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November 23, 2021 03:55:28  #7351

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My guy is handsome and taller than he was lol



November 23, 2021 04:06:05  #7352

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Man I might not be used to how his NP syncs with his voice lines now, but dang is that one cool Noble Phantasm
Also I love the gold sparks around one of his attacks :3

Excalibur's golden light effect? Hmmm (:


     Thread Starter

November 23, 2021 18:30:22  #7353

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Went back to chapter 1 to reread the entire series for real (why? Bad decisions, of course.
I'm done with half of the week's work,,, AP classes are teaming up to commit crimes against humanity)

Zuoshi,,, (Called him Tushan Meimei but I'm actually not sure if that's his name)
(*vomiting noises*) Bruh I don't get how this bastard was raised in Tushan lol

LC Minos but a bastard in the "betrayed his family" way, also twisted and disgusting, I'm not sure which one of them I hate more
He could perhaps have a redemption arc, seeing as there's little info on him rn, but so far his personality is,,, see the above panels,,, yeahhhh no.


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November 23, 2021 18:40:44  #7354

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Look, the less disgusting and more angsty route could be that "Zuoshi" initially wanted to leave Tushan to do something great for Yaya, which would parallel how Dongfang Yuechu left Tushan for Honghong. 
But the twist was that at some point, Zuoshi's personality was warped severely by the Heihu, which has resulted in his current personality.

Heihu probably are creatures from the Quanwai, which would make that entirely possible even though Zuoshi was an early character.

It wouldn't justify him having a crush on Yaya, because that's clearly natural, but we don't know what really happened. And Yaya's his adoptive sister, too. So even if I really don't like adoptive sibling relationships turning, y'know, romantic, it's not as bad, at least from what I've seen in terms of the greater society. 

Though, I could be missing some details, like maybe dialogue clues that his nature hasn't really changed (presumably from Rongrong). I mean, Rongrong and Yaya didn't seem very surprised when he came out as Zuoshi, wanting to kill "Honghong" (Susu) and "Dongfang Yuechu" (Bai Yuechu). Then again, the betrayal could've been known earlier, and it wouldn't mean that the reason couldn't lead to some sort of redemption.

In any case, I love Yaya's insult towards him lol. 
"While you've been gone all these years, did your head get crushed by a toilet lid?"


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November 23, 2021 18:49:27  #7355

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Dang, now that I think about it, there is most definitely an intended parallel or correspondence between Zuoshi and Dongfang Yuechu. 
The parallel would make it sad, while the "correspondence" (to which I mean that Zuoshi would be like the opposite of Dongfang Yuechu by his own will) would make the character more dislikable.
Wonder which one it is, to be honest. Haha.
Can you tell that he'd grow up to be a twisted fox spirit (nearly said "man" but lol) when he grew up? He was pretty cute when he was young, at least in my opinion.

But yeah. Definite intentional connection between the two. 

Both of them wanted their crush to focus on them. It seems like they both did not receive that attention, so they left. Dongfang Yuechu went to become a shining star in Honghong's life by achieving her dream of human-spirit unity. Now it's up to the author to see if Zuoshi truly left to try to eliminate both Honghong and Dongfang Yuechu's reincarnations (which would not be justified) or if he actually sought to do something justified like Dongfang, only to be warped off of the path.
It's shown that Dongfang Yuechu did have thoughts like those of current Zuoshi, but that was only an aspect of his human double-sided nature. He ultimately understood that removing the focus of Honghong's life--the dream of the little Daoist--was not what he wanted to do, and neither was it what he truly wanted to do. Because, after all, the fox spirit he loved at first sight was someone already influenced by the Little Daoist.
It's unknown if "Zuoshi" was able to come to the same realizations regarding Yaya. If not, then his love was twisted and bound to fail from the start.
But notably--if "Zuoshi" was able to realize these things and is ultimately a victim of the Heihu, then his situation is made more tragic by the fact that Honghong did like Dongfang Yuechu before he left. He just was unable to gauge it up until they actually had their vow.
Yaya has never liked Zuoshi in that way.


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November 23, 2021 18:58:43  #7356

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I really do love this manhua.
I think I should probably analyze Wangquan Fugui and other characters more, but I guess I just like Bai Yuechu a lot, so I lean towards Dongfang Yuechu analyses.

