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December 22, 2021 02:32:18  #7531

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Nitrotype: Get gold membership!
Me, now reminded (again) that I owe Specter Nitro cash that I can never pay back:


And how much is that

How much in debt are you Galaxian

Bruh the signature be wacky

December 22, 2021 03:14:54  #7532

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

)))): None of your business Timeme
Just don't tell the Nitrotype credit bureau

I actually can't remember. I think y'all are supposed to know I suck at remembering numbers/dates xPPP. I think it was like 30,000+ Nitro cash, or whatever it was, plus accumulated interest. Or at least I think it started with a three lol. I'm pretty sure it wasn't 300,000 or 3,000, though. Something less than 100,000,,, I think.


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December 23, 2021 16:18:51  #7533

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Ancient China's war gods really do not have good fates oof
Lanling Wang, Han Xin, Bai Qi, Guan Yu,,,
Ordered to commit suicide, framed for treason, ordered to commit suicide, got too haughty/got captured & executed,,,
Though Han Xin was a lil bad at politics, Bai Qi was a mass murderer (even if not by his own hands), and Guan Yu kinda deserved it for his attitude ngl. 
Meanwhile, Lanling Wang just having horrible luck despite all his caution. I don't get how F/GO him doesn't have E rank luck because he really did have E-rank luck (maybe he got some luck while fighting? But geez the circumstances by the end of his life were horrendous in terms of fortune)

Same goes for the 4 Beauties of China, too. Though Wang Zhaojun got off comparatively easy compared to Yang Guifei (ordered to be killed), Xi Shi (thrown into a lake with weights on her feet), and Diaochan (executed or committed suicide),,,


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December 23, 2021 16:20:57  #7534

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

If I don't hecking write today...
I don't actually know a fitting consequence.
I'll yell at myself? I'll hate myself? Both of the above?
But those things are natural and don't help increase motivation.

Honestly my writing sucks, why do I try lol?
The answer is because I have limited self-reflection abilities.


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December 23, 2021 17:05:40  #7535

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Why is my case being forwarded to the Escalation Department
I just want my scores before January, College Board, please--
There need be no escalation involved :')


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December 23, 2021 17:08:17  #7536

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also there is a dude hanging out right outside our doorstep for no reason at all
He ain't even being inconspicuous about it

Also there's now two more people?? Hanging around here for no reason. There isn't any rain or snow they need to be sheltering from

If they're bad people trying to scout our house for valuables and/or I die two days before Christmas my spirit is gonna be ticked


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December 23, 2021 20:07:11  #7537

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

thats creepy. 


          "Quoi qu'il advienne"


December 23, 2021 20:18:36  #7538

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I agree!

The group circled around our home three times before going away from the back. Really hope they were just touring or something, though it's definitely suspicious.


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December 23, 2021 23:18:26  #7539

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Nitrotype has spicy new tracks!
Haven't actually played in a while so I never actually saw them at debut lol


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December 24, 2021 18:13:32  #7540

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Dreamt about the world ending on Christmas Eve
If I believed in God, it'd be incredibly ominous (even more so than it already is), seeing as I've had "prophetic" dreams in the past, but instead I can just haha it away, see? The benefits.


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December 25, 2021 00:18:33  #7541

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

To be honest idk why it's titled "Journey to the West," but music cool so


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December 25, 2021 04:05:15  #7542

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas! To anyone who celebrates it, I hope you have a great day, whether the good comes from being with family/friends safely or getting away from them after festivities conclude :'). 


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December 25, 2021 19:28:09  #7543

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Had another nightmare, this time relating to the donor who I share about half of my genes with (possibly a little less)
The police were helpful in the dream. :-)

I also dreamt about Zura DMing me. They did not. 
I wonder if this means I should bother them on Christmas,,, but daytime Galaxian cowarddddd


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December 26, 2021 03:48:42  #7544

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Go do it. Say hi

Bruh the signature be wacky

December 26, 2021 18:45:07  #7545

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Okay, I did xD
Kept out the weird "I dreamt about you" for once since I've observed some people find that creepy when I say that


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December 26, 2021 19:50:13  #7546

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Beating up Hektor atm,,, 270K damage when he had 100K less health than that, so technically I made it quick and kinda painless
He gave me a face of disgust while being damaged I swear lol
I feel bad since Echo likes him but I had to do it.
For fluffy boi Asterios.


