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January 15, 2022 19:50:44  #3541

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Hitan's compatibility with immortal entities is weird. 'Course, Forengard is a weird world for that in general, but I'm mostly talking about the specifics
His attacks are not powerful enough to nick true angels (he doesn't count as one, and neither do any angelic characters I've seen in-roleplay; Tsukiakari counts as one, however, in GGaD specifically), and his attacks are also negated by more powerful demons. Usual demons are more like humans. He can usually overwhelm humans with his abilities, unless they have some that can specifically counter his own, but he doesn't have any particular edge over them otherwise. So, for demons, who have abilities that are enough to fight against him, he has no advantage.
His actual advantage is fighting against "fallen" enemies. Former deities count. On a lesser note, demigods count, as they are "lesser in quality" compared to their parents. The amount of divinity they have does not count. He would have extreme advantage against fallen angels, though there is no defense advantage from their attacks on his note. He also has a pretty good chance against deities who were formerly humans, who have changed their forms, and who have very partial immortality, et cetera. And speaking technically, he would be very good against corrupted deities.
Examples coming, I guess?


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January 15, 2022 20:02:06  #3542

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

How incredibly unfortunate Hitan's background was, relating to angels, comes from the fact that not only did he not know how to fight/not want to fight, but he also wouldn't have stood a chance regardless. Most any of my angel characters are technically able to instantly overwhelm him even in the present, with a few exceptions. He is unable to train/alter himself to change this fact, so he tends to avoid beings similar to himself.
One of the funniest things about Hitan's combat abilities is that he sucks at guarding others. His own defensive capabilities are very strong, but as soon as he tries to accommodate someone, most everything falls apart. (And by the way, the defense does not work against angels.) So that's why when he's guarding someone, he tends to use offense, which he doesn't even specialize in. 

If Hitan were to fight Galaxian (hopefully in a training context, but for the sake of making things more serious, I'll talk about a serious context), he would have a rather good chance of having the upper hand. One, Galaxian's immortality is extremely partial, so even if Hitan didn't figure specifics out, he'd have an innate advantage due to the fact alone. Second, Galaxian's large-scale attacks don't work on Hitan, given that he has no one he'd be shielding (Galaxian wouldn't pull others into the fray anyways), since all Hitan would have to do would be to keep a small-scale defense up around himself. So it comes down to somewhat ranged combat and close combat, and the god actually isn't the one with the advantage. Hitan can keep up reactively with Galaxian's movements, even if his own movement is limited, though his stamina is a concerning point (it's more fair than one would think, though). One of Hitan's abilities also makes for an edge over those of Galaxian's. Also, notably, Hitan was able to hold his ground without any weapons against Zhenyi, who's coming up next, and who also is much more experienced/skilled at wielding a sword/any weapon compared to Galaxian. So essentially, if it were a serious fight, Hitan would have enough time to strategize and exploit Galaxi's weaknesses. Maybe this outcome would be surprising.
Speaking of Zhenyi, it's a rather fair fight. Hitan's abilities don't have an edge over Zhenyi's. And Hitan is able to keep up with Zhenyi's movements for a fair amount of time. I'd say in terms of strategizing, Hitan's probably better at it, too. But Zhenyi has some surprises. Overall, I'm just saying they're starting off on level ground. No particular advantages or disadvantages on either side.


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January 16, 2022 02:47:02  #3543

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Frick is absolutely 10/10 as a name (or surname), one day I'm gonna make a character have it and I'll think it's gold
Yes, I know that's not what it means. But you're talking with someone who named a character Ogvyuthijs Miracle Bread, so you should know who you're dealing with by now.


