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March 9, 2022 18:39:56  #7831

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right


March 10, 2022 09:27:56  #7832

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I love it

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

March 10, 2022 23:42:01  #7833

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Enkidu, about the few embers I was able to give them: Keep them coming
Me, who honestly has no more Lancer embers left: T_T

My Servants are honestly bankrupting me out of class embers
I mean, I have a lot of general embers. But I am too petty to use them, outside of maybe for event Servants. And even then,,,
Btw I appreciate Sieg. Looks like he's got a personality. And I heard in Japanese, he tries to sound tough with his "boku"s, which is conveyed more as social awkwardness in English because it doesn't translate over. Anyways, he's cool. 
I realized earlier today that I have Siegfried! (not leveled up at all, but still!) so yay! Reunion!
Also spoilers on the Apocrypha event (haven't gotten very far yet but still):

I love the dynamic between Chiron and Achilles. I am a sucker for student-teacher relationships already but like. Apocrypha them not killing each other? Yes. Yes.
It's hard to imagine even a shell of Astolfo trying to kill people though fjsdjofjdso. And Karna, too. I hope they can be saved or something lol Achilles and Chiron have a lot to do

By the way, I'm realizing that my pool of Servants is starting to swell up beyond control. For Sabers, Siegfried and d'Eon are there just kinda chilling, while I'm trying to level Saber Lily and (eventually) grail Changgong to 100. (We'll set the goal at 94 for now.) For Archers, Tristan has yet to be maxed somehow, Chiron also needs to be maxed (and his skills leveled), and I have an Euryale I have never used but will need to level because she and Asterios are fluffy together. For Lancers, Nezha needs leveling, Romulus needs leveling, Bradamante is forever stuck at level 80, Inshun needs Fous, Ibaraki needs Fous and skills leveling, Valkyrie needs leveling, Cu needs leveling, and I'm eventually going to level Diarmuid and Gareth,,, and to add onto that, Enkidu also needs leveling now 'cause they came,,, and we're not gonna talk about Ana in the storage room.
Uh! Anyways! Those are just the knight classes. For Rider, basically all of 'em need leveling. I'm still unsure about whether to grail Ushi, but Alexander needs leveling, Bartholomew needs to be maxed (and his skills raised), Georgios needs to be ascended and leveled (Hero's Proofs (: ), Mandricardo needs to continue being raised, Martha needs to be maxed at some point and her Rank-Up Quest done, Astolfo is stuck in the Second Archive,,, Then for Caster, all of them basically need skill leveling, but basically, Nursery Rhyme needs to be maxed, Medea needs to be maxed, Caster Gil's skills desperately need leveling, Asclepius' skills probably need to be maxed (btw got him to NP 3 lol), Edison's chillin' in the backroom,,, for Assassin, the Savior of France doesn't know what he's doing here, and neither does Sanson, Stheno's not being burned because her sisters are both here and I'm not that cruel yet, and Fuuma needs to be maxed (btw he and his mom killed me twice on Valentine's and I'm still wondering how my character was that dumb). And for Berserker, I got Darius, so I'm leveling him up, but rn I'm just momentarily stuck on ascension materials. He should be fine.
For Extra classes, Ruler Martha's skills need leveling up, Kingprotea and Passionlip probably should receive more Fous than they do, and Yuhuan xiaojie is stuck at level 70 still because the Apocrypha rerun exploded in my face.

I'm honestly probably forgetting a few Servants, and obviously I'm not mentioning the ones I already have max-leveled/have their skills upgraded to an okay extent, but as you can see,,, lol.