But for Bai Yuechu, that theme is still there, but the opposite. Dongfang Yuechu wanted to become a new special existence in Honghong's life, but for Bai Yuechu, he's now being forced into the existence of Dongfang Yuechu. He's created his own irreplaceable role in Susu's life, which is what Dongfang Yuechu wanted to do his entire life; but for Dongfang Yuechu's reincarnation, his wants don't even matter when it comes to the greater world.
Really, it's really as if "everyone else" wants him to become Dongfang Yuechu. The other was better liked, was more skilled, more talented, more compassionate regarding his feelings. He was a person who impacted the world. Now the world wants him back--at least those who can impact the world now do--and Bai Yuechu isn't him. 

One of the things I admire most about Dongfang Yuechu (though he's a person with a lot to admire about, tbh; but he has enough fans lol) is how despite all the efforts he had in his life to be with his "yaoxian jiejie," he isn't imposing that goal on Bai Yuechu or any of his reincarnations. I don't know how to explain this, but I guess...I really appreciate him not being someone like that It fits with the selflessness in his character. 
Also, I like to think about Dongfang Yuechu and Bai Yuechu as brothers. 
I mean, Bai Yuechu gets super annoyed by Dongfang Yuechu. He calls him "Dongfang Zhanglang" lol ("Dongfang Cockroach" xD). (And Dongfang Yuechu, or at least his manifestations, calls him "Kid.") But the two really do have similar traits. I dunno. It's the vibe, I guess. 
I think maybe I got won over with that one picture with Honghong, Dongfang Yuechu, Susu, and Bai Yuechu in a car. They gave family vibes.
Ignoring that Susu technically is Honghong but on a different path. It's okay. I don't wanna think about that, before I get angsted badly.


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November 23, 2021 19:04:45  #7357

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

In my defense, by the way, there has been very little material on Wangquan Fugui and Qingtong (who was so OOC in her debut lol xD) (also Wang Fugui's behavior in the beginning probably did not earn him fans lol)
It's a sweet ship in theory, I think.
I mean, I have nothing against Wangquan Fugui and Qingtong as a couple. Wang Fugui and Qingtong though,,, well, I dunno.
I'm willing to bet the author would've handled it differently now, and then the second ship would be more shippable.

Also, in the Jin Chenxi arc,,, I am pretty sure the second owner of the city had a crush on the "first owner" (spoilers but uh, the guy side of the first owner. The original owner of the body, that is), and yes, they were both guys.
I caught it the first time around, but I feel like it becomes more obvious and, uh, appealing? The second time around. 
I mean, there's like only two panels of content for the ship, but the "canon" one (wasn't even actually canon. It's hard to explain. It was canon but also not) was toxic as heck
That being said, the second owner of the city was still a bastard (don't know what happened to him btw,,, ooooof) and the first one was. Well. hMmmmm. Yeah, I'll leave it at that.


     Thread Starter

November 23, 2021 19:12:28  #7358

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Okay okay I need to make fun of Zuoshi real fast
Spoilers ahead
In retrospect, this panel:

is actually even more funny and also more meaningful. 
Because you see, Zuoshi specializes in not-tangible things. That's what he studied while being evil and after leaving Tushan. So this is him looking into Bai Yuechu's heart and looking at what Bai Yuechu really loves. He was initially planning on seeing an image of Susu in there as "what Bai Yuechu truly held dear" and then destroying it, but then he saw the cake.
By this point (chapter 55) of the manhua, this joke was a recurring one. Others keep expecting Bai Yuechu to have feelings towards Susu and instead it turns out what he just did was for food, like a lollipop or something. So at this point, during the first read, the reader would assume it's just the same as usual.
But on the second read, readers now know that this cake was actually just an illusion, a guard cast by Bai Yuechu towards intruders trying to see into his heart. The actual material behind the illusion (the cake) was not so simple.
So, one, the funny thing is that Zuoshi was so utterly baffled by this cake that he, a supposed master in all things intangible, didn't even think of the cake being a barrier. He just. Thought it was the actual thing in Bai Yuechu's heart. So I can laugh at him for being a noob.
More angsty is the fact that Bai Yuechu was so good at hiding what he truly cared about since the beginning. 
The re-read has yielded a lot of details where he's protected Susu when he didn't have to. Technically, under his excuses, he could just prevent her from dying (since he needs her food supply), but he's taken care to do little things since the beginning.
Turns out he's also cared for Susu from the beginning as well.
"一见钟情真可怕。“ lol


     Thread Starter

November 23, 2021 19:16:01  #7359

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

"Zuoshi you noob" Moment #2--
He says something like "Since Bai Yuechu has died, I can only eat half of the power [from Tushan Honghong]. Oh, no~"

But Honghong traded all of her power to commence the Pledge of Love.

