Woah Fallon, hey, welcome back!
Hi everyone! It’s nice to see familiar names again!
(oh and Zane? Do you mind not using that nickname? I realize how terrible it is and it’s kinda making me uncomfortable seeing it (: )
I’ve been doing okay, just slowly wanting to get back into GGaD because of how much I miss it. But man…I’ve got so many OCs here that I may scrap them for other use or just adjust their forms a bit… So how have y’all been? Anything I really missed?
I noticed that we’re now doing three deities now with a CD as an exception?
yep the deity limit has been raised, also Rune lost her password iirc and has been MIA for about as long as you have ;-;
Yeah, I know. I actually talk to Rune on Discord a lot.
which reminds me that I may ask to rejoin the GGaD discord since I left it because of notifs
Yeah, got it! How's life been for ya Fallon? It's been a good while. I didn't know that Rune was MIA due to a password. Here I thought she just fell off GGaD. Funny enough, awhile ago I was actually talking in the server about her and wondering how she's doin'. Though she likely doesn't remember me...oh well! And I would invite ya to the GGaD server if I had ya on Discord, but I'm sure someone else could get ya in. And as far as anything missed, I just recently got back here since I completely forgot about the Boardhost. And I'm sure we can all work something out for your O.C.'s and stuff like that! Do you still use Kenshin (I think that's his name?) from when we RP'd on the MB with Marine and Paradox?
Life’s been going good yet crazy for me. Gotta love the life of an adult😅😆
She went MIA and because it’s been dying and (I think maybe because of me) she became more inactive
i still have Kenshin! Though last I used him I uh…corrupted him…😅😅😅 yeah so…
awww I miss her ;-;
Hah, adult life. It's fun. Are ya working or in college? I'm in college and wooooooooooooo boy I never thought I'd enjoy RPing more than when I have college work. And personally I really do miss Rune, a whole lot of fun to RP with her and just goof off. I still haven't forgotten the RP we were doing when I was in high school and GoGuardian ruined it for me. Heck the only reason I'm even here is due to Fantasy/Lilac. She really helped me out and got me around since I was so adamant about findin' all of you guys. That's why when I heard you were in the Discord server and on Boardhost I was FREAKING HYPED since it's been forever when we last even talked. I do hope Rune comes back though. Clearly I'm not the only one who misses her.
BAHAHAHAH YOU DID WHAT NOW?! He's legit a big inspiration to me. Helped me make Crimson more streamlined and even got him a proper last name based off Kenshin's name (It's Kasaki.) so ya know, the MB and a lot of you goofballs of formers really helped and made me better at my RP's!
Rune says hi and that she’s doing fine ;)
I am working. No more school for me, no thank you lol
yeah….I…corrupted him. But…I think I may plan like total memory loss or something for him and my other characters…we’ll see. Just something for me to start fresh on I guess. But I kinda like the idea of Kenshin coming back after being de-corrupted I suppose…
wow…I…never expected him to be such a big inspiration for you XD I’m glD that it’s kinda helped you though, Zane!
Sweet! Glad to hear she's good! Think she'll ever come 'round to GGad again? I'm always curious what was made of Byrd...
Haha, school is fun. No, I'm lying, please send help, I hate it. But anyways, glad to hear you're workin', guess ya like your job to a degree?
Well there are always people willing to help ya with your O.C.'s. Especially with Crimson looking up to Kenshin in a way! And I just realized I could invite you to the GGaD server again since your ID is still in the Who-Is-Who channel of the server .
No, she said that she’s not interested in coming back since it kind of got boring for her…
i LOVE my job!!
okay! I guess I can count on Crimson to help Kenshin out! Oh yeah! But I’m not looking to rejoining the server just yet since there was some notifs I didn’t want. We’ll see
Ah, that's fair. Life goes on! Glad she's doing well though! And hey, I'm really glad you're back too!
Eh?! That's a rarity. I would ask what ya do for work, but I'm not gonna pry onto your life! Glad ya enjoy it!
Crimson does know his way around magic and such. I mean, he is one of the High Council members. And why don't you just mute the server to only get @ notifications? That's what I do with most of my servers.
