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November 13, 2021 21:21:28  #7321

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I had guessed that I had suddenly sprouted in height these few days, but I hadn't thought much of it. But now I've outgrown both pairs of athletic shoes that I was relying on to get me through at least next year.
Dang it.
Well, at least you all know I Am Coming for Your Chins (: (or whatever equivalent height compared to yours I would be, idk I haven't measured my height officially in 2 years)



November 14, 2021 00:33:53  #7322

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Please help, the more I listen to this song the more I feel like it's a forum theme song and that the frog art is perfectly representative of that

It starts off with one frog (forumer) going crazy, and then another frog (forumer) also goes crazy because yeah why not, and then soon it's just a bunch of chaos and what-the-heck-is-happening?? and general fear/quaking
Not as a call out but the black (more dark blue-grey in coloring but artists know we don't use actual black in coloring (: only partially kidding lol) frog reminds me of Time lol
The weird jellyfish-shaped red one is me ofc
The yellow one floating around is Eliza
I'm gonna stop before I reveal my thoughts to everyone.


     Thread Starter

November 14, 2021 00:42:16  #7323

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right


It's funny I like the one that's standing up

I look like a lump. But then again they all do. I like how lumpy and how much they don't look like frogs.

But the internet has trained me to recognize that these things are in fact, frogs.

Bruh the signature be wacky

November 14, 2021 01:20:00  #7324

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Do you agree that you're the black lil lump?
I didn't put you as the standing one because then you'd have to be quaking in fear ever-so-slightly xD you can be that one if you want though. You can quake in fear if you want (*sinister (: sounds*)

My lack of artistic/anatomy training declares that honestly these frogs look pretty normal to me lol rip


     Thread Starter

November 14, 2021 02:39:26  #7325

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

No I don't mind being the black one. He's cool too. It's just the standing one is funny bc you know, frogs don't stand.

Bruh the signature be wacky

November 14, 2021 02:41:09  #7326

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The arson frog makes me think of Ark which makes me think of Axel

Bruh the signature be wacky

November 14, 2021 18:27:58  #7327

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Wonder what Axel thinks of your opinion xD


     Thread Starter

November 16, 2021 16:31:08  #7328

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Homethread dump. I didn't login yesterday (though I was stalking) because...well, it was a Monday. We looooove Mondays. (sarcasm)


First, the hard part. The less fun part. 
Emotionally, I am in a very weird place. I'm not going to say more. There's no need to--there is want to (a lot of want to), but I have enough rationality remaining to know that I probably shouldn't. Yep. Weird emotional place. Good place to start.
If it helps as some sort of explanation, yesterday there was a shooting in the city of Aurora by perpetrators who are still at large from what I know. Also, two people found dead in their car, presumably from a shooter as well. So...yep. Mhm.


Second--I found out the game I talked about a long while back (like more than 100 pages before), Trial of Fate, shut down in August of this year, making it another game I've played that has ended development.
I stopped playing it because I didn't have the time to even login. Despite that, I'm actually kinda sad about it.
I guess it kind of feels like I curse things and people I'm associated with. Obviously, something happening after something doesn't mean causation, but...worth considering.Thinking about it...I did not know how to strategize, lol. Still OP, though.
I'll miss my people from that game.


3rd, schoolwork.
Schoolwork is killing me. 
Okay, now with that done with--


Hitan's birthday!
I got angsted so badly by absolutely nothing yesterday, I tell you. It was a good thing I actually couldn't login, because I doubt I'd be anything other than a bundle of horribly gray storm clouds if I did.
I missed all my characters' birthdays. Li's, too. For some reason, this year it feels wrong. 
I did try to do a gift for Raez, but I couldn't for Hitan, and for some reason, that makes me feel worse.
There's a post kinda related to this on my roleplay thread, I guess. But as of late, I either can remember everything or I can remember nothing. It's weird.


Ashwatthama is so fun to use. It's kinda ridiculous. He gets more and more fun the more I learn to use him. I actually kinda hope I can grail him at least to level 95. Probably will go all the way at some point. 

