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March 23, 2022 14:13:08  #3661

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Stop before 2:45 for uh, reasons

I'm trying to see when this video was made and I can't lol
The Spanish letter of recommendation xD
Linking it because it reminds me of something NS!Rai would be involved in :-P surprise surprise


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March 23, 2022 15:33:47  #3662

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I keep being in the mood to write brief emotional excerpts, but like, no Galaxian, you need to write application essays lol
(*proceeds to continue ignoring need*)


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March 23, 2022 15:38:44  #3663

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I need to update Akuma's abilities
One of its powers is to mess up faces that I thought couldn't even be messed up


A less fury-inducing thing is that Wiley's legs are hilariously long. I keep imagining him kicking at something and his legs being so long and lanky that he keeps missing
Rai, casually watching Wiley fail to kick a soccer ball: (*sipping water from a straw noises*)


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March 23, 2022 15:46:16  #3664

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Oh the funniest thing though is the fact that I don't know what to design for more casual Kiaane. I didn't have big issues for their other design, but for casual it's kinda. Absolutely not-casual-at-all on the top, and then I have absolutely zero idea what to do for their bottom half. 
My lack of fashion knowledge casually whacking me across the head
I know what to do for HYXHN them too, which is funny. Since they are absolutely not Ancient Chinese. But then GGaD!them would never wear a robe. Why, man. Whyyy.
To be fair, for a while I couldn't even imagine them wearing footwear (not that they would ever go outside without footwear, but like, I didn't know what they'd wear). So I'm technically improving. 10 years at a time, amirite?

Tbh now I'm worried for them in HPA. Kiaane in a t-shirt would probably look horrendous (unless, of course, I change their hairstyle...but no). It's no problem if they constantly wear a uniform, but outside-of-school hours do exist (even if I forget it at times)

Wait does this mean I have to make it so that Nagesh would look good in a t-shirt???
I can't even imagine him in a tie jfidsofsjfsd maybe if he cut his hair but not as it is right now


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March 23, 2022 16:19:57  #3665

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Kiaane in a t-shirt would probably look horrendous

Update: I have never gotten batted across the face so fast and hard lol

The good news is that at least now I don't have to go check if Nagesh would look good in a t-shirt
The bad news is that I have been proven so wrong, so fast, that I literally feel compelled to do 100 push-ups as compensation to Kiaane for doubting their ability to look good in a shirt
I guess I do say (usually to myself) that Kiaane is my best-looking character but like fjsdoifjOIFJDSI xD wham! Across the face!
Also, as specification, this is without the hairstyle change. I did a brief hairstyle change for them and now I guess I have a cheat sheet if I ever want to draw summer F/GO Kiaane (from GGaD) again lol


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March 27, 2022 01:32:48  #3666

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Fun fact because I am focusing on development for anyone but Galaxian because I nearly roasted him again the other day and felt a cold wind on the back of my neck so now I am trying to stay as far away from Galaxi dev as much as possible
Xuqiao fact! (If you've forgotten who he is, he's Lianhuan's brother :-P)
He naturally has the tendency to call people by more informal titles, like "Brother" and "Sister" (again, not as nuns/monks). It's why Xuqiao from non-GGaD worlds can be a little more approachable. For instance, if he existed in a modern AU, he'd call Rensa 任叔叔, which is a lot more befitting of his age (even if it does make him sound a little childish) compared to something like 族长 (Tribal Leader, how he calls Rensa).  F/DA him could also potentially add such a title to his Master if their relationship is developed. (In Chinese, it would be whatever the heck their name is in Chinese because English-to-Chinese, and then a casual familial title.) 


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March 27, 2022 13:10:29  #3667

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I like how I've prolonged making a thread for so long (a relatively inconsequential one at that) that the initial band-aids and toys offer made has very literally expired


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March 27, 2022 18:28:00  #3668

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

NS!Rai: (*salutes flag*)
NS!Rai, heading back to his car: Alright, that was the 20th one.
Wiley, sitting in the back seat hopefully constrained by a seat belt: Nah, that decision you made 20 minutes ago boosted patriotism by like 8%, so you have two more to go
Rai: Really
Wiley, who doesn't really want to drive around finding flags to salute either: yeah

turns out all the unpatriotic decisions he makes is for a reason :'P xD


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March 27, 2022 18:34:43  #3669

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I feel like it'd be neat if Raez helped compose the national anthem (if he wasn't just the composer of it)
I also feel weirdly amused by the prospect of Rai singing :'P I dunno why it's so funny to me xD it's kinda like Hitan (GGaD!Hitan) singing the ABC's but ramped up


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March 27, 2022 18:37:35  #3670

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

For some reason, my mind decided to strongly inform me that Shouhei likes mustard.


