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July 2, 2022 19:20:52  #3811

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Gotta love how a week ago I thought of like 120 different things during a single night, so I wrote down the vaguest things possible on the document expecting future me to figure it out and go from there


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July 2, 2022 19:29:10  #3812

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Right now my mind is generating this because it thinks it's funny (though it's not text-based)

Basically it's just GGaD!Wiley (or really any persona of his) discovering that he's really good at potions-based magic/magecraft
And then a generated explosion noise/visual at that moment (I imagine he'd smile in a pretty crazy way so. It fits.)


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July 2, 2022 19:30:54  #3813

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Imagine F/DA Archer discovers potion-based magecraft while he's summoned
His Spirit Origin instantly changes to include eligibility for the Caster class and his Master stares, utterly horrified.


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July 2, 2022 19:30:54  #3814

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Right now my mind is generating this because it thinks it's funny (though it's not text-based)

Basically it's just GGaD!Wiley (or really any persona of his) discovering that he's really good at potions-based magic/magecraft
And then a generated explosion noise/visual at that moment (I imagine he'd smile in a pretty crazy way so. It fits.)


That is a terrifying concept, but also he seems like the person to make small bombs

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

July 2, 2022 19:32:44  #3815

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Echo wrote:

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Right now my mind is generating this because it thinks it's funny (though it's not text-based)

Basically it's just GGaD!Wiley (or really any persona of his) discovering that he's really good at potions-based magic/magecraft
And then a generated explosion noise/visual at that moment (I imagine he'd smile in a pretty crazy way so. It fits.)


That is a terrifying concept, but also he seems like the person to make small bombs

I can't say you're wrong because he does make bath bombs/hot chocolate bombs in canon (as I've discussed here before I think), but now I have to ask if your "small" meant the initial size of the bomb or the explosion radius, because that descriptor would usually only fit for the prior rather than the latter (:


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July 2, 2022 19:35:30  #3816

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Imagine F/DA Archer discovers potion-based magecraft while he's summoned
His Spirit Origin instantly changes to include eligibility for the Caster class and his Master stares, utterly horrified.

Tbh now my mind is generating an image of F/DA Archer (though he'd be a Caster in this case lol) but when he fights, the background is basically just fluid fireworks
I can't describe this adequately. It's too cursed. I fjsofijdfsdjfio.
I guess imagine a bunch of extremely bright-colored liquid shooting everywhere in the background as he poses dramatically. 

Also any Wiley persona would definitely t-pose over the body of a defeated foe (including F/DA Archer, though under more limited circumstances), which is making me have some sort of undescribable moral dilemma for some reason


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July 2, 2022 19:37:45  #3817

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Also any Wiley persona would definitely t-pose over the body of a defeated foe (including F/DA Archer, though under more limited circumstances), which is making me have some sort of undescribable moral dilemma for some reason


Wiley just fornite-dancing on a defeated enemy body

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

July 2, 2022 19:38:12  #3818

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Wiley is so chaotic in every AU and I look up to him for that verrry fact

Last edited by Echo (July 2, 2022 19:38:23)

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

July 2, 2022 19:39:47  #3819

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Okay she let me eat
2. Paymon and Xenia are the kind of couple where Paymon's under the sink fixing something and Xenia's right outside the door talking the entire time so he doesn't feel bored. Alternatively, she could also sing a bit. Tbh she probably should help but I feel like Paymon would want her to do less work (A.K.A. he spoils her) :') 



Should I post more art of Paymon to make Xenia simp more? :')

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

July 2, 2022 19:41:00  #3820

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Also any Wiley persona would definitely t-pose over the body of a defeated foe (including F/DA Archer, though under more limited circumstances), which is making me have some sort of undescribable moral dilemma for some reason

Wiley just fornite-dancing on a defeated enemy body

The joke then becomes that he can never defeat enemies, since he never wins fights


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July 2, 2022 19:44:31  #3821

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Echo wrote:

