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November 3, 2021 17:58:35  #7261

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

We stan New Zealand.
No context for this statement, but considering how I kept babbling on in this post, the context should be fairly obvious.


CO's pandemic situation is getting worse and worse. Hospitals are almost full. At one place, ICU beds were at 110% capacity. Yes, I typed right. 110%. And most people I see do not wear masks indoors or socially distance. As usual, there is no measure to make sure customers are vaccinated. 
Most people in the hospital are unvaccinated. I have come to try to come to terms with the fact that I don't understand people.



November 3, 2021 18:41:51  #7262

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Somehow guessed the role of a character in Fate/type Redline without reading anything other than the summary lol


     Thread Starter

November 3, 2021 20:19:30  #7263

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I ask if humanity was a mistake and Google gives me articles disproving theism
Fair enough.


     Thread Starter

November 3, 2021 20:21:59  #7264

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

All this is super funny because Christian universities/colleges keep spamming me with emails
Including That One University in Tennessee (not actually TN) lol


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November 3, 2021 20:25:19  #7265

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The analogy of God and a parent is funny to me because yes, parents let children experience stuff, but also (good) parents don't let their children just. Walk into fires. Which is what part of humanity is doing right now. 
Mmmm toasted humanity


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November 3, 2021 20:46:26  #7266

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

That one nicer brain cell: Could you please be not so passive aggressive towards God, Galaxian? You retain the right to an opinion but dang can you be offensive
Me, in casual writing: "God, who is supposedly an omniscient being, created the world..."


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November 3, 2021 22:09:34  #7267

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Looking back, I especially love how I didn't even go through "Said to be an omniscient being" or "According to the book of Genesis," I just went to "supposedly" right away


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November 3, 2021 22:19:06  #7268

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Hmm, did he actually die? Or did he not? Weird, maybe he did. Well, I hated him anyways, so he could die.

This was so out of context
Like I had literally been talking about a toilet the post before and then I posted this with 0 context lol


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November 3, 2021 22:20:53  #7269

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Good news tho, I can be a drawing machine and I cranked out like 10 full sheet drawings today.

I can't remember which 10 drawings those were and I am honestly afraid to recount/recall/reflect
I can't do the three R's, and hence I have no R in any part of my nickname.
That's totally the reason, yes.


     Thread Starter

November 3, 2021 22:23:08  #7270

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

The first thing in Sakura School Simulator I did was I tried to go to class. And then at some point a bus ran me over :')

This kind of content is why I never shut up on my homethreads
I forgot about this and now it's hilarious to picture


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November 3, 2021 22:25:16  #7271

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

The power of murder basically???



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November 3, 2021 22:26:31  #7272

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

There are 2 registered users and EIGHT GUESTS online rn.

The 68 guests who were on that one time:


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November 3, 2021 22:36:38  #7273

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Me considering drawing an incorrect quote that has only the A.A. so I don't have to draw anything except speech bubbles:

This is so accurate lol it hurts


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November 3, 2021 22:37:03  #7274

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

What I want to know is how the frick do these ordinary humans travel in between cities without any food or water provisions

What I want to know is why I was so riled up over Owari no Seraph lol


     Thread Starter

November 3, 2021 22:44:09  #7275

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I passed this "I am human" test 3 times why is it making me do it again

It knew too much.


     Thread Starter

November 3, 2021 23:22:46  #7276

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Wow I was bad at translating
I'll re-translate "#23 Hospital Bed" real quickly just to show the comparison of even just the meaning and how I butchered it. Structured as follows: Chinese lyrics, old translation, new translation.
To past me's credit, this song is really hard to translate.
Please note that the pronouns in this song are left ambiguous. I used "we" for a while, but it could be seen as "I" instead for the entire duration of the song. .

"記得離開這地方 誰眼角有光
血腥滋味在徬徨 爬不出絕望
冠冕堂皇 誰趾高氣揚
三遍口號 倖存的人不求回報"

"Remember leaving this place and whose eyes' shining
Blood lingers nearby--can't crawl out of the pit of despair
Pretending to be glorious, who walked as if with valiance?
Volunteers don't have the right to be disappointed
Three shouts, survivors cannot seek for results"

Remember leaving this place with light in our eyes?
Now, as the scent of blood lingers nearby, we cannot climb out of the pit of despair
Who were the ones who had walked proudly, thinking themselves bringers of justice?
Those who volunteered have no right to be disappointed
Three shouts ring out
The remaining survivors seek nothing in return