     Thread Starter

March 11, 2022 17:24:50  #7834

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I just had literally all of my files deleted by no fault of mine (no way to archive them) and the pure (: vibes (: I am feeling now are great (:
First day of break guys (*peace sign*) (:
Mostly I'm annoyed by the personal stuff disappearing (like that cat Specter drew for me. I have no idea where it is now), and also a bunch of art references for when my brain is frying/sizzling from schoolwork, but also there's the AP exam prep files and extracurricular stuff so that's great (:
The funny thing is that I'm not even angry atm, and in exchange for not having that level of a temper I can feel levels of frustration that usual mortals cannot comprehend


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March 11, 2022 17:27:45  #7835

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The good thing is that, in exchange for constantly having 50 tabs open and having them crash on the same constant basis, I have the memory to be able to remember all of my tabs (so 100 tabs on two browsers lol)
I'm not upset about that, since it's break and I technically have more time. But the files (:


     Thread Starter

March 12, 2022 17:06:48  #7836

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I love how my constant state of mind when awake is basically "I don't deserve my friends"


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March 12, 2022 18:45:29  #7837

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I ascended Yuhuan, by the way. Now she's level 80 and in need of a lamp for final ascension. Yayyy.
She also needs chains for her 3rd skill to be leveled (*squint*)
Me, when she acts like an actual concubine: GO BACK
Tbh Changgong would probably dislike her, wouldn't he? Because she nearly pulled a nation to ruin? I feel like he would. Though, maybe, like me, he'd also give her a little bit of leverage, since as a girl/woman, she would've had to do so to survive and to live best. 
Yuhuan: (*calls me her emperor*)
Changgong: (*immensely bad vibes*)
But anyways, yeah, I'm glad I ascended her, since she needs that third skill to decrease the need for RNG a bit, but her personality,,, I definitely feel like she should act like her natural self instead. Even if it doesn't make her tired or she's used to it, it's still not good acting like that when she's not naturally someone like that.


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March 12, 2022 19:19:28  #7838

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My attitude towards Gao Wei (the bastard who sent Lanling Wang the poisoned wine) is like, ((((: .


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March 12, 2022 19:24:39  #7839

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Dangit Changgong, why do you have so many names
It's normal for Ancient Chinese men of high social standing but still--


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March 12, 2022 19:38:39  #7840

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I love how my constant state of mind when awake is basically "I don't deserve my friends"



he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

March 12, 2022 19:58:03  #7841

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Look at him
-His original name is Gao Su (高肃)
-Courtesy name is Changgong (长恭)--so Gao Changgong
-Tribal name is Gao Xiaoguan (高孝瓘)
-Nickname Lanling Wang (兰陵王)

Guess I've got to remember these now. The obligations of having a historical character as your favorite character in another series lol,,,


Also more facts
-Dude pretended to be a corrupt official at one point. (Someone pointed out how stupid it was, and during the conversation, he cried. Oof.)
-Then per their advice, he tried to get sick but was too healthy to get sick. 
-> He did get something on his face, but it was nothing serious. Nothing to require staying home, that is. The Chinese were and are workaholics
-> So whenever he did get sick, he never went to a doctor again because he basically wanted to get hospitalized at home and then fade from political importance
-> Bastard emperor sent poisoned wine anyways
-> Lanling Wang died in his early 30s (31 or 33). After his death, his country collapsed.

-Unlike what's implied in F/GO, his beauty wasn't really the inspiration for his soldiers. In fact, at first, because he was pretty (like a woman), people didn't want to listen to him. 
-As a result, he made his mask by hand. He added horns to make people think he was the devil, because that was how ancient Chinese people thought. 
-Historically speaking, he doesn't have many records, partially because no one knew who his mother was. So he probably had a pretty rough childhood. He was lucky and not, I guess--some uncle took pity on him when he was 16 or so, but that would lead to his entire political career and downfall, so, oof.
-He was made the Prince of Lanling at age 20. 
-The funny series here
-> At one point, an express gave him a mistress and ordered that mistress to assassinate him in his sleep, but because she witnessed Lanling Wang's loyalty to his country, she ended up betraying the empress and told Changgong about the scheme. And then when that empress found out that this woman had betrayed her, Changgong protected her and ended up marrying her :'P. Doesn't seem like she's his main wife, though apparently this was recorded in historical records lol.
-> He also ended up taking in his would-be assassin (who had clearly attempted to kill him numerous times) as his son lmiao, the guy,,,

And finally:
-He pardoned all of the money owed to him on the day of his death, destroying all the debt records before he died.
-Apparently cited by Mao Zedong in some speech (using the name Gao Xiaoguan). I can feel the cringe/irony

Conclusion: :')

I need to do more research on him, lol. I owe him that much. Not just the character in F/GO, but I feel like his actual historical counterpart, too.

