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February 12, 2022 12:13:43  #1261

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

I have a hot water bottle and I'm making tea and I have a very cozy blanket now

The cramping has not improved if not gotten worse but at least I feel more comfortable

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it

February 12, 2022 14:33:34  #1262

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Tea can make cramping worse due to the caffeine. I would advise against it.
Not knowing the cause of the cramping for sure, I can't give more advice, sorry.


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transpired quite regularly

February 12, 2022 16:38:16  #1263

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Well you see

The teas I drink consist of peppermint, lemon balm, and stinging nettle, two of which are supposed to help with cramping lol

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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February 12, 2022 17:18:58  #1264

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

I would still advise against it personally. I mean, you could try not drinking it the next time and seeing if the symptoms are the same. If this time is worse, then it might be thanks to the tea.
But it's your choice, obviously. Lol.
Hope you feel better soon!


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transpired quite regularly

February 12, 2022 21:07:43  #1265

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

It's not a bad experiment. Since I despise cramps if I can figure out how to make it more bearable it might be worth ditching for a week lol

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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February 12, 2022 23:24:55  #1266

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Also focus the warmth on your stomach, not to the extent where you're weighing down on it though. That might help.
Looking at the diet also might help,,, but again idk the causes for sure. If it's something that's abnormal, you might wanna see a doctor
And replace the tea with warm water. Not cold water. Cold water makes stomach pains worse.


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February 13, 2022 13:17:59  #1267

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Stomach pains aren't the same thing as period cramps though, so different things will react differently, especially since period cramps are (usually) a result of the muscles getting tight and not releasing, which is also (probably) why I get back and leg pain alongside it.

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

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February 13, 2022 15:25:08  #1268

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Alright, to make sure, which one do you have at the moment? The former, or the latter?
What I said applies for both. Warm water is better than cold water because cold water makes the stomach more tense. You're not supposed to drink or eat anything with caffeine when your stomach hurts either way as well. And in general, take it easy when your stomach hurts, no matter the cause.


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February 13, 2022 17:53:16  #1269

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

I was experiencing cramping. Cramping is when the muscles in and around the uterus (not the stomach) tense and cause general unpleasantness. The area that you feel from the tensing is in a very different part of the body, close to the lower gut, while the stomach is obviously not.

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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February 13, 2022 17:53:59  #1270

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

I'm just saying, Eve's going to have a lot of women out for her blood in heaven

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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February 13, 2022 18:24:21  #1271

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

I personally feel like what's happening in the present is less Eve's fault and more the fault of a certain god for not being fair at all with his current jurisdictions in relation to this issue regarding AMAB and AFAB individuals, but anyways, sounds like what I said still applies. Just your choice in terms of how you accept the advice (or don't). Additionally, please be aware that I chose to say "stomach" (not as in the organ, but as in the general anatomical area) instead of "muscles surrounding the uterus" in past posts because 1) "the lower abdomen" is close enough to "stomach" for me, and 2) too many words, am lazy.


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February 13, 2022 19:44:04  #1272

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Well I mean dudes were cursed too but yeah us ladies kind of got the short end of the stick because sOMEONE LISTENED TO A SNAKE AND SAID "YEAH THAT'S A GOOD IDEA" AND PROCEEDED TO CURSE ALL OF US

I was not aware that you were using the term as such, sorry jagkfehal

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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February 13, 2022 19:58:54  #1273

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Exactly. The dudes were cursed to do work, to earn their own food and living. 
But since when have women not been doing work? Yeah sure, in ancient times maybe it could be said that they didn't have to go out to the fields (meanwhile my grandmother be like: ), but they had like,,, 5 children on average? And then it wasn't like if the father of a family died, the god would be like "fair enough, I'll send some guy in to help you as a mom." nOpE. It was more like, "Now you work in place of him! And endure your own punishment! And take care of your children! And if you don't do a good enough job for the above--society will spurn you!"
And also if you think about Eve as a child, because that's essentially what she was chronologically,,, like bruh you thought telling them the existence of something and then telling them that existence is forbidden to them with basically no reasoning is a good idea?? I thought you invented this inherently rebellious race! Bruh xD worst parenting in the history of pre-parenting.