"我 操控麻木的四肢去尋找
我 靠著模糊的意識開了竅

"I control my numb arms and legs to search--
I realize with fuzzy senses
This new nightmare is not yet old
Bystanders merely scrutinize and write it down"

Moving my numbed four limbs, I search
Relying on my impaired senses, I realize
Just in time, I see that this nightmare is entirely new
The bystanders merely drum on while writing it all down

"有無數人倒下 搖搖欲墜的警笛 堅守著立場
說巧不巧 老婦人祈禱 嘴裡彷彿是有我姓名
誰在我床 刻下烈士二十三號"

"Countless people fall down, crumbling alarms stubbornly guard the situation
Is it a coincidence? An old woman prays, seemingly saying my name
Who carves the words '#23 martyr' on my bed?"

Countless people fall, but the wavering alarms stubbornly continue to guard the scene
 An old woman prays, my name on her tongue
Could it be a coincidence?
At my bed, who was the one to carve down the words "Martyr #23"?

二十三聲鐵絲斷折 榮耀謝幕甚失色"

"Watch those twenty three bullets be locked into twenty three archive boxes
Twenty three sounds of the wire crumbling, the glorious horizon coming to lose its color"

Watch those 23 bullets be locked into 23 corresponding archive boxes
23 sounds of snapping metal wires resound as the glorious last curtain loses all its color

"我已經懂了 誰趾高氣揚
三遍口號 倖存的人不求回報"

"I understand now, whoever walked while pretending to be valiant?
Volunteers don't have the right to be disappointed
Three shouts, survivors can't search for results"

I understand now: Those volunteers who walked with arrogance have no right to be disappointed.
Three shouts ring out
The remaining survivors seek nothing in return

"我 操控麻木的四肢去尋找
我 靠著模糊的意識開了竅

"I control my numb arms and legs to search--
I realize with fuzzy senses
This new nightmare is not yet old
Bystanders merely scrutinize and write it down

This new nightmare is not yet old
I use the instant that despair recedes and hope begins and laugh madly"

Moving my numbed four limbs, I search
Relying on my impaired senses, I realize
Just in time, I see that this nightmare is entirely new
The bystanders merely drum on while writing it all down

Just in time, I realize this nightmare is an entirely new one.
As hope extends its hand, I cackle madly.




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November 4, 2021 21:37:32  #7277

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My personal favorite part of being an artist is drawing some character in public and someone getting shocked because apparently you don't just draw the clothes on immediately


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November 5, 2021 00:02:03  #7278

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Imagine: A Fate AU but the Master/MC is a F/GO player and they just keep trying to take their Servant on Interludes/Rank-Up Quests but they can't actually do that in usual Grail Wars, and yeah ig good luck to them lol I do not have a good feeling about the odds of their survival/victory


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November 5, 2021 04:37:10  #7279

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

The story I think the lyrics tell:
The speaker has fought at a battlefield, leaving behind prayers and the home they knew. Through a bout of bloody fighting, they are the only survivor out of both sides, with injuries, particularly a grievous one on their leg. They come to realize that the way they marched so proudly was all for nothing, because they have lost and they cannot escape the place, and no one will come help them even if they die, thus "[they] don't have the right to be disappointed" or even to look forward to the future.
But the speaker is not yet done. Even as the allies of their enemy arrive, they manage to move their body to a hiding place and wait it out. As they do so, bleeding out, they come to realize several things. They realize that war is the true nightmare, one they have failed to grasp until now, and in the grand scheme of history, the "bystanders", those not involved with the war, write down the events as they happen, even as people like themselves die and the same bloody cycle happens over and over again, as people like them have to crawl for survival and wait for hope that isn't coming, over and over and over again.
They recall again, the deaths of their comrades, and the strength they had thought they had when the fight hadn't happened yet. They think about the futile prayers of someone, an old woman, saying their name, and they also recall someone marking them off as just yet another soldier sacrificed, only a number, not even a name: "#23 martyr", but martyr means nothing in the grand scheme, just another human being cast aside like a tool while prayers are said to deaf ears.
Twenty three, a number they ponder. They realize that 23 bullets, made for killing and maybe have killed, will merely be tossed into and locked into twenty three archive iron boxes, as if artifacts, as if they were not bloodstained. As if they were never used at all. As if a time they needed to be used never was. As if they didn't matter at all.
Twenty three sounds of metal wire breaking and crumbling, the wire formerly used to bind and thought as strong, each of them as if people--the same people who thought the glorious cause they were defending dying, as the cause died along with them.
The soldier, still nestled in a hiding place waiting to die, understands that war is no glorious cause, but rather just a grand scheme where human beings are manipulated into thinking that there is one, and such gullible humans don't have the right to even be disappointed once that cause is found out to be a fraud all along. Rather, in only three shouts, their lives can be cast away, and all of their hopes are as if null.
They slip into a state between consciousness and unconsciousness. Almost as if insane, they try to get out of their hiding place, wanting to have an end put to them--after all, the war they fought was for nothing, so why should they keep living? They can't take it, the nightmare they have realized but are not yet accustomed to, the one that historians write down. As they crawl out of their hiding place, they see their enemies--and their former allies, coming to help their diminished army. As they watch the bloodshed and battle start over again, just like their realization decreed, the cycle they can do nothing about, the #23 martyr only laughs madly.