In no era has there been a shortage in able and brave people. 
But for him, his era wasn't able to host him, huh? :')

Also his wife doesn't have a name recorded and I just :') I wanna know his wife's naaaame


     Thread Starter

March 12, 2022 20:14:39  #7842

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Ngl it'd be pretty cool for all 8 Beauties of China (though I guess the men are more hotly debated; Changgong's consistently ranked in the men's list though lol) to all be in Chaldea at the same time
Lanling Wang and Yuhuan are already there. So I guess Lu Bu could potentially get his, uhhhhhh. Crush. sounds so off I'm ngl but I can't even remember if Diao Chan was his wife or not

Pan An's particularly funny because I just imagine him being a Rider and his chariot is hecking filled with fruits
Also he's a nerd iirc xD poet
Falsely accused of starting a rebellion and being killed along with your entire family, anyone?

You can't tell me that Diao Chan and Xi Shi wouldn't be besties though
Both killed for the political machinations of men--
Idk I can imagine them vibing together xD their historical counterparts' ghosts are probably annoyed at me atm

But anyways the general vibe I'm imagining: Diao Chan and Xi Shi are there, but as teenagers which is when Diao Chan was used against Lu Bu and Dong Zuo, but we're gonna ignore that bit. The two of them are just really good friends and try to do what teenagers do. 
Pan An and Changgong discuss nerdy stuff together nearby, because yeah. 
I like to think that Changgong keeps Diao Chan guarded from Lu Bu lol, even though he knows Lu Bu is stronger than him.
I also like to think that the girls are very understanding towards Changgong and help him understand even more that his beauty should be something he can be proud of. 
And also I feel like Yu Mei-ren would strangely get along with the girls too. I mean, I feel like she's already tempered down with Changgong, but it feels like she'd be able to really relate with the girls. So they invite her to tea ceremonies and stuff. They have fun. She tries to pretend she isn't having fun but cannot escape from fun. It has her.

Happy Heroic Spirits who were not appreciated in life are part of a very good civilization


     Thread Starter

March 12, 2022 22:57:49  #7843

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

If anyone's up to chatting tonight, I can make it!
In case you're wondering why I don't hang on the website on a tab, it's because the tablet's running out of space. For whatever reason.
I am literally deleting paragraphs and archiving them in another device to make space. And then it just runs out of more space. Typical.
Anyways yeah would love to talk with you guys :3! Can't guarantee I won't be awkward though lol I've been in the I-don't-want-to-talk-because-I-can't mood for the past few days (break always does that for whatever reason)

Edit: You'll have to tell me here if you're on there btw, I wouldn't know otherwise lol


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March 12, 2022 23:48:19  #7844

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Update 2: Rumbletalk no longer works on the tablet, so here's the link to Chatzy lol


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March 14, 2022 02:30:51  #7845

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Happy Pi Day!
It literally feels like last month when I last said that. Geez. That's kinda sad.


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March 14, 2022 14:21:58  #7846

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I completely forgot about Pi Day lol. I remember it being a big thing in middle school

Call me Ishmael.
22 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky

March 14, 2022 16:45:20  #7847

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Understandable xD. I remember middle schools here do pie-related stuff on Pi Days, too. (Though rn it's spring break so lol)


     Thread Starter

March 15, 2022 15:42:22  #7848

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The only reason I remembered it was Pi Day yesterday was because of college admissions lol
Happy late Pi Day to you too though!

