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December 28, 2021 20:57:56  #3481

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Imagine he got ascended and his dialogue was "Man, I was kinda hoping this would fail"

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

December 28, 2021 21:00:51  #3482

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

His Final Ascension actually fails but then he reveals that he made up a new chain of screen animations just to prank the Master with at the end
Probably gets burned by quite a few Masters across Chaldea just for that stunt.


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December 28, 2021 21:44:15  #3483

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

A special thank you to F/GO Galaxian for making me redo the information template for him because he's this monstrous existence that can fit into most classes while simultaneously being incompatible with most of them most of the time for different, situational reasons


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December 30, 2021 04:43:53  #3484

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Fate Galaxian: I don't think I could be summoned as a Saber or Rider. It just seems like it would never happen.
Me, making it possible/happen for what essentially is just a super big joke:


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December 31, 2021 03:03:33  #3485

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Chaldean Master Galaxian in girl's clothing, huh.
(*laughs in pain*)


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December 31, 2021 03:04:06  #3486

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Also don't ask why I have 8 pages of information on Christmas Galaxian, and certainly don't ask why I still am not done with it yet.


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December 31, 2021 03:22:54  #3487

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Me at 1 A.M. realizing I have ignored my translation duties for hours: (:

Also it's funny, I have another song translated but I just don't post it lol. 
I think it's 'cause I don't see meaning to it. Idk. Kinda stupid reason.
The real reason should be that my translation abilities are really bad, but nope, realistic nature goes another way.


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December 31, 2021 22:21:24  #3488

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I have been pondering whether to post unwanted content about my dream from last night (in very vague terms) or headcanons about others' characters, and the conclusion is that I will post none of that, at least for now. I will instead post about how I pronounce some characters' names, in no particular order. I think I've said some of these pronunciations before, but I don't mind repeats. (Because I know how to pronounce Chinese names correctly, they will not be listed).

Raez: I pronounce it like "Raa-ehz," but this name actually has no correct pronunciation. You could say it like "Ray-ehz" or "Rayz" or whatever. He would answer to all pronunciations.
Wiley I. Perrault: "Wai-lee Ay Peh-rr-allt." He likes rolling the two "r"s excessively, so I try to do that, but honestly I dunno how to pronounce his last name.
Dion: "Dye-ohn," despite knowing it's more likely "Dee-own." 
Kiaan: "Kee-aen"
Kiaane (yes, they're pronounced differently): "Kee-aynn."
Ryoo: "Rye-oo."
Alois: "Ah-lois" (ikr lol)
Malaika: "Mah-lie-kah"
Solaris: "So-lah-reis (e isn't very prominent)"
Thaohal: "Tao-hal" (for some reason I make the h silent)
Aereon: "A-ron"
Elio: "Eh-lee-oh"
Ignas: "Ig-nahs" (idk this one seems obvious to me but watch me have pronounced it incorrectly)
Galaxian: "Ga-lahk-zee-an"

Ask me about your (or my) character names if you want xD, I think I covered a lot of them though.


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December 31, 2021 22:43:02  #3489

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Alois is canonly actually pronounced "Aloe-es"/"Ah-low-es" instead of the actual pronunciation

And Solaris is pronounced "Suh-leh-ruhs"

(I have trouble pronouncing it, but iirc Google pronounces is the correct way. Ignore the slight lisp lmao)

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

December 31, 2021 22:46:54  #3490

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Look, we both know that I am going to ignore the correct pronunciations, or else I would've searched all the actually existent names up already, but thank you Googlecho xD


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December 31, 2021 22:48:53  #3491

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

XD technically Alois' Canon pronunciation is wrong so Mood tho-

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

January 1, 2022 04:04:44  #3492

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Looking through all 123 pages of this thread only to not find that translation I knew I posted be like


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January 1, 2022 04:42:39  #3493

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Kiaane theme song! The "you" in the song refers to Ryoo specifically. There's no spicy character development indicated by this song, sorry. It's basically pure angst. 
This song was harder to translate than some, mostly because of the vague connections between sentences as well as the amount of detail included in the lyrics (due to Chinese making phrases short/concise in ways English cannot replicate). In addition, I also took some freedoms in translating/connecting for Kiaane's purpose, so the more literal translation would likely be somewhat different.
Also, upon further consideration, I've decided to give no explanation, mostly because interpretations are more fun and also canon is moldable. Enjoy.