Wiley is so chaotic in every AU and I look up to him for that verrry fact

I sorta wish you wouldn't, since it encourages him, but unfortunately I also depend on support for my characters so please keep bringing that ego fuel in :')


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July 2, 2022 19:46:59  #3822

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

SpecterTheGreat wrote:


Should I post more art of Paymon to make Xenia simp more? :')


My heart says no but my heart also says yes
Asking this without providing the incredibly muddled context that might have been needed otherwise (too bad though, I can't write lol), but do you guys know how weird it is to simp for a character for more than 3 seconds when you normally don't do that (and yes I technically simp for characters for less than 3 seconds. Sometimes I just get blown away lol what can I say.)


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July 2, 2022 19:48:07  #3823

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Echo wrote:

Wiley is so chaotic in every AU and I look up to him for that verrry fact

I sorta wish you wouldn't, since it encourages him, but unfortunately I also depend on support for my characters so please keep bringing that ego fuel in :')


He's just so funny tho

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

July 2, 2022 20:50:48  #3824

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Me: (*provides vaguest of descriptions on purpose*)
My hand when I attempt to draw individual of said description: lemme think...nah jk lol. No.


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July 2, 2022 21:28:51  #3825

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I like to think that in the GGaD-F/GO Chaldea, the kid characters will immediately regret their bad decisions, unlike in canon F/GO Chaldea, where they can do the little stabby-stabby and Emiya will still cook for them/Amakusa will still buy them gifts
A.K.A. if you get on the Naughty List, you are staying on the Naughty List, and you can't ask for an OP child god to bail you out either because he understands the rules


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July 4, 2022 17:52:32  #3826

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

My mind when I need to talk about the Not-Quad Squad with Specter: i sleeb
My mind at 3 A.M.-5 A.M., not letting me sleep: 


It headcanoned that during some Valentine's Day, Wiley somehow manages to dye Dion's hair entirely pink, exempting a bit at the top where it's green and has hair gel, and basically he's comparing Dion to a strawberry.
He makes too many puns about strawberries/berries in general that day
Dion doesn't talk to him for a month. Why only a month, you ask? Well a month later, on Pi Day, Wiley creams him with some sort of pie, and he gets mad so (:

Headcanon that Dion actually likes that flavor of pie (whatever it is; idk for some reason I feel like he just likes pies). Every time he and Rai go to a grocery store, he sees that type of pie and kinda wants to taste it again (even though the thought is always accompanied by an intense dislike of Wiley, since he remembers the experience at that moment), but he doesn't say anything because the embarrassment always wins.
Rai eventually pretends to bring the pie home inadvertently one day so Dion can eat it. (And Dion didn't make it himself either because of the embarrassment, as mentioned before.)
Related headcanon: Dion likes pumpkin pie a lot, but it has a bad rep and so he doesn't say it either. Maybe he thinks he'd be judged or something like that. It's not helped by how the other guys (probably Rai and Raez in particular) are neutral towards it. (Rai is actually just neutral towards pumpkin pie, and Raez eats basically anything edible.)
Rai also has to find some way to integrate it at some meal. Probably buys it and asks Raez to bring it over :'P his relationships are hecking food-based--


What I could be thinking about: How to build Rai's and Dion's relationship based off actual bonding experiences
What I think about:  f o o d


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July 5, 2022 03:08:16  #3827

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I initially made a longer post (not here) that got swallowed by horrible internet access (it's been going on for the past few days) but essentially, I tried using my mom's presence as a summoning catalyst in F/GO
The logic was that since she has horrendously bad luck, all the good luck is automatically drawn to me
It worked really well :') but anyways, without going into specifics about what I got from my summoning (which I used 300+ SQ for, btw; more than any amount I've ever used at once), I got everyone I wanted except for Castoria
...which was the anticipated outcome. I like summarizing the differences between who Specter, Echo, and I summon on there, and so far on my end it's "You'll never get a meta-defining Servant." So, if Specter and/or Echo get Castoria easily, I won't be surprised at all.
I also get that it might sound weird, since there ain't anyone on rate-up except for her (to my knowledge), but that's beside the point.

