GalaxianExplosion wrote:
What does "sike" mean? Is it like some variation of a shoe or something??
I'm pretty sure "sike" is just slang for the general sense of "haha you thought, but no"? It's pronounced like the word "psych". For example, if someone was joking about a test being cancelled, they could follow it up with "sike" to indicate that they weren't serious. Another use of it in context is when someone offers a high-five and then yanks their hand away; they will often follow up with a "sike" there as well. I'm not sure where the word originates from, though
It's also not a word I use very often, although that's probably just because of the type of person I am
Yesterday someone told me to "don't die!!" and then said "sike" so that's why I was asking lol. Thanks for the explanation, Autumn
No problem! But uh they what?? uhh I'm going to hope they meant it in the sense of "I know you'll be fine"
They posted on my message wall "Don't die!!" (this is on another wiki ofc) and then they said (after like a blank of 5 paragraphs) "SIKE!!!!"
I started laughing because of how it was formatted but another staff member on the wiki was like "it's a bit mean to say sike on GalaxE's safety but you do you, boo" so I reckoned it was some negative connotation
The funny thing about covers are other people are like, they usually have a favorite cover and they only put that on their playlist.
I have the same song, 5 versions, on my playlist now so like. Yeah!
No I do the same thing too. Hehe.
Yesterday I, like, made an origami balloon thing. Paper balloon thing. Anyways I did it once and then memorized it instantly so yeah yayyy
Can I just say the part where you blow it up is so satisfying
Anyways that's also why my mom fears me now because I'm trying to figure out if there's any scrap paper I can fill with water for a water balloon,,, )))
As I was folding it I thought of Run though. Like his profile gives the small fact that he loves folding origami in his free time and hhhhh just imagine him folding little hearts and swans for his students
Now I kinda want to draw him like that but like
I don't want to mess up my way of drawing Hitan more
My reasons for loving characters go beyond just loving them but also what they represent and what's in the real world that I don't know.
Okay but like I daresay Aoi and I are two of the nicer staff members and users be like "listen to the rules? Nope. Not happening today. HAHA"
Okay so there's a user (the one that said sike on me not dying) who replaced "he carries a baseball bat on his back" with "he carries a idiot on his back" and they're like "that's not vandalism that's correct information!!!!" haha it's so funny
I just opened my memes folder and so uh yeah
yes oh
Idk what that even means but that is hilarious and looks like something I would write when half-asleep
"I am the bone of my sword"
F for Lancer.
For Assassin too lol, F
Yes, F.
I'm on the chat if anyone wants to join me
I am no longer on chat
Oof, I would have joined if I checked earlier lol
I'm really sorry for having so many triggers.
It's not ever your fault. It's always mine.
I'm just constantly being negatively impacted by things I shouldn't be impacted by.
I shouldn't care when there are jokes about anything relates to living things, but somehow I am. Same goes with you doing anything with your characters. They're not mine. I know I have no authority with them, not to mention that I have no right to say anything about what you're doing.
If I could make an explanation, I think I have some sort of inner mindset that keeps making everything personal. I've always been against the feeling that lives are under anyone's legislation as to what to do with them or how long they should exist--except their owners. It's a reason why I've always denied religious beliefs and also why I'm so advertently against some topics like slavery,'s like saying someone else's life is less of value than our own and then...well, I apply it to characters.
Someone once told me my life was worth nothing. I was trapped in a hellhole being told that. I was fortunate--that experience was only a night. There are those who live and listen to that sort of thing for their entire life. But I didn't want to be there. If they wanted to kill me, they told me, they could. They could have long ago. My life was apparently worth nothing.
I don't ever want my characters--or any--to feel like they're worth nothing. As little of an experience that was, that put a hole in my heart. Now, it results in me getting frustrated at little jokes about cooking fictional birds in an imaginary species and killing off characters for no reason. I know death happens. It just frustrates me that...that...those lives, fictional or not, are being controlled with no leeway.
Sometimes I'm ok with it. Those are the days I'm more understanding. Other of recent,'s just not clicking right, my thoughts and feelings.
Just ignore me when you can, I guess.
I try to be understanding and a good person. I try to ignore the triggers. I really do.
But I'm not good at it, and I'm sorry.
It's fine, dude.
While I can't quite relate, I really do respect your thoughts and beliefs concerning that.
(also this is kinda unrelated but I thought that the joke about cooking the Cardinals was cruel and went too far.)
There's no need to apologize about this at all! Everyone has their own set of things they get uncomfortable about; I know I do too. Your feelings are completely valid and should be respected. Please tell me if I ever say or do anything that hurts you or activates one of your triggers; I don't want to hurt your or anyone else with my actions, especially not on accident
All I can say in response is honestly just "sorry" again,,, I don't think my psychological triggers are logical and frankly I feel like they're unnecessarily dramatic. I say I'm supposedly empathetic and all but the way I deal with them is just hhhhhh no. The same goes for you guys, I know religion is kind of a trigger for some (and in a weird way, it is to me as well, even though sometimes I claim to be ok with conflicting viewpoints, and I mostly am, but I do tend to be fiercely competitive and pushy), and I really do want to always prove that I do respect what you believe in, even if I do think otherwise.
Is it a bad time to mention I inadvertently pulled an all nighter...?
Okay it's not really an all nighter but yes I went to bed at like 1:30 roundabouts, and I'm not too sure how long I couldn't sleep for, but my mom had a nightmare so I hugged her and woke her up and we ended up talking until 5:30 A.M. whoopsie
It goes to show the only person I can actually have a semi-coherent conversation is my mom xD. I can't even talk with any of you for 1 hour consistently lol.
It might seem kind of like a vengeance thing on my part since a lot of people don't seem to like Boardhost, but haha Wikia is not working on my end and no one else seems to be active.