who is that?"
Crimson silently walks past Heaven and Time cursing under his breath. "Monsters. Can't take care of their people. Trying to pick fights they won't win. I should have...but Heaven and Time would...DAMN IT ALL!" he could be heard saying as he took off his sword and dagger and threw it at the floor letting a metallic ring fill the tower. "Fang and Flare, wherever you two are, get here soon. I'm almost tired enough to start stabbing these heretics to this kingdom!" Crimson sank himself into a nearby chair and pouted.
"Yeah, we found some new info and this guy. He's some kind of water creature." Ark looks back at where they came from. "I'm gonna go sweep around the clocktower, make sure we weren't followed." And just like that, he's sprinted off.
Chronos (who was definitely here the whole time and who's didn't completely miss the first thread related to the plot) poked her head out the door, completely clueless as to what was transpiring.
The kelpie dipped his head in Time's direction. "Greetings. I am Figura, hea-- former head guard and chief advisor to the king." He spoke the words as if they had an odd feeling in his mouth. "I would normally kneel in the presence of a deity, but I'm afraid I likely would not be able to stand back up again. It's been... some time since I've had a physical body. I've been told you were investigating Anatina?"
"May I help you?" Crimson asked Felix, in a more...composed tone. "Terribly sorry for the racket. I'm not in the best of moods right now."
Time nods in acknowledgement to Ark, and then watches Crimson storm inside with a mostly stoic reaction, except for the faintest hint of intrigue.
He then faces Figura and the others and nods, "Yes. We were. Particularly how it has been since Ishmael's fall, and possible connections with corrupted deities." He steps to the side as a gesture to beckon them indoors, "Please, come in, I can tell you may be wary from your journey and time in Anatina."
Heaven passes through, "We have a lot to report on, sir." She mentions on her way past into the Clocktower.
Figura started to follow Heaven inside. "I'm not sure I can be much help with that, sadly," he replied to Time. "I was out of the kingdom when the attack happened, and didn't see much of anything before I was arrested."
Crimson sat up and crossed his legs in the chair. "King Prospero that's what. In my own world I'm a king of sorts too, but from what I've heard and 'seen', his people aren't exactly doing too well. So you can easily put together the pieces there. If I wasn't following under Heaven and Time I would have dethrones his royal name."
Ark's perimeter sweep would have been pretty uneventful. It didn't look like anyone or anything had been sent after them at the moment.
Crimson sank back into the chair and closed his eyes, ignoring the commotion right next to him. "Don't go killing the innocent. I would really hate for someone to do that." Crimson warned.
((Yo Eliza do you need a quick rundown for what's going on or nah?))
Time in an instant flashed between the kelpie and the mortal, "Figura, I understand you may have history with this man, or may be emotional, but no guests of the Clocktower will be harmed." He eyes Figura with a calm and controlled look, "I recommend that you do not pursue any sort of violence in here, unless you wish to face consequences."
Critchun appears, this time being much more humanoid. He looks kinda like a skyrim werewolf, but she's more upright and has light brown fur currently. Also deer legs, albeit with more fur than deer typically have. It's arriving from upstairs, with the small trinket Time gave them on her head. He's standing on the stairs and staring at the commotion, maybe waiting to see if they need to pick somebody up and put them outside.
Ark zooms back into the clock tower. “Nothing. No pursuers.” He looks back and forth between Figura and the sick dude. “Did I miss something?”
"Not much I'd say." Crimson responded to Ark. "Just uh....a really odd bug...I...really have no words, this is way out of my experience."
"Oh there is nothing, for the most part." He smiles to Ark, and then pans over to Figura with a nearly glaring look, "Isn't thar correct? Figura?"
For the briefest second, Figura considered ignoring Time's warning and going for the kill anyway, but the kelpie doubted he would have been able to-- not with the collection of deities in the room, anyway. With a loud snort, he looked away from the mortal's crumpled form to return the god's stare for a long moment. "As you wish," he relented before removing his hand from his sword. As he did so, the water surrounding the mortal rushed back to Figura with enough force to send him sprawling to the floor again. It separated into smaller sections before returning neatly to the vials on the kelpie's hip.
Figura's voice lowered to a whisper as he leaned closer to Time. "I strongly recommend you remove this guest from your care at once," he urged him. "I know King Felix's water signature better than my own. This thing is nowhere close. It must be a spy from Prospero in disguise."
"Sorry, no can do." Time shakes his head, "This stranger is still one of great interest to me. Huck, mentioned he reminded him of Ishmael. Plus he has no recollection of the past."
Time paces, nearing Figura with a calculating look about his face, "You're saying that this stranger, bears the likeness of King Felix, yes?" he looks back at the mortal as if to study him, and the looks back to the kelpie, "You mentioned a water signature. Can you tell me the basics of it?"
""Signature? Like an aura? If it's not physical I could try my hand at...whatever the problem is." Crimson chimed in.
Critchun speaks what it thinks a water signature is, saying "Like.. scent. Blood... haz wa'er. In. gess.. can feel. Wuter. Mah-jic?"
"A trail at the simplest form is what it is I guess." Crimson told the Critchun.
"Close enough," the kelpie relented. "Most living things have water in them. If you pay close enough attention, you can learn the intricacies of specific people or objects. The way they breathe, how it fills arteries, bones, muscles. It's separate from an aura, but distinct. It is quite easy to tell when something is not what it is supposed to be." A pointed look at the man slouched in the chair. "For example--"
Figura's form dissolved, fading into a mound of water that twisted and writhed for several moments before settling into a recognizable shape. It did not solidify into flesh and bone, but it was clearly the form of a mortal, smaller and thinner than the kelpie's human appearance. It bore a striking resemblance to the mortal in the room, though it was stronger and healthier looking, wearing a long, formal cape with a crown some in the assembled group would possibly recognize as the same one that Prospero had worn when they visited Anatina.
Critchun climbs down the rest of the stairs, as she had taken place there, and then pads over to the mortal. They grab him, and stuff the man into their fluff. It is soft in the Critchun fluff; and its body heat could be considered comforting.
"Hm..." Ark is deep in thought. "The plot thickens. Who is this mystery man indeed?" He whips around to face the already scared person, grinning like a maniac. "Say, can I look at your soul?"
Crimson shot Ark a menacing glare. "You do that and I will snap your neck over and over again until Time snaps mine. Do not, under any circumstance, harm a mortal." he said coldly to the angel.
"OK, you two, cool it." Time orders to Ark and Crimson, "I'm thinking it would be key to try to compare this mortal's soul to King Felix's but do we even have a base of King Feliex to measure it up to?"
"Critchun, I get you wish to be helpful, but no unwillful fur stuffing."
"And thank you, Figura, for the representation." He finally finishes addressing everyone, "But you can return back to your original form. Our mortal here has had a pattern of suffering from intense pain from some mysterious magic whenever he tries to remember the past, or anything of the sort similar. I don't want that to unnecessarily happening to him."
"Aw, he thinks he can hurt me. Ah well, maybe next time." Ark sits down in the nearest chair.
Critchun reluctantly relents, putting the mortal down. There is a notable, yet fairly small considering her size, amount of fur on the man.
"Watch your tongue Ark." Crimson snapped back at him.
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