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March 21, 2022 22:48:30  #7861

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I'm now currently ticked off enough to delete PMs, something I usually do not do

Also, if you currently are reading this, you are probably not the person I'm ticked off at. Just so you know because, y'know, some of us are a little paranoid, lol. I myself would appreciate this sort of hint. So yeah.

The empathetic depression has now converted to empathetic annoyance. Chronology has its ways, I guess.


On another note, my mom is so focused right now and it's honestly pretty cute



March 21, 2022 22:53:35  #7862

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Acting out for no reason has its benefits
I have 50 spaces for PMs now, something that has probably not occurred in a year at least
Yay (:
Now I don't archive the rest of the messages. Yay.

Just saying, I think I have some reason to be annoyed, because my logical side isn't shut off, at least not completely, and it's not saying anything.
It's just that usually I keep thinking, "Nah, let's keep those. They surely must have some value." Right now my perspective is "Those have no value whatsoever and their existence is causing me inner friction, so goodbye, into the void they go. Bye-bye."
You could say that usually there's some more forgiveness left in the emotionality. Now there's not. So, pure logic time.

There are some that are so annoying I need to archive them, though. To keep as evidence. For myself. To show myself that I might be a jerk, but I wasn't the jerk first.


     Thread Starter

March 21, 2022 23:02:30  #7863

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Oh, something you're probably glad to hear considering the above messages
I'm going back to school tomorrow
There's a lot of other stuff I need to do as well before May, so I might just stay logged out, again.
[Lots of initially typed negativity deleted out.] You can check my status through F/GO. If I stay logged out there for 3 days, then I'm probably dead. But otherwise, you can also check Discord. If I can't get into F/GO, I try to login there. And I guess that's that. If I really can't access either of those places and am in fact alive, then I'll login here and complain about technological advances and difficulties.
Oh well.


     Thread Starter

March 22, 2022 16:54:36  #7864

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The problem when Galaxian announces that they could be gone is that they never do leave when they do so

Anyways I'm here to complain again
AP Lang is doing a weekly current events study
"Nooo please I don't wanna cry every 2 hours"

Skimming news headlines is enough for me.
Checking right now, and literally all the headlines I see are either war crimes, murder, natural disasters, or politics.
I don't wanna do it I don't wanna do it~


     Thread Starter

March 22, 2022 17:01:00  #7865

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Ah  y e s, the sorry excuse of a human being who pushed an old lady a few days earlier is now in police custody
Counts as good news.
Now let's see the rest...
Currently occurring war crimes, potential future war crimes, drunk driving resulting in deaths, a shooting that magically disappeared from front pages due to the world being too messed up by this point to care about one (1) dead person, a tornado, politics, homicide, FOX News we don't talk about that, tornado news again, war-associated politics, war-associated politics, hiker death, an earthquake, why is there still a vaccine debate, ooh asteroid, politics, war crimes again
Oh, that was a full go-around.


     Thread Starter

March 22, 2022 17:13:52  #7866

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Chinese: 源 (yuan)
Japanese: 源 (M I N A M O T O)
One syllable vs. four syllables
@The Japanese- Why would you do that to yourselves

Then again, the Chinese love complication too. That specific "yuan" has two meanings, which is actually a small number of meanings.


     Thread Starter

March 22, 2022 18:09:36  #7867

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Sorry, I keep spamming here. I swear I'll shut it for a few hours after this post
In my initial F/GO update, I forgot to mention another fun team I used for the raids: Ibaraki-douji, Nezha, and a Buster support who can (passively) generate stars Merlin
Nezha fills in the gaps when Ibaraki doesn't have cards to get them stars. She (tbh idk what pronouns to use for her?? She doesn't answer the gender question either :'P) can also generate stars pretty well, like Ibaraki. It's probably not the most optimal team in terms of boss-killing, and Nezha absolutely does not support Ibaraki at all, but hey. Both of them have to do with fire. Good enough for me.


