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March 12, 2022 06:30:18  #3631

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}


he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

March 12, 2022 06:32:28  #3632

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

By the way, a random scenario lol

Wiley: Hey look, I'm the trap, and you fell for me ;)
Raez, untying him: You're the bait, but okay.
Rai, standing guard: If you two keep borderline flirting, I'm going to lock the door and leave you both.

Can I draw this OWO

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

March 12, 2022 15:43:11  #3633

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I can't stop you so xD


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March 12, 2022 15:44:02  #3634

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I love how I couldn't even spell Iguanas right
I think maybe I thought I was typing Spanish "algunas" but that's pretty much just a lame excuse
I really need to draw more animals so I can draw Iguanas (nearly just mistyped again lol)


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March 12, 2022 17:26:44  #3635

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Me, making Not-NPC and her sister: So what borderline war crime does Time want GGaD!Time to have committed?


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March 12, 2022 17:45:24  #3636

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Helge is so underdeveloped compared to Ambryll that it's not even funny anymore
Oh boy.
I had worried about Ambryll not getting any development, but to think that I could just straight up reverse the situation,,, lol


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March 14, 2022 16:22:11  #3637

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I wonder if you can tell from my form-writing abilities atm that I've been cranking out 6 new characters every day lol
I don't do full-on forms for them but I don't tolerate overly basic information, so that's why I technically should be better than usual. I also have been archiving F/DA characters (GGaD character--singular--too but that's just one) so yeeee

I really should be doing extracurriculars tbh but too much inspiration lol


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March 14, 2022 17:30:22  #3638

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Me: (*tries to draw Ryoo*)
Me: (*draws Ignas instead*)


Me: (*draws Ignas*)
Ignas: (*looks more like Kiaane than Time though to be fair I haven't drawn Time in at least a year so I can't even rely on muscle memory*)

I'm gonna give him some hair BALD IGNAS, jot down my failures, and move on with my life


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March 14, 2022 17:35:11  #3639

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Before that I'm gonna try to find one (1) Time reference
Because future me will strangle me if I don't at least try that :')


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March 14, 2022 17:36:12  #3640

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

But bald Ignas ):

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

March 14, 2022 18:24:56  #3641

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

This gives NS!Raez vibes

He has not slept in 365 hours


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March 14, 2022 18:32:14  #3642

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

But bald Ignas ):

I am so tempted to give him a mustache
Idk why I bully Ignas so much. Must've gotten it from his mother.


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March 14, 2022 19:11:56  #3643

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Some notes of mine I've formulated while sketching Ignas. They're kinda like my usual art notes but without the art lol. You can just imagine the bad proportioning for yourself.
I fixed him, kind of.
In general, it's basically me bullying him in the process lol, but we can (*waves hands around a bit*) pretend we don't know that lol

First of all, he definitely has smaller eyes than I initially had it (I couldn't fix this lol), and he has rather small irises as well. I initially tried making him similar to Time but gave up pretty early, so I guess I focused more on my perceptions of him and his not-estranged family. To do so, I emphasized his irises a bit, to make his gaze a little more scary looking than just "tired." I guess he also looks kind of dreary as a result, but I mean, that shouldn't be too OOC, going along with his semi-pessimism. I also lifted his eyelashes a bit at the edges, because iirc that's my impression of Aereon's eyes. Tbh, the feature doesn't do much for him, lol.
His pupils are slit, but I normally do pupils like that, so they look normal to me. I tried to emphasize this with more narrow and angular eyes, but I pretty much failed, so no further commentary on that aspect.
Going with the he's-supposed-to-resemble-Time thing, I tried to make their eyebrows kinda similar, but I couldn't imagine Ignas with such straight-line eyebrows. Those are a definite WIP if I ever draw him again in the future. Tbh, with his bangs, I can't really see them anyway, and he looks better without eyebrows imo, at least in this sketch. Petition for Ignas without eyebrows 
Now this is me full-on roasting him and his mom in a specific cultural context (it's not hard to guess at all though xD), but iirc I kept noting in my personal planning document that Aereon is the type of person with thin lips, so I gave Ignas thinner lips than normal. I was jeering over this the entire time for a very specific reason (again, no clarification will be provided), and it's still so funny to me. But yeah, the thinness of his lips helps with his expression. By which I mean, dude looks like he doesn't know what actual happiness is. He probably will grow old and have frown creases next to his mouth. He might look good with a mustache, if only to hide those creases, but currently all I can imagine is Ignas with a sombrero lol. But anyways, I have him wearing an uniform. So that's that. He probably wouldn't like this one more bullying, y'all, but I mean, it's not the worst one out there. So he should just, y'know. Bear it out.
Hair! His bangs are basically placeholders, but iirc he basically has something similar to Time's bangs, but reversed and not swept to the sides. They're not the worst part of the piece. Then, because I made his face kinda narrow, I initially made his hairstyle more like Time's (more spread out), but that actually looked like it didn't fit him at all. So I changed that. I made his hair a little longer (to the middle of his neck) and trimmed out the edges. I daresay that it's much better now. 