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March 27, 2022 18:47:57  #3671

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lianhuan decided to chime in that he doesn't like mustard.
They say to not give your weaknesses to the enemy, little guy. the fact that we're the same age now is fjsdifiosfojs technically I'm older than him too

To be honest, Lianhuan doesn't like sauces in general. You can see it with how he doesn't even put that sort of toppings on his ice cream. Like you know how people will drizzle caramel or something over ice cream? He doesn't do that. 
He likes soy sauce, though. It's a Galaxian origin trait. He's kinda a soy sauce maniac. Me calling myself out-- He'll literally just add soy sauce and think it's the best thing. This obviously does not apply to ice cream. 
Hmm, chocolate drizzle could be okay, I guess. Strawberry too. Maybe he just doesn't like anything that looks like meal toppings? 
But he'd like tomato sauce,,, cheese too. But he wouldn't like melted cheese much. Maybe it'd be acceptable on pizza, but he'd definitely nom pieces of it (big or small) more than melting it. 
I feel like he doesn't actually like banana splits all that much.
But whipped cream is very good! He likes whipped cream. He would definitely eat a can without educational interference.
He doesn't like frosting unless it's not very sweet. Might seem paradoxical, but it's true.
He dislikes donuts and dislikes sprinkles. Unless they're chocolate sprinkles.

I did just start talking about food preferences for no reason, but lol.


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March 27, 2022 19:58:39  #3672

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I can imagine Lianhuan buying a big ol' cotton candy machine and carrying it into the Clocktower's kitchen during non-meal times
He's in there spinning up a storm when Chronos comes in wanting to bake something and gets hit across the face by a long, sticky strand of wooly sugar :'P
Ideally Time is there also because why not (as well as many people as possible because I'm mean in that way and many others)
Tbh Lianhuan doesn't even like sticky stuff that much, he's making it for the others but ends up kinda causing a mess or accidentally slapping people with sugar strands, as above


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April 1, 2022 12:39:03  #3673

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I got NP 3 Caenis
Which confirms that my F/GO rolls are just Rei trolling me.

Tbh I'm a little worried, what does this mean @Throne of Heroes xD
Caenis gives the vibes of someone who would beat Wiley up on sight with a smile on her face. Does that mean anything?


The funniest thing is that before getting her at NP 3 I remember I had actual characterization notes to jot down here, now I got nothing lol


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April 1, 2022 22:05:07  #3674

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Canonically during April Fool's, forum!Rai puts out a projection of himself but as a 9-year-old. It is extremely realistic as a projection. Anyways he lounges on the couch for the day while the projection goes around. 
Somehow, some people can't recognize him. And others freak out. Anyways, it's amusing to him, I guess.
He gets chocolates sometimes from people who like kids, which is probably the best part for him xD, he likes chocolate.
(*continues chanting chocolate like a chocolate abomination*)


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April 4, 2022 14:01:46  #3675

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Got a weird dream yesterday where my middle school friends were arguing about which character of mine would be the best boyfriend
(Very characteristic of them lol)
But the thing is, for some reason they all decided on the Mamba
I was like "wHY" (though I guess one thing I forgot how they also were younger than him so it would work lol. I was in the high school mindset xD)
They told me that he was 1) handsome, 2) easy to nickname, 3) really really cute.
I couldn't mess with their perceptions of visual beauty, but I did experience a full-stop moment. Because the "Mamba" is a nickname. He doesn't have a nickname. So, ?? And I told them so.
They all looked at me like I was crazy and asked me if I'd forgotten his name.
I guess he has a name and is the best boyfriend character now xP I feel like even Time's Masked One character would probably be better. Just. Any guy other than the Jackal and the Hyena, probably. Bruh xD I mean I can't talk about the Mamba if he were more normal and grown up, but if he's called the Mamba then we aren't talking about that version in the first place xD


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April 4, 2022 14:05:42  #3676

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Thanks to my memories of my friends for making me mull over this question on the day my homework is due xF (though I can't get it done anyways, the last week was way too hectic)


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April 5, 2022 05:59:44  #3677

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Your friends are wrong, the best boyfriend material is Hot Dream

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

April 13, 2022 16:13:57  #3678

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

He's good boyfriend material unless he gets on your nerves, which is canon, but the best? I dunno. Yes, I have been pondering this for a week.
Maybe my characters lack boyfriend qualities. Is that it? That might be it. probably because I too lack anything resembling boyfriend qualities lol


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April 13, 2022 16:15:40  #3679

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I've been working on character families
Two specifically.
Both involve bad family members because my family has been kind enough to serve as inspiration
Who needs external inspiration/research when you have my family? No one does. They're absolutely more than enough. And a little more.