Lanling Wang's!! Interlude!! Changgong's Interlude!! So excited. I love my guy a lot. 
I don't actually know his buff (Do Not Tell Me, Or I Will Come and Casually Invert Your Liver). 
I haven't started yet. I do want to, though.

Here are spoilers for the story.

I just did the fight with the 11 Bel Lahmu. Did it with the First Hassan, Tristan, and Ashwatthama. The First Hassan was unexpectedly fun to use. His Death effect hit almost every time (excluding once) so that kinda felt like cheating lol, but I did strategize somewhat well. 30 turns though lol
I hate. Lahmu. So. Much. :-)
And I say so while they remove my characters' buffs, too, lol. I mutter with aggressiveness--"I hate you so much."
Idk, I just hate them.
I think I'm about to get to the final fight of the Babylonia Singularity, but I'll probably have to wait from this point on.
Thank you, Ereshkigal and Merlin, for your buffs and healing. (: (not sarcastic)


Haven't had actual time to draw and write for a while, so I reckon when I do have time to write, all the ideas will be gone.

Ngl, this isn't even a quarter of what I wanted to say, but I think I've forgotten stuff. Oh no.


     Thread Starter

November 16, 2021 16:39:55  #7329

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Oh yeah! I have break next week. Starting Wednesday. Because Thanksgiving.
That day I plan to disappear because there is nothing worth giving thanks to when it comes to (*points to self*) this existence, but I really do appreciate you guys. There are so many (too many) times when I'm petty and illogical, and for all the times I've said "We're here for you," reality has proven that I meant "Others here" and did not include "I" in the sincere sense of the word, but I hope the people who appreciate you and who you appreciate will continue being happy with you. Keep trying; life isn't always good, but remember it does have its ups and downs. Appreciate both for what they do in bolstering you, and keep getting better too.


     Thread Starter

November 16, 2021 16:46:16  #7330

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Sorry, I really wanted to just leave it at that, but I'm kinda excited, so uh, yep. 
I'm writing (with my horrible Spanish,,, it's okay it's okay it's okay, I say to myself, mostly in vain because dang writing bad) something about a hypothetical vacation to a Spanish-speaking country. And the only thing I'm getting from all this is that I can't go to Peru. (Or anywhere where I know I'd be in close proximity to any of you guys.) If I go to Peru, I'll basically be harassing Specter with my love of penguins, which is both outrageous in the financial sense and in the sense of friends-do-not-exist-for-you-even-if-(especially-if)-you-are-on-vacation,-you-little-hecking-selfish-bastard-
Also this assignment was due yesterday so uh yeah. We're going that route. AP classes and workloads lol


     Thread Starter

November 16, 2021 16:47:51  #7331

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Sorry for the spamming that accompanies my existence. I'll leave you guys alone now xD, unless I remember something I needed to post/can post and have currently forgotten. See you guys later. And in case I disappear for an entire week (press X to doubt; I am a Plague of Your Existence), have a joyous Thanksgiving.


     Thread Starter

November 16, 2021 19:22:54  #7332

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Literal only reason I am here is because I was overcome with the urge to spam Salieri/Mozart art/cartoons/memes in the middle of researching Peruvian demographics

Ignore the...smaller white text.

I think this might be a Lostbelt spoiler or smthn. Spoiler tagging it

He can only do this when Salieri is NP 1 lol since my Salieri hecking has a Kaleidoscope and the NP level of  f i v e

Also their compatibility is the funniest thing ever


     Thread Starter

November 16, 2021 19:27:19  #7333

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Lol guess who just connected their liking of Salieri to the fact he's a teacher

Oh gods I have a teacher bias lol


     Thread Starter

November 16, 2021 20:29:58  #7334

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The sheer amount of detail in that second drawing...I live for fanart like that.