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally

March 15, 2022 16:17:53  #7849

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Thank you for the Pi Day reminder! I may be late with the happy wishes, but I still hope y'all had a nice Pi Day :D

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

March 15, 2022 17:55:14  #7850

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

autumnlibrarian16 wrote:

The only reason I remembered it was Pi Day yesterday was because of college admissions lol

That sounds...less than pleasant tbh xD but thank you! 

@Specter - Thanks! You too!


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March 16, 2022 17:34:43  #7851

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

xD past bug on the Chinese server of F/GO apparently
Dang xD I can imagine total mayhem if this happened on NA or JP 


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March 16, 2022 18:49:59  #7852

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Oh yeah this was more of a thing I realized 3 months ago, but essentially, the fact that AgK! tried to play with Night Raid members realistically having the potential to be on the Empire's side was interesting (and vice versa for certain members of the Jaegers)
Looking back, iirc, Run discussed with Wave and Kurome that he chose to start on his path to change the Empire from the inside because "the governor of Joyou was a woman." I didn't think about it much initially, but this part was interestingly structured, with the question being very direct when it was asked.
I take it to mean that possibly, if the governor of Joyou (or any other direct authority) wasn't a woman, who Run couldn't take advantage of through his good looks, he would have chosen the other path and perhaps chosen to join the Rebellion.
Pretty interesting imo.
'Course, without his Teigu, he'd have a harder time moving up the ranks, I think. But maybe he'd rely entirely on his tactical abilities then.


     Thread Starter

March 16, 2022 19:19:42  #7853

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The above is super funny because it shows to me that Wave could've been like "Wait so you could've just as easily been our enemy," but no, instead he was like "I'm gonna help ya! We're gonna help ya!" and honestly startled even Run from what I remember
Guy's such a good friend.
Btw it's his birthday. Happy Birthday, Wave, fish boy. 


     Thread Starter

March 17, 2022 21:51:17  #7854

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

F/GO update, as promised
I'm not gonna lie, I type these for my own amusement. But I could just as easily type this on my own document and have nobody read this. So I don't know why I do it here. I guess I have the compulsive need to show how empty my brain is.

Going along with my post on my RPing thread, I was in dire need of class embers and still remain in dire need of class embers :3 haha help
I think the Knight Classes are what's causing the most strain. Saber's okay (though with Siegfried and d'Eon being niche picks, they're technically there with potential strain as well), but Archer...Chiron actually is level 79, which means I just need to get him one more level, which isn't bad. And most of my Archers are maxed--Nightinggale (Santa), kid Gil, William Tell, Altera (Santa), Ashwatthama, etc. But that doesn't make their skill requirements any better. Nightinggale is technically pretty okay, since her last skill is level 9. But iirc Ashwatthama needs chains for all his skills to get to level 6 or 7 (forgot which level he's on), Kid Gil needs an absurd amount of something for level 9 skill materials, and William Tell's skills are woefully underdeveloped. So Atalanta comes and, I guess, oof, though her arrival was appreciated :'). And then you look at the Lancers...oh boy. Embers are already a pain, and Enkidu (though I thank them for appearing) appearing as an SSR further added to the need for Lancer embers. And I also have other Servants in the class who I want to level at some point. Not very fun. 
Oh yeah, Rider class is kinda bad iirc too. Alexander and Martha both got ascended to their max level (but not leveled to that extent), Mandricardo is there and in need of leveling, and Achilles is here too, again, as an SSR. And Casters are Casters. Never enough materials to go around for their skills. Level-wise, they're pretty okay in comparison, though.
But you're not here to read about my ember troubles! (more like my absolute unwillingness to use general class embers, not that I know who I'm saving them for outside of Yuhuan.) Or maybe you are, I guess. I don't know if you thought you were gonna get to read a quality post, but it's not here. Anyhow, I was going to talk about the event.
Sounds shallow, but I enjoy it, probably more so due to being on theoretical break. Pushing buttons while trying to do other stuff is at least better than just doing other stuff you're not very good at doing. But most of all, I just like seeing people get along. First of all, Chiron and Achilles. If you know me, you know that I'm a huge sucker for teacher-student relationships. A huge sucker. Seeing them fight in Apocrypha about broke my heart, even if neither of them cared that much about it. But in this event, they get to start off together as allies, and their relationship is so cool! Achilles flexes to everyone for Chiron, who kinda just accepts it. ("Can he be a mommy?" "He's the best at taking care of kids!" Chiron's a mom xD.) They fight well together. They just give wholesome vibes, even if they're both full-grown men who aren't that affectionate in their actions. And you also see other dynamics playing out, too. Mordred and Fran! They can relate to each other, but at the same time, it's not just that sort of mundane relationship. Mordred scaring Fran into being able to talk with her recklessness lol. And look at Mordred and Achilles. Their personalities clash, but not so that they're constantly at conflict, because that's kinda annoying when it happens. And Fran's love of flowers is a really neat thing to add. There's a lot to say about these characters the Rulers aren't here though, at least not yet. Oof. I wanted to see Shirou make Semiramis flustered xD and wanted to see Sieg interact with Jeanne even if it's not his Jeanne ):, but I really enjoy the characters' interactions, since they were initially pieced together for a work (: more Karna content please
Also Siegfried and Karna need to stop being battle maniacs xD I mean that's not the best way to word it but getting along is perfectly fine, you two :-P, you can spar lol. They remind me of Diarmuid and Artoria in a sense xD


