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January 15, 2022 16:51:23  #7681

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Did you know that in Colorado, people habitually steal signs with numbers like 420 and 69??
People are so stupid.



January 15, 2022 22:14:30  #7682

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

During dinner I thought of a fun very very fair trial method for F/GO, e.g. for Robin, since I don't have a Beni-enma at my Chaldea.
I get a Necromancer CE. I equip it on the defendant. Then Chen Gong yeets said defendant. I repeat this process 10 times. If the defendant gets Guts the majority of the time (TBD), they're acquitted. If they don't, I condemn them to hellfire.
Idk, sounds fun to me (: Robin over there regretting ever having harassed Lip


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January 16, 2022 16:47:41  #7683

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

This video makes me feel fortunate, since I don't really have any noisy Berserkers in my Chaldea (Asterios is quiet and tries to get people to mostly leave him alone, Kiyohime has Mad Enhancement EX so she can talk normally [somewhat], Lu Bu just makes machine noises)
Ritsukas with Berserker Lancelot tho lol


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January 16, 2022 16:55:01  #7684

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Tbh the Servants during battle are rather loud though, like Kagetora, Ibaraki, Ashwatthama,,,
Maxed Kagetora btw. She seemed happy about it.

Honestly feel bad for Cu, I should farm exclusively for him sometime but rn he only got 1 level raise. and the rest went to Kagetora and Valkyrie (who I can't ascend so lol). Also Bradamante is stuck on level 80 and I don't prioritize leveling Nezha since I don't use her (oof)
I spent a lot of yesterday farming for hecking bones and I only got two. I need one more to ascend Fuuma (if he needs more bones I swear to the heckin' gacha gods) and also I need them if I want to raise Berserker skills (Kiyohime specifically) so,,,


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January 17, 2022 14:54:14  #7685

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

A notice (unfortunately, once again negative in nature):
Sorry for not really being able to keep a happy act up consistently. As of the last two months, I've been getting nightmares on the frequency like I did when I was younger. Essentially, really horrible dreams every single night (always involving very gruesome murder) that actually are able to impact my sleep quality. I get 8-10 hours and then wake up with this horrible headache, feeling like I haven't slept at all
I have decided I'm going to ignore my emotions for efficiency reasons whenever I can, but yeah I'm not all that good at that so. Working on it!
Also having strong anxiety atm due to various factors (mostly "this country sucks") but I leveled Cu to level 64 and Kotarou to level 60 (can't ascend him, need monuments and Octuplet Crystals) so (:


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January 17, 2022 15:14:48  #7686

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

You shouldn't ignore your emotions but bwnfnsmck anyway I hope it gets better

he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

January 17, 2022 17:29:38  #7687

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Ignoring emotions is usually bad, but not if I'm good enough at it :D if I'm good enough at it maybe I can even control them lol (X to doubt)

I mean ignoring anxiety has gone pretty great as of far, I finished some homework and am finally writing that hecking graduation requirement essay


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January 17, 2022 18:24:01  #7688

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Just remembered when Ashwatthama was summoned, he said I had a stupid face, and it was 2 A.M. but my thoughts were coherent enough to agree
I love the guy
I mean, guys, make sure to value people who call you stupid but still fight for you. 10/10 people


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January 18, 2022 11:28:01  #7689

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I didn't check the event requirements (or the Servants with event bonuses tbh), but Hector and Paris are both in it and so if Echo is eligible to participate, if that doesn't incentivize them idk what will

For me, Osakabehime!! My NEET xD


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January 18, 2022 11:40:47  #7690

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The requirement should be Clear Fuyuki though I'm pretty sure, the challenging quests should be optional?
I might not have any time for this event tbh but I'll see
I'm guessing Osakabehime, Paris, Hector, and Berserker of El Dorado all have an event bonus but idk who else has one


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January 18, 2022 11:58:32  #7691

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I didn't check the event requirements (or the Servants with event bonuses tbh), but Hector and Paris are both in it and so if Echo is eligible to participate, if that doesn't incentivize them idk what will

For me, Osakabehime!! My NEET xD



he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

January 18, 2022 12:00:20  #7692

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Mental image rn is Tristan, Gawain, and Lancelot simping over their king in a swimsuit from Fate/Grand Carnival's OP
It's also paired by a segment of the song
I did not ask for this but at this point,,,

I feel like the first time I saw it I saw Tristan (who I had summoned before) and groaned

Also can I just say, Gawain has a very punchable face 
He technically isn't the worst of characters but like. He can be cool yet so punchable


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January 18, 2022 12:01:52  #7693

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

@Echo - Yeah, they're in the event. Idk how much relevance they'll have but it looks like they'll be part of the main group, so they should have a decent amount of dialogue. 
Rarely see the two of them have canon interactions so that's fun I think


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January 18, 2022 12:02:42  #7694

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

@Echo - Yeah, they're in the event. Idk how much relevance they'll have but it looks like they'll be part of the main group, so they should have a decent amount of dialogue. 
Rarely see the two of them have canon interactions so that's fun I think



he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

January 18, 2022 12:07:40  #7695

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

remember to do your homework first says the guy who can't write essays between classes and so lounges around pretending they can voice characters


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January 18, 2022 12:37:34  #7696

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

But... My Boys...

he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

January 18, 2022 13:06:24  #7697

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Me: (*sneezes*)
Zoom: "Your microphone is muted. Press Alt+A to unmute"
Me: You want the entire class to hear me sneeze??