Cool that you're out there and enjoying stuff!
Is also nice you're still in contact with Rune, and talking with her alot. Are you guys on a similar server or something or just talking? Just curious
If you wish, I am trying to work on getting a plot started. Also I've got my CD(s) if you want to do anything with that. Since most of the other cd people aren't as active anymore, we could always start something anew.
Yeah, lol, that’s totally fine but it certainly is one of the best places to work at ;D
High Council??? I definitely feel like I missed something there 👀
and I could do that with Discord…idk why I left it when I came back soon lol
I talk with her often and also RP with her too with a couple of others that we’ve grown close to. It’s been really fun!
ooooh, I think I read a bit about that earlier but it was a lot so I stopped XDD
but yeah, I almost want to use Enochí more though it’s…almost like I don’t know what to do with him either
Glad you're enjoying it Fallon! And yeah, the High Council is a new-ish thing. Though not much has changed with Crimson...much.
And yes, you can. It depends if you're on mobile or computer. With mobile, just to to a server, and in the top right next to the server name there is three dots. Click that and you'll have a little menu pop up, with Boost, Invite, Notifications, and settings. Go to the Notifications and you'll see a small section called "SERVER NOTIFICATION SETTINGS", there you'll find the three main options to see all notifications from the server (all messages), the ever thankful Only @mentions, which sends you a notification ONLY WHEN YOU ARE PINGED, NOTHING MORE! And then Nothing, which means you won't receive any notifications, even pings.
With PC, all you do is click a server icon, then right click and you'll see a little tab "server notification settings", then just hover over that and click Only @mentionn! And that's all there is too it! You could also look up a video if it would help better ^^
Yeah I knew that already lol I was just too lazy to do it
Eh..........I didn't have to type all that? Welp, thanks for the heads up XD
Oh, and you welcome back to the GGaD, we're glad to have you back!
(I don't remember if I said that, my memory is as good as a snail)
Thats nice to hear. I always wonder how new friend groups form and change online. Were do you meet them, how does that stuff always work??
Yeah. Essentially if you maybe want to do something with ambrosia flowers, make a new deity, "clean out" your character pool for ggad, or just do something, feel free to hop in!
Hahaa, yeah, sorry for not letting you know sooner ;)
yeah you already said it but thanks for the double welcome! :D
We transferred to the wiki when the old forums went down but when that update happened, we moved to boardhost and Discord but now it’s been discord because it’s easier for everyone to access. So we chat and RP there
ooooh, sounds cool! But I think I’ll just maybe just ‘make a clean’ slate for my deities/characters but then not. Two of my deities have been around (one practically forever) and the other just as long I guess lol Kenshin would be the one who dealt with an Ambrosia Flower but I’m just going to stick to just memory loss when he de-corrupts. But thanks! I’ll definitely keep an eye on it and hop it if need be
Meh meh! It's alright! And sorry for the brain error! College has made me mush.
I hope Rune will come back some day! But hey, if she doesn't that fine! I'm happy to have made some amazing memories!
Funny how motivated I was with my Inktober writings and now look at me
Hey hey if I did inktober I'd just do the ones I can only do. I wouldn't stress about it... but I assume it's your personal goal to get all of them?
But also inktober writing? You write the prompts instead of drawing?
Yeah! It’s actually quite fun! Especially for those who are writers. We write using the prompts instead of drawing though actually, this year I challenged myself to do writing and drawing!
Well you certainty are taking on a big challenge, and every day too?? I could double I could even keep up with anything more than drawing or writing a challenge every few days.
It's cool!
Last edited by Time (October 27, 2022 00:37:46)
Well, yeah, that’s why I’m now four days behind on writing and uhh….fourteen days behind in art :D
OH CRAP I FORGOT ABOUT THE INKTOBERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! NOOOOOOOO I HAVE TOO MUCH TO KEEP UP WITHHHHHHHH! I love doing Inktober. When I was in high school we did a school wide Inktober and I ended up with first place for fantasy. Kind of ironic since that's all I read and write.
Who knew that trying to either create a new RP thread or jumping into one could be so hard XDD