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May 17, 2022 17:57:33  #1861

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

I was trying to work on my cosplay and then got frustrated and gave up then I tried to draw Nezuko on a card and then got frustrated and gave up

on the upside I got a haircut today

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it

May 17, 2022 17:57:46  #1862

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Basically I look like Link from Ocarina of Time

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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May 17, 2022 18:56:18  #1863

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

You know what maybe I should start doing it too lol

Bruh the signature be wacky

May 17, 2022 19:16:56  #1864

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

doing what too

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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May 17, 2022 19:34:37  #1865

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Looking like Link, so you guys can look like identical twins lol jk I think he means putting kanji on art


The unlikely
and the unimaginable

have indeed
transpired quite regularly

May 17, 2022 20:21:15  #1866

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

If Time has darker hair (like I think he said once???) he could be Ravio

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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May 18, 2022 00:25:09  #1867

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Yep you're right Galaxian I didn't see the other posts oopsy

But idk how you would do a link haircut irl actually. I think my hair is still to short for that

Bruh the signature be wacky

May 18, 2022 07:21:35  #1868

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Well you said you can/could tie your hair back, which means that for most of the Links' hairstyles I think you could actually do it without growing it more

Since I did OoT Link's hairstyle it's stops above my chin

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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May 18, 2022 21:16:25  #1869

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Oh I was thinking of botw link isn't his hair a little bit longer

Bruh the signature be wacky

May 19, 2022 07:29:46  #1870

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Ye its just past his shoulders

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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May 19, 2022 07:30:52  #1871

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Yesterday my sister was playing Animal Crossing and she was like "I'm going to pick up all these weeds and sell them" and I said "In America we call the drug dealing" and I think when I said that my friend's soul temporarily left her body

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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May 19, 2022 11:39:17  #1872

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

What does that even mean? "In America we call the drug dealing"

Bruh the signature be wacky

May 19, 2022 12:43:33  #1873

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

exactly what it sounds like

"Martial arts is... a way to move all cool like?"
Live like nobody's watching
I aten't dead
If i was rich, I'd fill up a room with buttons, and then when you pressed them they'd make satisfying sounds

May 19, 2022 12:50:41  #1874

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

typos are going to be the death of me I swear

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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May 19, 2022 12:51:36  #1875

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

I meant to type "that" not "the" but NO MY HANDS DECIDED TO WRITE SOMETHING ELSE

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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May 19, 2022 12:55:16  #1876

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

this is why i don't have hands, and instead use THIS SENTENCE HAS BEEN REDACTED BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT

"Martial arts is... a way to move all cool like?"
Live like nobody's watching
I aten't dead
If i was rich, I'd fill up a room with buttons, and then when you pressed them they'd make satisfying sounds

May 19, 2022 12:58:27  #1877

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT



Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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May 20, 2022 16:40:40  #1878

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

I hour to make a collar

let's see how this goes

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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May 20, 2022 17:18:59  #1879

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

A collar? ...Like a dog?

Bruh the signature be wacky

May 20, 2022 17:40:14  #1880

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT


like the collar for a shirt

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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May 20, 2022 20:25:52  #1881

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Oh what the dog doing

How did it go?

Bruh the signature be wacky

May 21, 2022 09:05:43  #1882

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

I have half of it done and should be able to finish it before tonight

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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May 21, 2022 10:34:29  #1883

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Lafayette: I'ma free France
France: hahaha no

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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May 21, 2022 17:24:27  #1884

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

I did it

I now have a complete cosplay of both Links from Ocarina of Time

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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May 24, 2022 06:30:13  #1885

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

I think a girl I just met yesterday basically asked me to the dance on Thursday

I'm getting so many mixed signals here HELP

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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May 24, 2022 09:16:01  #1886

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT


If it helps I would just be as clueless as you in this situation.

Bruh the signature be wacky

May 24, 2022 11:36:07  #1887

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

i'm as clueless as time here but i'll try

did they outright say it or was it like implied

"Martial arts is... a way to move all cool like?"
Live like nobody's watching
I aten't dead
If i was rich, I'd fill up a room with buttons, and then when you pressed them they'd make satisfying sounds

May 24, 2022 16:24:50  #1888

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

It was more implied

She didn't specifically ask me but she mentioned a few times about wanting to dance with me/teach me how to dance over the course of the day and she followed me around a bit. Not in a stalkerish way, more in a "I want to be around you" sort of way

Even my mom noticed bc she asked me earlier this afternoon "who was that girl following you around?" and I was like "Oh that's [name]." and explained the situation and she was like "yeah my gaydar was going off when she was around"

Thankfully she actually has experience with this type of thing and was able to tell me how to deal with it in case it comes up

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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May 24, 2022 17:49:43  #1889

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Hey my mom has a gaydar too. But idk, I think mine is kinda decent enough

Anyways that's not the case. What's more important is what are you going to do?

Bruh the signature be wacky

May 24, 2022 18:03:55  #1890

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

I'm probably going to end up turning her down, if it turns out I'm right obvs. I don't like dancing and I don't want to be a buzzkill lol

also I'm pretty sure I'm not a lesbian but y'know

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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