     Thread Starter

March 24, 2022 03:46:57  #7868

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Best part about Chinese history is how throughout it, people just casually take armies of millions of people everywhere and have like 40% of them die without batting a single eye
And then it comes the time for Gao Changgong, who has to invade a tower with 100 people


     Thread Starter

March 24, 2022 10:30:21  #7869

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Ah a 1 million losses? Tis but a small skirmish

Bruh the signature be wacky

March 24, 2022 23:16:50  #7870

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

You get it xD lol what are casualties mattering lol


     Thread Starter

March 24, 2022 23:17:16  #7871

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

     Thread Starter

March 24, 2022 23:40:36  #7872

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

We're going through WWII in APUSH right now so this was perfect timing lol


     Thread Starter

March 25, 2022 00:05:36  #7873

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Gift article time! Because super cool! :DDD!



he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

March 25, 2022 16:36:24  #7874

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

It very cool xD I was expecting it to happen soon but not this soon, in all honesty. 


F/GO update
I realized I wrote a little about Rei and their twin and was just feeling it for gacha rolls, so I rolled. Pure Instinct Rolls lol 
(Also I'd dreamt that I got 2030 two days prior. Not a goal but it was funny to me)
I was trying for Dioscuri, but I guess the fact that I'm an Aquarian kinda goes against the entire concept, with them being Gemini. 'Cause I instead got NP 2 Caenis. And a 2030. Within 2 rolls. Lol
F/GO really wants me to construct an F/GO Characters with Ambiguous and Potentially Controversial Genders Club huh

So I take these rolls to mean that Rei was the catalyst this time,,, does that mean I now have an obligation to do their form within the year???? ):

Seriously though lol, I have this F/GO Characters with Ambiguous and Potentially Controversial Genders Club goin' on in my Chaldea. Astolfo, d'Eon, Nezha, and now Caenis lol
The good news on Caenis is the fact that I'm pretty sure she's not trans, so it's a lot less ambiguous for me in terms of interpreting. I mean, the literal reason why she wanted to become a man was because (tagged for mention of something that might trigger some people)

she didn't want to be raped again

So yeah, she/her pronouns until the material implies otherwise.
I really love her battle pose hhhh
I guess we're going to ignore how she probably committed war crimes, though, given how Greek heroes were. And how, iirc, she basically got stockpiled to death. Oof in the chat
As for the other members of the Gender Ambiguous/Potentially Controversial Club, I use they/them for Astolfo out of respect for them not really wanting to reveal their gender (if they have one), they/them for d'Eon out of how they don't really seem to care about it at this point, and she/her for Nezha because she seems to have a lesser reaction to those pronouns than the idea of gender labels
I wonder how Caenis would react to Chiron, with him being a centaur. I hope they don't try to fight. Please @Chiron and @Caenis don't fight.
Tbh iirc Caenis (as Caeneus) also participated in the boar hunt that Atalanta was involved in too
Greek hero club yay


HYXHN update. Feels like I haven't talked about it in forever, which I guess confirms that I have bias for Bai Yuechu and Susu as a pair xD, which happens to be the pair I'll talk about :'P
Spoilers lol. 
So fluffy fdfisofjokdj <3
I love how Susu calls Dongfang Yuechu "Brother Cockroach" (again, not in the monk sense). She calls Bai Yuechu her Daoist Brother so there's a clear sense of parallelism, even if the actual reason is a lot more simplistic (she kinda just calls anyone her brother/sister, which is a little kid thing in China btw)
Of course I feel like she only calls Dongfang Yuechu "Brother Cockroach" because Bai Yuechu calls his predecessor "Stupid Cockroach" (not direct translation) so xD Bai Yuechu being a bad influence
Also, the part where Susu asks her Daoist brother if he's blaming Dongfang Yuechu for what happened in the past (that has extended to the present) is just fjidsjsdkfjos because you can see Bai Yuechu stop and remember that Susu and Honghong are apparently the same person, and he can't blame Susu for what he now has to go through
ALSO CANONICAL HUG UWU (it was shown in the OP during the Jinchenxi season but was never shown during actual plot.)