The point is, I have a related headcanon now, and that headcanon involves F/DA Archer's Master playing a gacha game (ironically) and he kinda just forces Archer to be next to him all that time.
The funniest thing is that it works, but dang Archer doesn't get why he has to be there lol

Second unrelated headcanon:
Headcanon that one of Sollux's first memories of Sunny is one where he popped out of a mud puddle and scared her really badly.
She legitimately just started bawling because she thought he was a mud monster that ate little kids (and honestly I feel like this was Xenia's fault; initially she had zero idea what stories should be told to kids).
Tbh turns out Paymon had a traumatic demigod backstory too and also had no idea. Oof--


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July 5, 2022 16:50:06  #3828

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I like how last night's dream was just me watching Dion and Rai vibe. 0 plot but pretty wholesome
@Mind - now gimme forum character dreams (:


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July 7, 2022 12:45:51  #3829

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Don't mind me, just gonna do some lil calculations on whether or not I was a complete idiot

As context, I think I was the one to connect the girl in Whyatt's backstory and Helen, so yeah.
On the calculations part: Helen is said to be 18-20 chronologically. At the time her page was made, Hitan would have been 20 chronologically had he not been killed (unless you happen to count it that way; for him I count "chronological" age as "the number of years one has experienced life," not "the number of years one has experienced life and death"), so that means Helen would have been 2 years younger than him at most and the same age as him at most (lol since he's a November guy, it would've been kinda funny if her birthday was the same year but in front of him, though I don't think I would've liked it outside of irony). 
Adding onto that, Hitan was 7 when they met, so she would've been 5-7 (approximately). I like to think that she was on the older end, maybe around 6. But I'll continue with the approximate ages.
Whyatt's page has him as 23, though I'm not too sure how that works chronologically. Was he 21 when he was first POVed? Or was that 23?
But presuming that he was 23 (chronologically) when his page was made/around the time I first got introduced to his character (because him being younger would be beneficial in this case), that would mean he's...uh. Around 3 years older than Hitan, who would have been 20 at the time. I remember that I used to calculate it as 4 because his initial submitted form had him as 23 or something already, so I calculated his age to be 24 at the time, but I'm not sure, so I'll go with 23.
In any case, here comes the idiot part.
Hitan was 15 when he died, and generally speaking, he didn't know Whyatt for all that long. It wasn't that short either, but it wasn't long enough for him to figure out more of Whyatt's connections and such. So that put his age range when he initially interacted with Whyatt as being around 14-15. 
That means that Helen was 12-14 or 13-15. And with Whyatt being 3 years older than Hitan, that'd put him at 17-18. Getting a crush on a--in the worst case scenario--12 to 14-year-old.
I hate my past (and current) self so, so much.

Also yes my mind decided to bring up the notion of doing simple arithmetic at 3 A.M.
I suppose it wouldn't be too bad if Helen were the same age as Hitan--for instance, if she were also 14-15--but that wouldn't fit the age range I would have preferred her to be in if I were to think about Hitan and her only.
So yeah. 


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July 7, 2022 13:24:09  #3830

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

My idiocy aside

Also a 3 A.M. thought (gotta love how my mind works): Xenia and Paymon in Huyao Xiao Hongniang
Unfortunately if one of them is a spirit, kids might be out of the question (sorry lol @Sunny and @Sollux), but hey, I hope they prefer a universe where their parents are still alive (currently) compared one where they exist this sounds so mean lol
But anyways, the two of them in that world! Having made a vow into the reincarnation cycle!
I'm not too sure which one of them is the spirit. Going off of GGaD, that'd be Xia, but I mean I don't really mind. Either way.
I'm not familiar with what abilities Paymon has, but he'd probably be more suited to being a human ability-wise. And culture-wise. (Though it'd be interesting for Xenia to be a human, I suppose, except I wanna remove her from her horrible family, which would be more optional if she were a spirit.)


