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January 7, 2022 02:48:03  #3511

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

For some reason the fact that forum!Silence could meet GGaD!Hitan and still call him an idiot with full justification is super funny to me
Also imagine if she found out he had a girlfriend at one point (reworded: "Imagine if she had met him when he technically had a girlfriend," since there is no way he will talk about that on his own accord now, and older him is an expert at changing the topic)
I feel like she might be (secretly) flabbergasted, considering the Hitan in her world is really a little brat who neglects his sense of judgment 90%+ of the time and spends most of his time screwing around with different people


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January 7, 2022 05:56:32  #3512

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Agjcjskfkskf that is Accurate, although she would probably tease him about having a girlfriend

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

January 7, 2022 16:46:37  #3513

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Hitan coolly playing off the teases while his blushing gives it away


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January 7, 2022 18:25:32  #3514

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

This theme song came back 3 days ago and now I'm feeling like I jinxed Hitan when I listed it as his theme song, but then again I know I listed it as a theme song foreseeing a similar outcome, which makes it worse

I'm not supposed to have the time to translate it entirely, but here's the last few verses (translated badly because this is one of those songs that say a lot of things within the least amount of characters possible)
The last verse hit me like a punch lmiao it's what's making me feel like I jinxed him

前生今生來生 與你相遇 在每個夢裡
Within this life, the last life, and the coming life, I meet with you in every dream
拂袖喚漫天流螢 掌心微光誰眼中倒映  
Opening our sleeves to the wide sky, we summon the light of fireflies
Whose eyes reflect the little lights cupped within our hands?
回眸不捨離去 此情為你 在心上停棲
I look back, not wanting to leave,
This feeling momentarily stopping on my heart for you
這一世 願與你共存天地  
In this life, I only hope we can exist between the same sky and earth.


Before these two verses, the second verse was the same but different in the last part:
回眸不捨離去 此情為你 在心上停棲
I look back, not wanting to leave,
This feeling momentarily stopping on my heart for you
下一世 再與你永不分離
I will wait until the next life to never separate from you.

I should have known, basically.

The name of the song translates to "The Meeting of Fireflies," by the way. It refers to a brief but beautiful encounter (at least in my interpretations).
It still fits quite well.


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January 7, 2022 19:34:44  #3515

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Taking Berserker compatibility from Lianhuan because 1) I was stupid and 2) I was cruel


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January 7, 2022 19:42:53  #3516

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Hitan might be at least 20 years old, but I imagine if F/GO him is given a certificate from Chiron, he will still tear up


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January 9, 2022 00:55:55  #3517

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I have spent 5 seconds rethinking my prior interpretations of Wiley (Archer)'s summoning line and have realized within that time frame that I was an idiot
Because what I thought would make him an idiot. And Archer is actually (unlike GGaD, HPA, etc. him) not an idiot by any means.
Though that's not to say his plan would work. "But I tried," he'd say.

Essentially, rather than be all carefree and say that he'll show himself out the door, he would pretend to be an extremely dislikeable, pompous jerk(donkey) (I'm sorry I dunno how else to describe it so well) not that he really needs to pretend xD he has the latent talent I'm saying, man and hope the Master would just burn him straightaway
Well too bad for him, F/GO community is full of spoilers

His personality shows its better parts when the Master keeps him btw lol


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January 11, 2022 23:43:24  #3518

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Gave up on the Nagesh draft again, R.I.P. art trade


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January 12, 2022 15:17:51  #3519

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Tbh I was thinking about not showing F/DA designs until their intro threads actually come out, but that'd mean I wouldn't be able to be able to show Archer (who I very much enjoy drawing btw) until like,,, 6 years have passed

Archer hecking being eligible for every class lmiao I am not kidding
A lot of my characters can fit a lot of classes (for some reason their abilities are generalized like that) but he is literally eligible for every class that doesn't require being in a specific story or smthn like that

I've been organizing info as you can see, specifically for the Fate AU.
I lowered the rank of Saber's Riding skill to C++ (from B+) because I've done more development on them. Interesting fact: It's rank C until they actually ride anything. Now stopping myself from continuing to rant about Saber's Riding lol
I also need to look at their F/DA stats since I changed their F/GO stats (Master-specific) again. I have officially determined that I am too lazy to look through prior conversations so R.I.P. any difference in opinion from my past self ig.