It's also kinda implied that when Susu asks Bai Yuechu to not blame Dongfang Yuechu for what's happened, Bai Yuechu thinks that Susu is speaking as Honghong and likes his predecessor more than him. But his doubts are assuaged when she continues on and says that the two of them can continue what Dongfang Yuechu and Honghong did
Then you consider how Susu is being so inspirational and how that connects to Bai Yuechu's increasing realization that she is surpassing him in terms of mental fortitude as well as his corresponding fears that he'll have to rely on her instead of being the one to protect him :')
Can I point out how Dongfang Yuechu looks at these two though. I might not like him as much as others do (the general sentiment in the community seems to be that fans like Dongfang Yuechu more than Bai Yuechu) but I really appreciate how he'll put down his own happiness for the sake of his reincarnated personas, who have different souls than him.

Meanwhile Yaya is having a crisis (again)
The end of the chapter with the golden ring,,, the 紧箍咒 (Jinguzhou, Ringed Curse or whatever)!! Journey of the West reference!!
Dongfang Yuechu telling Bai Yuechu to go east is honestly huge. One, we know that Longwan (the Dragon Ocean) is to the east of all the land. Then, consider Dongfang Yuechu's family name. Dongfang. "The eastern side." Lore implications? :eyes:
I feel like we'll be getting more action soon, which is really cool!! I'm looking forward to seeing Bai Yuechu fight with all this new knowledge alongside Susu
Also the author married xD R.I.P. all the jokes about him writing love stories while being a bachelor :'P


In other news, I grew 2 centimeters since last night lol


     Thread Starter

March 26, 2022 20:41:01  #7875

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Okay so I was supposed to be out for basically the entire day because of volunteering
But guess whose (former? in person?) school now has a mask-wearing percentage of 2% (:
Turned around on my heel and headed out. We went to the grocery store instead (it's been like 2 months lol), which on average had a mask-wearing percentage of 15%
I thought the newer generation was supposed to be smarter :') guess not.


     Thread Starter

March 27, 2022 01:01:40  #7876

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

To this day I still have no idea what the heck is going on in the Jaegers' theme


     Thread Starter

March 27, 2022 01:04:42  #7877

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

was supposed to be smarter :') guess not.


That was a pretty bold assumption tho tbh

he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

March 27, 2022 01:09:34  #7878

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The worst thing is that I have nothing to rebuke xD since my mom told me to stop reasoning my own behavior for others if it's not an excuse :'P


     Thread Starter

March 29, 2022 15:42:48  #7879

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Lol I was the only one in my English class who didn't cheat on a multiple choice test
Multiple choice
And you didn't believe me when I said that some of these people can't write theses (: do I look like a liar to you? Do I?


Lol I didn't quite get the dramatic tone right, I sound more unnecessarily angry, but I'm not. I'm just kinda. I dunno. Looking to stir up trouble xD
Anyways to stir up more potential controversy
Vanilla tootsie roll "midgees" are extremely disgusting and I am gravely disappointed because I (accidentally) finished my supply of White Rabbit candies from 2 years ago and thought they could be a substitute
I hope y'all agree but I'm kinda iffy on this because they're rare and rare things are supposed to be good. I saw a website online claiming them to be "near perfect" but uh, no. Ew. Not for me. Let me know if you like them. I will respect your opinion but, most of all, I will keep all of the ones I still have for you because (:

Also frozen broccoli is disgusting. Completely ruins broccoli. (: even boiled broccoli is better (: ew ew ew helppp


     Thread Starter

March 30, 2022 18:28:41  #7880

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right


I consider this a valid example of why one shouldn't flex
'Cause the higher you are, the more painful the fall.