“The Other Side” by 西瓜JUN (
As the scenes of dreams silently prophesize,
Promises melt into the wind and snow,
At least leaving some mark in the world. 

Pursuing flickering silhouettes,
Trying in vain to fight against time,
Their stumbling does not slow even now. 

眼前 花海无声凋谢
Before their eyes, the ocean of flowers withers soundlessly,
彼岸 终将渐行渐远
And the other side forever becomes more distant. 

天真如他 为何刻下与你相似的伤疤
Why does someone as innocent as them carve down scars bearing resemblance to you?
前路无涯 漫长光阴里只留下一瞬牵挂
In the road ahead of them, there is no end in sight,
Yet they leave a single instant of lingering in time’s winding river.
云幕下 飞雪覆满霜髪 可是他会记得 眉目如初的你啊
Under the fleeting clouds, the flying snow fills their frosted hair,
But they still remember the past you.
They wait for you to utter a single “Take me home.” 

They have passed through all the darkness of humans’ hearts,
But because they still have undissolved regrets,
They cannot bear to split paths and bid farewell just yet. 

They have accepted all the explosive elements to the story.
After all, if one were to forever persevere,
How would a story ever end? 

All their experiences with life and death seem to pass in an instant 
心心念念 最后一面
Instead, all of their feelings and thoughts culminate towards that final meeting 

沉默如他 孑然步入与你重逢的时差
Silent and alone, they step into the time gap where reunion is impossible 
回忆无涯 共度的悲欢也化作一眼刹那
With no end to the memories, all the sorrow and happiness shared in your time together meld into a single instant
冰峰下 长风描摹脸颊 转身他会认出 似曾相识的你啊
Under the icy peaks, the wind carves past their face,
But turning, they will still recognize the you they once knew,
And wait for you to utter a single “Take me home.” 

[“Rap” start]
天真如他 终究刻下与你相似的伤疤
The innocent them ultimately carves scars bearing resemblance to you
前路无涯 漫长光阴里只留下一瞬牵挂
In the road ahead of them, there is no end in sight,
Yet they leave a single instant of lingering in time’s winding river.
流光下 飞雪覆满霜髪 那时他还记得 眉目如初的你啊
Under the fleeting light, the flying snow fills their frosted hair,
And at that moment, they still remember you, identical to the past.
They wait for you to utter a single “Take me home.” 

沉默如他 孑然步入与你重逢的时差
Silent and alone, they step into the time gap where reunion is impossible 
回忆无涯 共度的悲欢也化作一眼刹那
With no end to the memories, all the sorrow and happiness shared in your time together meld into a single instant
冰峰下 长风描摹脸颊 转身他会认出 似曾相识的你啊
Under the icy peaks, the wind carves past their face,
But turning, they will still recognize the you they once knew,
And wait for you to utter a single “Take me home.”
[Rap end] 

天真如他 终究刻下与你相似的伤疤
The innocent them ultimately carves down scars bearing resemblance to you
前路无涯 漫长光阴里只留下一瞬牵挂
In the road ahead of them, there is no end in sight,
Yet they leave a single instant of lingering in time’s winding river.
流光下 飞雪覆满霜髪 那时他还记得 眉目如初的你啊
Under the fleeting light, the flying snow fills their frosted hair,
And at that moment, they still remember those features from back then,
And wait for you to utter a single “Take me home.” 