I need to look at Rider's stats and skills again as well. Oof give me a few moments lol


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January 12, 2022 15:38:07  #3520

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Does it count as killing the meme if I change Archer's luck to E-
E-- would also be applicable tbh,,,


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January 12, 2022 20:39:51  #3521

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Archer's Master, having decided not to make Archer kill himself and summon another Servant:
Archer: Oh, btw, I'm eligible for other classes too
His Master:
Archer: I can do a bunch of things
His Master: Okay
Archer: I'm just no good at anything in particular so :D
His Master:

It'll be interesting to see the Master variant of that character with inhuman amounts of patience
Or ig he could kick Archer out and Archer will just use his Independent Action Vagrance skill
"Eternal Homelessness Due to Own Stupidity EX"


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January 12, 2022 22:08:44  #3522

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Archer: Hey at least I have good endurance and agility :-)
Archer, backing up: Well, Heck (TM)


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January 12, 2022 23:37:30  #3523

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I need to look up Specter's Servant characters' stats but also I'm too lazy to do so so I guess I won't lol
For some reason, demoting Rider's stats is kinda a meme to me even though it's not really funny
Kinda reminds me of something that I can't recall. Maybe 2018 me? I'm not sure.
These few days I've been struck with a bunch of unwarranted emotions, which kinda makes me uneasy tbh. But I hope it's not a bearer of something bad or anything like that.


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January 12, 2022 23:38:55  #3524

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I'm also trying to archive character info (finally), but it's hard 'cause rn I'm stuck on the Fate AU character personas and don't want to do a bad job by rushing through it
Also I can't access Drive normally, even though it's probably the safest option for archiving
Anyways I'm not very far into it and don't expect myself to make much progress in it. But hey.


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January 12, 2022 23:46:11  #3525

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Oh yeah the other day I went through my "first" sketchbook (as in the one I actually drew the most in, which was when I started RPing in GGaD. It was kinda impressive I'm ngl).
As of far, the characters for others I've drawn the most for by my own volition are Kenshin and Time lol, which is strange to think about since I can't really even memorize Kenshin's hairstyle. Time is because I redraw him every once in a while from whatever the heck that attempt in 2019(?) was.
Then I guess it would be Dion and possibly Germaine (though this one is more for art exchange purposes. Goes to show how little I draw others' characters)
I wanna draw Martin more too but I can't really do it atm. Would feel real guilty. Also held back by some emotions lol (aka afraid his creator doesn't care as much. A very common fear of mine lol)
I can't remember his hairstyle fully either (though it's not very complicated) or I think I can't remember it accurately enough, so that's that ig.
For the foreseeable future on this topic, I think Time might get drawn less and less (since I dunno what his creator thinks about me continuing to draw him when I don't even have many connections to his character established), and obviously I don't draw Kenshin nowadays, so it's most likely that Dion will be drawn more due to his connections to the Not-Quad Squad, along with failed attempts at Laurie (because the Alternate are very nice and I will continue ruining all of their images until a sense of rationality returns). 
might try to draw Ryoo, but I'm not sure if wanting to draw her is actually of my own volition or if it's because of Kiaane influencing me for the short term. Also I'm afraid of drawing her too so that's that

Haha, that's all to say that I don't really draw others' characters. I judge them from the shadows along with judging my own characters (: 


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January 12, 2022 23:49:39  #3526

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The funniest thing here is that I draw Dion because I draw Rai/Raez/Wiley, while for Laurie I sketch her more than I sketch Manai...which is funny because I technically draw Laurie because of Manai.
Does that make sense? I really like Manai and Laurie's friendship/relationship, so I draw Laurie because of that, but then I go ahead and don't draw Manai.
I don't even know why. Technically, Manai's design is much simpler than most of my characters. She's really nice, too. It's just...idk.
Could it be that I've developed an aversion to simplicity? I hope not xD.
Actually it might be Manai's hair, I'm so afraid of making her not look good. Like...idk clothes, idk how to draw short hair really. I've acknowledged that she isn't necessarily "pretty" and is more "cute," but then I'm afraid I fail at showing that remote cuteness. Mhm,,, yep.