     Thread Starter

March 30, 2022 22:09:39  #7881

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I'm gonna briefly ("briefly") discuss F/GO's upcoming free SSR ticket and my personal opinions/thoughts on who I might choose. I'll go through every Servant available (that I remember) and discuss how likely I am to choose them as well as why.
Disclaimer for Echo: These are only my personal choices, not what's most practical for you. So yeah, don't take this as a suggestions post. 
That being said, if you do want to take this opportunity to get a free SSR and don't know who to pick, we could try to work that out. I'm not real familiar with your roster (specifically what Servants you've prioritized leveling, Hektor and Paris aside lol) or what gameplay style you prefer, but hey, why not, lol. I like talking so :'P, it doesn't count as work for me.

That being said, personal preference expressing time!

-Altera: Hard pass. I like her, but I don't need her at NP 2; I'd rather have NP 5 Bedi (his last copy does not come~). And I think as an AOE Saber, she hits hard enough as it is. Anyways, yeah. Nothing against Altera, just that I could be choosing a little better.
-Artoria: I know that she gets buffed some point in the future to become a lot better in her farming niche, but I think I'm good with Altera in terms of farming. Anyways, I've used her as a support, and I'm not very good at using her lol like I'm good at playing this game. So, a pass.
-Mordred: There is a tiny part of my mind that is really tempted to have the Knight of Rebellion in my Chaldea due to irony and friendship purposes (yes, in that order). For the latter, I feel like she'd get along with Caenis (as in they'd probably fight but with no grudges held). But again, I have Altera, so I'll probably pass. If she ever decides to come, well, she'll come. 

-Arjuna: No.
To specify more, one, I don't need him in the first place; I have Kid Gil as an AOE Archer, and in general I'll not too big of a fan of AOE outside of farming. Two, it'd be sinful to have him before Karna. Third, who picks Arjuna :'P I mean my opinion of him has somewhat improved since the last time I talked about him, but I still don't like him, lol. 
So yeah. No.
-Orion: No as well. I actually dislike Artemis' design, probably because I saw her design pretty early, before I got more used to how some of F/GO's artists...take certain liberties...anyways, in terms of utilities, I think she's outclassed as well, and anyways, I have Euryale (who's stuck at level 50 lol) and Uncle Will, not to mention Chiron and Tristan (and Snata Altera), so yeah, I don't really need a single-target Arts Servant who's been phased out.
-Napoleon: I heard he's okay utility-wise, but still a pass. In general, I just don't really need an Archer, I guess. I have plenty to go around, I think, and unless one who really would contribute something new to my team(s) shows up by chance in some banner, I probably won't really roll for them. 

-Bradamante: :') Every time I see her Noble Phantasm, a little bit more of my lifeforce slips away.
I don't need another her for NP 2, I believe. Valkyrie apparently outperforms her, which is an oof. Anyways, I like her personality, but NP 2 Bradamante is unnecessary.
-Karna: Oh boy.
The temptation is really strong. In fact, I had been thinking about deciding on him a little while back. But I've been doubting more and more.
One, he's a favorite, so I feel like I should roll for him out of liking him rather than forcing him into my Chaldea. Second...I do have AOE Lancers. Romulus, Nezha, and NP 2 Caenis. Tbh, it was NP 2 Caenis who kinda made me think, hmm, maybe the Throne wants me to reconsider (lol). 
I dunno. He's still there, definitely, but I'll have to think more about my own views on what rolling for someone means to me (outside of utility) as well as if there's someone else who could help me a bit more.
-Enkidu: Another utility choice. 
I do Not have them leveled enough, but NP 2 them would definitely be really strong.
But the thing is, I do have Ruler Martha as well to fill in the anti-Divine (and anti-Demonic, and anti-Undead) niche. Do I need an NP 2 Enkidu?
The choice would probably be a strong one, but I do also have NP 2 Ibaraki-douji (summer), who is also NP 2 and is crit-oriented. I wouldn't want to phase the oni kiddo out. (Is probably beaten to a pulp by said oni)
I dunno, probably depends on how utility-focused I'll be at the time.

