Mood for tonight
I no longer know what I'm doing.
Me at almost 3 A.M.
Hehe I think I watched too many videos. I didn't even notice that time went by so quickly xD
I'd better go sleep now.
Good mornight xD
Specter did no sleepecter last morning
I have no motivation to check the wikis right now so I'll just go draw stuff.
Though I need to do homework.
And I'm lagging two days behind my goal in history classes.
Oh and I finally got to see Tuti again!!!
Her parents wanted to talk to mine, so they arranged a virtual meeting earlier today and we all talked together and it was so nice. Both of our families, I mean. Her brothers are just as crazy as ever but I'm glad to see she's doing fine!
Maybe I should give her a private call one of these days. I've been meaning to, but if she doesn't reply to my emails....
Also on an unrelated topic, there's an apple pie in the oven rn
I should know better than to go into the kitchen while I'm sleep-deprived (this time, a bag of flour exploded for no reason and I'm like H O W) but it came out pretty good!
Ooh the timer just went off rn. I hope it didn't burn.
Okay it didn't burn so that's good.
However, it still needs to bake a little longer.
Aaaand of course the one mornight I decide I'm going to get good sleep, the wikia becomes active.
Smh lol, I'm unlucky.
Yes, mornight is a word now.
Idk, there's something interesting about a food supply getting rationed.
But this is proof that certain people in my household consume waaay too much sugar.
We ate 3/4 of the pie last night.
I want lunch. I hunger.
I love chicken too much
Whenever I'm hungry I get the urge to talk about food.
So uh
I should probably go check the other wikis or at least finish reading my notifs on GGaD but nahhh I'm too lazy
Not to mention that it takes too long for the login screen to load. Nope, not risking a screen freeze on this device.
I also kinda want to draw but also I'm busy roleplaying and also reading through science news websites because of an assignment I gotta do.
Wahhhhhhh I still need to finish my Science News Article but I still haven't even chosen an article to summarize XDDD
That moment when you have a really good color scheme but you realize you suck at designing outfits.
Hmm I'd better go finish my classes and homework. Then I can work on trying to write some stuff and maybe continue with drawing the next page(s) of my comic if I'm inspired.
I haven't had motivation for many things online except for classes and rp-related stuffs. Idk.
I have actually been spending more time in irl art projects and playing with my family.
I still haven't chosen a name for my comic.
It's been like a year and I still do not have any ideas for it.
The prototype one-page idea, which was the original motivation for the comic in the first place, was named "A Real Fantasy World" but that does not quite fit it now and it's not very creative.
Here @Galaxian look
Ok so the thing is
I don't remember drawing those XD
I have more of my GGaD characters in that style but the one with Dion just made me laugh really hard because it was as though it was staring at me, disappointed, when I found it in my drawer.
I'm reading too much fanfiction.
There was this one based on Alice of Human Sacrifice and the song is just playing over and over in my head hehehe
I'm here just looking for a good comedy or nice fic and most of the archive contains ships I don't like lol
Why am I up? I had an extremely weird dream.
Uh so xD basically it was that Aereon had died or something but we were in the underworld and there was a trial, and I was the prosecutor for some reason. It all went really... interesting.
Then a potato stabbed me? And I woke up.
I wonder why there were vegetables in the courtroom.
I cannot stand fics written with poor grammar and no capitalization.
Also I don't tend to read fics with ocs. Idk.