I hope Sunny is grateful (:


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April 21, 2022 14:10:37  #3680

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I like how I make extensive notes for an AU that is dead and will remain dead


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April 27, 2022 11:28:52  #3681

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

3 A.M. me thought it'd be hilarious if I made some persona of F/DA Archer in F/GO and made it so that his entire design is just RNG-based
That version of him is more of a complete support and can maybe channel his bad luck to serve others. But in the process he kinda pwns himself
He tries to give buffs to others (the RNG component, lol, we all love Imperial Privilege-style skills (: ), but his HP takes a huge hit in the process. Probably a Max HP down effect that can't be removed. 

Kinda imagining him running away from Chen Gong atm lol
He does not have enough loyalty to the Master to be yeeted repeatedly into the void


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April 27, 2022 14:26:04  #3682

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The new 5-star Servant in JP is making me think of Raez just yeeting Wiley and Rai with one hand/arm towards whatever happens to be in front of them 
I mean, it's a valid strategy.
Rai prefers not to be thrown, though. It means more calculation work. And he's kinda lazy, he says.
@Raez - Just make a catapult.

@Wiley - I'm wondering how to make a human catapult comfortable. Think you could design one for me?


He said "Why would I design something for you to use on me?" A valid question. But consider, @Wiley, why wouldn't you want me to use that on you?

Also, the prospect of Raez throwing others in front of him to do the work when he's the one who's (much) better at close-up combat is kinda funny. Maybe on those days where he's dead inside. 


That aside, why am I even typing things here? Do I want to make myself do more work for absolutely no reason while simultaneously trying to avoid doing work?
Makes sense, now that I think about it.


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April 29, 2022 16:37:13  #3683

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Sunny as a cat headcanons:
-Will hiss at anyone and everyone, except the owner, maybe. The thing here is that he'll make the clear hissing face, but there'll be no sound.
-You think he'll claw anything or anyone too, but he's strangely docile in that way. 
-Will slap other cats for no reason though
-Does not react when guests come over
-Will steal your blankets/bed and then proceed to not move over. The trick is to try to get cuddly with him. He'll move real fast.
-Zero interest in usual toys, though he'd like cat wheels. 
-Also likes going out in the backyard
-Could be let outside for a day but never actually catches mice. He knows you'll feed him.
-Hates wet food. 
-Also hates dry food. He is incredibly hard to satisfy. 
-Stays away from treat gatherings if there are other cats around
-Will slap Sollux-cat specifically for even less reason than usual
-If his parents are in the same household, he won't slap them. He'll actually be kinda clingy towards them. He'll put less distance between himself and them, that is.
-> But since we keep killing off Xenia and Paymon in all universes, there is no reason to believe they still have any of their nine lives left in this hypothetical universe, so yeah, lol.
-> Also cat relationships make this ship more complicated so I'm not gonna think about it
-He hates baths and claw-trimming and medication applying and brushing and yeah
-> It's actually just 'cause he hates being touched.
-Really likes milk
-Really wants the human food you're making, though he doesn't make it obvious :'P
-Constantly in higher places so he can stare down at you imposingly
-Likes throwy things but never actually goes after 'em
-Watches insects in the house while not doing anything else about them
-Never actually meows. Or purrs. 
-Will definitely knock things over in the middle of the night though


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April 30, 2022 14:21:38  #3684

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I like to think that when Lianhuan and Xuqiao were training on their 轻功 when they were younger, Lianhuan would fall into the water whenever he got too excited
Xuqiao teased him about being a featherless duck, but Lianhuan was a little sensitive to criticism at the time (he got a lot of unconstructive criticism because he was pretty bad at anything combat-related), so he stopped doing that for a while.
Which shows how he's not a Galaxian persona. Galaxians will purposefully tease you on purpose even after knowing it bothers you. And then by doing so, they'll end up splitting your relationship further. Because they thought they knew better. Or whatever.
Anyways, Xuqiao can tease Lianhuan now without much worry, though he does worry about it in the process and sometimes stops himself. No harm done, though.