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July 7, 2022 13:27:52  #3831

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Paymon: (*managing to fly on his sword*)
Xenia: :0 <3

Pretty much their vibe xD
Paymon: (*does anything really*)
Xenia: 0: <3


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July 7, 2022 13:46:57  #3832

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GGaD ships be like

Helen: (*is doing something*)
Hitan: (*mildly[?] concerned but going along with it anyways*)

Anima: (*is doing something*)
Rai: (*following just in case*)
Btw yes, Rai would be following, rather than the other way around. Pro move to not lose someone.

Micah: (*following the shiny*)
Damian: (*following the Micah*)

Clay and Calidi: (*probably cuddling tbh*)

Alois: (*is doing something stupid*)
Genesis: (*is doing something even stupider, though separately*)

Krystine: (*is doing something stupid*)
Tensei: (*is doing something even stupider, with her ofc*)

Phantom and Yume: (*actually being commonsensical, and probably also cuddling*)

And of course
Paymon: (*is doing something*)
Xenia: :0 <3

I might be forgetting some ships, but tbh at this point,,,


Edit: Disclaimer that these are only the ships I know of/am vaguely familiar with (for instance, Specter had a character pair with one of MJ's characters, but I don't know either of them lol), and that I should not be held accountable for inaccuracies. Or in general. 'Cause. Y'know. I suck.

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July 7, 2022 15:39:49  #3833

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Alois: (*is doing something stupid*)
Genesis: (*is doing something even stupider, though separately*)

E x a c t l y, but once in a while they'll team up to do the most atrocious, stupid thing and give Alma a heart attack

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

July 8, 2022 13:46:34  #3834

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Echo wrote:

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Alois: (*is doing something stupid*)
Genesis: (*is doing something even stupider, though separately*)

E x a c t l y, but once in a while they'll team up to do the most atrocious, stupid thing and give Alma a heart attack

I forgot to add that this is accurate because the reason they would be separate is because they're competitive against each other

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

July 9, 2022 16:27:47  #3835

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Well I'm glad it's accurate xD, I was going for the general vibes but it's nice to hear that they culminate into actual character details lol


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July 9, 2022 16:44:44  #3836

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

This video gives so many Rai vibes
Tbh it's funny how I didn't think of how he'd get along with specific animals, but then I see this sort of thing

Rai, monotone: This is Potato

Also I love the part where it's like "Pick it up like it owes you money, because it will always owe you money," since it sounds like something Rai would definitely say.
A good thing is that the rest of the Not-Quad Squad also vibes with rats in my imagination. Wiley works with them a lot, Dion thinks they're cool (though doesn't say so), and Raez gets along with them, even though he's really more of a cat/sea creature sort of person so doesn't usually go out of his way to interact with rats (also as a former marine pirate, he's a little iffy when it comes to creatures known for spreading disease)
Isn't it funny how the Squad tends to pair up? In this case Wiley and Rai are more attuned to being in the presence of rats, while Raez and Dion are more like "Yeah sure but I won't try to interact with it more than I really have to" (though that probably depends on chronology; maybe Dion would be more cool with rats with development lol idk)