The funny thing about this piece is that I can kinda see the resemblance to Time (my version of his design, lol, Time's sketch doesn't look much like mine and even though I referenced his sketch, I still have that innate bias lol), but I can see his resemblance to Aereon more so. Now, I dunno what Elio looks like, and I am too lazy to search his form up. But the resemblance is a good thing, since otherwise I have no idea how they're related (: 
Bullying concluded for the day, but 10/10 would do again xD

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March 14, 2022 19:18:57  #3644

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

More insights:
-Dude would look bad with a black eye I'm realizing (*readying boxing gloves*) jk he would definitely bring a gun to a boxing ring and I can't deal with that just yet (also, he hasn't done anything in particular yet for me to want to sock him, but hey, the insight's there (:
-Edited his eyes a bit more, may or may not have ruined it but now he looks much more poised to give Kiaane a very disappointed look. So yay. 
-This entire time I've been thinking how funny it would be if Time and Ignas look markedly similar but Time's more handsome. I mean, I don't think Ignas would care that much (at least outwardly), but being second in that aspect to Amadeus in addition to other ones would kinda be hilarious imo I'm not gonna lie


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March 14, 2022 19:21:12  #3645

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I really hope Time doesn't read this entire portion lol

Oh, and to end this section, I named the sketch "Attack on Ignas"
That is all.

What a life I have lol


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March 16, 2022 19:42:29  #3646

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I find it funny because F/GO reviewers make it sound like Servants choose their material requirements (for skills at least) as a joke
And all I can imagine is F/GO Kiaane (from GGaD, not F/DA) being like:
Their skill mats end up being something like a combination of coffee beans and cups intended for wine (they couldn't find other cups) and then just the slightly-less-than-average amount of gems and stuff that they calculated after surveying every Servant of their class in Chaldea


Seriously speaking, though, I can imagine them using these materials:
-Fools' Chains (a relatively small amount of them)
-Poisonous Needles
-Mystic Gunpowder (also only a small amount of them)
-Hero Proofs (marginal amount)
-Stakes (ouch)
-Void's Dust (ouch)
-Bells (only for later skills)
-Forbidden Pages (more if they're a Caster obviously)
-Phoenix Feathers
-Soundless Bells
-Claws of Chaos
-Warhorse's Young Horn
-Spirit Roots (for ascension only)
-Refined Magatama

Might be forgetting some lol or misunderstanding some. But ah well.


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March 17, 2022 09:19:13  #3647

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I think I had a mini stroke when I read "Void's Dust" XD
Idk, Kiaane sounds kinda hard to ascend and level up lol (but I guess their in-game power makes up for that, iirc you've mentioned before that they'd be OP).

Imagine that coffee beans are actually a canon ascension mat for GGaD characters in a F/GO AU. I can imagine it lol.