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January 13, 2022 00:29:11  #3527

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Kiaane would be a cat that stares at toys but does not move
Also ignores most snacks
Remains completely still during baths but runs before they can be dried. Can always be found under blankets
Likes dry food more than wet food
Too nice to smack other cats even when their personal space is being blatantly invaded but leaves when there's any hint of a gathering
Avoids guests at all costs even if they have to starve while doing so
Ironically needs to be bathed often because their fur accumulates a bunch of dust and they don't ever ask other cats to groom them (not a white cat but still rather pale in fur color)
Sleeps on the owner's bed during the day but never seeks said owner out during the night, when that owner is sleeping
Will tolerate being held, though.
Constantly near the door because they want to go out for no particular reason.
Climbs everything
They don't tolerate claw-clipping, though. They will run (not to the blankets). Once in a while they relent but most of the time they will try to get away. Once you get them, they become a limp wet noodle cat, though. 
Will eat fruits and vegetables as easily as they do other foods, but they don't really think before chowing down so that's more work for the owner lol
Also didn't chew enough as a kitten and can still retain the tendency at times in the present
They actually avoid boxes, probably because another cat will steal the space anyways
Tolerates the trip to the hospital but becomes extremely fidgety from other pets in the lobby. Does not bite the veternarian but refuses all snacks given during that period of time and sulks 
If you put them down on the cat wheel, they'll sit down on it. But sometimes during the night they can be heard running, and they run really fast
Jumps high but can't calculate height/distance that well, so they'll knock things over or fall off and then walk away looking somewhat dignified (somehow)
Would tolerate dogs well enough
Zero response to catnip but enjoys rolling around in new/nice sand. Would probably sleep in said sand
Brings random twigs back home instead of mice. One wonders what the heck they do outside. And the response is...probably collecting twigs and allowing themselves to get petted by kids tbh


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January 13, 2022 14:42:48  #3528

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I love this entire analysis of cat Kianne

Bruh the signature be wacky

January 13, 2022 16:15:09  #3529

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Thank you very much xD, I enjoyed working on it lol


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January 13, 2022 23:35:34  #3530

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Forum!Galaxian doesn't curse, but I think it'd be funny if he picked up random expressions of hubris


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January 14, 2022 14:58:43  #3531

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Randomly decided yesterday that I'm gonna make forum!Galaxian so his adult form (despite not actually manifesting ever) is extremely handsome lol
Okay but when I try to intentionally make characters look good the attempt always flunks, so R.I.P. him ig

Also I hecking forgot 10 headcanons I was gonna write down,,, my fault lmiao


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January 14, 2022 20:53:56  #3532

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I'll need to apologize in advance again to anyone who roleplays with me (everyone?) here because I can't ensure timely responses.
I'm really out of it atm and it's only the 2nd week of the third quarter/second semester lol. SATs and AP tests are coming faster than I'd like, too. So I gotta work hard to try to avoid the horrible period that struck me last year around this time.
I'll try to respond when I can. Just please don't feel like I'm intentionally ignoring you or something due to being mad at you. I just am not in my element rn.
And if I post random notes/writing/art once in a while, that's probably me doing stuff for school or doing stuff to get away from school. Either way, I guess it's not like it's unusual.
Hope everyone is doing well! Stay safe and healthy. Hope we can talk together once in a while. And good luck on school/extracurriculars!


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January 14, 2022 22:50:13  #3533

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}


he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

January 15, 2022 01:47:26  #3534

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Apparently now it's the time of year to start randomly shipping Sunny's parents

I imagine that when Sollux wasn't born yet (when Sunny was like 1 years old), Xenia dressed him up in a tutu and just danced him around in the living room. Paymon never judged (Xia, you can love him for that, stop making me feel like I know romance jfsdiojfsodirjf)
And no, she didn't stop after Sollux was born, it's just that. Y'know. xD Idk funny imagine this little kid with practically no hair on his head and with chubby arms and feet being paraded around a big living room by his mom with his dad watching, completely chill
Random detail but I keep thinking about when my characters grew their hair out. And since Sunny and Sollux are siblings, I wonder if they grew their hair out around the same age. Idk, I know some kids are born with a bunch of hair (can't remember my own hair growth progression when I was born lol R.I.P. memory), but because I like reminding Sunny he was once bald (he actually doesn't care, I just find it hilarious), I make it so he only grew hair after a minimum of 6 months
Like idk about you guys but imagine little versions of your character but bald. It does things to your brain

Lol imagine Specter and I being able to RP romances lmiao
I mean maybe Specter would be able to do it but me? No xD nononono
I can, however, imagine very clearly how Xenia and Paymon died (: (dw I'm actually in supreme pain, I deserve this and more)

What I do have in talents is being very talented at creating misunderstandings, platonic or not
Pretty sure in HPA there's like a group of people who ship Wiley and Raez
They exist because it's realistic and also funny to me
Rai is lowkey part of that group idk what to think lol
He constantly makes jokes about being the third wheel when he's clearly stalking them to blackmail Raez later
"Blackmail" is a joke btw,,, I think. Maybe.