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January 2, 2022 19:17:16  #3494

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I'm about done with organizing the information for Galaxian (Christmas) (Saber) ngl though idk about the class lol and this note doesn't fit anywhere, so I'm dumping it here lol.
"Also F/GO Christmas Specter (Archer) (Santa) running people over with a sleigh pulled by ghost reindeer or just ghosts,,,"

Honestly both of them feel like they'd fit better as Riders xD but then again I don't really know anything 'bout Santa Specter lol

I expect the summer event is when Echo gets her counterpart rate-up, since she has to do with winter and all that.


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January 3, 2022 04:10:29  #3495

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Finally finished cleaning up the information for Christmas event Galaxian.
Since this lack of efficiency is from me not focusing on the task at all...I don't really have anything to say, to be honest.
Once again, I've gone from wanting to share at first to not wanting to share at the halfway point. Now that I've finished......
...yeah, I still have no wish to share. Oof.
Anyways, that's that! Still gotta restructure the rest of the old info.


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January 3, 2022 16:41:43  #3496

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Fate!Rai: (*somewhat exists*)
Me: Haha goodbye Berserker compatibility
Technically that's a nice thing, though. Berserker Rai is heartbreaking to think about.


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January 4, 2022 00:23:10  #3497

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The following conversation happened in my mind and it's kinda funny

Nagesh, inspired from what he saw of my meal: What would you all think about the potential participation rates of having a Thanksgiving meal some year? As a group?
Chiyoko: Well, I wouldn't have any reason to oppose it. Historical context in Galaxian's world aside, it might be nice as a general event.
Rei: Don't you all already eat meals together every day though?
Nagesh: Only some of us eat. There's also the matter of some of us not living at the base. They might find it nice to visit...or perhaps not, now that I think about it. Well, anyhow, the choice would be left to them.
Manai: It sounds nice! But I don't know if anyone outside of the base would come. Also, who would cook?
Nagesh: Good question.
Chiyoko: Not Rei.
Rei, nodding: Not Re--wait, what?
Rei: Yo, Yo-Yo-san, what was that for?
Chiyoko, faintly amused: No reason you would not be able to figure out yourself.
Manai, nodding to imitate Rei himself: Not Rei.
Rei: Nooo! Chinami!!
Nagesh, absolutely unbothered: That was a valid point, Professor. I had thought that we could just wish for food--of good quality, of course, but that wouldn't be as meaningful now, would it.
Manai, trying to look smug, apparently still in imitation of Rei: Exactly.
Rei: I'm going to cook for you all one of these days. As revenge.
Chiyoko: You wouldn't be able to get any of us to eat it.
Rei: But if I wished for it...
Chiyoko, looking to Nagesh: Is that possible?
Nagesh: (*shrugs*) I wouldn't know.
Manai: Time to abandon base and let Galaxian know about a possible health hazard created by his own territory rules. :D

[1,000 exchanges later]

Rei: Say, such a dinner would assume literally none of us have anywhere else to go after all this time.
Their twin, who literally has not talked this entire time otherwise: A reasonable assumption.
Rei: Huh? How is that reasonable? You think all of us are permanent bachelors?
Nagesh: If you have new friends and family by then, you would certainly be welcome to invite them, given that we decide on safety measures as a precaution beforehand.
Rei: Oh, heck yeah! I'm gonna find me some new cousins.
Their twin: Those are some unlucky, shortsighted cousins of yours.
Rei: You're not allowed to insult my hypothetical cousins, even if you're my twin!


I love this group tbh xD
Though a bunch of them are missing forms :-P xDD that's besides the poinnnnttt


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January 4, 2022 00:42:43  #3498

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The Alternate and events summarized:
-Most of them could dress up and immediately take away from the world's oxygen supply (by that I mean they take breaths away)

e.g. Laurie dressing up would 100% result in Manai acting like a fangirl. Not the overly obsessive kind. Just the kind that is very excited (kinda in her nature now that I think about it).