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I just did the fight with the 11 Bel Lahmu. Did it with the First Hassan, Tristan, and Ashwatthama. The First Hassan was unexpectedly fun to use. His Death effect hit almost every time (excluding once) so that kinda felt like cheating lol, but I did strategize somewhat well. 30 turns though lol
I hate. Lahmu. So. Much. :-)
And I say so while they remove my characters' buffs, too, lol. I mutter with aggressiveness--"I hate you so much."
Idk, I just hate them.
I think I'm about to get to the final fight of the Babylonia Singularity, but I'll probably have to wait from this point on.
Thank you, Ereshkigal and Merlin, for your buffs and healing. (: (not sarcastic)

Ah yes you're at the end of the Singularity! Really fun isn't it? That was probs my favorite part because (imo) it feels like the story really picks up the pace and there's so much at stake.
Lahmu are more than just loathsome honestly and I'm sure you can agree with me (:
You're lucky with the death effect xD I used an Arts team instead and ngl the buff removal was really annoying lol.
Not sure if you've tried this yet but I recommend using Kagetora and Lanling Wang on the same team! They have a really good synergy (in my experience) and even without buffs the NPs are support to each other. I mean on the sections in which you don't have class advantage/disadvantage obviously.
Dude the extra buffs are lifesavers, they're great and I think in the final battles it gives you a better feel of how the story is going by reflecting on the playable parts.
I hope you have lots of fun with the final battles :D I know I certainly did, and the story was p good as well. I with you luck commanding your Servants :3.

Also the other day I borrowed your Osakabehime and she ended up as DPS, carried me through the battle. Thank you xD

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

November 16, 2021 20:44:26  #7335

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

(Still F/GO spoilers obviously)

I feel bad for Tiamat tbh, like yeah they make big arguments for why she needs to go (and she does need to go) but geez, if the rest of the Beasts are like her,,, F/GO's gonna be going into "WE MAKE YOU QUESTION YOUR MORALS" territory (they definitely are going into that territory now that I think of it) (...darn it.)
I didn't say this before because it sounded rude, but I used the two of them together long before you recommended it. Like, even before the first time you recommended it. It's pretty clear they both belong on an Arts Crit team (though I think I need passive star generation). Their skills make it pretty obvious, most of all--Kagetora's third skill basically takes from Changgong's skill effects as well (attack up, arts up, critical star drop rate up). Of course, I don't know the percentages associated with Kagetora's skills, but yeah, her skill set (and Changgong's) is rather easy to read.

Hmm, you say without class advantage/disadvantage, but I do recall you (by your accounts) using Waver on missions where he'd get pwned because of class advantage (that you were aware of),,, you sure you should bring up the class advantage/disadvantage part??

Osakabehime tanks really well. As Echo knows, I essentially soloed with her for like two battles straight around a month ago (idk time anymore) along with Mash (with her having class disadvantage, too). I think my oldest Support Servants are learning to deal with my weaknesses (Changgong keeps having to "solo" too lol) (and as specification for others, if they are reading this for whatever reason--Mash, Changgong, and Osakabehime are my oldest Support Servants).

And different spoiler tag because it's related but not the same, if it makes sense.

I only used one ticket on Changgong's banner (shared with other Servants) because why not? And I think he pushed Inshun out. 
YouTube Recommended recommended 3 videos with Inshun in them at the same time when I opened YouTube today. So, I think Changgong is telling me to level Inshun.
I will do that. Ignoring the fact I have,,, Romulus, Nezha, Ibaraki-Douji (though she's maxed), Kagetora (who needs to be leveled and grailed again), Jaguar Warrior, and...yeah, I think that illustrates the point.
But hey, I don't have particular preference for any type of team at the moment, so I'd like to work with Quick teams more. Maybe that's what Changgong wants. Hmmm.