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January 17, 2022 01:26:21  #3544

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Nwjfjwkkc omg I forgot Miracle Bread existed hwjfjwjf, wonderful naming

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

January 17, 2022 15:01:30  #3545

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Thank you xD


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January 17, 2022 15:04:50  #3546

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I forgot how F/DA Saber's stats were altered according to their Master so that's a yay ig
Also randomly figured out their gender for them all of a sudden yesterday night (they do not care so,,, it's all up to me)
Also got their base stats down (in addition to passive skill rank altering)! F/GO stats are ready as well, just need to somehow remember which stats stayed the same or possibly got boosted lol

F/DA character organizing is realizing how developed these characters (Servants, mostly; Rider and Berserker though lmiao) are while also being incredibly undeveloped lol


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January 17, 2022 15:20:12  #3547

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lowering Rider's stats is definitely a meme, or else why would it be so funny?
I think a component of it also comes from the story of his Master's GGaD persona too, they share bad luck it seems


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January 17, 2022 15:24:05  #3548

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Btw I'm not just lowering them for no reason. It's 'cause as I work on his lore, I change my perceptions on how he fights and what he's able to do. Same goes for Saber (and Archer, obviously, who is super different from his GGaD counterpart in terms of history/combat ability/talents/etc.)
Rider's stats (and Berserker's) are definitely extremely prone to fluctuating so yeah, will just have to keep working on the lore ig.


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January 17, 2022 15:25:50  #3549

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Berserker is powercreeping all the others, which is probably not a good thing :') look I made Rider and Saber less OP. You don't think of Kiaane being able to fight well, but they're actually super good at fighting. So I tone them down, but then I get stuck on being unable to level Berserker down. So now there's this mess--


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January 17, 2022 15:30:07  #3550

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

To put it in a summary:
Berserker is his GGaD persona on steroids, while Archer is...well, Archer, and Rider is a toned-down version of his GGaD persona (but also somewhat toned up. Hard to explain), and Saber is just. Saber. I love Saber. But I couldn't have them be like their GGaD persona in terms of fighting or else Archer would Not stand a chance, so now we have toned down versions of those who are otherwise OP, a Berserker on steroids who I can't tone down, and a guy who really needs more help tbh
And then I look at the Masters,,,,,, 


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January 17, 2022 15:35:25  #3551

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

How to say "Do you want me to die?" in Chinese, but politely?
It's a valid question I mean
My best attempt: 请问,你这是全心全意地希望我会在这场圣杯战争中丧命吗?
"Pardon me...may I ask if you wish with all your heart that I will perish (first) in this Holy Grail War?"

I can't let Lianhuan know I'm doing this to his older brother, he would destroy me


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January 18, 2022 01:53:53  #3552

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Berserker's stats were actually very easy to make and adjust; idk if this means he's just easier to understand for me or if he's woefully undeveloped oof

Pwning his luck stat because of his Master is also a meme btw


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January 18, 2022 12:08:55  #3553

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Is it okay for someone who looks so young to have his behavior interpreted as dad-like behavior
Iollan looks hecking 15


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January 18, 2022 13:15:28  #3554

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Rai: (*literally just talking with Anima normally*)
Wiley, throwing "respect women" juiceboxes towards him for no reason other than to try to annoy the guy:


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January 18, 2022 14:04:56  #3555

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I don't remember what Iollan looks like and don't want to go upstairs to get the old sketchbook and then tear my eyes out, so instead I'm reading old essays to get some inspiration for my current essay (for some reason it seems my writing abilities switch intervals) while sketching him nonetheless
I honestly don't remember anything about his hair other than the general length and one specific part of it, and I also don't remember his face so I'm trying to reconstruct that. Mostly been focusing on the hair though because that's just how I work
Chibi Iollan is simultaneously cute and terrifying. Like I can imagine it being real nice if he says bye/hi to you in the hallways but that smile while you're failing to run a mile (or whatever units of distance) would be hecking unnerving if he were actually chibi-like
Idk how to explain, but here's the attempt. So essentially, in reality, that smile is encouraging. "You can do it! I believe in ya!" but then converted to chibi it looks like that smile just serves to remind you how fast he could run the lap


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January 18, 2022 14:41:30  #3556

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Iollan's appearance is okay, but I always do a double take when I see his height
Feels like he has poles for legs


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January 18, 2022 20:05:26  #3557

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Why does she look like cute chibi Alois in a cowboy uniform/Riyo style (Archer of F/GO Learning with Manga, idk which season)


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January 18, 2022 20:24:31  #3558

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

oH MY GODS- XD c u t e

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

January 20, 2022 16:07:03  #3559

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Me needing to reread the F/DA thread every time I respond but not doing it
In the future it'll be like "what" while reading and induce anxiety but that's okay, atm I'm too lazy so.


