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January 18, 2022 23:44:43  #91

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

uhhh idk lol. I don't think anyone that you haven't seen already, unfortunately : (

Bruh the signature be wacky

January 30, 2022 01:02:53  #92

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

Ah okay. I should go check in on the Home Base GGaD again. I set them up with some new mods a month or so ago but I need to see if they're fitting in ok

Call me Ishmael.
22 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky
     Thread Starter

January 30, 2022 02:44:47  #93

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

Oops I almost mixed up board host and home base and was confused for a bit heh

Anyways I hope their good. If so just tell them we said hi

Last edited by Time (January 30, 2022 02:46:18)

Bruh the signature be wacky

January 30, 2022 07:06:57  #94

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

tell us how they're doing

"Martial arts is... a way to move all cool like?"
Live like nobody's watching
I aten't dead
If i was rich, I'd fill up a room with buttons, and then when you pressed them they'd make satisfying sounds

March 14, 2022 14:18:53  #95

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

Doing well! They have a monthly meeting set up and the Newsfeed is nowhere near a good enough platform to have roleplays be super user-friendly but they’re still kickin’.

Call me Ishmael.
22 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky
     Thread Starter

March 14, 2022 14:20:12  #96

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

Also uh

Feral’s shutting down and they shuttered the Discord server so. That’s fun I guess. Two years of most of my free time gone. It is what it is I guess. I’ll probably be around here more often. Hopefully.

I like the Easter theming!

Call me Ishmael.
22 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky
     Thread Starter

March 14, 2022 16:24:11  #97

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

You know when you have to move to the second priority smh xD kinda a coincidence that you and Xenon have kinda returned at the same time, but welcome back nonetheless! Are you two secretly the same person? HmmMM? jk of course xD

Thank you :3 egg



March 14, 2022 16:38:40  #98

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

That drags, dude. Seeing something that you really love be ended due to something out of your control. Sounds quite familiar actually. Like it's the reason why we're here right now.

But hey, welcome back!

Last edited by Time (March 14, 2022 17:08:53)

Bruh the signature be wacky

March 15, 2022 09:08:37  #99

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

That sucks

But it's nice to see you back :D

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it

August 12, 2022 00:03:00  #100

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

Hello! I've missed y'all a lot. Simpler times, I guess

I've been doing a lot better than I have been in a while. College wrapped up, I spent the last 3 weeks of my semester on a trip with other students in the Pacific Northwest lookin at really big trees. After that, I went back to the summer camp I've been at for my fifth year. I realized yesterday I missed Bliss's annual birthday thread in June, so I'd like to do that, at the very least. I have a lot of loose ends around here still lol-- Ishmael still needs to get going and be alive again.

Feral officially shut down in Marchish, and I've been kind of adrift in terms of having a Thing to do. I always say I'll be around here more but I don't know if I will. Going back to college for my sophomore year in about 10 days, hopefully I'll do better from an academic standpoint :D

Oh I also had a birthday! I'm 20 now, big old moment

How have you all been? Anything interesting going on in GGaD? Real life? I want to try to be better at checking in with you all and I apologize that I keep fading in and out of existence with no warning.

Call me Ishmael.
22 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky
     Thread Starter

August 12, 2022 00:56:18  #101

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

Hi Ish. Good to see you back

Well. That sucks. I was kinda interested in that game for a bit.

But I understand that education comes before here. So I get it, no worries.

Yeah. Happy belated birthday. I forgot to wish you birthday on my birthday. How could I forget?! Also obligatory you're getting old Ishmael comment.

I've been doing good. I've been doing a lot of stuff during the summer. Programs in collage, traveling, etc etc. Good fun. But as for GGaD... not so much : (, we were going to run a bigger plot lead by Effervescence, but they had to leave. It makes me think about how much maybe we should just try a simple plot and go head with it for once instead of just planning.

I suppose if you do want to check in with us more (which I'd be totally down with btw, we always want to talk with old friends here) maybe I guess trying to keep a journal or do a daily (weekly?) post thing here?

