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May 14, 2022 20:23:47  #3691

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I read over what I wrote for Galaxian's last personality update and
I guess I did an okay job of explaining it, but dang I could have just summarized it as "He's a small, big fat hypocrite" and that would have done the job nicely 


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May 14, 2022 20:31:39  #3692

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GGaD!Galaxian and I have a weird relationship where I very much dislike him for his flaws, but at the same time anyone who wants to hurt him will have to go through me (and usually they do go through me,,, they're too OP,,, I'm lucky to not have been impaled when they got through me tbh. I need to up my Galaxian defense game)
I feel like that could in turn be summarized by empathy as well. Empathetic dislike. And empathetic protection.
That's kinda defined how I've gone about developing him. I don't really have control over what he does. At all. So I'm mostly just dragged along while he does stupid (but sincere) things that I can't quite criticize if I happen to also have a heart, and in the aftermath I try to piece things together and see how I can keep him alive and moderately healthy (mentally speaking)
He does a good job of dragging me along. Emotionally speaking, I've definitely lost a few limbs along the way because of him. Real fun.


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May 14, 2022 20:38:56  #3693

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I think it's really clear by this point, but I've had a horrible time trying to get forms together. You wouldn't think so from the 100 pages I summed up in the past half year about my characters, but that's actually kinda why. I can get information down in spurts, but not in a complete organized fashion. (Not to mention, a sizable portion of that information is probably from AUs, and then a lot of the rest is from already-submitted characters.)
That being said, I think that the core issue is probably not my organization, but rather the amount of information I have that is worth compiling. I've been developing characters in preparation for them being able to have enough quality information on their forms, and I guess it's kinda working.
I'm not really prioritizing any forms, but generally, it's probably most likely that I'll get to Divina's and Cielo's forms first, and then certain Alternate. Xolani might be with the latter group, or might not. Same goes with Chiyoko. She is. So. Hard. To. Develop. Lol. I'm in much better shape compared to a year ago, but it's still not enough. So yeah.
And then I have a bunch of other characters who are in need of more development in general. I'm holding them off because I'm not sure if they will even appear. But they're fun, I guess. I hate at least one of them, which is a great start.

Another issue might be how unaccustomed I am with designing female characters. Divina and Cielo are being held up by this--and also how I can't design them in a vacuum, like I usually do. That is, I know who they're related to, so I need to design those people, too, while designing the twins. So, it's not as fun.
You never know how fun designing in a vacuum is until you prohibit yourself from doing so. That's how I see it.


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May 14, 2022 20:58:41  #3694

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Tbh it's weird to me how some posts here are good


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May 14, 2022 21:59:29  #3695

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

My mind is deciding to continuously remind me that if Wiley had a significant other, that significant other's first needed skill would be to need to stand there calmly while he flirts with someone nearby and know that he's flirting just for the sake of flirting, not because he's cheating right in front of them.
Okay, yeah, sure. But first we should figure out his actual romantic orientation, yeah?? @Mind
...apparently it either disagrees or just ignored me.
Okay, okay, yeah, I know he'd flirt right in front of his actual romantic interest if he had one. You can stop now.


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May 17, 2022 16:47:26  #3696

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GGaD!Galaxian's F/GO skills are fun to design
From all of them you think the aim would be to use him as the DPS, but nope, lol, he doesn't even do damage with his Noble Phantasm
Aim achieved, parallelism awesome

And yeah, I'm just stuffing whatever irony I can into this lol
He's cool. Would definitely be absolutely roasted by character reviewers, but that's also one of the exact reasons for why he's that way


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May 17, 2022 18:13:03  #3697

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Yesterday's "Come on, man! Really????" moment was when I designed older Lianhuan within one try
I still don't know how to get younger/GGaD him right, lol. I guess the solution would be to draw him more, but robes are hard, man.