As another example, relating to food this time (and of course it has to relate to food), I find it funny how Raez and Dion are also paired up there as well, though the dynamic shifts to Raez and Wiley over time
(A subtle joke relating to Dion eating really bad prison food btw)
Raez eats just about anything (with an emphasis towards healthy food) as long as it's edible
Dion is kinda like that, with a preference towards sweets. Though I think Raez definitely eats more than him (he probably eats the most out of the Not-Quad Squad, even though he has a measure of restraint.)
Tbh Rai lives off the occasional meal, but mostly rations. His meals are small and he doesn't really like fancy meals.
Wiley likes to eat things that look weird, though he does not condone animal cruelty (one of his redeeming qualities btw), so he's not gonna try something like monkey brains if he knows what it is (and also, he's unlikely to eat something that he doesn't know the components of). He mostly likes to make weird-looking snacks and put together unholy combinations. In this respect, Raez eats them and Dion/Rai take note of how weird said snacks look (and don't eat them as a result)
Food is kinda a mixed bag when it comes to group dynamics. For instance, Wiley and Dion are more alike when it comes to natural snack preferences (tbh I imagine Dion hating me saying this and developing a periodic attempt at healthy snack making from it), while Raez and Rai like smaller portions. Raez likes crackers of all kinds, basically. And Rai just eats whatever he can get his hands on. Probably trail mix with chocolate chips, lol.
And then because I'll randomly talk about yogurt randomly (not gonna decide favorite flavors here but I might in the future), I feel like Dion just likes any sort of yogurt. But especially the sweet dessert kinds. He likes adding honey and stuff. And he doesn't mind granola. lol his favorite flavor is strawberry banana
Raez does a thing where he just eats the granola first before the yogurt, and no one really knows if he thinks that's how it's eaten or if he does it on purpose. I feel like he'd definitely like the weirdest flavors. Wiley hecking makes a fish-flavored yogurt and Raez is 100% fine with it. He eats a lot of weird flavors in general. Anyhow. 
Rai likes plain yogurt. No sweets. He can't taste it so. Greek yogurt is the way to go for him. He doesn't particularly care for granola and probably saves it for some sort of trail mix. If it's already added in, though, he'll eat it. For some reason I feel like he'd add raisins into his yogurt.
Wiley likes the sweet yogurt more by default but will eat healthier options by choice. He really likes granola...some days. Other days he's more "meh" about it. He doesn't really care, though. His thing is that he really likes mashing a bunch of flavors together. (He also does that with milk.) He'll open a bunch of containers and dump everything together, then sort it out into portions for later. I do have to note that he likes Greek yogurt, though. Not plainly, but it's kinda an "oh well" moment for him.

I am this close to starting on other food options, like sundaes, but I'm cutting it off before I turn into a monster lol


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July 9, 2022 17:45:40  #3837

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I like to think that HPA!Kaori and Francis will share a studio over time, so they spend a lot of time together. They'll have casual conversations while working (and periods of comfortable silence as well), and sometimes they hang out afterwards as well. I can imagine Kaori inviting Francis over a lot for dinner. I'm not sure how good Francis is at cooking, but for some reason (as in a reason I know but would rather not state outright), I like to think that Kaori is better at it in general, so yeah. 
The funny thing is that if Francis had known Kaori before entering HPA, he would've already been familiar with Hitan
Edit: A detail I forgot to add is that they started the arrangement because money is...hard to get lol, but they don't have a payment plan listed out. And you'd think that's a horrible decision, and it probably would be IRL, but the two of them are good people and communicate well when there are issues (and there usually are none). Otherwise they just let things work themselves out so. Yay!

Also a random headcanon: I feel like Kaori and Francis would paint each other's faces for fun, especially for before parades and festivals. 
Lol don't ask where this is coming from


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July 9, 2022 21:38:25  #3838

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I am Echo and I approve of these HCs 0v0

Francis shouldn't be allowed in kitchens other than to make sweets XD poor boy can barely cook actual food without somehow burning it into ashes, he's good at desserts tho

Awwjqjfjqjfkqkf Francis would love painting Kaori's face

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

July 9, 2022 22:45:24  #3839

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

That's okay, he can wash the vegetables for Kaori if he wants to. Or just being company in the kitchen is good too.
For some reason I imagined that about him and desserts lol


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July 11, 2022 21:46:12  #3840

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I was just minding my own business and trying to avoid all the unmasked people (and the masked ones, but mostly everyone was just unmasked and social distancing applies to everyone, so.) and Akuma just pipes up, "If that shapeshifter called 'Silence' is lactose intolerant in its human form, does that mean that in its slime form, it'll dissolve when in contact with milk as a slug does when in contact with salt?"
I lobbed a fireball at it
I hate it so, so much. You guys do not understand, could never understand, and will never understand
I just wanted bananas 
It made me go bananas


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