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January 21, 2022 22:00:03  #3560

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Me thinking I could organize F/DA Archer's info now,,,
What the heck was my organization last year, when I was typing all that? I mean there are sections of it that weren't so bad but everything is everywhere


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January 21, 2022 23:25:18  #3561

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I have all the character docs for F/DA open because...well idk it keeps my motivation up or I couldn't remember edits if I closed them, or something.
Watch my tabs get pwned tonight lol


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January 21, 2022 23:35:02  #3562

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I've been thinking about forum!Rai's design
In all honesty, I dunno where I'll go with that. Even though I've been thinking on it for like...half a week, at least, compiled together.
He's always been younger than GGaD!Rai (and CC!Rai as well), so that's what's primarily complicating everything.
A part of me wants to dress him up in a nice sweater and have him just be able to chill, but...sounds unrealistic, haha, lol.

Tbh the forum personas are just hard to design, since it's quite different as a world. Oof.


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January 21, 2022 23:45:15  #3563

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The animations where a character's hand/eyes/clothing moves slightly without there being different frames really unnerves me for some reason
Like technically it should work, but it feels so unnatural and jarring to me idk. Creeps me out ngl
Idk the term for this sort of animation, but it can be seen in music videos and stuff with fictional characters? I dunno how frequently it's used but Chinese works seem to use it a lot (English videos can too but idk its frequency lol).


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January 21, 2022 23:50:58  #3564

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I feel like it's canon that HPA!Sunny has Wiley blocked at all times, unless he wants to reach out
I mean I dislike HPA!Sunny, but that is. A wise decision.

The guy is imitating LingoAce ad voices atm. I want to punch him to the outer rim


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January 22, 2022 17:23:33  #3565

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Hitan, just having his daily panic attack: 
Iollan, extremely concerned: You okay?
Hitan: (*very loud breathing*) I'm alright... (*very loud breathing*)  tha--(*Voice lowkey turns 5 years younger in the middle of the word*)--ank you
Iollan: O_O


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January 24, 2022 01:27:45  #3566

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The crazy part of my mind that goes about shipping Wiley and Raez when I need to focus on homework is on because we're 40 minutes away from homework-due-date (and then I have 23 hours and 59 minutes), so anyways I was trying to ask Wiley if he knows how love works. Like, is there a reason for it (in terms of romance)? In Huyao Xiao Hongniang there's a saying that love and hate have no reason (万物有界,爱恨无由), but for some reason that feels off to me, but in any case idk why I was asking him
In the process I realized that for him it's probably him flirting with someone and then realizing that the joke is way tamer than usual. And then, being a scientist, he asks the inevitable question of "Why?" to himself, and finds out the answer is "Oh no this really isn't a joke anymore"
I asked him if the above was right and he did (:
which is literally no different than any other response towards any speculation that isn't outrageous. This is why,,,,,, I,,, fjsdfkjsodf.

Anyhow, I kinda want Wiley to have a crush on someone so Rai and I can tease the heck outta him VENGEANCE IS SWEET

A fun canon fact: Wiley will blush for all the wrong reasons. 
He makes himself blush if he wants to, basically. Otherwise, he doesn't.
He'll usually do it if he wants to mislead or embarrass someone else. Or freak them out. Honestly it always works, and for good reason.
That's opposed to the rest of the Not-Quad Squad. Rai is a little too dark in terms of skin tone for his blushes to show (he also can prevent any from showing up if he doesn't want them to), Raez's face is incapable of blushing and that extends to his ears, and Dion just blushes mostly whenever. So yeah.


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January 24, 2022 01:31:45  #3567

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

NS!Rai is super intriguing to me because, y'know, I don't really wanna explain it, but he's kinda just. Super interesting.
At this point I feel like he's partially crazy. The income tax in his country is like 94% and every time he knows the tax will raise, he gives a little dark chuckle. I cannot figure him out.
Anyhow, the fact he's a politician is in itself interesting. I somewhat have an idea how he became the leader, but he's usually not the sort of guy who'd ever want to be in that sort of position--like, such a high position with great authority, specifically--so that in itself kinda implies that he's very different than all his other personas, who tend to distrust the law more.
I can't explain it, lol. Today I've been thinking about a bunch of things, and I have a wave of personal characters coming out (who I can't write or draw anything for), so combined with a bunch of philosophical thinking, that means I can't form any coherent thoughts here.
Back to work, I guess.