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May 1, 2022 21:26:28  #3685

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Fun fact: Kiaane is not particularly a master at cooking, but they can make a mean omelet. Because Cielo really likes eggs. 
She should meet Urdim lol

If you're wondering who Cielo is, she's Not-NPC's sister! And Not-NPC has a name too. Divina.
It took me forever to solidify Cielo's name, not Divina's. It's kinda ironic, lol.
Anyways, Cielo really likes omelettes and eggs in general, while Divina likes hard-boiled ones more. Only the yolks, specifically. She likes gold, and I guess yolks remind her of gold.
But anyways, Cielo will steal all the eggs, which means she and Urdim would probably not get along...
...but if Urdim and her existed in the same universe, she'd probably remind him of his sister a little, so he'd let her off the hook sometimes.
Do I now have an impulse to submit Cielo's form in to Time's game thread thing? Uh, yeah. But I'm not gonna, 'cause I really don't want her to die, and also I'm not sure of her design yet, and honestly she's just really connected with Kiaane and if she goes in, Kiaane does too, and I really don't want them to die as well
All of the above are incredibly solid reasons, but I also change my mind impulsively really easily, so please don't try to change my mind, thanks. :3 


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May 1, 2022 21:27:34  #3686

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Imagining Ryoo or Martin or someone visiting Kiaane or something and they're literally making 60 omelettes simultaneously because there is an Egg Monster in the house
And the visitor just backs away


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May 1, 2022 21:36:57  #3687

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}



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May 3, 2022 22:59:08  #3688

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Me, realizing that I am actively reducing existing fluff opportunities with this character development I'm doing: (':

The necessary evils, they call it.
Also, this development might be cutting into what I can even consider canon, which sucks. In a story you can just change it or whatever, but not when it's related to roleplaying, lol.


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May 6, 2022 20:08:10  #3689

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I know I said I'm tired from APUSH, and I am, but I'm also absolutely in hysterics because I got Voyager (Foreigner) on my first multi-roll on his banner. He's that cute blond boy traveling in space that I said I'd try to summon for to get GGaD!Galaxian a friend, remember? And yes, he's literally Voyager 1, the probe NASA sent out in the 20th century, but in human form.
I did his summon a little after I got home. I spent the last few days "talking" to him through the Throne about Galaxian and about how he can come if he thought I did well on the exam or something (just some fun superstition, don't pay it much mind, lol). So, there are not enough words to express how happy I am that F/GO kids round around Galaxi, because tbh he needs all the protection he can get (and generally kids are just so fluffy, uwu. I hope Galaxian can help alleviate Voyager's loneliness, too, if that isn't already resolved through character dev already).
The thing is,,, I promised (myself) that I'd draw Galaxian and Voyager together if Voyager came, so now. Like. Ngl, I was kinda betting on that promise to keep Voyager away, since I felt like he didn't want to be drawn by someone like me, but now he's come and fjsdofisjods I guess I have a repeating drawing to do now. Every year. (I don't even know if I should make a design for GGaD-F/GO Galaxian or just keep it simple. Lol.)
Heck, I'll add Nursery Rhyme if I can. Maybe Atalante, too. And Chiron. Ah yes, not only do I condemn myself to suffering, I also get on some high horse and stockpile.
I wonder if Atalante would like Galaxian? 

Galaxian, pulling the others into danger accidentally:
Atalante, experiencing extreme distress on multiple ends:

Another fair question would be whether Galaxian would like Atalante
Then again I guess getting into potential messes with evil people is kinda his thing, huh. (Atalante is Neutral Evil)
Oh wait is this setting him up for trauma again? Noooooo


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May 12, 2022 01:25:34  #3690

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I forgot that Kintoki calls his Master "Boss," lol. Lowkey gave me whiplash.

Oh, but that's not why I'm making this post. I'm doing so 'cause I need a way to better describe hypothetical characters who come from GGaD and superimpose themselves into the F/GO world, mainly 'cause some already exist in F/DA, and "GGaD-F/GO" is inelegant, so it doesn't cut it.
Not that I'm very elegant with anything. But I can try.
...nope. Nothing pops out immediately. Dang it.


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