Last edited by Time (August 12, 2022 00:57:35)

Bruh the signature be wacky

August 12, 2022 22:21:22  #102

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

Hi Ishmael!

wow you're old Happy birthday

Time summed up a lot but yeah! I'm not exactly sure what to say XD

he/him xe/xem

"If you are born weak, which god do you turn to for solace?"
"That's why... I had to become the
lone star
in the sky to guide them..."˙˚∘⊹☀️⊹∘˚˙

"I shall ascend to the heavens, becoming the scorching
Bathed in my light, my people shall flourish, while all evil shall be eradicated."

"I now permit you to stare into the sun."

August 12, 2022 22:44:17  #103

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

Hey, Ishmael! Happy belated birthday, and welcome back, as usual! The trip sounds fun, and the update is appreciated lol.
As Time said, not much has been going on in GGaD. A lot of us seem to be inactive and college app season starting is probably not gonna help that much. However, if you want to make a thread, always feel free to do that, and let us know if you ever need help conducting anything in-roleplay lol.
I'm sorry to hear that about Feral. Games closing down abruptly always sucks, especially when you were devoting a good amount of time to them. 
Good luck in college! You can do it!



August 15, 2022 21:05:44  #104

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

I've got two threads I'm thinking of in my pocket, maybe more if I play my cards right. I've got to refresh myself on a couple things lorewise, and I might move some characters around in-world for the sake of dramatic effect (namely my OCs attached to Anatina so I can get things moving around there)

I think if I give myself a lot to do here all at once I'll feel compelled to actually stay active so I don't disappoint people lol.

I technically have a deity slot open....

Call me Ishmael.
22 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky
     Thread Starter

August 15, 2022 21:18:43  #105

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

You don't have to worry about disappointing anyone here, Ishmael! The worse thing would be for you to overwhelm yourself with stuff here and accidentally impact what you have to do in real life. None of us would want to make you do that. 
If it's of any interest to you, the community has been pondering putting a plot out there as of recent, as Time mentioned. The last planning attempt flopped due to Ephemeris being forced to leave, but if you have any ideas, feel free to put it in the ideas thread. (I personally have an idea that I'm letting sit because it's very incomplete so xD.)



August 15, 2022 21:48:53  #106

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

I took a quick skim through that thread and I'm liking what I'm seeing so far! I don't have any huge plot plans, but I've got some small one-off things that may be able to expand. I hate planning things out though lol, I like having people's natural reaction to things and sometimes people's involvement changes my plans for the better

- I've got some Masked Ones/Shiloh thing because I don't think I ever revealed something fully. I know I've still got the Jackal (with a new mask I think? his old one was blasted off. might be a good time for me to refresh his form.) and the Eagle, but I don't remember where I left the Hyena. The Raccoon is... busy currently.
- Bliss birthday thread which will probably double as a "where are they now" thread for Orphos bc I think I canonically had the two of them go into hiding

- Felix??? I think I was doing something with him. I lost steam on the thread he was in but iirc he is no longer poisoned and on the mend with Huck at his side

- The one I really want to do is take a look at Prospero's kingdom. I haven't done anything with him and it's been like [checks watch] two years?? I've got a couple ideas. Gevar's in there, too.

I might unofficially pull Orphos and Figura out of their plot commitments with Silverskies and have those plots operate independently from current ones for my sake because I don't have a lot of mobility otherwise.I would really like to get Orphos's arc done because that would bring back both Ishmael and Eglantine but I don't think Silverskies has been here since I last asked around about it lol

Call me Ishmael.
22 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky
     Thread Starter

August 15, 2022 22:11:30  #107

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

Not gonna comment fully b/c that's annoying, but two things:
1) I realized what I said was poorly worded, since with Ephemeris inactive it's likely we'd have to build a new idea from scratch. However, some of the ideas on the thread are probably worth considering
2) I kinda hope the Jackal had his new mask made by the Raccoon somehow because by this point I'm not sure how the Mamba is still alive if he's interacted with any of the bosses (: but that aside, a lot of the Masked Ones are inactive now aside from the ones made by Time, Specter, and me, so if that changes anything for you...y'know. It's there.



