Wow. So two years. It's as about as far as I expected.
I feel bad for the mods too. People were very unhappy and stuff
But yeah it was pretty unexpectedly early
Do you guys remember who had the last post? From my memory I think it was Chan
Last edited by Time (October 21, 2021 15:18:44)
I have no idea honestly lol
I still pop by home base every once in a while and chat with some of the oldies that are still around and the scholastic staff. It’s definitely full of little kids though (as it should be). I’ve seen a couple 7 year olds running around. It’s nice to see it busy
here have a random doodle page of my main feral avatar that I did at 4am last night while watching breaking bad
The little fangs are so cute xD
I like the crying cat face thing
Ah yes
I agree with Time
Also very complex design pattern. Every nice
His stripes ingame are so much worse and I hate drawing stripes but I like how they look and they are important to his lore so I am constantly in hell haha
Nice epicly torturing oneself over character deign. I can feel that.
What's the lore please do tell
I suffer in this way constantly as well because I make my character designs too hard sometimes
Lore :0
Still not used to the whole Guest thing lmao
Hello to all 12 of you
I have not slept yet but that’s fine
Someone’s alarm has been going off a few doors down from me for the past 10 minutes but that’s also fine
Ishmael are you fine
I am indeed
Therapy < Will Wood discography at 3AM
Is it better than therapy?
Absolutely. Makes the bees in my brain stop buzzing for a little bit
I need more plants
How may do you have as of current?
I have a whole lot of them at home, but I only have two in my dorm right now
I see now why you would want more plants. Just not as much as before
Ooh plants
I remember you once mentioned something about naming plants, are the ones you have in your dorm atm named?
Hey, Ishamel! I got Fallon's message. You wanted to talk about our plot lines?
Oh hey! Glad to see you around still. Certainly places a happy smile to my face.
Rn, I'm not too sure about Ishmael's activity. As of right now, he's an old man and is in college, but maybe he might respond. He's also ver on discord, that too, if you have it!
Or if also you know he spots this he can just pop up and say hi ofc lol
Last edited by Time (January 9, 2022 21:45:42)
Back out of my cave lol
The Feral server has collapsed and I had to manage it because WildWorks has left the community without a word for over a month. Long story short, they decided to make another game, using Feral’s assets, but with NFTs. It hasn’t come out yet but there’s a hell of an uproar. So that’s where I’ve been for the past month yeehaw
And hi Silverskies!! I wanted to see if our plotlines are still going because both Ishmael and Orphos are locked into those rn (and if I recall correctly, we never got to Wind Weaver’s trial with Figura either 👀)
Ishmael wrote:
The Feral server has collapsed and I had to manage it because WildWorks has left the community without a word for over a month. Long story short, they decided to make another game, using Feral’s assets, but with NFTs. It hasn’t come out yet but there’s a hell of an uproar. So that’s where I’ve been for the past month yeehaw
Ah I see. I wanted to ask but figured that it might be something I shouldn't poke into.
Sounds certiantly interesting, the topic.
Hey, Time! It's good to see that you're still around, too. :D
And yes, at the moment, I'm pretty sure they're still going? I've been pretty busy with school and work and just life in general for the past bit, so I haven't been able to get around RPing as much.
Oh no worries with being busy btw. You can hang around here if you want. This place has gown to be also a place where we chill out.
I’m kind of the same haha, I keep wanting to come back for realsies but something always comes up : (
Has anyone new joined? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a fresh face around here