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December 26, 2021 20:31:36  #7547

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Using Echo's Caster Gil on a mission along with mine and Kagetora
Mine keeps copying whatever Echo's Caster Gil says,,, like literally he has not said a single line differently. Everything is in order.
I didn't know Gil could actually be funny :D


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December 26, 2021 20:58:52  #7548

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Beating up Hektor atm,,, 270K damage when he had 100K less health than that, so technically I made it quick and kinda painless
He gave me a face of disgust while being damaged I swear lol
I feel bad since Echo likes him but I had to do it.
For fluffy boi Asterios.


How dare you beat up my husbando

he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

December 26, 2021 20:59:59  #7549

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

"Beat up" was actually the wrong word choice now that I look at it. The right word was "pwn." I pwned Hector lol


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December 26, 2021 21:00:39  #7550

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

For some reason the enemy keeps thinking I want to use Echo's Paris as a Buster Servant lol


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December 26, 2021 21:25:44  #7551

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

"Beat up" was actually the wrong word choice now that I look at it. The right word was "pwn." I pwned Hector lol


How dare you pwn my husbando

he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

December 26, 2021 21:39:14  #7552

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Was actually just doing Alexander's Interlude. I think Achilles would do worse things, in my defense.


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December 26, 2021 23:21:51  #7553

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Went into the second part of Passionlip's Interlude constructing an Art Team, but it turned into a stalling mission of 34 turns
I stalled for so long that one of Hijikata's Amazing Guts ran out,,, lol

Using Lanling Wang for an art crit team as intended? Nah.
Using him, Mash, and Asclepius for a stall team? Yes.
He nearly died if not for Asclepius' medicine at the start,,,
I actually had so many stall methods that I didn't really have to strategize, so yay ig. But that was only the case because Hijikata had limited moves/skills and also needed a very long time to fill up his NP gauge. And also he didn't have Ignore Invincible.

Thanks Okita(??) btw
Tbh in canon the Amazing Guts wearing off would probably be Hijikata getting bored lol


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December 28, 2021 12:26:12  #7554

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

One of my biggest fears is that one day, after midnight, I will type "cacao" as "cocaine" and completely not notice


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December 28, 2021 12:49:01  #7555

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Oh gods

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it

December 28, 2021 14:12:08  #7556

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I feel like I'm the first hamster and life is the second hamster and the wheel


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December 28, 2021 15:22:01  #7557

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

For context, there was yet another mass shooting in CO (Denver, Lakewood area)
I don't know why the news keeps quoting people who say it's shocking. It really is not. And that is one of the scariest parts about it.


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December 28, 2021 17:29:21  #7558

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I'm thinking and I literally cannot remember when I last summoned an SSR in F/GO???
Like, how many SSRs do I have? Osakabehime, Bradamante, Kingprotea, and Altera, and then...?????
I will check tonight lol lmiao
I'm pretty sure I haven't summoned an SSR since March of this year so imagine if it's actually gone on for one year and I just haven't noticed because of all the SR Servants I've gotten xD


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December 28, 2021 18:48:41  #7559

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

F/GO update! Normally I give this when I wake up but I've been writing stuff and planning stuff so uh yeah, it's been postponed.
I cleared Hunting Quests once and then just continued with story in Shinjuku (the Quarantined Territory of Malice, where I'm pretty sure even the people there would not be anti-vax. Yeah.) because apparently I have no farming will.
Spoilers lol

I am gaining more and more appreciation for Edmond Dantes lol. (Kuhaha guy, Komodo Dragon's big bro I'm pretty sure)
I have quite a few speculations for plot (btw I knew what the Phantom was doing so I was like "yeah he's dissecting people alive,,, mhm yep") but gotta feel bad for Moriarty ("the good one") sometimes
"...Yay team." OOF
Jalter and Salter really need to chill, geez. Jalter should stick to drawing doujin or smthn.