     Thread Starter

March 17, 2022 22:03:27  #7855

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

And of course, I can't talk about the event without talking about the raids.
I am pretty horrible at farming raids compared to anyone else, because I. Well. I pretty much suck at farming in general. Probably my bad for not leveling up skills, as aforementioned xD. But yes. For me it's 4 to 6 turns typically, 7-8 on rounds with the most horrible RNG, 9-10 if my brain disappears (and it often does, for a game of clickety clickety).
I have mostly been carrying out the raids like I would normal quests, adding in bond level farming characters when I can. I don't think I can loop my Sieg yet (oof), but I'll try at some point and see how that goes, especially with the event bonus on him. In the meantime, I just use whoever while using the event CEs in tandem. 
Yesterday, I focused on farming the raid with the enemy class being Saber. It was my biggest farming venture yet in this event. Anyways, as you can guess, I used Ashwatthama can guess...Chiron!
I found out that Chiron seems to work better than Santa Nightingale in terms of synergizing with Ashwatthama. Of course, I gotta calculate in the event bonus on Chiron, but it's pretty nice. It feels more flexible, too, and Chiron can generate stars with his cards, which is great to supplement Ash's crits. The two of them also have the benefit of a canon Interlude interaction (: very sweet. Another interesting thing is that usually I see Waver as just a farming plugsuit, but I didn't think he'd synergize with Ash and Chiron so well. I thought Merlin would've been the case, but no, it looks like Waver is better, which is interesting. In any case, I'll be trying the combo on normal quests more to see how it works, but it's pretty satisfying to see the two of them in action. (One slams a hot wheel into people, the other is half-man and half-horse and punches people when he isn't using his bow. 10/10. The Archer class is really made of archers.)
Not much else to say. I still suck at gameplay; that hasn't changed. But at some point I might try to sort out all the CEs I have and prune some that I really don't need. Art though,,, (lol NationStates influencing my desire to collect "art" for no reason whatsoever)
As for the event, my goals are:
1) Get Sieg permanently (since he's level 80 lol)
2) If above is accomplished, get NP5 Sieg (if possible)
3) Gonna try to clear the gems if I can through farming, and the embers too for stockpiling in the present box lol
4) Get as much bond for Chiron and Achilles as possible, others too if applicable
5) Appreciate the gacha blessings this event has given me since I think my luck is now gone for the year though maybe I should start planning in advance how to traumatize specific characters in connection with banners 
jk ofc, I can't plan inspiration lol