-Achilles: NP 2 Achilles is sorta tempting, but I don't think I need that necessarily. Hmm. Definitely not a top choice, but it's there.
-Europa: I have no particular opinion towards her, and so I have no inclination to roll for her. Besides, I've used her as a support Servant before, and it doesn't seem like she's that useful utility-wise. Guessing people pick her for "waifu value." Anyways, a pass for me.
-Ozymandias: Probably something other F/GO players might squint at, but I'm not very good at using Ozy, and though it's entertaining to see him in-story, I don't really have a particular opinion on him (he's better than Gil though :'P). So yeah. A skip, most likely.
-Drake: Also has utility, but I'm not preoccupied with AOE Buster Riders, even though I'm a little better at using her as a Servant than with Ozy. Anyways, also probably a skip.

-Anastasia: I have an AOE looping Caster already (Sieg) and don't know anything about her character, so, skip.
-Tangseng/Xuanzang: This is a possibility. I've been using Passionlip and Kingprotea a lot to substitute for Caster damage dealers, and I feel like it might be a good idea to change that a little bit. Also, Journey of the West. I saw her animations involve using the weapons of three of her disciples, which was probably more satisfying than it should have been. Anyways, definitely a possibility, just depends on my priorities.
-Scheherazade: She doesn't want to die~
-Waver: We trekking solidly into "Are you stupid?" territory.
'Cause I know. Probably all the videos and forum topics out there are going, "Go for Waver." Unless one has a particular husbando/waifu/(*insert gender neutral term for those two terms here*), of course, but otherwise, go for Waver.
Yeah, I know that he has unbelievable value, farming-wise and a lot of other things-wise. 50 percent battery on a single Servant, reasonable cooldowns, and Fate Zero connections :'P. And for me, outside of Waver, I used to absolutely look up to Zhuge Liang. (Though his personality does not show, lol.) 
But you know, I'm pretty bad at using him, funnily enough. I've gotten better, but sometimes it feels like he's so general that I'm not very good at using him. And there are a plethora of Wavers on my friendlist. And to add onto it, Zhuge Liang could potentially count as a character who I "should" roll for based on wanting him rather than forcing him into my Chaldea.
In any case, the possibility isn't naught, but if I were to choose him, it'd be out of pure utility, which is...not really like me, to be honest. Even if he'll forever evade my Chaldea, oh well, just gotta take a support him or work around the lack of battery. 
-Tamamo: Part Something of "Are you stupid?" I kinda enjoy using Tamamo, and I think she's important to Arts Teams. But I'm not a fan of her character, and I don't even see her as that integral to gameplay. Charge reduction is nice, yes, and so are the buffs she provides to arts damage dealers, and also skill cooldown reduction. But...I dunno. I don't feel a particular need for her. I like taking support Tamamos along sometimes, but I wouldn't necessarily want to definitely have a Tamamo in my Chaldea. 
Again, still a possibility, just not a very big one.

-Osakabehime: We love and support all NEETs in this Chaldea, but NP 3 Osakabehime is unnecessary (unless she spooks me in the future). Gotta give her some downtime in her room :'P.
-Jack: If I pick them...first ascension. At all times. No exceptions.
What can I say? Utility-wise, they're cool. Anti-female ST Noble Phantasm. Cute murderous child who could probably give Atalante PTSD. Huge star generator. 
But you know, 2030 coming might have been a sign.
I dunno. Also a possibility.

As a note, I don't really do well with Berserkers. In fact, I don't run them 99% of the time, unless it's for bond (found out Asterios isn't at Bond 5 yet. A crime). So yeah, not much possibility starting off.
-Vlad: Arts ST Berserker is interesting but not worth it. Sorry, Impaler.
-Xiang Yu: I'm kinda tempted on him, but only to make up for burning his wife when I started off (along with Carmilla and Elizabeth, the latter of which I burned without actually thinking about it. No regrets lol). Utility wise, I don't really have good supports for him, so...oof. Anyways, kinda a possibility, even if it depends on my remorse scale :'P. 
-Nightingale: I can see me running a healer Berserker...going terribly. Pass. But I'd like to use her as support someday.