So yeah.


     Thread Starter

November 23, 2021 19:21:14  #7360

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Another highlight of the (prior section) re-read was the special where Bai Yuechu commands "Yaya" (very complicated,,, well I mean I don't really wanna explain tbh xD if you wanna know then read the manhua yourself xF) to "take good care of Susu"
Like man just do it yourself lol
But it's funny since it shows he does care. Just is kinda lazy in the household work aspect ig (unlike Dongfang Yuechu lol) (though Dongfang Yuechu had a lot of practice in his family, whereas Bai Yuechu mostly had practice getting sold by his dad,,,)


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November 23, 2021 19:23:51  #7361

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also there's a panel here where Bai Yuechu's father says that "Normal people will never pass up the opportunity to steal food" and Bai Yuechu goes, "Nonsense! The little idiot doesn't" (translation real awkward lol, linguistic differences go haha)
Important thing here: Despite calling her a "little idiot," he thinks she's normal. 
And also he compares her favorably to his dad.


     Thread Starter

November 23, 2021 19:25:58  #7362

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Some details I don't know how they were missed, but I am not missing them now lol
Haha (*laughs maniacally about something they will not specify*)


     Thread Starter

November 23, 2021 19:30:38  #7363

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Oh here's a detail on Zuoshi
Bai Yuechu comments on how Zuoshi (in Honghong's dream) keeps doing the exact same method he uses while in real life, and Rongrong says, "He's been like this since youth."

Stubborn bastard who doesn't know how to 变通 xD


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November 23, 2021 19:37:30  #7364

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Dongfang Yuechu was a bully towards the flower fairies though (I mean so was Yaya), like now I see his "If you do this for me, I'll invite you to tea time later!" as a threat
As in
"If you don't do this for me I'll water you with boiling tea water",,,,,,
Notice that beforehand, I said the "selflessness in his character" as in the "selfless aspects," not that he was a selfless individual,,,


     Thread Starter

November 23, 2021 19:40:57  #7365

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I think I've said this before but
(Spoilers for the Wangquan arc lol)

If Wangquan Fugui could survive being impaled with so many swords (and not normal swords either), does that mean he's stronger than Fate's Hercules?
Or was it because he got healed quickly enough?


     Thread Starter

November 25, 2021 02:43:35  #7366

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I'm on what we call theoretical break thanks Calculus

Uhh should be on actual break by the weekend lol (*probably actually hurt spiritually*)

Anyways I actually started the Seventh Singularity due to logic out of all things (why am I like this)

Just pwned Flauros gameplay-wise with Kagetora, Changgong, a borrowed Waver, and a backline Caster Gil


     Thread Starter

November 25, 2021 03:48:05  #7367

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I am getting tired of beating up a furnace with Hot Wheel

@You-Know-Who-You-Are - Come out, Coward


     Thread Starter

November 25, 2021 03:49:08  #7368

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Turns out Naberius is called the Melting Furnace because it was made to melt under Ashwatthama's attacks
Melted Furnace now, lol


     Thread Starter

November 26, 2021 18:27:00  #7369

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Dreamt that I was Akira in Saiko no Sutoka,,,
I have to thank Saiko for stabbing me like 50 times over the course of the dream,,, it really hurt lol
Like the entire course of the dream was just "mA'AM I AM UNDERAGE. UNDERAGE--"

Well I definitely sympathize with Akira a lot more now.

I love how when I made it out others were like "You are fine," like no I wasn't--
The dream was not very PG-13.
Anyways at one point I got sick of bleeding out and left the dream lol

Also the dream was on hecking hard mode, like both Saiko's AI-wise and also the fact that she never hecking gave me any healing items
...which goes to show that she probably knew I wasn't her SenpaiWhat the heck, Saiko???? What'd I do to you? Nothing, okay??


     Thread Starter

November 27, 2021 00:00:07  #7370

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Doing one of the ultimate battles of the Final Singularity

"Solomon" you bastard, you coward, stop spamming Evade if you're not a coward (:
Anyways rn I'm on my second attempt and stalling.
My man (my fictional uncle who definitely will stop smoking (: ) William Tell burnt through like more than half of "Solomon's" health bar so now it's just slamming him (with a shield, sword, beauty, soap, etc.) whenever he stops using Vestige 
If I have to redo this again, I think I'll know what to do, so that's good.
It wasn't a mistake to leave a niche CE in my inventory, after all.
I mean, I'll use it if I have to retry again. Pretty likely if I go by the RNG I'm getting.