     Thread Starter

March 18, 2022 17:52:55  #7856

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I tried to loop Sieg
The looping part was just fine (looks like skill upgrading and/or a plugsuit will still be needed though, lol). But his normal attacks,,, oomph. (Even with the event bonus, too, lol.)
I need to check the actual stat, but it felt like he was barely doing any damage. And I know that I haven't invested much into his skills (he's now 2-1-2, which isn't saying much lol, given that I literally just boosted his damage against dragons and then just NP gain and NP charge), but he's level 80 and feels like he's hitting at Paracelsus level. (Not anything against Mr. von Hohenheim, just that Paracelsus is level 70 xD.)
It's probably the Caster modifier, lol.
I dunno. I probably will try to work on his attack stat through Fou cards, but oof xD.


     Thread Starter

March 18, 2022 23:06:20  #7857

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

To the guy in the game in that one ad: I don't care if you're handsome, the relationship is toxic. Bye. (*skips ad*)
Why does the game exist,,,


     Thread Starter

March 21, 2022 17:27:51  #7858

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Dreamt that Ash and I were at Axel's house and that Time was going to come over
My mind woke me up for the let's-listen-for-suspicious-noises-every-hour-even-in-broad-daylight round before I could see my interpretation of RL Time though ):
xD the choice of forumers is weird but at least it means some variety lol
Ash kept trying to raid the fridge and Axel's house was really nice-looking. The funny thing is that I don't even know if Axel has a house lol
Also Axel's mom was nice the fact that it's just my mind filling in a random woman I saw sometime in my life for his mom makes it funnier


     Thread Starter

March 21, 2022 18:28:26  #7859

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

As for the event, my goals are:
1) Get Sieg permanently (since he's level 80 lol)
2) If above is accomplished, get NP5 Sieg (if possible)
3) Gonna try to clear the gems if I can through farming, and the embers too for stockpiling in the present box lol
4) Get as much bond for Chiron and Achilles as possible, others too if applicable
5) Appreciate the gacha blessings this event has given me since I think my luck is now gone for the year though maybe I should start planning in advance how to traumatize specific characters in connection with banners 
jk ofc, I can't plan inspiration lol

Most of the goals have been achieved. I've gotten NP 5 Sieg for some reason there's a part of my mind that really wants to grail him lol 
He's a good guy, a very sweet guy, but no xD
I also MLBed the attack up event CE, which is cool. (I didn't mention it when I MLBed the one with Siegfried, but yeah, that was already done.) Now in the event quests at least, Sieg hits less like a wet noodle and more like a truck. But that also makes me nervous for his applications outside of the event.
But anyways, because of that upgrade, and also he's now 5-1-2, the looping has gotten a lot better. I still need to work with him more on both damage and looping, but yeah, he does pretty well even against Berserkers. I got 10-turn RNG-dependent farming to 5-7 turn "farming," so that's nice. I'm working on clearing the rest of the lowest level gems and then will probably try to get all the 4-star embers out (mayyybee the 3-star ones too, for Achilles and Atalanta). I'll just go with whatever I feel like doing after that. I'm actually surprisingly near at clearing the shop, which is usually something I'm nowhere near :'P. I'm also really near to clearing all the coin drops, which is surprising. I got my crystallized lore, so now I don't focus on it xD.
I'm also still focusing on bond for Chiron. I think I'll get more opportunities in the upcoming Pseudo-Singularities, too, though, so I'm not very worried about it.
Overall, pretty fun. Efficient button clicking. (:
Sieg's NP still makes me laugh. I dunno why. I know the shot is zooming in on Fafnir's chest, but I keep interpreting the Noble Phantasm as "flexing dragon abs" idk xD 


     Thread Starter

March 21, 2022 19:12:28  #7860

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Personally not my taste of postmortem credits music but it's cool xD

Besides I wouldn't really wanna share (as in "have the same") this sort of music with people if I could help it (a possible exception for Coffin Dance. Maybe.)

Personally I just don't vibe with this music in particular because it gives too many "They messed up" vibes and I don't really wanna go that way so lol


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