Extra Class:
- Jeanne: I like stalling, but I'm not good at using her, and anyways, too much stalling is...too much stalling. Anyways, I don't really wanna rely on it as a primary strategy xD, so pass.
-Jinako: I don't even know how to use her. I think I'll pass, even if she's a Moon Cancer and thus has, you know, that limited class advantage against Avengers. Iirc she's a tank too, which wouldn't fulfill the purpose anyways.

Watch me haven forgotten certain Servants on the roster, lol. 
But to recap, Servants I'm considering and general reasons why (or why not):
-Karna: Love, and some gameplay utility I think lol. Also his NP animation is awesome. But I might "need" to roll for favorites rather than forcing them, and I technically don't need him utility-wise.
-Enkidu: Extra NP level would probably make them OP. On the other side is me fearing that I might drive Martha and Ibaraki-douji out of usage/their niches.
-Achilles: Extra NP level, But I probably don't really need it, lol.
-Tangseng: ST Buster Caster/DPS, but do I need a ST Buster DPS Caster?
-Waver: Pure utility. But I don't actually see him as a necessity personally, lol.
-Tamamo: Also utility. I have no particular inclination towards choosing her otherwise.
-Jack: Raining stars is cool, ngl. And ST Assassin with a useful niche. On the other hand: 2030, Atalante PTSD, and limited Ascension selections...
-Xiang Yu: Regret regret regret

And that's it, lol.
I'm fairly excited for this ticket, but not necessarily because I'll get a free SSR. It's because I like making decisions when I want to make said decisions, yep. 
I'll decide when the time comes. I don't want to overthink things, because when I don't overthink and make decisions on the moment after a good amount of thought, I don't end up regretting anything. Which is the goal here :D.
'Course, all of these have the ember supply restraint, but I'll try, lol.
Unnecessarily long post of the week? Check.
Galaxian out!


     Thread Starter

March 31, 2022 00:55:53  #7882

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I personally kinda wanna get Enkidu and I really want to get Chiron someday (because I just finished the first Percy Jackson book and he's my favorite) but that's it XD, I mostly want to save just in case there is ever a Merlin banner yes I simp without really knowing who they are in-game/what they are like, shh , I mostly have been prioritizing trying to level up both Alexander and Astolfo atm, but my mains I want to level up are, obviously Hektor and Paris, and also Rama (which I need to ascend really badly lmao)

he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

March 31, 2022 17:10:23  #7883

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Chiron is an SR and iirc you missed his rate-up for the next 2 years (unless Lasengle Lasagna decides to put another in), but he's in the general summons (personally I was "spooked" by him on my New Year's summons), so the possibility is always there. Lemme know if you want me to put him on support too; I'm sure he'd love to help you out!
Enkidu is a solid choice gameplay wise! They're a great soloer, have a great anti-Divine characteristic, and have a single-target Buster Noble Phantasm. But one thing to keep in mind is that you'll probably have to practice soloing them, which means you'll have to keep copies of Georgios/Leonidas/other such Servants (with a Taunt) to fill up the front line to allow yourself to do so for the best results. As for Merlin, iirc he is getting a repeat rate-up sometime near summer (along with Siegfried, who I got last year instead of him lol, what a troll), so saving up is definitely viable. 
I would say that even while saving for Merlin, there is someone else near the end of the year who literally everyone in F/GO has been saying to save up for, so remember to save for them as well (:


     Thread Starter

March 31, 2022 18:01:33  #7884

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Oh by the way, 
[F/GO Arcade spoilers lol. And F/GO Final Singularity spoilers]

