Also I have been sitting on Milo’s hyacinth flower symbolism for months, I am so happy I can use it for Huck to be all sad and emo lol
Why are there 17 guests online o.0
Well no more cracking necks then. Idk even how to crack my neck, really.
There watching. That's all. It's fine
Be careful when cracking your neck from now on @Ish!
Oh symbolism is fun :0
The guests are always watching...and if you're lucky you might get to see 40 guests online...
I’d like to imagine there’s just random people really invested in what we’re doing here. Like our own tiny little fandom, that would be cute
Reminds me of the days I'd stalk the WoFMB before making an account to join.
I think that period of time was pretty long, like.... 4 month to a year I would say?
Guess who lol
(Made with this picrew )[img] ">
Ishmael wrote:
I’d like to imagine there’s just random people really invested in what we’re doing here. Like our own tiny little fandom, that would be cute
guest lore
Someone’s gotta give em lore /s
People watching would be cute but at the same time kind of scary tbh xD
For your Picrew images, my guesses are: Shiloh, Ish, not sure about the third one, and the last one is definitely Orphos.
The third one is my man Felix
Oh that's Felix! He looks handsome :3
He is! Although that’s the least of his focus rn haha
I like to imagine that he and Ishmael have similar hair, but his is much more under control where Ish kinda just had leaves and sticks and stuff poking out. Not even because he didn’t take care of it, but he was like,, saving the sticks for later to look at or something lol
Sky Children Of The Light my beloved
What is that game even about anyways?
It’s very up to interpretation, but the gist of it is that your character is a Skykid, and you’ve somehow ended up in this world that has an old civilization on it. You guide and relive the memories of the spirits that you find, and make offerings to them to unlock cosmetics, emotes, spells, etc. They have a season pass function that periodically introduces new spirits to keep the game fresh, as well as adding new areas to the game along with them.
It’s a really pretty game and I’m a sucker for games with a good flying mechanic
I change my look frequently but here’s one of my more recent ones
Are you the glowing child or the thing that looks like a plague doctor
I think it's an open world type game, right?
Basket Cat wrote:
Are you the glowing child or the thing that looks like a plague doctor
The plague doctor lookin one! It’s actually a jackal mask but it’s difficult to tell there with the angle haha
It’s somewhat open world. There’s different levels you can go to and areas to explore, but it’s fairly linear in the way that on your first playthrough, there is no way to hop around all the lands and you have to keep progressing. It doesn’t push you to do so, but the real meat of the game happens after the main “storyline”
On an unrelated note, has anyone seen Silverskies around? A handful of my characters, including both my deities, have ongoing plots with hers, and I don’t want to move them around or revamp plots if she’s still active.
I think I haven't seen her since a year ago or so...
I know she's active on another Boardhost though. Next time Fallon logs in, I can ask her to contact Silverskies through there.
Just checked, and the last time Silverskies logged in here was in February, not "a year ago".
Kinda makes me think of how there are not too many forumers around anymore.
SpecterTheGreat wrote:
I think I haven't seen her since a year ago or so...
I know she's active on another Boardhost though. Next time Fallon logs in, I can ask her to contact Silverskies through there.
That would be great! Thank you so much.
And yeah Time : (
It was kind of inevitable given that we’ve moved around so much. It would be nice to see some fresh faces here. Though, I kicked off GGaD for Home Base and it’s still going strong even when I kind of just left them to their own devices. It’s nice to see it carried on like that. It’s such a fun concept to play with and from what I remember they even have a parallel for “evil” deities. I threw Orphos in there back when I first started it but I had to make him really passionate about coffee instead of a raging alcoholic lol
Yeah.. all that moving. It sucks. But its better than nothing I suppose. We've been off from the original forums for how long Now? I can't really remember. Was it 2019? 2018?
A parallel? Like their own CDs?
Ah yes family friendly Orphos. Coffee addict. That's funny. Makes me smile hearing that.
I agree, coffee addict Orphos sounds funny xD
Probs because we're used to the other Orphos.
But is it like he's always drinking coffee?
He’s never seen without a cup in his hand. Very family friendly
I don’t even remember when the forums went down : ( I still feel bad for Becky, I don’t think she was consulted about them shutting them down early
Never thought Kiaane would be able to relate with any persona of Orphos. We learn something new every day.
The forums went down late April of 2019