But yeah, F/GO is definitely trying to make players question our morals. So the Lostbelts are gonna be fun in that aspect, I'm sure. 

Anyhow, I primarily wanted to talk about the fight with the Phantom of the Opera and Cristine (I hope that's how her name is spelled) because I'm pretty happy with how I did that one. I'm pretty sure I was supposed to bring an AOE damage dealer but :') I didn't do that (no particular excuse lol, I just like using single target damage dealers more ig).
But anyways, I used Kagetora on the front line along with Mash and a support Tamamo. After Mash and Tamamo accidentally got pwned by the Phantom's NP (btw I hate the Phantom, especially helped by the fact that I have not watched Phantom of the Opera and so have no reason whatsoever to like him), I broke through Cristine's first break bar with Nightingale Santa and then enabled fake NP spam by finally using plugsuit correctly (swapped out Asclepius with Changgong) and having an NP-crit-crit turn. So essentially, after I got Crystine's first break bar broken, I pwned her with Kagetora's NP. Then, I crit through Phantom's first break bar, and then finally I used Kagetora's NP on his second break bar again.
I did not feel bad at all as he faded away, but thanks for the information I guess  byeeeee

I feel like I probably didn't do it the way I was supposed to, but considering it was a Berserker battle and I finished first try, I'm actually quite happy with how I strategized for once.
I dunno, I probably should work more on testing AOE damage dealers, but currently I don't have a Servant with a more spammy AOE NP that deals enough damage. I guess I do kinda lean towards Arts teams, since even though they have a slow start, they work well for me. Quick Teams, meanwhile, really rely on the team staying alive from what I've seen, and Buster teams really rely on knowing what will happen. 

Spoilers aside, I've been using Passionlip more. I need to level her skills more to get her tank-y capabilities to improve, but currently I've been using her AOE damage/crit star generating capabilities. Her NP has like, 12 hits I think? Very nice. Also, I did her interlude a while back, so she now has a low-health attack boost for 3 turns, kinda like Ash's NP attack boost for low health. So, that's nice!! I'm still figuring out what sort of CE I should really put on her, but maybe I should focus on generating her NP faster rather than just using a Buster booster CE, since I'm pretty sure she's not supposed to be a complete DPS.
Also have been using Archer Nightingale more. 100% awesome, because she synergizes well with a lot of my Servants (the Archer team, the Assassin team, Passionlip [I think?], literally any crit team I have atm I'm pretty sure). Glad to have her. I wish I had Saber Hokusai though, she and Lanling Wang and Nightingale would've made an awesome team. Ah well.

Part 2 coming soon. Probably will be shorter lol (hopefully)


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December 28, 2021 19:02:32  #7560

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Through a combination of event bonus and story, I got Ash to Bond 6 :3.
I'm pretty happy with the fact that bond for my Servants is rather balanced, since I try to get everyone out there once in a while. But because I can be a little paranoid for sudden boss battles, some definitely get more time than others.
Btw I keep forgetting about Bond bonuses in the story atm lol, but then again I don't think I have many evil Servants? Off the top of my mind I think of Ibaraki-Douji (Summer) and Salieri, and then Asterios (who I leveled because...fluffy boi...fluffyy...), but I don't use Salieri and Asterios much.
Oh wait, Bartholomew counts too, but I don't use him yet. And Kotarou, lol (who I also only started leveling recently).
See, other than Ibaraki-Douji, I don't actually use these Servants much. Most of them I'm leveling either because I have too many embers, because of practical purposes (Bartholomew might be used as a plugsuit support), or because of miscellaneous reasons (like Kotarou, I'm leveling because his mom was summoned and I want her to have someone she cared about in my Chaldea). 
So yeah, uh, I guess I need to check that as well.

Then, upcoming banners!
I thought of the SSR thing yesterday night 'cause I was like "Should I even summon" and the fact that I might not have gotten a single SSR for more than half a year came up,,, lol.
I don't have much SQ, so idk.
The only catalyst I have prepared is that I'm Chinese (@Yang Guifei & @Ying Zheng), 'cause otherwise I'm broke.
Give me rewards for planning Fate AU related stuff, F/GO. Pleaseee?


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