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January 26, 2022 13:05:04  #3568

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I know I keep saying I can't draw, but I actually cannot draw now. My ability to move my hand in coordination with a pencil to create even semi-coherent images has ceased. R.I.P.
I can somewhat write, though. Not stories, mind you, but descriptions and ideas are still okay. Watch the world take that away from me though lol


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January 26, 2022 13:23:23  #3569

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

You know, it's actually kinda funny how many times I have pondered terminating the F/DA AU already, though I've been postponing those thoughts until April of this year. 
Why that time specifically? Well, it'll have been one year. But the relevancy of that time is extremely questionable.
You see, I have many projects that I cannot finish because I can't do them correctly that have existed for over a year, but for some reason, when it comes to cooperating, my team skills are still negative something, which results in them always being pinpointed by my mind when it comes to stuff like this.
It's even more funny when you see that I still very much have enthusiasm for the AU, which is probably why I keep feeling like ending it in the first place. Like, "This enthusiasm is probably not worth it, when I need it it'll already be gone 'cause the time already passed."
But then, you know, I am very aware that even if the AU were ongoing at the moment, I still wouldn't be able to wield the inspiration correctly. So it's a contradictory mindset that I can't prevent.
Really, is it just me saying the same thing again?
"I miss the impulsiveness and freedom of the past, where we could churn out POVs for the sake of just wanting to. Not because we were thinking about plot and how good or angsty we wanted it to turn out, but because we found it fun to do so. So we kept going, even if no one had any hecking idea where anything was going, and somehow it all worked out well enough. Even if the process meant putting in huge cliches in cringy long posts that make no coherent sense now (and didn't then either, but the others on the thread would read and respond in a similar way too, because it was fun). And I miss the times where I was super naive and stupid and expected too much out of everyone else, like they would think the same way I do, instead of always presuming the alternative would be true now (and with the presumption usually being right)."
It's kinda funny, since logically, how things are now make much more sense. But emotionally, it feels like a lot of things are missing, that I can somewhat pinpoint, much as I like to say that it's for the best or that I don't care that much.
And these few days, I keep thinking, too. I used to want to go back to how things were, and maybe I still think that way too, but rationally, that seems quite impossible. Especially for me. Say that I do get into a good college, and then somehow live through getting an advanced degree, and become a doctor or something. The rest of you will also be very busy. Could it be that it'll just always be this way? Our relationships will be built on what happened years ago rather than currently constructed memories? It's okay for them to be based on those, but something about that, the relationships being built entirely on the past thing, gives me such a bad taste in my mouth. That maybe we'll have changed, or maybe we haven't changed that much but it just gives that feeling.
Is the problem that I cling too much, or is it that I refuse to let go? Perhaps it's both.
But you know, for someone who dreams about "going back" so much, I think I know too well that it's probably going to be impossible, at least for the most of us. 

The ironic thing for all this is, I technically know what I want, but I know I can't get it. We can't get it.
And I can't even remember if I really know what I want. Did I embellish the memories? Was I just more easily satisfied in the past, if not? Somehow it all fits together but doesn't.
I think, really, Akuma was right about some thing. I think that maybe, if at the start, I didn't hope for so much, emphasize so much of the good, I wouldn't be feeling so sad now.
I can't be an optimist, really. It never can fit into the puzzle.


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January 27, 2022 14:23:18  #3570

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Guess whose birthday it is!

Guess who doesn't have a birthday present :')

Wifi has been out for the past 13 hours so I just didn't wake up
Now I'm up 
Y'all know the drill. Atm homework is absolutely pwning me (still from the same classes), so yeah I can't really roleplay,,, not that there are any responses on the other side here lol yay for me
I think at some point I will have to archive this thread. Wonder what I'll do with all the homework rantings haha


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