And don't worry about it, I was just specifying xD.


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February 13, 2022 20:07:16  #1274

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

I'm not saying you don't have a point xD

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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February 13, 2022 20:07:35  #1275

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

I have come up with name "Videlux" and I feel very big brain for coming up with it

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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February 13, 2022 20:39:27  #1276

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

I see an almost "deluxe" there...


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February 13, 2022 20:46:59  #1277

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Nah it actually came from "videt" and "lecum/lux" which are Latin

But you're also right


Last edited by Basket Cat (February 13, 2022 20:55:41)

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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February 13, 2022 20:56:27  #1278

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT



"Kidnapped elf princess travels with emo teen and dangerous wanted pyromaniac on a quest to beat up a reincarnated 13 year old"

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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February 14, 2022 15:27:55  #1279

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT


Epic moment

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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February 15, 2022 09:50:44  #1280

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Me and my friend started watching Jojo part 2 on Wednesday and we were cringe laughing for the solid 45 minutes that we were watching it

An accurate summary of what happened:

-he seriously injured two officers and hE'S CONCERNED ABOUT GETTING SCOLDED
-Oh my gods Smokey has a little braid asgkdahl
-Ah yes, big brain mirror move
-Straizo have them convenient shadows tho

And then my left lung proceeded to hurt for the next half hour

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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February 15, 2022 11:46:11  #1281

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

The glory of video game music is that you can use like five different types of music and still have it count as long as it fits in the scenarios

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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February 15, 2022 11:49:32  #1282

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Me: All of them are nicknamed Jojo except Giorno. We don't talk about Giorno.
My friend:

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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February 15, 2022 19:34:31  #1283

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Basket Cat wrote:


Epic moment

epic indeed

Bruh the signature be wacky

February 15, 2022 21:17:52  #1284

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

I made the epic better


Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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February 15, 2022 23:04:11  #1285

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Basket Cat wrote:

Me and my friend started watching Jojo part 2 on Wednesday and we were cringe laughing for the solid 45 minutes that we were watching it

An accurate summary of what happened:

-he seriously injured two officers and hE'S CONCERNED ABOUT GETTING SCOLDED
-Oh my gods Smokey has a little braid asgkdahl
-Ah yes, big brain mirror move
-Straizo have them convenient shadows tho

And then my left lung proceeded to hurt for the next half hour

The glory of the Tommy gun, that was the best part of the first episodes for me ngl XD I died laughing

I didn't notice Smokey's braid :0

Tbh it gets better afterwards cause you get to see Nazi soldiers in Mexico speaking to an Englishman in Japanese

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

February 15, 2022 23:04:44  #1286

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Basket Cat wrote:

The glory of video game music is that you can use like five different types of music and still have it count as long as it fits in the scenarios

I'm intrigued by this pls explain

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

February 16, 2022 08:59:46  #1287

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

Basket Cat wrote:

Me and my friend started watching Jojo part 2 on Wednesday and we were cringe laughing for the solid 45 minutes that we were watching it

An accurate summary of what happened:

-he seriously injured two officers and hE'S CONCERNED ABOUT GETTING SCOLDED
-Oh my gods Smokey has a little braid asgkdahl
-Ah yes, big brain mirror move
-Straizo have them convenient shadows tho

And then my left lung proceeded to hurt for the next half hour

The glory of the Tommy gun, that was the best part of the first episodes for me ngl XD I died laughing

I didn't notice Smokey's braid :0

Tbh it gets better afterwards cause you get to see Nazi soldiers in Mexico speaking to an Englishman in Japanese


Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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February 16, 2022 09:00:29  #1288

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

Basket Cat wrote:

The glory of video game music is that you can use like five different types of music and still have it count as long as it fits in the scenarios

I'm intrigued by this pls explain

Undertale and Deltarune music

It's the best example I can think of xD

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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February 16, 2022 11:55:47  #1289

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

Ngl I love that "chou" is a French word that means cabbage and is also a form of endearment

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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February 17, 2022 10:51:38  #1290

Re: Welcome to a Place of Memes and Commenting on My Life~Eliza's HT

I think I'm gonna name my dragon gods Videlux and Tenebria


Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it
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