     Thread Starter

November 17, 2021 14:11:46  #7336

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Me: Look, presentation
Mom: Okay
Me: Do the pastel pink and pastel green look good?
Mom: Yes
Me: I chose the colors because I'm writing about the dreams of a serial murderer and the colors are supposed to make the viewer feel like the presentation is about something peaceful/casual :3
Mom, unperturbed: Okay
Me, pointing: The red at the very last slide represents bloodstains over a paradise, as in how him partaking in murder was him staining his dream paradise blood red with his own hands. 
Mom, literally not disturbed at all: Mhm, I understand
Me: One stain is bright red and it's towards the side because the viewer is supposed to look closely to find it. The other stain fits in better with the aesthetic and is older blood, which has already faded in its color's saturation
Mom, a little confused on the terminology but otherwise completely unperturbed: Yep
Me: You're supposed to be disturbed
Mom: oh

My relationship with my mom summed up:
"How am I not bothering you?? Like, on some part, I am clearly wrong in the head???"

She takes everything as normal when it comes to me lol, I could probably literally explode one day out of nowhere and she'd be like "yeah okay, remember to get back to normal soon though"


     Thread Starter

November 17, 2021 15:08:55  #7337

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also yesterday I finished the (first draft of the) Spanish essay, and today I finished an English presentation, so I'm taking a little break before finishing English (AP Lang, I mean lol, idk why I call it English) 
I also did Lanling Wang's interlude. Here comes a wall of text.
In case you're wondering, this post is also related to In Cold Blood's themes. I would greatly enjoy it if someone who has read it before were to comment what they see in relation to said themes.


I think I've talked about this before, but Gao Changgong is actually the only character in F/GO who I both have as a Servant and also had a predisposition towards in terms of liking outside of the entire franchise/series. (I also have a bias towards Zhuge Liang, but his personality doesn't really manifest in F/GO, and I also don't have Waver.) Proof? When my username on FANDOM was Yinghe, my profile picture was Lanling Wang. (An interpretation of him from an artist, at least.) 
I dunno, I think his backstory has always resonated with me because I know the fact that the best are often forced to the bottom because of their good qualities. That seemed the case to me at least with Gao Changgong--a man so beautiful he had to use a mask to cover his face, whose prowess as a general kept his country up. A man who tried in vain to avert the jealousies of others by retiring but ended up being "gifted" poison by his own emperor. 
You could say I actually liked his "character" before I came across the Gold Saints. Between him and Hei Xiaohu, though, I can't be sure. 
Anyways, before I inevitably go off topic, I think that bias is why I really like F/GO's Changgong. He still has his backstory, and his design is honestly really cool. I don't know much about his personality, but I don't see much wrong with it so far. I think it might not be the most complete (and obviously, accurate) take on his character, but it's cool. And I'll try to explain some aspects of it below. (Please note I actually don't spend that much time evaluating him, so this is definitely to be developed further.)
(Spoilers for his interlude; btw idk why I thought he'd get buffed through an interlude. Guess I haven't done them in too long.)