Me, to Wiley: Flex when you're older
He fits the role then
I mean ig he calls himself cute too, but he does call himself handsome and hot too, which I currently disagree with
He kinda is cute. That's because he's kinda chubby in the face for some reason despite being wound up like a rope otherwise. No matter how much I try to make it different he just. Looks that way. But he evens out more once he adults, so he gets away from "cute" and towards "handsome"
Or I don't know beauty standards.

I actually don't know how to draw Hitan so that he's "handsome" and not "cute." This has been the bane of my existence for years, and the worst thing is that I actually have not improved on this at all so :-)
If I still can't draw handsome Hitan by 2023 (graduation year for me), we need to switch his nickname to Cute Dream instead of Hot Dream, you guys


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January 15, 2022 01:51:08  #3535

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Random shipping rant
Tbh idk anything about dynamics
I feel like I'm pretty good at identifying friendship dynamics, but when it comes to shipping, my mind cannot come up with anything. Even if someone tells me a dynamic might be there, I can't really see it no matter how hard I try.
On the opposite end, I can tell sometimes when two characters are compatible with each other in the shipping category (it's an instinct. It happens as soon as my mind obtains enough info). It's usually for my own characters, but in the past I could tell for others' characters as well (accuracy: Debatable. Prevalence in the modern time: Also debatable). But why? Uhh.
Rai and Anima as well as Tensei and Krystine were all couples verified by this "method," so I had/have a lot of confidence in them despite knowing nothing about them. Xenia and Paymon are more like "verified canon," so I need to have confidence in them. But idk if there'll be a feeling yet (if it's verified as canonical, I dunno if the feeling can even appear, but there have been strong hints of it??). And I guess Raez and Wiley have given that feeling before, though I'm not sure if that's some crackship part of my mind that I haven't known about. I keep ignoring it lol. I'll deal with it later, I say, and continue ignoring it forever.
Tbh, if they're bros, it's good with me. If they're, y'know...yeah, I'm okay with that too. Whatever they want. The problem is Raez is so hecking mysterious and Wiley can be constantly joking. So they never verify anything. Can make me want to pwn both of them with a pillow xD


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January 15, 2022 14:37:28  #3536

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Random imaginations for F/DA lol don't mind me

Archer: can't you, like...fight that guy instead
"That guy" in question, A.K.A. Caster: (*sitting on the nearby roof with Sunny drinking tea*)
Archer: i can mc the fight
Berserker, materializing a weapon: no.
Archer: well shoot I guess (*RUNS*)

And then Berserker pulls out a bow (he did say to "shoot" lmiao)
(Caster and Sunny are still watching)


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January 15, 2022 16:25:11  #3537

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Imagining Summer Consort Yu immediately trying to spear Archer for even looking at her and it's turning out as funny as I initially imagined
"Flirtatious males should all die"


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January 15, 2022 19:19:57  #3538

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Before I forget, F/GO Hitan would have Natural Body as a skill, though I'm not sure how to rank it. It doesn't help his strength. It could probably make for instant charm to be 100% possible no matter what debuff immunity (including mental debuff immunity) the enemy has, but that feels more like what his child self would have had rather than his current/adult form.
I mean, giving it a low rank seems off because others with the higher ranks have the skill due to "health," but they also use it for strength modification, so ?????.

If Hitan could increase his strength with his beauty he would have a better chance at fighting Akuma lol but no


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January 15, 2022 19:21:10  #3539

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Would also be funny if I gave hypothetical F/GO Hitan an anti-Demonic attack attribute (probably through a passive skill) just because it would never work on Akuma anyways
Essentially roasting him while sharing his pain


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January 15, 2022 19:43:05  #3540

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Ah darn it, forgot something
He'd also have an Anti-Undead attack boost as well!

In GGaD, he's able to pwn the undead (ghosts, zombies, "monsters," etc.) immediately. It does not matter how strong they are.
The definition gets extremely dubious in some cases, but I'll leave that for another day lol
One example is how badly he reacts to his own attacks, seeing as he's technically reanimated


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