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August 27, 2022 17:21:23  #1

sneakily sneaks back into existence

Greetings! It's been what, a year and a half? Two years?

Apologies for leaving abruptly, my grand excuse is: Identity crisis (which is gladly over... for now). It's only fitting, as one does after an identity crisis, to reintroduce myself. The name's Marsh, used to be Marine, some people online also call me Phoenix, honestly whatever floats your boat. Pronouns; any/all. Gender; is a social concept and I have transcended above all mortal understandings- Agender, if you must label it, Agender is what I'm sticking to for now. It's been a wild ride for me these past few years but, it seems that I cannot escape the vice grip GGaD has had on me since 2018.

Glad to be back ヾ(•ω•`)o

(ps imma start GGaD on a clean slate and not rush my characters this time)

Last edited by Silverphoenix580 (August 27, 2022 18:29:39)

Pronouns? Surprise me
Mariah Carey DNI

18 || Braincells? No

August 27, 2022 17:29:51  #2

Re: sneakily sneaks back into existence

Welcome back! It has indeed been a long time since we last saw you around. But as usual, always feel free to come here when you'd like.
And for your signature--please don't find us intimidating. We're honestly not a very scary bunch. Hehe.
That "Hehe" was unnecessarily scary, so please disregard it~


The end descends

August 27, 2022 17:37:20  #3

Re: sneakily sneaks back into existence

Honestly I'm just easily intimidated, I once got chased around the block by a dog that's ankle height

Pronouns? Surprise me
Mariah Carey DNI

18 || Braincells? No
     Thread Starter

August 27, 2022 17:39:31  #4

Re: sneakily sneaks back into existence

In your defense, dogs have sharp teeth, which we are not accustomed to feeling physically


The end descends

August 27, 2022 17:54:55  #5

Re: sneakily sneaks back into existence

welcome bacc, I’m Axel, you might know me, might not, but nice to meet you

"Martial arts is... a way to move all cool like?"
Live like nobody's watching
I aten't dead
If i was rich, I'd fill up a room with buttons, and then when you pressed them they'd make satisfying sounds

August 27, 2022 17:56:30  #6

Re: sneakily sneaks back into existence

hoi hoi Axel, I remember you!

Pronouns? Surprise me
Mariah Carey DNI

18 || Braincells? No
     Thread Starter

August 27, 2022 18:21:22  #7

Re: sneakily sneaks back into existence


(it is me jade incase u were wondering btw except i go by gumy on most internet spaces now.)


(Formerly known as Jade)
18 || she/her
plural system (i got guys in my head!)
Enjoyer of Gingkos and Cycads 

August 27, 2022 18:28:48  #8

Re: sneakily sneaks back into existence

Ah yes, the one and only gumy. I'm making you responsible for making me take the leap to come back

Pronouns? Surprise me
Mariah Carey DNI

18 || Braincells? No
     Thread Starter

August 27, 2022 19:26:49  #9

Re: sneakily sneaks back into existence

im putting that in my siggy. “my fault marsh is back /pos”


(Formerly known as Jade)
18 || she/her
plural system (i got guys in my head!)
Enjoyer of Gingkos and Cycads 

August 28, 2022 02:27:59  #10

Re: sneakily sneaks back into existence

Hey hey wb! Great to have you again!

Bruh the signature be wacky

August 28, 2022 04:33:17  #11

Re: sneakily sneaks back into existence

Welcome back!

Call me Ishmael.
22 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky

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