Giving myself some more credit, plus linking the song and explaining the meaning (which I didn't do with the newer translation)


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November 5, 2021 12:27:17  #7280

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I think China has blocked my IP address or something
,,, why, I wasn't committing crimes I swear, if I was then that was Rai


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November 5, 2021 13:22:23  #7281

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Some woman advertising for some writing app company: "I know what you're thinking. How could a busy manager like me find the time to knit?"
Me: Presumably, you don't actually have the time to knit but are ignoring your life challenges and struggles (and work) by doing so. Justified


     Thread Starter

November 6, 2021 01:09:26  #7282

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Still very humored that the legends on Nezha we read as little children omitted the parts about desired patricide
I am not fond of Nezha's father myself. Not sure what to think about the desired patricide in question, though.

Speaking of him because I leveled F/GO Nezha to level 60. Leveled summer Ibaraki-Douji to level 80 as well. In practicality, I would give her Grails, but she's such a brat about getting things she probably doesn't deserve that I don't really want to at the moment.


     Thread Starter

November 6, 2021 01:11:24  #7283

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The fact that Nezha's master almost let him commit patricide is also somewhat amusing just because you ordinarily would not expect a, uh, teacher figure to do that, if you get what I'm saying.
He did stop Nezha at the end, but that was when Nezha's father was also considering death as the solution (since he was mortal and Nezha was not, at least not anymore)
Some credit to Nezha's father for his fighting prowess.


     Thread Starter

November 6, 2021 01:12:49  #7284

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Taiyi Zhenren, to Nezha: Here, have these weapons. Go attempt patricide


     Thread Starter

November 6, 2021 01:19:14  #7285

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Tbh idk what F/GO was thinking for Nezha, like technically I think it would've been more fun if he was this little kid with too much fire and dad issues, but maybe that'd be like immortal Mordred with the ability to commit arson idk
Also I think Nezha could split rainbows in some legends, which could make for a cool animation
idk lol


     Thread Starter

November 6, 2021 01:20:54  #7286

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The fact that Nezha is the patron deity of filial piety is hilarious when taken out of context because Nezha literally dissected himself before his death to repay his parents, which is extreme but kinda justified for the subject of the matter, but then he made an earnest attempt to kill his dad
"Filial piety"


     Thread Starter

November 6, 2021 01:27:33  #7287

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Nezha Lily: Literally an Infant


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November 6, 2021 01:31:20  #7288

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Other F/GO News that I can actually remember: Our guy Ashwatthama is now level 85, going towards 90 once I have the embers. And then I guess I'll work on Tristan. Poor dude lol.

Kid Gil has level 9 Charisma A+ and I don't think I appreciated how OP it was until today

At some point I will probably grail Uncle I'll-Shoot-It (William Tell) but uh I need to plan the grails first.
I mean, it shouldn't be an issue unless Ashwatthama comes at NP 2, in which case he probably would get boosted to level 100 because of Reasons,,, but anyways yeah.

1 more Grail for Kagetora at least, possibly 2 grails for Brat-Banana-Child, at least 2 grails for Uncle I'll-Shoot-It...oh boy, do I have enough grails?


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November 6, 2021 01:41:57  #7289

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Wholesome images from the search I decided to search up due to thinking it would be wholesome

     Thread Starter

November 6, 2021 15:47:34  #7290

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I read "Ginme no Majo" as "Gimme yo Mayo"
I have nothing to say. Truly. At this point? Silence is the industry standard.


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