The background/color scheme for this place has changed, and therefore I must make my monthly post /j
no but seriously I do appreciate the spring colors :D
also: character development is going from hating friendship speeches to begrudgingly giving them yourself
actually thinking about it, is "friendship speech" even a term that people use? I can only remember using it within certain specific contexts with a friend but I can't recall anyone else using it
autumnlibrarian16 wrote:
The background/color scheme for this place has changed, and therefore I must make my monthly post /j
no but seriously I do appreciate the spring colors :D
Thank you :3
But if you have any feedback, just lemme know xD much feedback is needed (probably)
GalaxianExplosion wrote:
autumnlibrarian16 wrote:
The background/color scheme for this place has changed, and therefore I must make my monthly post /j
no but seriously I do appreciate the spring colors :DThank you :3
But if you have any feedback, just lemme know xD much feedback is needed (probably)
Late but I think it's fine! I like how the olive green changes to a purple/pink when you hover over it :D
the second half of this month really is just going to be "is it March 31st yet" huh
man I hate talking/writing about myself, it always gives me a crisis
like how do I objectively write about my strengths and weaknesses??? who even am I
in other news though: I am currently applying for a job and writing a resume for it :^)
Who are you? You're my minion, of course. Blessed to do my evil bidding. I compel you...actually, I don't know anything to order you to do. Standby, I guess. And get that resume done. Yay.
In more seriousness, your post is such a mood, lol. I can specifically relate this week. :") Good luck xD
GalaxianExplosion wrote:
Who are you? You're my minion, of course. Blessed to do my
evilbidding. I compel you...actually, I don't know anything to order you to do. Standby, I guess. And get that resume done. Yay.
In more seriousness, your post is such a mood, lol. I can specifically relate this week. :") Good luck xD
fdsklfjdslkjf Galaxian's minion, reporting
This is a late reply but I did finish the resume! Don't think I'll get the job I was going for since it was a pretty unpolished one but I guess I have a template for when I need a better one
Yess I have a minion now
Nice job! I had a similar outcome so that's a mood too xD hope you still get the job, though! (Provided you still want it, lol)
GalaxianExplosion wrote:
Yess I have a minion now
Nice job! I had a similar outcome so that's a mood too xD hope you still get the job, though! (Provided you still want it, lol)
Thanks! Hope you get what you were applying for, as well
in other news: today I finally got the last of my college decisions! I'd be lying if I didn't feel disappointed in certain results but at the same time I wasn't trying to delude myself,, at least I'm finally free from having to wait (genuinely, the wait is one of the worst parts of the whole college application process. cannot tell you how long march has felt)
I think I know where I'm going now? little freshman me would have laughed but here we are
but man
to think tomorrow is the start of April
AP exams are in 2 weeks...... I should be stressing more but senioritis am I right
in other news: I finished up Trails of Cold Steel 4 towards the beginning of this month (the 1st or 2nd if I recall?), and now I am forced to wait for the translations of Reverie. which is fine actually since Trails games take forever to play through (looking at my CS4 playtime of 140-150 hrs for just my first playthrough where I didn't even get 100% completion)
CS4 was definitely a ride - it had its lows (primarily with the bonding system and whatever was going on for half of act 2. also what on earth was the point with alberich) but MAN if it didn't have its highs (the finale!!!! I could ramble about it for hours and I would still not have enough words for it)
I had my spring break last week, and during it I started NEO: The World Ends With You (though my progress on NEO TWEWY is temporarily halted for the sake of not completely failing my exams). The combat is oddly fun but man I do not appreciate the chameleon monsters in that game... going invisible and then dealing insane damage should be illegal I think
As for slightly spoiler-y rambles:
I also recently read "Fox and I" by Catherine Raven! It's a memoir of sorts regarding the author's with a wild fox
how is it already the last week of april what happened
I literally do not know how April disappeared
And the ap tests are right on our doorstep
Last edited by Time (April 27, 2022 01:04:49)
the what
Time wrote:
And the ap tests are right on our doorstep
haha yeah :^))
Basket Cat wrote:
the what
AP exams, or advanced placement exams - they're exams scored on a scale of 1-5 primarily offered in the US, and if you do well on them, you can potentially get college credits while you're still in high school
this year, AP exams take place during the first 2 weeks of May
but yeah I don't know where April went either
As an add-on, if anyone gets a 1 or 2, they must really not be doing anything in the class. Or maybe they had a super severe anxiety attack, idk. Trying to sound a little less severe xD.