Gao Changgong wants to be accepted but doesn't think that he will be. That's because in his prior life, his talents were what led to his unfair death. He is incredibly wary of his post-death life as a Servant going the same route. It's only after the Master proves that he will be accepted as him that he sheds his mask. I imagine he's still tentative about it, however, around other Servants, but he ends up overcoming his own fear and walking out of his comfort zone, even if not completely.
In addition to his good looks, (which actually bypass even his mask somewhat,) he presents himself as a perfect guy. He wakes up early, trains to improve/better himself as if it's the natural thing to do, is very astute, gets along with other Servants, never badmouths them, is sensitive of others' desires but doesn't let himself become a pushover, and is described to be "too perfect." Others, like Blackbeard, think he's hiding something with that perfection.
But you know, ironically, my take on it is that his seeming perfection is actually what makes him human. Because he's actually not perfect, and he's not trying to be. The aspects of him that shine out most are what is natural about him--and ironically, to others, it seems unnatural. It all goes to show that we shouldn't judge others for what is natural and what isn't, because we aren't arbiters who know enough to judge most things accurately. Perhaps for someone else, acting like Changgong does--a diligent general, a perfect gentleman--would make it seem like they're hiding something. And maybe that someone else would be hiding something. But for Changgong, that's a (in a way) flawed impression, furthered by how he shields his face with his mask. One thinks: "He hides his face, so he must be hiding things with his personality as well!"
But that's not the case. At least, that's what I think.
It can be seen plainly through his development. It might seem simple at first glance--he's just taking off his mask, after all. He seems like someone whose entire development revolves around beauty. He even says that his wish for the Grail is to erase standards of beauty from the world, if it can do that. But you see--other characters go from seeming perfection to imperfection. But by removing his mask, Changgong goes from being (seeming) less perfect to more perfect. So what's the matter with that?
That's because Lanling Wang's very insecurities come from his own 'perfection.' He recognizes that the aspects of him that seem perfect--his beautiful features, most of all--unnerve others and make them distant from him. To be able to have others relate with him more, he tries his hardest to hide that perfection, even though it's what is natural to him. His facial features aren't something "created" by him; neither are the aspects of his personality that he shows. That's all to say that while others believe that he is using his perfection to mask something, their interpretation has a huge flaw. That is, in their interpretation, that perfection would be what is superficial.
But the superficial thing is his mask. That's what's doing the hiding.
Gao Changgong trying to hide his perfection is what makes him human. It shows his yearning to be able to have companions who understands him and then his own insecurities surrounding him ever being able to achieve his desires. As his Master, one is supposed to guide him to truly understand that it isn't his fault for being "better" than most others. His Master is supposed to help him to be able to get closer to others naturally by helping to stop prejudices/assumptions towards him from other Servants from forming. Most of all, a Master is his partner in helping those who are not as strong as heroes together.
There is no use in envying or scorning those who are naturally more privileged, more lucky, more skilled, etc., than oneself, if they too are trying their best. There is no reason to hold such people in any sort of negative light for what they have. It's important to remember that as we claim that we need to sympathize with those least privileged and less privileged than ourselves, we still need to remember that that same sympathy does not mean scorning those who have more, better things. They are human as well and too deserve the happiness they are seeking.


I personally headcanon that Changgong appears as a young man of no more than 20 years of age in F/GO not because that was the peak of any of his achievements in life, but because as a teenager, he was an innocent boy who didn't know the unjustified consequences of his best features. It was much later, after he acted on his wish to help others and save his country, after he became a general and truly acted as a prince of his country, that he had to face the reality and harsh consequences of others' jealousy, and that he came to become cursed by others' unjust sentiments.
The point of his manifestation as a Servant is to somehow become the better version of the "best" version of living self--someone who, although having already been hurt and impacted by others' views of himself, will be able to overcome their views of him and accept himself for who he is. 
I hope I will be able to provide him, in many forms, companions who understand him and help him advance forward. 


     Thread Starter

November 18, 2021 02:15:53  #7338

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right



I am honestly the luckiest Master alive. Thank you, Lanling Wang.


     Thread Starter

November 18, 2021 02:20:21  #7339

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

You guys know why I rolled (other than the general fact that I really, really like him)?
'Cause I got him almost a year ago. I remembered right before I was about to go to bed earlier today. We're only 10 days off.
Gosh, I'm happy. 
This guy...

lol I guess the mini essay, the excessive thinking about him these few days, etc., was his catalyst
(Does that mean he was touched by the essay, and/or that I was correct? I hope for both to be true.)
I actually have a guess that he came because Echo probably needs help that I can't give--as you can see with me making happy posts and avoiding making any response on their thread. Can the Ultimate Simp be a catalyst? It's not impossible.
The good thing about this theory is that it'd mean I would be right on at least one part of the mini essay.


     Thread Starter

November 18, 2021 02:37:29  #7340

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I'm glad that I did some forward thinking because guess who just got 2 Grails?
I have, and will have, zero regret. 
Fun fact: I've never regretted grailing Servants. I think that should be a good thing.