I looked up Beast VI/S (S stands for Sodom) (by the way I feel like Lot should have been burned along with the others (: ) (and turning a woman into a pillar of salt for looking back at a place she called her home *thumbs up*)
I love how the design is all doom and gloom and then the Nero voice comes out and I cannot take her seriously anymore
Also what the heck is up with the piece around her chest,,,


     Thread Starter

March 31, 2022 18:39:03  #7885

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Hey Echo and Specter,

Remember that I asked you two to remind me about something exactly 6 months ago? No? I thought so.
It was a hypothetical request, anyways. I knew you wouldn't remember. 'Cause you wouldn't. And have no reason to.
But I've remembered! Zero cues or anything. Look at this long-term memory, lol. (*is continually suffering from all the things they remember they're supposed to do but don't*)
Anyways, it was for an F/GO April Fool's challenge. But it hasn't aged very well, since Echo kinda has their Support set to the challenge by default, and Specter doesn't play anymore. And I don't think I have the time atm to do it anyhow.
In any case, it was basically that I would set my support for Servants (ones I don't usually put on the support list) with the most mismatched CEs ever, and then others were supposed to use those supports (also in Wonky setups), with each class (including the All Classes support) at least once. Proof was supposed to be submitted, either through a screenshot or through saying what went on. And Specter and Echo would do it too. And I guess it was supposed to be fun.

...I think my sense of fun is skewed.

Heck, I'll do it anyways. One day of getting no friend points from others using my supports. Pranking myself is the best thing ever, yep.

Me: (*level one hundred and ten and something, or maybe even one hundred and twenty*)
Also me: (*has beginner level support*)
That one person looking for my usual support Servants: :/


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March 31, 2022 19:58:59  #7886

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Random find of the day, lol.
I kinda lost it when I heard Sanwu's voice for Salieri.
I was already losing it when I saw Mozart smoking a pipe dressed in those clothes, though.

As the artist says, it's pure brainhole content, which is relatable lol. It's kinda like me thinking about "Didn't Eat Medicine Today" for Kaori


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March 31, 2022 20:23:49  #7887

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

By the way @Echo
The current banner is for a character who is definitely a Saint Seiya reference
You can probably tell immediately. I could lol

Unfortunately, I am getting so many no-roll vibes that I won't try for him. But good luck if you toss a few SQ his way!
I personally am completely fine with not-Shaka in my Chaldea (*glances at Tristan and that album he made when he was drunk*)


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March 31, 2022 22:03:15  #7888

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right


I really want Not Shaka too wjdjwkkfe

Also you reminded me to change my CEs XD, I've been procrastinating. Hopefully now they fit better with the servants, I was mostly going off how I play tho XD and also I guess the ones with higher critical star stuff got critical star CEs so

he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

March 31, 2022 22:06:39  #7889

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also owo I would like to use your Chiron on support, I will probably spam him into my team like I do with The Prince of Lan Ling XD, you can tell I have favorites

he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

March 31, 2022 22:42:52  #7890

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I like how we three have different interpretations of what it means to have favorites (and how to act accordingly), like you like Hektor and drag him everywhere, even when he might die, while Specter likes Waver the most in the series (last I heard) but dragged him into quests against Riders (who he has class disadvantage against) for utility purposes, while I don't take chances and only farm bond for Servants when I'm on farming quests I'm experienced with out of fear that they'll be dragged into the battlefield and die
It's even funnier to me how someone could say immediately that I'm more emotional than you in that regard, but if you look a little closer, you can see that it's actually just my usual mix of logic and emotions, like not wanting to take the risk with lacking class advantage due to that being more efficient in my view, which is honestly kinda problematic when it comes to the rarer class types that one can be forced to fight with neutral damage. Meanwhile, you're just straightforward with your approach. You like them, you're gonna fight with them. 'Cause you believe in them. 
Pretty funny lol

I'll equip Chiron on support later, but with a bad CE to pair so you can experience suffering (jk it's for the challenge described earlier)
The funny thing is that he is a universal support, unlike Changgong. So there's technically no problem with you doing so. 


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