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

March 17, 2022 15:08:07  #3648

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Okkie wanting like 25 Void's Dust per skill (pardon me if this is incorrect, I'm bad with number memorization lol):  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
I have no idea if they'd actually be OP tbh. I do think they wouldn't be bad (because they have the edge of being from an older time, and their magic is kinda OP I guess?), but F/GO really hypes up some Servants' lore that I don't think Kiaane's could match from GGaD. I mean I guess I could be wrong, but lore seems pretty important in determining how powerful a Servant is gameplay-wise. Though meme Servants can be strangely OP too,,, y'know what? This warrants further study.
The funny thing is that F/DA them wouldn't need some of the mats I needed above. They'd need different ones. Essentially, GGaD them unintentionally being a pain is funny to me
Lord of Coffee Consumption (EX)--buff removal immunity and all the buffs in the game simultaneously that never wear off
jk, even I don't go so far.
Shimmery coffee beans~ shiny shine shine~


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March 17, 2022 21:30:18  #3649

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Smooth transition into Galaxian-resumes-their-usual-bullcrap
F/GO update time! Because it pertains to the above content! Or at least it did, in their head, but they're kind of delusional. Anyways, you know the drill by now.
So for the day 2 days before yesterday and the day before yesterday, I was very much in the mood for ruining kids' lives. So that's what I did. You name the kid, I ruined their life.
...before anyone calls the police, they're fictional kids. My original characters. But yeah, I was on a roll.
And then 2 days before yesterday, Atlanta came with one ticket. I was rolling for Jack because it's fun seeing stars rain. The gacha gods answered the call, but not in the way I was expecting.
So for the past two days, I've been pretending to do other things to divert her attention doing other things instead. Nothing to see here, Atalanta onee-san. (: I totally didn't, uh, spend days specifically traumatizing kids who otherwise had no fault of their own in their situations. Nope. Haha. I don't know why you would think that. 
Coupled with NP 3 Nursery Rhyme, Protector of Children,,, boy oh boy, what a fun time.
And you know, this is super funny because before her, I was realizing how I kinda have an Apocrypha club going on. From the Red team, I had (before Atalanta) Berserker of Red and Caster of Red (I would like to note, however, that some of these Servants aren't SRs or SSRs, but that's not really the point I think). And then from the Black Team, I had Saber of Black, Archer of Black, Rider of Black, and Caster of Black (technically, but for whatever reason I burn him). I mean, it's not that many all things considered, but I wasn't going for an Apocrypha collection in the first place lol. So now I added Archer of Red to the collection, and I guess I was like, "Yay, she likes kids, and I have a lot of kids here," and I totally wasn't intimidated or whatever.
Moving on, as you may recall, I summoned Enkidu literally less than a week ago while trying for Odysseus, so I thought my SSR luck was over. But then I went by my instinct yesterday and. Boom. Rainbow spark. Hecking Achilles is here with one ticket. What's up with the event's tickets lol, are they blessed?
Guess I'll never collab with Echo's Chaldea, lol. (: Penthesilea and Hector being like (((((((: ACHILLLLLLLEESSSSSS!
I mean, I'm happy as heck because now he's reunited with his sensei and with his neesan too (I kinda suspect he's only here for those reasons; that is, that he followed the two of them lol), and I love both of those pairs :-P, but I have this slight theory that some of my newer Servants are actually here to hold me accountable for my actions :') NP 7 Salieri remembering how I burned Marie
I guess with the entrance of Yang Guifei on hecking New Year's, things were bound to go awry at some point (since she's a Foreigner said to be the ruin of Chaldea a nation? I guess it could be. I have like 50 people I think, not counting Chaldean staff).

So yeah, now I'm doing my actual work I was supposed to do before a certain Neutral (: Evil (: cat lady makes it rain stars on me (: oh boy
And now I have the Archer of Red, Rider of Red, Caster of Red, Berserker of Red, Saber of Black, Archer of Black, Rider of Black, and the Caster of not-any-faction here (: also the lingering ghost of Caster of Black, Golem Man. Life is good. Except real life. But we won't pay attention to that.
I'll be posting about other updates on my homethread (more event related), so go read that if you want to read more F/GO-related gibberish lol. Anyways, Galaxian out (for a very temporary time), probably to return again way too soon lol.


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March 18, 2022 19:58:49  #3650

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I feel like it'd be funny if Wiley would refer to whoever he's dating or has married as his "better half" because that's him automatically acknowledging that he's the worse one
He has no problem being the worst, which is actually kinda annoying, but it is what it is.


