I don't really like that kind of exercise, but it's necessary Ig.
I prefer actual sports in which you have to run and jump and that stuff. Even better with a team.
The category I miss the most questions in Trivia Crack is Sports. Pop is also a weak category for me since I mostly guess all the answers. And History when it's about Peru.
Shame on me for not studying more about colonial history of my country lol.
Me, using a calculator but still worrying that there will be computation problems in the equation...
"You just got jobn't." XDDDDDD
Okay but I'm glad we students are allowed to use a calculator for the... calculations.
I know how to math very well but I don't really trust myself to stay focused when it involves so many digits.
Book: *mentions absolute zero**
Me: 👀
I slept well and yet I am tired
Anyways my arms and neck are frozen again today, yay?
Test season it is for my school, apparently.
Like, it's okay, but there's so many tests and quizzes and stuff everyday that it just-- xD
Theme songs giving me trouble bc I can't find any good ones xD
They're not really necessary imo but it's nice to have some.
I saw some references earlier today which I tried to memorize, basically practicing some poses is what I've been doing between classes this morning. Anyways my mom was like "What are you drawing?" and I pretty much had to show her what it was (shameful,,,, it wasn't that good x_x I only show really good art to my parents tbh (which means not many pieces)) and she just replied with "Oh" and a nod and now I'm stressing a little about what she thinks of it
I am starting to see the usefulness of significant figures.
Basically I can be a bit lazy and not find the exact decimal lol.
These past few days Galaxian has been posting posts related to stuff that I just happen to be thinking about or doing and I'm here like
I'm probably going to ask for permission to draw tomorrow or something. With luck I'll be able to stay up late ;)
My brain's kinda dead at the moment.
I can definitely say I know all the content which I'm being asked about, sure. But I apparently,,,, can't form a good paragraph saying exactly what I think.
Smh. Concentration will be required, I suppose.
And yes I know I complain about that a lot. But hey, there aren't many things which I can complain about XD
Alriiiiiiight that's done,,,, now to continue updating appearances Ig. I like to mostly update appearances because 1. they're fun to write and 2. they're useful to use as reference when drawing if they're detailed.
Also it's really cool to be able to write a description of the image I have in my mind :D
*wheezing of laughter starts again*
I think it's funny how at the beginning playing Arsenal would make me really nervous and I was like, horrible at it (I'm still kinda bad tho ) but now after playing it so much because mostly my brother wanted me to play it with him, it has gone from being my least favorite game to being on my top faves list.
I specialize in either sniping other players or taking down snipers. I have really good aim if I just have a little moment to put my skill to use. That's basically all I'm good at though.
I do make weird errors like forgetting which team I'm on XD
Also I got a ghost kill effect which motivates me some since after I killl a player, they turn into a ghost before respawning lol
Arsenal is a game in Roblox
Alright just asking because I remember hearing that name somewhere before
Maybe I’ll try it too but first I have to make a new acc after Roblox termed my old one >
I might have mentioned it before. It's an entertaining game but you need a good computer to play it. Otherwise it just kinda doesn't work. I can't play it on my laptop, for example.
I forgot today was a meeting hdrnnshausdnsnsj now I should prolly rush over to start homework and get to work on it so I don't get scolded or smthn.
Blowdrying your hair at 10 P.M. when everyone is asleep is not a good idea, as I have learned the hard way.
Please don't do it.
Okay okay I got a really funny issue in Nationstates XD
So basically it's that a protest formed and trapped you in a building because in your latest speech you accidentally said a big spoiler for a bestseller book. And yes, the people are protesting about it.
Now I have to choose how to appease the mob o.o and what to do regarding possible pop culture spoilers in speeches.
One of the things I like about issues in Nationstates is that sometimes they're like, really relevant and force you to actually think and act according to your beliefs... while other times they're just hilariously trivial and entertaining xD
Looking over the other forumers' nations and tbh some of them scare me o.o
Probably mostly because of the fact that nearly all if not all of them are strict, not quite "good" dictatorships.