     Thread Starter

November 27, 2021 00:05:56  #7371

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Last 100K health!! Currently hitting "Solomon" with Melammu Dingir. I dunno if I'll be able to survive Solomon's NP oof but I will try to shield Changgong, Mash, and Gilgamesh the best I can.
And also. Last 50K health!


     Thread Starter

November 27, 2021 00:23:55  #7372

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Avoided the enemy NP turn with a Melammu Dingir! I had prepared like 6 Defense Ups and Invincibility for Changgong, and then I had an Arts Brave Chain with Gilgamesh, but dang, that was kinda close.
And Asclepius (who I'm pretty sure exists in the real world and is just watching SARS-CoV-2 spread and mutate because he thinks he's conquered death anyways) just got Bond Up! Bond level 6 now.
We gotta love stall teams. I am weirdly better at them than actual offense teams. Lol. Is it my nature or am I just bad at the game? Probably the latter.

A temporary victory is still sweet.


     Thread Starter

November 27, 2021 00:26:03  #7373

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

A screenshot btw
It's the victory screen so it's not that spoiler-y, but there's also the background and stuff, which is art that you probably wanna see the first time when you actually get to it in the game.

This is the bullcrap Solomon had to deal with from the last Master of Humanity because the Master sucks lol
I also don't know why everything's kinda glitchy lol. Who said any technology in this household was good?
And idk why the Demon Pillars are floating too (lol a lot of the Noble Phantasms my Servants have made it clear that the artists only drew a section of them xD)
Btw I used Specter's Waver for this attempt; you just can't tell with this screen lol
He lasted like 6 turns oof. I apologize, Waver.

My guy Changgong didn't miss a single buff for every time he used his third skill btw. We appreciate him and everyone on the team.


     Thread Starter

November 27, 2021 18:25:15  #7374

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I've had an overnight headache from anxiety, which is great because uh (*cough*) my break??? My?? Break????
Putting myself into the POV of the character I'm writing actually makes me more chill, which is good, but once in a while I get snapped out of it when my head hurts oof
Also using Danzou as a star generator because no one does that


     Thread Starter

November 27, 2021 18:30:59  #7375

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The fact that I haven't actually gotten sick in like 3 years makes me worry more than it makes me relieved


     Thread Starter

November 27, 2021 18:56:00  #7376

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I am weirdly fond of this Assassin team (Osakabehime, Danzou, Kama)
Also I can't read. I'm pretty sure I just took them into a fight against Archers. Which is okay, I mean, better than taking them against Casters, but geez, I'm practically illiterate.
I think Osakabehime is underrated lol
I just spammed her NP 3 times in a row lol
Also I think there are some Riders in the enemies,,, not sure,,, haven't been reading, I just saw some attack numbers weren't red so that meant no class advantage lol


     Thread Starter

November 27, 2021 18:58:36  #7377

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw I'm doing free quests, which I haven't done in at least half a year oof
Doing them to get the Thanksgiving quests done with. (A.K.A. avoiding Story quests lol)
Idk how many Thanksgiving quests I have left over tbh. Lemme go check.

Also for me Danzou isn't a bad Servant. Her skills are incredibly convenient (2 hard defense ones and the Buster and Quick Up skill for when card RNG gives her a Buster + Quick Brave Chain or something similar). The only thing is that I can't use her NP, especially for boss battles, but I never use her Arts cards anyways lol


     Thread Starter

November 27, 2021 19:01:53  #7378

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I'm one day away from my next total-days-login bonus, btw. And one Saint Quartz away from being able to do four multi-rolls on some banner. Also, I have like 15 tickets. So that's nice.
The Throne will probably troll me tbh, ah well. It knows what's best for me lol. Tbh I can't actually ask for anything more this year, given all my luck and fortune. 


     Thread Starter

November 27, 2021 19:02:43  #7379

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

@Specter's Emiya or @Echo's Wu Zetian - Come or your Master gets no Friend Points


     Thread Starter

November 27, 2021 19:05:29  #7380

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Oh btw, I got Tristan to his final ascension. Which is very nice.
I've reset like 30 times and none of Specter's/Echo's Servants are showing up, which means I give up for now lol


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