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January 18, 2022 17:41:47  #7698

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Idk if anyone will get it but I feel like one of the ducks from Tom and Jerry


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January 18, 2022 18:13:10  #7699

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Just realized that Jeanne was the personification of "If you stab me, I get to keep the knife" 


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January 19, 2022 14:22:38  #7700

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Found a comment that I really agree with (in terms of reasoning, idk how well I execute this belief myself though): "非常讨厌搞cp这个说法,明明两情相悦才会在一起,尊重角色就要尊重他们的想法,你么锁上的算老几,强加cp的时候就已经和角色自己的想法背道而驰了,和角色想法背道而驰,这样是看剧吗?"
Translation is "I really dislike the entire concept of cps, clearly if people become a couple then their feelings need to be connected on both ends. Respecting characters mean respecting their thoughts/feelings; you locking them into uncanonical relationships? Who are you? By forcing cps, you are essentially countering the actual thoughts of the characters themselves. Could countering their actual thoughts ever be counted as actually delving into and understanding their origin works?"
Of course, I have no problem with fanfictions and headcanons. But what I'm directing this towards (and no, no one hurt me) is the people who will defend those fanfictions and headcanons like they're canon. I'm pretty sure a lot of people will think of characters as friends despite them never having interacted in canon (visibly), or they'll think of backstory components and personality traits. I think those are fine, not just because I do that myself. But it's a problem to make it as if it's canon. 
The Gold Saints are kinda an example, though I'm not that worked up when the fanbase comes up with stuff for them, mainly 'cause they actually just. Lack character development in actual canon. So the reactions of the fanbase are even more justified than usual (at least imo). But let's use an example. It's practically "canon" in the fanbase that Camus and Milo are best friends. Sometimes it's said that Milo visited Camus in Siberia, and anyways, they're supposed to know each other well. And that's fine and all, but when the fanbase starts shipping them, that's just going onto another level.
I think my biggest issue with fanbase ships (again, making them as if canon, not just "for fun" or for similar purposes) is the fact that it's, well, a ship. Such a relationship is essentially lifelong. If the characters aren't okay with it in canon, they just aren't okay with it. You can imagine it for fun, but don't go interpreting every canonical detail as if it supports your theory and that, therefore, said theory is accurate or something. That's just...annoying, to be honest, though I don't really care all that much.
One example for me is how many headcanons I have for Run. I personally like to think that he was formerly theistic and became utterly disillusioned after his students' deaths. I think that he was pursuing death after getting revenge for his children because he knew killing was wrong and, in a way, wanted to atone for it. And I think these theories aren't that far-fetched. AgK! showcases religion (though only a major example of it), and through Run's dialogue, where he speaks about divine retribution before his death while having acted contradictory to his usual actions, feels like it could definitely support my theory. But in the end, these are just theories. Maybe he was just making a joke to try to cheer up Kurome, who he saw was crying (and the fact that this joke was utterly ineffective kinda supports how Run is portrayed, too. He's polite and knows how to navigate his way through strangers, but when it comes to actually getting close to people he actually feels really awkward. I could rant about this a lot but an example is his outburst when Wave was hurt--it seems he isn't used to caring about people, especially when they're hurt--and he isn't even able to completely/correctly deduce what exactly he has interrupted through said outburst [a moment between Kurome and Wave, basically], which implies a bit of societal naivety. Idk he just seems like he actually is rather inexperienced in dealing with others beyond the most basic level). Maybe he was impulsive and made the wrong decision, leading to himself being severely injured. It's just that in my logic, these are less likely (not to say that Run would never make mistakes, because even Esdeath does, and she has more tactical experience than him), but that doesn't mean my theory is absolute. So I would never go around saying stuff like, "Run became atheist as a result of his past." I say, "He was killed after avenging his students and was accepted his death contentedly in the presence of a comrade-in-arms. Or was going to, anyways."
His friendship with Wave still hurts me, btw. I keep remembering how Wave took up Run's ideologies (well, tried to, but everything was way too far gone by that point. And yes, I feel like Run's ideology was wrong even when he was alive; it was too late) after Run's death and was studying like a nerd in the library. 
I sometimes like imagining the three of them in an AU. It kinda gives Windsky-Yaoyao-Li school "AU" vibes ngl but it's also kinda different.
Why do I always like third wheels lmiao


