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February 1, 2023 21:32:02  #1

Heya, 'Tis I, Cookiest of I's- Intro-Cookie

So today I got a tad nostalgic, for the Scholastic MBs. So, I went a digging and found this place. I was majorly on the SAMB, so I recognize some of you. I kind of didn't really participate very heavily on the WoFMB, so you may not remember me well. But I'm excited to find my place here.

Is there anything I should know (so I don't rock the waters)? Or any advice on how to best integrate into the Rp well? I was on the Rp when it was on the MBs but didn't really participate beyond the occasional post.  

That's it, I guess. Hi! 

Vinyl Enthusiast (Thrifting is fun) 
Wannabe Chef 
Star Gazer (At -40F Let's Go) 
Alto Sax Player (It's my major, so let's hope so) 
Flamable Kitchen (Like Really Flamable) 
Enjoyer of Rolls (....mmmm, bread) 
2 out of 4 People will not dissolve me in milk.... Maybe

February 1, 2023 23:44:07  #2

Re: Heya, 'Tis I, Cookiest of I's- Intro-Cookie

Hey! Welcome! I think I remember your name, I bounced between the two forums a lot. Don't be afraid to ask questions to help you get started! We have a couple large events happening in rp right now, and really the best way to integrate is to make (or update) your deity and post an intro thread and people will come in to interact. You can get a pretty good feel for people's characters that way! 

Call me Ishmael.
22 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky

February 1, 2023 23:48:54  #3

Re: Heya, 'Tis I, Cookiest of I's- Intro-Cookie

do you dissolve in milk

AAAaaaaand i've reverted. Yay! there was too much sand in my lungs, anyways.
I am made of Ash and Bones and a little bit of meat. I can also be called Draki but I am not made of draco yet.
refer to me with she/it and do NYOT call me bro. you may however call me bouss.

okay that's all i'm going to cast divine skeleton bone blast now

February 2, 2023 00:03:27  #4

Re: Heya, 'Tis I, Cookiest of I's- Intro-Cookie

 I don't think I interacted with you very much, Ishmael. Anyways thanks for answering my questions. I will get to work revamping my deity (I'm cringing looking at my old form for this). 

Ash, well, if you are talking about if I would dissolve like a cookie would, no. But given enough time (you sent me down a rabbit hole) and considering what human skin does after soaking in just water for 10 minutes. I could dissolve in milk, it just would take a while. 

Vinyl Enthusiast (Thrifting is fun) 
Wannabe Chef 
Star Gazer (At -40F Let's Go) 
Alto Sax Player (It's my major, so let's hope so) 
Flamable Kitchen (Like Really Flamable) 
Enjoyer of Rolls (....mmmm, bread) 
2 out of 4 People will not dissolve me in milk.... Maybe
     Thread Starter

February 2, 2023 01:24:33  #5

Re: Heya, 'Tis I, Cookiest of I's- Intro-Cookie

What's the past without a little cringe? I feel like there's little to no value in our memories if we remain the same all the time. 
Anyhow, hey, Cookie! I'm Galaxian Explosion from the SAMB and WoFMB. Most people call me Galaxian. I joined around June of 2018 as part of a newer generation of forumers, so it's possible we never crossed paths. That, or my horrible memory forgot. In any case, it's nice to see you (possibly again)! Do let us know if you have any other questions (for this particular one, I have no qualifications in answering lol). Oh, and I'm rather inactive in-roleplay at the moment, so please don't worry if I don't show up to threads you make, but let me know if there's anything you're interested in in terms of my characters/"plots" too. (Plots is in quotation marks because holy heck am I bad at them xD.)
I crave milk now, but not for the purposes of dissolving you (: at least I think (: 


Edit: I wanted to add that because right now there aren't active admins on the Scholastic Forums Boardhost, it's possible you'll have to wait a long time to be approved if the user approval setting is still on, and on behalf of the mods I apologize for that :') the activity dropped off there all of a sudden and yeah it's kinda sad, but hey you can watch me drag Echo along in my cringe POVs
Edit 2: Thanks Time, muscle memory is at it again

The end descends

February 2, 2023 03:31:46  #6

Re: Heya, 'Tis I, Cookiest of I's- Intro-Cookie

Hi Cookie. I'm Time. I was mainly on the WoFMB, but I feel like I saw you a few times.

But yeah, look around and/or ask around for current plots.  I can also do filling in if need be

Wait @Galaxian the boardhost or the wiki??

Bruh the signature be wacky

February 2, 2023 10:39:33  #7

Re: Heya, 'Tis I, Cookiest of I's- Intro-Cookie

@Galaxian. I think I may have joined around the same time as you or a little sooner. But honestly looking back, I may have stalked more popular threads, and that's how I recall most of the people on here, but never really interacted much. I'll have to start some digging and even if you aren't doing much thanks for the advice. I'm okay with waiting a while (or never getting on) for the Scholastic, honestly I just wanted to interact with you folks.   And thanks for not having the intention to dissolving me in milk... Maybe. 

@Time. Same.  Okay cool.   Would the Wiki be helpful in getting general character information of the others? 

Vinyl Enthusiast (Thrifting is fun) 
Wannabe Chef 
Star Gazer (At -40F Let's Go) 
Alto Sax Player (It's my major, so let's hope so) 
Flamable Kitchen (Like Really Flamable) 
Enjoyer of Rolls (....mmmm, bread) 
2 out of 4 People will not dissolve me in milk.... Maybe
     Thread Starter

February 2, 2023 12:45:30  #8

Re: Heya, 'Tis I, Cookiest of I's- Intro-Cookie

Hmm I guess??? For me, I haven't updated my stuff in probably a year+, and I haven't added in any of my new characters.

It may be outdated but it's also a start

Bruh the signature be wacky

February 2, 2023 14:09:10  #9

Re: Heya, 'Tis I, Cookiest of I's- Intro-Cookie

^^ I need to update mine as well, I just have a monstrous google doc with all of my forms. I’d like to make some pages though for easier reference for others. I do also just look through submitted forms on here when I’m looking for other people’s information more often than I use the wiki

Call me Ishmael.
22 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky

February 5, 2023 03:52:13  #10

Re: Heya, 'Tis I, Cookiest of I's- Intro-Cookie

Oh, I would also say that a other good way to get started is to just jump into it or ask people about their characters and/or plots going around. Sometimes it's nicer than reading up on a (possible) outdated character page

Bruh the signature be wacky

February 6, 2023 19:58:40  #11

Re: Heya, 'Tis I, Cookiest of I's- Intro-Cookie

Hey there Cookie! I'm late to this thread but welcome to our boardhost :D I do remember you by your nickname, not sure if you remember me though hehe. I hope you have fun here! It's great to have you :3

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

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