Anyway, the "essence" of his design, if you can call it that, is that he's never particularly striking. The guy doesn't have the best taste in clothes, doesn't have an awesome hairstyle, and in terms of general looks, is supposed to be completely outshined by his brother (who I also happen to struggle to draw, lol). He's outshined to the point where it's a personal joke to me that he probably can't even be called cute by people who know both of them despite him being younger, because Xuqiao at his age was cuter lol. The same also goes for him at an older age. Xuqiao is always better looking than him and considered handsome, which is a label I don't think would necessarily be put onto Lianhuan.
But the cool thing is, he doesn't care that he isn't cuter or more handsome than his brother. He might be intentionally designed to look like a character who wouldn't have a role in the story and a design if his brother weren't there, but in reality, his brother is there because he is. So, even if he's not particularly memorable, or isn't someone who can really change the world, he deserves the right to smile.

"So anyways Galaxian got absolutely pwned by older Lianhuan's smile yesterday lol"


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May 18, 2022 12:52:54  #3698

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Currently imagining Galaxian getting slapped by Voyager's scarf when he inspects it
It is weirdly funny.


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May 18, 2022 13:19:33  #3699

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Me, squinting at sketches: Were you always this androgynous, Galaxian??

Iirc he was, but only in most sketches. He was less so in actually good sketches.
Which means I am very much screwing up currently. Yep.

His design is where if you get some detail wrong and can't pinpoint it, he looks too androgynous, but on the other hand, you can also make him look not androgynous enough, which is arguably worse in my book


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May 20, 2022 20:17:25  #3700

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Day 3 of realizing that I still don't have even a draft of the F/DA version of the summoning chant, and Day 3 of me utterly ignoring that realization

Well, I do work best under pressure mostly utter stupidity and lack of self consciousness, though.


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May 20, 2022 21:52:51  #3701

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I keep imagining Rai being the guy in the post


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May 20, 2022 21:54:23  #3702

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

It might be wildly OOC, but I can imagine forum!Rai and forum!Dion talking in two completely different languages while actually understanding each other (with Rai also adding in nonsensical hand gestures at the worst times), and they mostly do this because it's interesting, but Rai also does it because he knows forum!Silence is nearby, watching them, and lowkey about to have a stroke


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May 20, 2022 21:55:16  #3703

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

This is why forum!Hitan thinks it's okay to respond "I want sugar!!" when someone asks him how he's doing


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May 21, 2022 01:39:10  #3704

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Heaven during that one thread, while smiling, to Nagesh: If you disappoint Time there will be hell to pay (:

It wasn't so funny to me then but now it is xD
Also no those weren't her actual words, but if Shu-san failed at protecting Chronos, I think Time would be more than "disappointed"


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May 21, 2022 01:54:34  #3705

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Me: I want more friendship material, friendship materialllll
Also me: (*sucks*)


For some reason, Time repeating what Nagesh said or saying what Nagesh kept in his head is kinda fluffy to me
Or is everything just kinda fluffy to me at this point? Send help lol


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May 21, 2022 02:05:27  #3706

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

yeah it's fluffy
everything is fluffy! Fluffy fluff fluff

I swear I will do his "intro" thread one day so we (I) can find out how they met. It looks like they really do trust each other. Super neat.


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May 21, 2022 03:25:12  #3707

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I am going to look back at those posts later and regret everything


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May 23, 2022 03:04:23  #3708

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Fun fact about Kiaane: They won't flinch (or even really react negatively in general) from the sound of a sword being unsheathed or from a gunshot ringing out, but if you clap, they'll jump a little or at least have their pupils dilate way in
So the events the Thaohals hold, with all the extensive clapping, is just really unideal for them. 
'Course, if you're fighting them, you can't just work that in and expect that to turn the tide for you, but otherwise they just really do not like clapping noises

Imagining HPA them knowing Martin when he was really little, and he has those little clapper toy things that absolutely torment their existence
They go over to his place and just Hope that he doesn't bring them out
Tbh Martin doesn't seem like the loud kinda kid, so I don't think he would bring them out much, so that's good.
But just saying. If Divina had toys in her childhood, she would've made their life pretty terrible, even if only on accident, and ngl I need to decide if this is funny to me or not


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May 28, 2022 18:27:04  #3709

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Why must Assassin's Master be so hard to design
Can't they make life easier for me or something? Whyyy.


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May 28, 2022 18:51:26  #3710

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Also I don't know why my brain thought I wanted to watch Hitan in pain for a long period of time in a dream
I really did not.
Now the image is stuck in my head and I really, really don't want it here. Please get it out.