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January 5, 2022 17:29:58  #3499

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Wait, does Independent Action lower parameters?
Archer with Independent Action--Luck: Rank F


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January 5, 2022 21:03:02  #3500

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Looked back at a sketch of "Summer Kiaane" from very late September
In all fairness, the sketch isn't bad, and I laid out my ideas clearly enough (I think; I mean my memory is bad and I still can tell what I was going for so the layout must not be horrible), but the fact it exists pwned me xD


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January 7, 2022 01:46:16  #3501

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

In such a (: mood rn because earlier today I was thinking of a former friend (as implied on my homethread), and FJSDIORFJSDIUJO now GGaD!Galaxian is thinking of GGaD!Specter and he's crying, he's gonna make me bawl at midnight I jfidsorjfsoiersjfoiwdsfjo 
I don't like synchronizing with my personas emotionally, make it stop, make it stop


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January 7, 2022 01:47:56  #3502

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

RIP but also Big Mood, currently teared up because of Forums Echo which is ironic considering you are feeling Large Emotion from GGaD Galaxian

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

January 7, 2022 01:52:58  #3503

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Me right now: What does you watching your friend (one of the few who hugged you and comforted you when you were at your worse) get stabbed by a freaky snake boy despite having godly instincts (because of plot convenience) have to do with me?????? I did not invite these feelings of worthlessness that just showed up uninvited???? This was literally 2 years ago even in your time?????? You are literally 3 years old chronologically and so probably shouldn't be feeling all this??????? Stop?????????!

I literally have not experienced this before (if our emotions line up it's only because our values can align, e.g. while Galaxian was mad at Kokumajutsu I also had feelings of irritation because. Well. I don't think I need to explain tbh. Anyways it was always a simultaneous thing so). What is this? The new variation of that timing phenomenon with anxiety??


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January 7, 2022 01:55:37  #3504

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Plot twist, made forum!Galaxian unable to express himself emotionally so that I wouldn't have to go through this with him

Jk, it's actually because I'm like that IRL. Or, I was. In real life everyone thought I was oh-so-serious and deadbeat and whatever, when that was actually only 25% of my personality back then (I was "deadbeat" because there were dumb peoples in the vicinity). I mean, I smiled and all, but I was apparently just boring. Apparently that has changed in the present, which is ironic considering I'm usually in a bad mood now, when in the past I was usually quite happy (at least from what I can remember lol. I usually switch between extremes, so that has stayed constant).


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January 7, 2022 01:59:00  #3505

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

RL Galaxian lore

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

January 7, 2022 02:09:00  #3506

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Echo wrote:

RIP but also Big Mood, currently teared up because of Forums Echo which is ironic considering you are feeling Large Emotion from GGaD Galaxian

Because of her relationship with someone else? The parallelism you said is still there, but increased irony is great.


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January 7, 2022 02:09:31  #3507

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Echo wrote:

RL Galaxian lore

I hope you already knew this "lore," since younger me loved to spew it often, for whatever reason, idk.


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January 7, 2022 02:13:10  #3508

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

More "lore"

Suddenly just remembered that I have a folder in my email called "Emails to Friends." Then the fact that I only have one email in that folder hit me like a truck. Also the fact that after a few emails, the friend never replied again. He'd moved away as context, btw. So essentially he ceased communication with me.

Okay, so this is definitely the work of some jerk. I am going to find them.


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January 7, 2022 02:16:19  #3509

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Echo wrote:

RIP but also Big Mood, currently teared up because of Forums Echo which is ironic considering you are feeling Large Emotion from GGaD Galaxian

Because of her relationship with someone else? The parallelism you said is still there, but increased irony is great.


Yea XD

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

January 7, 2022 02:16:42  #3510

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Echo wrote:

RL Galaxian lore

I hope you already knew this "lore," since younger me loved to spew it often, for whatever reason, idk.


I think I did but we love a refresher

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

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