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March 19, 2022 00:39:29  #3651

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Random (not random at all) angsty quote: "有时候只有失去了什么,才发现自己什么都没有失去。”
Thanks brain

Empathetic depression from the past few days is finally getting to me xD, I do not like this.
Going through nostalgia to try to substitute :3 let's see if it'll work


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March 19, 2022 00:41:20  #3652

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

By the way 2020 me had no business writing so well in Chinese (A.K.A. me admitting I haven't worked on Chinese writing enough to see improvement lol)
I need to write more in Chinese but translation would be a pain not that I share writing anymore lol


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March 19, 2022 00:45:42  #3653

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

This nostalgia trip is taking more scrolling time than reading, which is highly unfortunate


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March 19, 2022 16:30:42  #3654

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I called Rai a "creepy guy" in 2019
I love how this fits the prior quote, but in another way. 
"Sometimes you have to make a more creepy guy to know that that guy wasn't creepy at all"
jk he was totally creepy, and I look forward to restoring that side in HPA if the AU continues lol
CC!Rai was a piece of work lol
Yet I remain fond of him


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March 19, 2022 17:51:15  #3655

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Fun fact, Raez and Wiley can perfectly imitate Obi-Wan Kenobi's "Another happy landing" quote
They won't just say it when they land, though.

The plane Rai hijacked (for perfectly sound reasons I assure you), burning its way through the air:
Raez and Wiley, chorusing: Another happy landing.

Namely, they say it in advance.


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March 21, 2022 20:04:57  #3656

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

This song gives pure Laurie vibes to me lol
From like 5 seconds in.
There's also how the title has a specific irony to me, but that's for me.
Idk if the lyrics fit lol (I mean I think they do but then again I suck). I might do a translation if anyone's interested when I have time.

Edit: The video doesn't allow playback on other websites lol. Smart.
Just click on the link, and it should take you there.


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March 22, 2022 12:59:47  #3657

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Consider: GGaD!Sunny, but he channels his anger constructively. As in, he becomes a YouTuber who holes up somewhere in the house and plays rage games. I made a series of minigames when I was younger (specifically when I was 7) that I think he'd love (:
jk design was horrible

The problem is that GGaD!Sollux probably wouldn't be completely supportive of the idea and would keep wanting to drag him out, which doesn't resolve the problem of the worst sibling fights in GGaD though I guess after playing the worst rage games, being bugged by your sister to touch some grass wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.
The other problem is that I'm actually working to justify their current situation, which means it's highly unlikely he will be able to settle down in a home, not to mention build up gaming experience, create a YouTube channel, gain subscribers, buy a gaming chair/other essentials, etc.
And of course the greatest problem is that I'm tackling this with logic that's geared towards someone with a soul. Sunny does not have a soul.

Tbh I get ticked at Sunny, but like, I have this stupidly horrible personality with a soul, while the guy has no soul and has to deal with a bunch of bullcrap
I should be more sympathetic lol
but his flaws reflect mine unintentionally and tick me off even more so the possibility is negligent lol


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March 22, 2022 17:08:16  #3658

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I wrote in my latest archiving attempt (thwarted by the arrival of Atalanta-san I stopped after Atalanta-san reminded me to switch priorities (: ) that Sunny and Sollux should technically work well together in theory if they need to fight
And now I need to figure out if I was right (wah wah, logic. cri)
Just casually trying to cringe everyone else off the thread lol

But...the only thing I can think of right now is Sunny hurling Sollux like a banana boomerang :')
Because that's his biggest weakness. He's mostly a ranged fighter. 
Idk, if he doesn't throw too hard (he's not very strong lol xD) she could potentially react in time to burn off someone's face, with the current state of global warming.


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March 22, 2022 19:12:45  #3659

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Rai and Wiley, except please don't think these are anything alike to their voices xD, especially Wiley's lol


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March 23, 2022 14:05:29  #3660

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

NS!Rai is the kind of guy who would specifically construct a military band to butcher his own country's national anthem in front of 500 different countries and their leaders

Really, I just wanna know what the heck happened. Did Wiley raise him? Why the heck is he like this?

btw military bands butchering national anthems is extremely funny, search up some videos if you haven't seen it before


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