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May 28, 2022 19:08:48  #3711

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Summarizing how it be when I draw my OCs:
-Galaxian: Idk I didn't look 7 when I was 7 so why should he look 7 when he's 3
-Hitan: I daren't
-Rai: Generic???
-Raez: Handsome pirate
-Wiley: The fun in drawing his hair is all retracted when it comes to coloring it/My eyes
-Lianhuan: Idk what you look like but I pretend like I do
-Xuqiao: Theoretical handsomeness on a 15-year-old
-Anima: Cute -> She looks kinda like she's male,,, is that intentional?? -> People are gonna think Rai is gay when they stand together--
-Iollan: I thought that hair was wild but it all went downhill from there. So now he doesn't even have a solid design lol
-Kaori: Either completely difficult to draw or very easy
-Akuma: Either completely difficult to draw or very easy/I don't think they have the same face :')
-Kiaane: They have no right to look that good
-Nagesh: He also has no right to look that good
-Manai: Unintentional realism/semirealism

Summarizing how it be when I draw others' OCs:
Nonexistent jk
Germaine: A way to offend various characters at once. Indirectly.
Dion: Have I ever actually drawn him correctly? Probably not
Martin: Idk he looks cute to me
Echo: I don't think I will try again :')
Time: I ignore his actual design and do what I like
Fallon: Does Not Look Like Akame/Should let her hair down imo


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May 29, 2022 21:30:25  #3712

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Do you guys think I could summon Merlin through 1 multi if I first held a sketch of Nagesh in front of the screen and told him, "Come and prove yourself against this guy, you smug bastard half-man"?


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May 29, 2022 21:35:13  #3713

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Rei just laughed
What does that mean? @Rei - Is that you confirming that you've been tampering with the summoning process? H u h?


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June 2, 2022 17:35:27  #3714

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Reiiiiii (:
Hecking Summer Carmilla came within one ticket and for reference, I hate Carmilla. 
Oh, I get it. It's "ONORE," but "ONOREI" in my case, right? Heh.

I'm gonna find them (:


Okay, in all seriousness, it's probably my fault. I've written a lot about sadistic characters these days. And that 2nd copy of Astolfo coming within another 2 tickets of Summer Carmilla was probably because of the relationship I've been focusing on, lol. (I was so scared it'd be NP 2 Summer Carmilla lol. Not only is that unnecessary, it'd be an entire troll. Not to say that Astolfo appearing twice out of the permanent SR Riders isn't a troll, but I mostly like Astolfo, so I don't mind.)
I haven't used Astolfo in forever. Kinda reminds me of that cursed Learning with Manga episode. I'm not gonna think about it. 

But anyways, does this mean my luck is gone or,,, lol,,,


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June 4, 2022 16:23:49  #3715

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I came back from Stuff (TM) and my mind decides to dump months' worth of writing ideas on me
Well, I'm just gonna ignore all that. Since I need to focus on one thing. and also I can't write lol


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June 4, 2022 20:27:45  #3716

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

After almost 5 hours of refusing to function (at all), my mind is now spawning an image of Sunny with a completely deadpan face planted in a pot of soil
And of course since my mind doesn't function, I can't describe it properly, but somehow his head is there with a stem and leaves and it is incredibly cursed


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June 4, 2022 21:44:53  #3717

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

This is cursed because I am now imagining Sunny but instead of a spine he has a stem

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

June 5, 2022 15:14:27  #3718

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Now imagining Sunny but as a very ticked off caterpillar with spikes all over him
The expression is cursed, actually.
Kinda imagine a cartoon caterpillar going "Yarrghhh" but not as a pirate. If that makes sense.
Also imagine it inching forward while filled with rage.


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June 5, 2022 18:56:48  #3719

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

You cannot tell me this isn't Rei trolling me (: you legitimately can't
or it's just the Riders. What the heck, guys?? What'd I do to y'all?

Echo: (*says they like Drake*)
Drake: (:


If I ever make an F/GO version of Rei for fun, I'm going to make them a Rider just for this. I'll manage it somehow.


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June 5, 2022 19:07:24  #3720

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Me: What did I do to you, Riders
F/DA Rider, after having his stats repeatedly bombed by me for the sake of irony and personal hilarity: 


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