Just realized... I'm the triple A of the lgbtq+
What does that even mean
Time wrote:
What does that even mean
Agender Aromantic Asexual
I'm da AAA
Why can't time just run faster, please I need to see the percy Jackson show or I might combust and die. Why isn't it 2024 yet
I'm sorry I run pretty slow
I'm gonna cry, why did I choose comp sci as my elective, why is python so hard to understand
Is this what old people feel when they try to use social media? Am I in my boomer era?
no coding is just hard
trust me I'm trying to learn C# and Unity
I cannot decide whether to commit arson or just do a normal basic character introduction for Leon and Patil
this is how I know I've changed. The me two years ago would've picked arson with no hesitation
(The me now cares about the consequences of my ocs actions. This deeply disturbs me as it means I've become more "mature" and actually am developing foresight)
wow some real character development there. For sure.
I'm probably going to learn coding one way or another in the future due to where I'm heading, I haven't learned coding yet other than just every now and then. But the most reason attempt was absolutely horrible.
Re: the coding conversation
I don't know how much this will help, but what I found works for me is to first think, "okay, how would I, as a human, approach this problem?" Then, after thinking about how a person would logically go about doing something, I would then transfer that process into code. Also: work through test cases! It'll help as well.
Programming can be daunting for sure, but remember that you never have to do everything all in one go! Work on everything piece by piece - my preferred order is "logic --> syntax --> test cases" but other people might do it differently.
edit: realized I forgot a phrase
Last edited by autumnlibrarian16 (October 11, 2022 18:18:19)
autumnlibrarian16 wrote:
Re: the coding conversation
I don't know how much this will help, but what I found works for me is to first think, "okay, how would I, as a human, approach this problem?" Then, after thinking about how a person would logically go about doing something, I would then transfer that process into code. Also: work through test cases! It'll help as well.
Programming can be daunting for sure, but remember that you never have to do everything all in one go! Work on everything piece by piece - my preferred order is "logic --> syntax --> test cases" but other people might do it differently.
edit: realized I forgot a phrase
Actually I do something similar too. The way I go about with any task is dissecting it into small steps because if I dont, I'll get overwhelmed and not do anything ever. The part I hate is testing since I feel frustrated if things don't work out first try.
(and also syntax is hard to remember)
might be less active as I'm currently experiencing "post-mid term omg how did I not fail all of my classes and finish all my assignments, oh no here comes the adrenaline crash." My social skills are completely out of service and I will be spending the next week filling my brain with video essays on topics I have never even heard of
Hey and thats all ok. I'd think everyone here would rather have you lower in activity due to you being tired after a hard effort and success instead of you having to go into panic mode to save your school/grade life.
Very cool!
Time wrote:
Hey and thats all ok. I'd think everyone here would rather have you lower in activity due to you being tired after a hard effort and success instead of you having to go into panic mode to save your school/grade life.
Very cool!
You, are gonna make me cry
I cant believe I'm vibing to michael in the bathroom, I THOUGHT I WAS PAST THAT PHASE
Hggggg no motivation to art, and if I don't art I don't really feel anything, so now I'm just a mushy lump of human who's breathing I guess
Silverphoenix580 wrote:
You, are gonna make me cry
Thumbs up yes?
Time wrote:
Thumbs up yes?
good cry yes
who woulda thought, not actively drawing means my art skills start disintegrating???? Omg it's like, I gotta... maintain my skills???
That's crazzyyy yoo
When the weather starts feeling like not caring about my homework bc I'm not gonna be skilled enough to have a future anyways.
I've just realized, that when I go to china for vacation (which is in less than a month) I might not have access to boardhost...or anything google, or school, or social media. I'm not panicking I'm not panicking I'm not panicking
it's okay you'll be fine I believe in you yOU'LL BE FINE YOU'LL BE FINE--
Worst case scenario, I just retake 11th grade.
(Retake 11th grade, retake 11th grade, retake 11tg gragd, rwtazkfvehhsjxgxjhx)
Shoot that sucks. Going places during the schoolyear sucks. Especially for the long time. Will you be given at least asynchronous work?
As for boardhost... that also really sucks. Hope you'll be able to access it from here. BUT, if you do not, I say if you haven't been doing so already, just while you are there, store you ideas to dump all back here when you get back!
at this point I'm just gonna try to work ahead as much as possible in school and HOPE that the VPNs end up working. And if I just drop off the face of the planet on boardhost, then the VPNs most likely didn't work...
praying to every God I know that the VPNs do work
(there's an atheist praying joke in there somewhere)
I feel like, everyone goes through this period in their life where they're just losing a lot of things and people... and maybe I'm too young to say that's the period of life I'm in, but it does feel like everything I enjoy, and the people I like are all slipping away. And if I lose one more thing, I'm gonna just sob