You know, if I were crazy enough (and had the embers), I could use 5 of my remaining 6 grails to get him to level 100.
But I'm not that insane. At least, not yet.
Depends on my rationale.
I think it's quite plausible that, in fact, one day, he'll be level 100.
But until then, we go small steps, okay?
I'm stopping his level at 88 for now. It means that I wish for fortune and prosperity for him.


     Thread Starter

November 18, 2021 14:59:24  #7341

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Daytime me appreciates that he came directly as a gold card, not a silver card turning into a gold card, because that shows that he's not hiding himself like that anymore. (He came the first time with a silver card turning gold.)

The funny thing right now is that, for some reason, I can't actually bear to NP 2 him, lol. I think my mind likes seeing one him without a mask on and the other him with one on, but both are at Bond 7, and for some reason it's imagining two Changgongs at the Chaldea.
I mean, I'm not playing right now, obviously, but I do a bunch of thinking outside of when I'm actually doing the things I'm thinking about. I think that should be a given lol

Also I dreamt that Salieri came again,,, NP 6 Salieri?? (btw that doesn't exist) lol that would mean I'd be rolling on the story banner after some point, perhaps. Who knows.


     Thread Starter

November 18, 2021 18:10:37  #7342

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Unlimited Milk Works

Changgong/literally all of my Servants should be regretting their decision regarding choosing me as a Master


     Thread Starter

November 18, 2021 23:32:08  #7343

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Watched an entire video with Chinese subs before noticing 5 seconds before the video's end that I was, in fact, not reading English
R.I.P. brain cell


     Thread Starter

November 19, 2021 07:35:37  #7344

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Watched an entire video with Chinese subs before noticing 5 seconds before the video's end that I was, in fact, not reading English
R.I.P. brain cell


Flexin on us wjhfjdkckdmg

he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

November 19, 2021 09:14:03  #7345

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Watched an entire video with Chinese subs before noticing 5 seconds before the video's end that I was, in fact, not reading English
R.I.P. brain cell


Tbh I think this is just what happens to people who speak more than one language because it's happened to me (though obviously not with Chinese lol)

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

November 19, 2021 18:30:09  #7346

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Re-reading Huyao Xiao Hongniang (from like chapter 90 because uh idk)

I cannot believe I missed the tongue the first time sticking out from under the mask xDDDD oh my gods
Still laughing over these panels lol xD


     Thread Starter

November 19, 2021 18:39:57  #7347

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right




     Thread Starter

November 19, 2021 21:38:11  #7348

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

As a notice, I think I'll be avoiding the forums here least a day.
My mood right now is. Not good. It's not related to anyone here. But yeah, I dunno if I've said it before, but I really, really want to avoid saying overly negative things here. Negative things in general, if possible. So yeah. 
Pretend I don't exist. You'll be fine.
Good luck on whatever you're doing--school, jobs, and anything otherwise. Try not to commit crimes.


     Thread Starter

November 21, 2021 23:18:59  #7349

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

F/GO spoiler of sorts? It's kinda a prediction but yeah. I would not advise clicking.

Caster Gil's Interlude gave me serious death flag vibes for Romani,,,,,,
I'm not gonna comment because I feel like when I talk too much on topics like these, the character inevitably dies.
And also there's the topic of "Why does Romani rarely appear in current events???" seeing as I presume the Final Singularity restores the flow of time in the F/GO universe, and so events happen on a timeline after the year the other Singularities occurred upon,,, hmmmmmm.

Looking forward to the Christmas event, if I can even participate in it lol. I see Santa Nightingale. Heard she's a good Support.
I mean, a Quick Archer? Why not. Pairing her with Tristan and some other Quick Servant (maybe Ushiwamaru???) might be a good team, if I even manage to get her as a welfare (lol missing Summer Jeanne Alter and Summer Hokusai)


     Thread Starter

November 23, 2021 03:54:54  #7350

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Dang, I forgot my guy Bedi got an animation update.
He's really pixelly but it's okay. Very cool.
He shoots beams now I heard. Now he's a legitimate Saber.


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