August 15, 2022 22:50:05  #108

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

One of my earlier messages on this thread mentioned that I had both Jackal and Eagle disappear and no one knows where they are, so for all intents and purposes the Masked Ones have probably been disbanded in the sense that there is no leader there to unite them. That is, if no one has stepped up to fill that power vacuum.

I'd think most of the members would have gone off on their own, especially because they have a fairly large target on their backs from their members killing deities and would want to make themselves scarce. I do think there's something buried in message walls on the wiki that the Raccoon made Jackal's new mask. I'll have to look and see if I actually described it. 

Call me Ishmael.
22 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky
     Thread Starter

August 16, 2022 02:45:39  #109

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

Oh, okay, I didn't interpret their disappearance as being such a prominent event. Guess there might be some planning to be done on that front. Thank you for the specification.
Don't worry about finding that if it's for my question. I don't mind being flexible once in a while.



August 16, 2022 16:35:28  #110

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

I think I need to refresh myself on some plots that have your characters intertwined with, Ish. I wasn't aware of deities being killed by Masked Ones, were there any notable names? Or just unnamed deities?

Oh, also for Silverskies, I haven't seen her in a while either.

I am currently in agreement that maybe we should try out some unplanned plots

Bruh the signature be wacky

August 17, 2022 02:23:17  #111

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

I may need to hunt around the wiki but I remember the Masked Ones tangling with a god and both parties getting beat up pretty good. The god might not have been killed but I do remember the Jackal having some kind of thing happen with his mask getting destroyed. I'll have to find it again but it's so annoying to try and find message threads on that site [sigh]

Call me Ishmael.
22 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky
     Thread Starter

August 17, 2022 02:48:50  #112

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

I swear it's in there somewhere but I cannot for the life of me track it down. I'm slowly losing my mind because I know it exists and I could always just like,,,, flub it a little and move on but now I'm invested. For my honor /s

Call me Ishmael.
22 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky
     Thread Starter

August 17, 2022 03:55:34  #113

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread


Eidolon! Now I have to find the thread. The annoying part is that I can't just search up the name on the wiki and have the thread pop up because it doesn't allow for message wall posts to be searched for. I have to manually comb through my post history, which sucks. I do know it occurred before January 2020, though.

Last edited by Ishmael (August 17, 2022 03:56:54)

Call me Ishmael.
22 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky
     Thread Starter

August 17, 2022 04:09:08  #114

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

Call me Ishmael.
22 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky
     Thread Starter

August 17, 2022 04:10:11  #115

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

2 and a half hours of searching for something that was on my own message wall lmao

Call me Ishmael.
22 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky
     Thread Starter

August 17, 2022 04:39:58  #116

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

So looking at that, Jackal tried to absorb a deity soul and his mask went kablooey, and the Raccoon started making him a new one. There's probably more to it but that's all I care for at the moment. 

Call me Ishmael.
22 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky
     Thread Starter

August 17, 2022 14:08:21  #117

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

Power nap time, I had a doctor's appt this morning and it exhausted me. I didn't even do anything super intensive haha, I just don't have a lot of spoons for stuff like that

Call me Ishmael.
22 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky
     Thread Starter

August 17, 2022 17:58:36  #118

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

Nice nice,   very niceu Ishmael

It's time for me to read through this thread to remember as well

Hold up I just read my first Pov and it made me mentally gag.

Last edited by Time (August 17, 2022 19:20:10)

Bruh the signature be wacky

August 17, 2022 18:41:47  #119

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

Actually where did you even find it, it's not even on the message wall as far as I'm aware

Bruh the signature be wacky

August 19, 2022 21:59:13  #120

Re: The Pequod- Ishmael's Homethread

I manually looked through every single message I've ever sent by looking at my contribution history. I think it might've been an admin thing but I could have saved myself a couple hours by just. scrolling down my own page for a couple minutes to find it. The problem was I had no idea who's message wall it was on to begin with so I originally started by looking through other people's walls that I vaguely remembered being involved. I initially didn't think it was on my wall because I didn't start the thread but it was actually there all along lmao.

Call me Ishmael.
22 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky
     Thread Starter

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