But anyways, my point is that usually, the scale's more 3-5, but some colleges accept 3 and others don't, so yeah, depends on what college one would be aiming for.
Kinda like how you could get straight C's and pass high school, but good luck getting a college impressed with those grades.
// had both my ap literature and comp sci exams today :^) and I am absolutely dead from that
and now I have stats tomorrow :]]]]]]
Good luck! Be sure to get plenty of rest tonight!
yeah good luck!
If you can spare the time can I ask how was lit? I'm in lang and you know, it's kinda similar with being in english
Last edited by Time (May 4, 2022 22:16:10)
thanks, guys! good luck with the rest of your exams, as well
as for Lit:
- The multiple choice was generally not too bad? There were 3 poems, and 2 prose pieces; I only really had difficulty with the most modern poem and the really weird narrative piece about this mother and a house but they weren't that bad. The rest of the things we had to read were pretty easy though - the first poem especially ("Song for the People", I think it was. shoutout to my brain for reading it and immediately going "OLIVIER LENHEIM??" which is a reference that nobody will get)
- The FRQ (which is probably going to be officially released tomorrow) wasn't that bad either? I wrote my essays in the order of Q1 -> Q3 -> Q2 (which, in case anyone is unfamiliar with how an AP Lit exam is structured, is the poem analysis -> thematic analysis -> prose analysis; collegeboard has proper descriptions of each here). Honestly looking back at them, I feel like my analyses were kind of on the shallow end, but I guess that's what happens when you're given approximately 40ish minutes per essay anyway. Q2 was rough though; it specifies that you should talk about the "complexities" and I just spoke about a "duality" which was kind of... dumb, in retrospect. With Q3 I think I probably could have explained my arguments a bit better but I was scared I wasn't going to get to Q2 in time, so I ended up rushing it. My pinkie finger was completely smeared in pen ink by the end lol
- As someone who took Lang last year (though, granted: I took Lang online, which was terrible for the multiple choice since you couldn't go backwards, and you had to do the essays in a set order), the primary difference between the two classes is how Lit focuses on literature (hence the name), while Lang focuses on nonfiction and argumentative work. The two classes both rely on critical thinking skills, but the difference lies in how that skill is used. If you did well in Lang, expect Lit to be similar, but slightly more demanding in terms of content
(coughs in how we're ""not supposed to talk about the exam"" but I mean)
anyway with that I have my stats exam in like 3-4 hours
Oh oopsy poopsy. I thought we could at most talk about how we felt about the test, no?
Physics.... what about it?
Time wrote:
Oh oopsy poopsy. I thought we could at most talk about how we felt about the test, no?
Physics.... what about it?
technically you're not supposed to talk about the exams but that's not really enforced; at least not where I go to school (people will talk about the exam questions literally RIGHT after the exam finishes, right in front of the testing proctors)
From what I understand it's mostly an anti-cheating measure but there's probably some legality thing too
As for physics! I was studying for it; I had both AP Physics C exams this afternoon. pain
though I'm finally done with AP exams now. thankfully
Congrats! I'm sure you nailed 'em! At least now you can take a breather in terms of exams :D I hope :D oh no that read sarcastically
finished up NEO: The World Ends With You a few days ago and just! man
I can't feasibly compare it to the original TWEWY (the best way to put it is that even though the two games have similar "flavors", the fact remains that one is Neku's journey, while the other is Rindo's; they're two different people, and represent two different themes) and while there were a few writing choices that felt a bit wonky, I have to say: I really enjoyed it!
I mean if anything could make me emotional about two dorks finally being able to play a Pokemon Go parody with each other, I'd say that's a pretty good sign I was invested :^)
also even though it's non-canon, the post game is SO funny. I love the idea that in order to get concert tickets, this weird group of teenagers (+ one grown man shouting random math jargon) are told to go around and beat up a bunch of random strangers
I'm not planning on 100% completion (there is no way I'm bothering with the noise pokedex) but I do want to at least beat the secret mega boss..... every attempt so far has led to instant death. They were not kidding when they said this battle was tough
had my high school graduation yesterday :^) which is wild