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January 19, 2022 14:30:48  #7701

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I really did just start off a post trying to make a point about respecting characters' canonical choices/personalities and end it off basically roasting Run for perceived social inadequacies huh


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January 19, 2022 18:39:36  #7702

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Is this proof that humans have always been stupid? I don't know, but I'm taking it that way

Also I can't make comments but if I could, I wonder if they're still taking subtitles. I can try to make some lmiao but it's literally been a decade


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January 19, 2022 18:55:32  #7703

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I really did just start off a post trying to make a point about respecting characters' canonical choices/personalities and end it off basically roasting Run for perceived social inadequacies huh


Basically went from "We should take canon into consideration" to "Run would be easy to cyber bully"

he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

January 19, 2022 20:27:36  #7704

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right


I do disagree with him being easy to cyberbully, though. Maybe he'd be the type to not respond to bullies and be mistaken as being weak, but I think he's more than strong enough to defend himself (and smart enough to realize the situation quickly). 
Maybe a younger him would fit that? I dunno.

How to say it? I guess I think Run is someone who fits in formal society, because he's gone through the local government and then the military. He knows how to flatter those who he needs to flatter (e.g. the governor of Joyou, Champ) and to not make others dislike him in general. But when people are actually close to him/are his friends, he's back to just needing to try his best, which might not work. That is, he is basically someone without a lot of worldly experience, which ironically parallels Wave in a way.
I mean, think about it. Esdeath is around his age, but she's one of the most powerful generals. She's seen a lot, and anyways she grew up in a very demanding environment. Kurome has always been an assassin--I mean, she is highly unstable mentally, but she can mostly scrape by if she knows how to kill people, and she does. Wave is younger than Run, obviously, but he's spent his entire life near the sea and has probably been doing activities related to fighting for a while (related to seafood/the monsters in the ocean).
But then if you look at Run, the guy is 23. Even if he was a teacher at 18, he's spent, what, 5 years in the military? And has gotten to the Jaegers' level in that time. 'Course, I'm not gonna use that as an argument base because the Jaegers' qualifications are...weird. Did they just need a Teigu in possession? Anyways, I dunno what happened to him in the military, but before then, he was just a guy from the countryside who really liked kids. Probably a nerd who would've died if he hadn't been away on errands that day--essentially, someone who never knew how to fight until he had a reason and a mission. And for someone who's been solely focusing on that mission since he gained it, he's never needed to learn how to deal with friends. Even in the military, he just needs to get the right people happy, get promoted, and leave those he's dealt with.
So this has been going on for a few years, and then suddenly he's in the Jaegers and in a time where the rebellion is getting stronger and stronger, which effectively makes him stuck in a military position. The country doesn't need more tacticians; it needs more soldiers, and Teigu owners more so. So Run is stuck in the Jaegers and in a situation where he has to get closer to others again. And even if not necessarily that close, he develops a wish to protect those people, a second priority to his mission, and he has to learn how to cope with it.
Basically, he was forced to slow down. But was he able to really live out what he had missed once he did? I don't know, but I do think he was content with it. 

Gonna end it there before I write an essay on him. Lol


     Thread Starter

January 19, 2022 20:37:58  #7705

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also posting this again before I start analyzing the Jaegers thematically and tearing up over Wave and Run's friendship
Basically every battle in the Camelot Singularity is spoiled so,,, lol you have been warned

Arash, about death: LOL haha


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January 20, 2022 16:39:05  #7706

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

"Angular shapes indicate masculinity while curvy shapes like circles indicate femininity."
Excuse me, what???
Do y'all associate the curviness of shapes with masculinity/femininity???


     Thread Starter

January 20, 2022 17:15:55  #7707

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

"Angular shapes indicate masculinity while curvy shapes like circles indicate femininity."
Excuse me, what???
Do y'all associate the curviness of shapes with masculinity/femininity???


Not.... really??? For a second I thought you were talking about anatomy and drawing but if this is about just the shapes itself, then no, I don't associate shapes with gender or masculinity/femininity

Last edited by autumnlibrarian16 (January 20, 2022 17:20:35)

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally

January 20, 2022 22:59:16  #7708

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

No, not anatomy, sorry for not being specific at all


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January 20, 2022 23:01:05  #7709

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Unrelated to that, could someone please tell Vertigoangels (a user on the wiki who has made a deity page without turning in a form, I'm pretty sure) about the roleplay world/rules (e.g. that generally, you can't make a page until submitting the form,,, and yes I know I'm kinda a hypocrite here but I'm trying not to be xD)? You don't need to be a mod but it does add some authority ig. And please do welcome them to the wiki and direct them here if they want to join the roleplay.
If you can't, I'll do it later tonight. Just can't atm.


     Thread Starter

January 21, 2022 01:51:35  #7710

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Okay, I sent the message. Thank you if you were thinking of making one.


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